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Chapter 1.3

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The Atlas Wake is a few miles out of town. You are just returning from a milk run job, delivering a cargo shipment to a nearby encampment. It's not specifically profitable but it does earn some parts that Peggy has been needing for the ship for a little while to fix a little problem before it becomes a big problem. All in all, it's a bit break even but it did get you out of town to stretch your legs a bit.


Everyone is in their usual places when there is the *Wump* sound of an explosion below decks and the smell of smoke wafts up into the air.

The party has initiative!

Edited by Penchant (see edit history)
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Kelly Paxton


At the sound, Kelly rushes forward towards the rest of the group, calling out as he goes: "What's going on?".

Given the chorus of confused interrogations simultaneous to his own, he deduces quickly that no one is the wiser.

He opens his mind's eye to peer below deck, evaluate the damage and whether it is safe enough to head there. He relays what he sees, telepathically through Tak so it reaches everyone and cuts through the noise.


Move, talk

Manifest Clairvoyant Sense (3 PP) to create a sensor near the (estimated) location of the explosion.
Perception 30

The basic questions are: how big is the fire? Is it spreading quickly? Does it look like more explosions could occur? Does he see anyone there?



Kelly Paxton
HP: 56/56
Init: +4, Perception: +21
AC: 27, TAC: 17, FFAC: 23
Fort: +6, Ref: +11, Will: +8, CMD: 16
Speed: 30, fly 40ft (average)

Ranged: +7 Mosin-Nagant (1d10+1/x4) -- vs touch in the 1st increment (80ft)

PP: 64/67
Talents- Detect Psionics, Create Sound, Far Hand
1- Conceal Thoughts, Entangling Debris, Foxhole, Inevitable Strikes, Skate, Untouchable Aura, Vigor
2- Clairvoyant Sense, Cleanse Body, Defy Gravity, Energy Push, Everyman, Share Pain, True Terror
3- Concussive Onslaught, Energy Wall, Metamorphosis, Telekinetic Force, Time Hop
4- Fold Space, Wall of Ectoplasm

DC 16 + power level
Concentration +13 (+15 roll twice for casting defensively)
Current element: Sonic

at-will Prestidigitation
7/7 Ring of Seven Lovely Colours
3/3 Spellguard Bracers
50/50 Wand of CLW
50/50 Wand of Repair Damage

7h - Share Pain


HP 28/28
Senses Sighted 40 ft., Perception +10

Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7
AC: 19, TAC: 16, FFAC: 17
Fort: +5, Ref: +6, Will: +7, CMD: 16
Hardness 8

Telepathic Link with Kelly - 1 mile
Telepathic Speech with anyone - 30ft

Edited by namo (see edit history)
1d20+21 9
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Peggy Mae Stubbsimage.png.c2c0a9e86115b50177f97970d21c5c4a.png

AC: 22 | HP: 91/91 | CMB: +13/+8 | CMD: 23 | Fortitude: 8 | Reflex: 8 | Will: 9 | Speed: 50 ft | Conditions: None
Stunning Fist: 2/2 | Ki: 9/9 | AOO: 3

Peggy had been idly resting in the chair behind the navigation console petting Gray when the ship shuttered and began smoking. "What happened Attie?"  She asked the vessel as she sat up, setting the handsome feline on the ground. Her eyes scanned the screens, hoping to find some detail of what they may be flying over that could have caused the disruption.

"What do you see out there Zen? And I have no damn idea Kell!"


Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Free: Your action goes here.
Swift: Your action goes here.
Action: ...
Move: ....
Reaction: Your reaction goes here.

Notes: ...


Peggy Mae Stubbs
Human Unchained Softstrike Monk (7)

Str +4 (19)   Dex +2 (14)   Con +2 (14) (-1)   Int +0 (10)   Wis +4 (18)   Cha +0 (10)
Speed 50 ft   Initiative +2   

Languages Common
Traits Heavy Hitter, Bandit (Strength)

• Unarmed Strike +13/+13 attack, 2d8+6 bludgeoning


Acrobatics (7) +12 Heal - +2 Sense Motive (7) +14
Climb (7) +14 Perception (7) +19 Sleight of Hand - +2
Disable Device - +2 Profession (Mechanic) (7) +16 Stealth - +2
Escape Artist (7) +12 Profession (Pilot) (7) +18 Survival - +4
Fly - +2 Ride - +2 Swim - +4

Weapons aklys, bolas, club, light flail, light mace, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sap, sling, and any weapon with the monk special quality that can deal bludgeoning damage
Armor None
Feats Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus - Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Combat Reflexes, Extra Ki, Deflect Arrows, Stand Still

Class Features Flurry of Blows, Non-Lethal Strike, Feather Touch, Tenet of Life, Evasion, Fast Movement, Ki Pool (9), Ki Strike (Magic), Ki Power - Zephyr Blow (1ki), Still Mind, Purity of Body, Style Strike - Stomp Foot, Life Giving Blows, Ki Power - Qinggong Power (Barkskin, 1 ki), Ki Strike (Cold Iron/Silver)

Equipment cash on hand $3,700

Handy Haversack, Eyes of the Eagle, Monk's Robe, Traveler's Any Tool
Masterwork Mechanics Tools




1d20+18 14
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Kelly can see that the aft lower deck is on fire with one of the doorways blown open. He is also able to see a hazy shimmering heat distortion just outside the ship. He's not sure but he has a hunch that it's humanoid in shape. (As per the invisible creature rules).

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spacer.pngGilbert Percy Gilane a.k.a The Crimson

Gilbert flipped the page of the book he'd been reading in the small study on the Atlas Wake when an explosion caused him to fall out of his chair. The lanky man unceremoniously clattered to the floor in like a pile of wet laundry as Kelly rushed past, small metallic trinkets spilling from his pockets to roll about as the ship listed slightly. With a sigh, Gilbert picked himself up, dusted himself off, and placed the book he had been intently critiquing back on the shelf. Another explosion caused him to sway, but this time he was able to stabilize himself.

"I believe the epicenter of the explosion transpired from within the confines of the lower decks." Gilbert followed Kelly out of the room, adjusting his waistcoat. "Might I suggest we seek the opinion and expertise of a mechanic to investigate this matter further?" His eyes turned to Peggy and he raised an eyebrow.

"While I trust you to tend to our girl's needs with all due diligence, please don't tell me you failed to ensure the crystal pinons had sufficient lubrication...again." While Gilbert was no expert, he had picked up more than his share of knowledge about the inner workings of the Atlas Wake while Peggy required him to hand her random tools she used to keep the ship maintained. And he certainly never let her forget the one time she had forgotten to do so.


Memorized Spells

Level 1: Ray of Enfeeblement, snowball (intensified), snowball (intensified), snowball (intensified), web bolt, windy escape
Level 2: Glitterdust, Raven's Flight, Scorching Ray, Scorching Ray
Level 3: Haste, Haste

Spell Tattoos:
Vanish, Obscuring Mist, Jury-Rig
Raven's Flight, Visualization of the Body, Web
Dispel Magic, Gaseous Form, Air Breathing


Arcane Pool: 8/8


Swift: N/A
Standard: N/A


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spacer.pngZen, Wastelands Healer and Horologian Priestess

AC15 Touch 14 [HP 52/64] Speed 30' [Fort 8 Ref 8  Will 11]  Channels 9/9 [Adoration 8/8] 

Female Neutral Human Cleric/Stargazer

Level 7 (5/2) Init 3 HP 64/64 DR 0 [Fire Resist 10] Speed 30'

AC 15 Touch 14 Flat-footed 12 CMD 16

Fort 8 Ref 8 Will 11 CMB +3 BAB +4   

[Missile] Staff of Entwined Serpents  AutoHit 2 Magic Missiles 2d4+2 130' range

[Melee] Staff of Entwined Serpents +4 (1d6, x2) Magic +1 Guardian (+1 Saves)

Str 9 Dex 16 Con 12 Int-- 12 Wis 18 Cha 18

In Town (default list)

1st (6) Burning Hand (Domain) 1 , Ears of the City 2, Carrion Compass 1, Blessing of the Watch 1,

2nd (5) Enthrall (Domain) 1, Pagebound Epiphany 1, Restoration (Lesser) 1, Track Ship 1,

3rd (4) Fireball (Domain) 1, Remove Curse 1, Minor Reversion 1 (like 24 hr Aid), Speak with Dead

4th (3) Wall of Fire (Domain) 1, Make Whole (Greater) 1, Restoration 1.

Out of Town (default list)

1st (6) - Burning Hands (Domain) 1, Invisibility to Undead 2, Weapons Against Evil 1, Sanctuary 1, Brightest Night (low light to 3)

2nd (5) - Flaming Sphere (Domain) 1 (used), Drunkard’s Breath 2, Burst of Radiance 1, Protection from Evil (Communal) 1.

3rd (4)Fireball (Domain) 1 (used), Resist Energy (Communal) 1 (used) , Windwall (vs bullets) 1, Shadowmind 1 (use in dim light to blind 1/lvl)

4th (3) - Wall of Fire (Domain) 1, Concealed Breath (with Drunkard’s Breath) 1, Brightest Light 1 (if we’re caught in darkness, can dispel)

Channeling 9/9 day [DC 19 Will Save] [can remove 4 plus self from AOE]

Positive 6d6 pts /Negative 3d6 pts

Adoration Power 8/8 day [DC 17 or cancel single attack] as immediate action


Fail a Mind Affecting Save (Reroll @ +8) courtesy of familiar.

Healer's Satchel *Regenerates each day. *Treat Deadly Wounds add Wis (+4) to hp restored. *If by 5 or more, this is 2 × Wis (+8). *+4 circumstance bonus to treat poisons and provide first aid (does not stack with normal) 

Healers Hands *Can treat wounds as a full round action. *If DC exceeded by 10 add Knowledge Planes (5) to amount healed.

Stargazer The Mother Cure spells have Stargazer levels (2) added to hp healed.


Zen finds herself in the same general location as Gilbert.. "I have no idea what's going on aside from it's below us and there's fire involved.", she remarks, while disappearing into a column of fog, having activated her saltspray ring. She is, as usual carrying her staff of magic missiles.

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Kelly Paxton


< At least one intruder, under cover of invisibility. Don't know if there's more > Kelly sends through Tak.

In case they can hear him, he shouts at the same time: "Let's proceed carefully! We don't know if the explosion can propagate."

< Can someone cancel their concealing glamer? >


Kelly Paxton
HP: 56/56
Init: +4, Perception: +21
AC: 27, TAC: 17, FFAC: 23
Fort: +6, Ref: +11, Will: +8, CMD: 16
Speed: 30, fly 40ft (average)

Ranged: +7 Mosin-Nagant (1d10+1/x4) -- vs touch in the 1st increment (80ft)

PP: 64/67
Talents- Detect Psionics, Create Sound, Far Hand
1- Conceal Thoughts, Entangling Debris, Foxhole, Inevitable Strikes, Skate, Untouchable Aura, Vigor
2- Clairvoyant Sense, Cleanse Body, Defy Gravity, Energy Push, Everyman, Share Pain, True Terror
3- Concussive Onslaught, Energy Wall, Metamorphosis, Telekinetic Force, Time Hop
4- Fold Space, Wall of Ectoplasm

DC 16 + power level
Concentration +13 (+15 roll twice for casting defensively)
Current element: Sonic

at-will Prestidigitation
7/7 Ring of Seven Lovely Colours
3/3 Spellguard Bracers
50/50 Wand of CLW
50/50 Wand of Repair Damage

7h - Share Pain


HP 28/28
Senses Sighted 40 ft., Perception +10

Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7
AC: 19, TAC: 16, FFAC: 17
Fort: +5, Ref: +6, Will: +7, CMD: 16
Hardness 8

Telepathic Link with Kelly - 1 mile
Telepathic Speech with anyone - 30ft

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Posted (edited)

As the party organizes themselves, the ship is rocked by another explosion. There is a high pitched whining sound from below and the controls go dead.


Kelly sees a tiny glowing orb emerge from the heat distortion and fly past his sensor and his vision goes white. Gradually his vision returns and there is more fire


The party is up!

Edited by Penchant (see edit history)
20% chance of fire spreading
1d100 5
20% chance of fire spreading
1d100 11
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Peggy Mae Stubbsimage.png.c2c0a9e86115b50177f97970d21c5c4a.png

AC: 22 | HP: 91/91 | CMB: +13/+8 | CMD: 23 | Fortitude: 8 | Reflex: 8 | Will: 9 | Speed: 50 ft | Conditions: None
Stunning Fist: 2/2 | Ki: 9/9 | AOO: 3

She didn't panic often. Peggy Mae Stubbs was as cool a cucumber as you can find in the Wastes. But as she stared at the navigation panel that was now blank, her eyes could still see the traces lines of the mesas that surrounded them. "Damn it all to hells, Gilane, this wasn't me. And no Kelly, I can't!"  Hells was as close to a curse as she ever threw at a friend, and using Gilbert's last name was the rare tell that something was seriously wrong. "Find whatever fiery hornet is wreaking havoc on our girl, and do it fast."

Peggy scrambled for her tool bag and sped past everyone to head to the engine, hollering as she went. "We're a kite in the wind. And we'll be smashed to bits if the dust kicks up. Ain't no guns gonna tell them rocks we belong in their ridges." Heat met her skin before her eyes could take in the damage. Both chilled her to her core. It was an inferno, and it was killing Attie.

In her youth, Margaret was a farm girl. She planted seeds in the dry Waste fields, walked on cracked earth while the adults begged the land to grow. She had learned to dance with the summer heat in those years, pull the gentle breezes to her to keep herself cool, and she used that ability now. She closed her eyes and stretched out her arms, fingers dancing to a song only the wind could hear, and it answered her call. In no time a whirl of cold smoke spun around her toned arms, until she pushed the palms of her hands forward, washing the wind over the first blaze she confronted.


Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Free: Your action goes here.
Swift: Your action goes here.
Action: ki point for Zephyr Blow to put out fire
Move: to engine room
Reaction: Your reaction goes here.

Notes: ...


Peggy Mae Stubbs
Human Unchained Softstrike Monk (7)

Str +4 (19)   Dex +2 (14)   Con +2 (14) (-1)   Int +0 (10)   Wis +4 (18)   Cha +0 (10)
Speed 50 ft   Initiative +2   

Languages Common
Traits Heavy Hitter, Bandit (Strength)

• Unarmed Strike +13/+13 attack, 2d8+6 bludgeoning


Acrobatics (7) +12 Heal - +2 Sense Motive (7) +14
Climb (7) +14 Perception (7) +19 Sleight of Hand - +2
Disable Device - +2 Profession (Mechanic) (7) +16 Stealth - +2
Escape Artist (7) +12 Profession (Pilot) (7) +18 Survival - +4
Fly - +2 Ride - +2 Swim - +4

Weapons aklys, bolas, club, light flail, light mace, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sap, sling, and any weapon with the monk special quality that can deal bludgeoning damage
Armor None
Feats Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus - Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Combat Reflexes, Extra Ki, Deflect Arrows, Stand Still

Class Features Flurry of Blows, Non-Lethal Strike, Feather Touch, Tenet of Life, Evasion, Fast Movement, Ki Pool (9), Ki Strike (Magic), Ki Power - Zephyr Blow (1ki), Still Mind, Purity of Body, Style Strike - Stomp Foot, Life Giving Blows, Ki Power - Qinggong Power (Barkskin, 1 ki), Ki Strike (Cold Iron/Silver)

Equipment cash on hand $3,700

Handy Haversack, Eyes of the Eagle, Monk's Robe, Traveler's Any Tool
Masterwork Mechanics Tools




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spacer.pngZen, Wastelands Healer and Horologian Priestess

AC15 Touch 14 [HP 52/64] Speed 30' [Fort 8 Ref 8  Will 11]  Channels 9/9 [Adoration 8/8] 

Female Neutral Human Cleric/Stargazer

Level 7 (5/2) Init 3 HP 64/64 DR 0 [Fire Resist 10] Speed 30'

AC 15 Touch 14 Flat-footed 12 CMD 16

Fort 8 Ref 8 Will 11 CMB +3 BAB +4   

[Missile] Staff of Entwined Serpents  AutoHit 2 Magic Missiles 2d4+2 130' range

[Melee] Staff of Entwined Serpents +4 (1d6, x2) Magic +1 Guardian (+1 Saves)

Str 9 Dex 16 Con 12 Int-- 12 Wis 18 Cha 18

In Town (default list)

1st (6) Burning Hand (Domain) 1 , Ears of the City 2, Carrion Compass 1, Blessing of the Watch 1,

2nd (5) Enthrall (Domain) 1, Pagebound Epiphany 1, Restoration (Lesser) 1, Track Ship 1,

3rd (4) Fireball (Domain) 1, Remove Curse 1, Minor Reversion 1 (like 24 hr Aid), Speak with Dead

4th (3) Wall of Fire (Domain) 1, Make Whole (Greater) 1, Restoration 1.

Out of Town (default list)

1st (6) - Burning Hands (Domain) 1, Invisibility to Undead 2, Weapons Against Evil 1, Sanctuary 1, Brightest Night (low light to 3)

2nd (5) - Flaming Sphere (Domain) 1 (used), Drunkard’s Breath 2, Burst of Radiance 1, Protection from Evil (Communal) 1.

3rd (4)Fireball (Domain) 1 , Resist Energy (Communal) 1, Windwall (vs bullets) 1, Shadowmind 1 (use in dim light to blind 1/lvl)

4th (3) - Wall of Fire (Domain) 1, Concealed Breath (with Drunkard’s Breath) 1, Brightest Light 1 (if we’re caught in darkness, can dispel)

Channeling 9/9 day [DC 19 Will Save] [can remove 4 plus self from AOE]

Positive 6d6 pts /Negative 3d6 pts

Adoration Power 8/8 day [DC 17 or cancel single attack] as immediate action


Fail a Mind Affecting Save (Reroll @ +8) courtesy of familiar.

Healer's Satchel *Regenerates each day. *Treat Deadly Wounds add Wis (+4) to hp restored. *If by 5 or more, this is 2 × Wis (+8). *+4 circumstance bonus to treat poisons and provide first aid (does not stack with normal) 

Healers Hands *Can treat wounds as a full round action. *If DC exceeded by 10 add Knowledge Planes (5) to amount healed.

Stargazer The Mother Cure spells have Stargazer levels (2) added to hp healed.

Zen moves forward, the mist ring around her encompassing the burning section. The smoke from the fire no impediment.. her mask allowing her to see through it as if it's not there.

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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spacer.pngGilbert Percy Gilane a.k.a The Crimson

With a sigh, Gilbert moved to where Kelly had mentioned seeing something invisible. Naturally, there was nothing to be seen from his perspective, but he trusted his companion's words. Without preamble, he pulled the pistol on his hip, a single ring of runes lighting up before the barrel and fired. The shot seemed to scatter into a million motes of sunlight as they blanketed the area. He waited for a long moment, wondering what might be uncovered.


Memorized Spells

Level 1: Ray of Enfeeblement, snowball (intensified), snowball (intensified), snowball (intensified), web bolt, windy escape
Level 2: Glitterdust, Raven's Flight, Scorching Ray, Scorching Ray
Level 3: Haste, Haste

Spell Tattoos:
Vanish, Obscuring Mist, Jury-Rig
Raven's Flight, Visualization of the Body, Web
Dispel Magic, Gaseous Form, Air Breathing


Arcane Pool: 8/8


Move: Spot where Kelly saw something invisible
Swift: N/A
Standard: Cast Glitterdust on the area


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  • 2 weeks later...

Untouchable AuraKelly Paxton


Kelly observes Zen put out the fires without any outward action.

Did she ever tell us she could do that? Am I forgetful, or is this another Zen mystery?

He twists his ring as he activates it, and turns into a bird again. He's been doing it more frequently than usual this past month, so he fully expects to get ribbed about it.

The little bird just flies down to land in an open area, attempting to discern the attackers' position - if Gil's spell didn't do that already.


Std: activate Ring of Seven Lovely Colors

Move: move downstairs


If attacked, he'll use Untouchable Aura as an immediate action (5 PP) to force a "Will save DC 19 or lose action".


Kelly Paxton
HP: 56/56
Init: +4, Perception: +21
AC: 27, TAC: 17, FFAC: 23
Fort: +6, Ref: +11, Will: +8, CMD: 16
Speed: 30, fly 40ft (average)

Ranged: +7 Mosin-Nagant (1d10+1/x4) -- vs touch in the 1st increment (80ft)

PP: 64/67
Talents- Detect Psionics, Create Sound, Far Hand
1- Conceal Thoughts, Entangling Debris, Foxhole, Inevitable Strikes, Skate, Untouchable Aura, Vigor
2- Clairvoyant Sense, Cleanse Body, Defy Gravity, Energy Push, Everyman, Share Pain, True Terror
3- Concussive Onslaught, Energy Wall, Metamorphosis, Telekinetic Force, Time Hop
4- Fold Space, Wall of Ectoplasm

DC 16 + power level
Concentration +13 (+15 roll twice for casting defensively)
Current element: Sonic

at-will Prestidigitation
6/7 Ring of Seven Lovely Colours
3/3 Spellguard Bracers
50/50 Wand of CLW
50/50 Wand of Repair Damage

7h - Share Pain


HP 28/28
Senses Sighted 40 ft., Perception +10

Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7
AC: 19, TAC: 16, FFAC: 17
Fort: +5, Ref: +6, Will: +7, CMD: 16
Hardness 8

Telepathic Link with Kelly - 1 mile
Telepathic Speech with anyone - 30ft

Edited by namo (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)


The party moves to contain the spreading fires and discern the nature of their assailant. The glitterdust spell coalesces around and highlights a humanoid figure hanging in the air outside the ship. The figure moves to the left a bit but the glitterdust follows it, now having clung to it's skin. It raises a hand and points at Kelly and two beams streak from it trying to paint him in burning light.


Peggy extinguishes a block of fire
Zen moves in and extinguishes several blocks of fire
Gilbert casts Glitterdust
Kelly transforms and moves

Foe moves and casts Scorching Ray as SLA

Edited by Penchant (see edit history)
Scorching Ray 1 touch
1d20+10 10
Scorching Ray 2 touch
1d20+10 16
Fire damage 1
4d6 5,4,5,6
Fire damage 2
4d6 5,6,1,2
Chance of fire spreading
1d100 24
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