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I also think the only thing i have yet to fully finalise is some equipment, but if i can be given some grace as i had covid.

Lets the games begin...


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Hey gang, sorry for the delay; my wife dislocated her shoulder earlier today and free time basically evaporated. I'll plan to get things started as early tomorrow as I can find the time.

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Hi all, firstly thanks for the well wishes over my recent covid stint, i am now negative again, but.. my wife is positive... but we will just deal with that as it goes.

Also like to wish Eric's wife a speedy recovery as well.

It's been many a year since i have made up a pc, so i am unsure whether i am done and ready for review or not.

So if those who are finished would care to do me the favour of being a second set of eyes,to pick up any of my mistakes..

My character is actually first level in another of Eric's games, and i have just raised his level up to 4.

Think my main thing i just need is i have to account for 2000gp... So i firstly will have to deduce the costs of all the gear my level one has.. since what change i have.. and whether i just buy a horse ,or chip in for some crew or mercs will most likely how i spend my cash...

But hoping i am not that guy! that holds up our departure..

Eager to get onto Land.. See you there.


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OK, catching up now. Based on the voting, I'm suggesting the following scene-setter:

  • The party is in the employ of a spice merchant from Specularum. Eager to open a new trade route, he offers a 25% share of any initial trade proceeds plus a bonus of 500gp each upon successful return. The ship, Turtas, is crewed by the merchant's men and is his property. Any damages or loss are to be deducted from the PCs' profit.
  • A strong squall has damaged the ship and driven it ashore on the island. While recoverable, it will take some time for the crew to repair it, and they will need some supplies to be found on the island.
  • It is known from Rory Barbarossa's log that there are natives living in the southeast corner of the island. Unfortunately, due to the storm, the party is beached on a peninsula on the southwest corner.
  • The ship has two small boats, either one of which is big enough to carry the whole party but neither of which can withstand open ocean voyage. Until the ship is repaired, the party is stranded.

Any questions or thoughts? Please ask them here. The IC thread will go up shortly.

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Gonna give @wapsii and @Bobcloclimar another day to chime in before moving the scene forward. Generally I figure on 3-4 posts per person per week, and while I know there's lots of excitement at the beginning of a game, I don't want to give false impressions that discourage slower posters now, and discourage faster posters later when we settle into the every-other-day sort of rhythm. If I ping you, please take it only as a courtesy reminder; I'm not mad!

When we're in combat, I'll be more firm about setting round deadlines so things don't bog down to a crawl through analysis paralysis. 😀

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