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Month 2 - Into the Border Zone


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coalscuttle_28_small_by_illogictree_dd9wa8d.png.17f42cc691ddeb5e8c0114f415557f37.pngCoalscuttle Kobold Paladin 2 || Guardian Tier 1 LG AC 21 HP 23/25 Speed 20ft Str 11 (0) Dex 13 (1) Con 11 (0) Wis 10 (0) Int 9 (-1) Cha 15 (2) Attacks Dagger +3 (1d4), +1 Longsword +4 (1d6+1), Light Crossbow +4 (1d6) Mythic Power 3/5 (+1d6)

Coals looks like she's about to move to pursue the remaining skum, but as she does her eyes fall on the two slain creatures at her feet. Her wide yellow eyes make a slow blink as she takes in what she's doing - what they're all doing.

The need to chase down and prevent anyone from raising the alarm wars in her mind with the feeling that pursuing and slaying an enemy in retreat is not the sort of thing a paladin should do.

She stands in confusion, uncertainty on her small scaly face.


Coals will remain where she is for this round.


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~ Skum Cave Entrance ~

~ Month 2, Day 9: Afternoon ~

Battle Map

Nancy's spell seems to have the desired effect. The frog-man's eyes gloss over and turn grayish, and it suddenly looks fearful as it holds its trident in front of its body defensively.

Byran approaches the remaining skum, and Vannan does the same. From opposite angles, the two both attack and try to down the last of the enemies. Blinded, cursed, and barely standing, the frog-man isn't able to muster any appreciable defense, and is quickly dopped by the flanking strikes. It looks like its already dead by the time it hits the ground.

Byran and Vannan immediately start to scavenge for anything useful, though all they find are tridents (with the leader's seeming to be of better quality.

"I'm not sure how long we have until someone comes looking for them, but at least none got away. That should give us a little time to gather ourselves before pressing forward," Byran says loud enough for everyone to hear.

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coalscuttle_28_small_by_illogictree_dd9wa8d.png.17f42cc691ddeb5e8c0114f415557f37.pngCoalscuttle Kobold Paladin 2 || Guardian Tier 1 LG AC 21 HP 23/25 Speed 20ft Str 11 (0) Dex 13 (1) Con 11 (0) Wis 10 (0) Int 9 (-1) Cha 15 (2) Attacks Dagger +3 (1d4), +1 Longsword +4 (1d6+1), Light Crossbow +4 (1d6) Mythic Power 3/5 (+1d6)

Coals looks sadly at the crumpled bodies around them and the businesslike way her comrades go about their grim task. She looks up to her other friends, not quite sure what to say. They had a task they needed to do, they accomplished it. If the skum had escaped they would have likely lost their chance to search for Cessah, but that still didn't settle the feeling in her stomach.

But their task was still not done, and this whole thing was fraught with complexity and gray areas.

She summoned up the will to speak.

"Is... is everyone all right?" she asked, uncertainty in her voice. "Are we... ready to go on?"

She hoped her internal turmoil wasn't showing. A pal-uh-din had to be strong and assured for the benefit of her comrades, after all.


OOC text goes here


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Draco Tiras (sheet)spacer.png
Male NG Human (Brass) Eldritch Scion Magus 1, Arcane Duelist Bard 1 (Aristocrat 0), Level 2, Init 3, HP 21, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 5, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0
+1 Rapier +4 (1d6+3+1, 18-20/*2)
Explorers outfit donned under Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 15
Condition None
Speaks Common and Draconic


Draco gives a nod. "I'm alright. but I think Quim got nicked from a hit. I'll see if I can tend to that" He may be eager to show off his healing abilities again, though to be fair, it always brings him a sense of wonder when he does.



Offering to use Cure Light Wounds on Quim.

If he accepts

If he accepts
1d8+1 1
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Draco Tiras (sheet)spacer.png
Male NG Human (Brass) Eldritch Scion Magus 1, Arcane Duelist Bard 1 (Aristocrat 0), Level 2, Init 3, HP 21, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 5, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0
+1 Rapier +4 (1d6+3+1, 18-20/*2)
Explorers outfit donned under Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 15
Condition None
Speaks Common and Draconic


Draco jogs up to Quim and gives him a glance over. Yup, even without any medical training whatsoever, that was a injury. He pauses for a moment. "I can try healing that for you? I know the words to patch that up, with my magic." He grins at that, and as Quim accepts, he hovers one hand near the wound, and then says something in Draconic. The injury starts to soothe a bit, but it felt a bit weaker than usual.

Did he do or say something wrong? This was how it healed up last time. He was pretty sure it was the same words. He frowns in confusion, but at least it still worked so there was that.


Sounds like Quim accepts, so heal up 2 hp >_>

He's going to think something is wrong with his magic because that was a low roll.

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The death gurgle of the skum did not completely convince Quim that it was dead. He stood over it another moment more. Even in the diminished light, he could see that the look of life was gone from the thing's eyes.

Only then did he realize that others had started to join him at the mouth of the cave. He blinked away the bloodlust only to watch at a distance as two of his companions flanked and killed the last of the surface guards. A small smile slipped across his lips, the feelings of victory keeping the pangs of his injuries at bay.

Quim's feet began to dance. Already in the brief respite he could feel their victorious momentum slipping away. He wanted to burst down in the darkness and continue the advance. The darkness -the unknown- shook him with fear, but his mind told him that launching himself into and through the darkness was the only way to conquer it. He had to dive it now, he had to dive in or be destroyed by it.

His emotions manifested into physical jitters. First in his fingers and then trickling into his joints on all of his limbs. It gave Draco quite the map to work with as he came over and inspected him for injury. Quim consented with a silent nod and tried to quiet his demons with minimal effect. He tried to focus his attention on the magi's healing magic and that did help, but he didn't dare let loose his tongue or he was afraid he'd say something biting.

As the magic seeped into him, his muscles relaxed and the tension he held in his legs wiped away. His bleeding wound still burned and the blood wasn't completely patched, but something inside him certainly made him feel more whole. Quim stammered out a word in reflection, "Thanks. It helps."

Quim looked down at the two soldiers rifling through the dead skum's pockets at his feet. They were being diligent, but it also looked just a bit funny with how much practiced ease in which they were doing it. Deep down, his mind knew it wasn't a funny thing -searching a dead man, especially before his body was even cold- but too many other emotions had already swirled around him to stop whatever walls were laid to prevent outbursts.

Quim chuckled, the absurdity getting the better of him. "I say we get there quick. Like now." He said, trying to using words to stifle himself.



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"They'll notice we're here before too long," Nancy says, nodding her agreement. "We've started now, so we'd better finish."

She glances at Byron, still clearly unhappy about the plan, and him in general.

"Let's be careful, though," she adds. "This could be a trap. I still don't trust him."






[URL=/sheets/?id=2079966][B]Nancy Netherwater[/B][/URL] [B]Senses:[/B] Darkvision 60ft, Perception +6, [B]Init:[/B] +3 [B]HP:[/B] 16/16, [B]Resist:[/B] Cold 5, Elec 5, Fire 5 [B]AC:[/B] 18, [B]Touch:[/B] 13, [B]Flat-footed:[/B] 15, [B]CMD:[/B] 12 [B]Saves:[/B] Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5 (+2 vs divination/fear) [B]Mythic Power:[/B] 4/5, [B]Spells:[/B] L1: 4/5, [B]Other:[/B] Unearthly Terrain 7/7, War Blessing 2/2 [B]Special:[/B] Spell Resistance 7 [B]Active:[/B] Touch of Blindness (1r)
Nancy Netherwater
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Perception +6, Init: +3
HP: 16/16, Resist: Cold 5, Elec 5, Fire 5
AC: 18, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 15, CMD: 12
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5 (+2 vs divination/fear)
Mythic Power: 4/5, Spells: L1: 4/5, Other: Unearthly Terrain 7/7, War Blessing 2/2
Special: Spell Resistance 7
Active: Touch of Blindness (1r)
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~ Skum Cave Entrance ~

~ Month 2, Day 9: Afternoon ~

Byran.png.46a5e29a685cc1c426f5d9e44015c0ca.png"Not one to mince words, I see," Byran retorts playfully as Nancy makes no effort to conceal her disapproval or distrust. "A healthy bit of fear will can serve well, and you seem to have got enough to spare, haha!" he laughs loudly at his joke.

"I've got a few scratches, and I know I saw the drow take a poke," he nods at Vannan as he continues, "though I don't think either will slow us down too much. Still, if you're feeling generous with that healing magic..." he smiles hopefully.

He glances towards the cave entrance. "From what I remember, there isn't another sentry until we get to the village. Still might be a good idea to get those who can move quietly up front, just to be safe."

Edited by Doby (see edit history)
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Female LN Dwarf Battle Shaman 2, (Adept 0), Level 2, Init 0, HP 33, Speed 20
AC 19, Touch 10, Flat-footed 19, CMD 10, Fort 3, Ref 0, Will 5, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus +1
Masterwork Heavy Mace +4 (1d8+2, 20/x3)
Masterwork Breastplate (+6 Armor, 0 Dex), Mithral Shield (+2 AC, MW)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 10
Condition None
Speaks Common, Dwarven

"I'm hale." Ingrid offered though not without a hint of distraction to her voice. It's different when I'm the one gripping the hammer, Astrid. Forgive me, I didn't expect a time when the hardest decision I had to make was what to make your father for breakfast. A little grunt at Byran, she considered Coalskuttle, swept the remainder with her eyes and frowned. "Quim is the lightest on his feet, but I'm leery of separating us for the sake of stealth." Then, with a begrudging slowness often attributed to her kin, she added. "You have all shown yourselves capable. I trust your judgements in this."


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Draco Tiras (sheet)spacer.png
Male NG Human (Brass) Eldritch Scion Magus 1, Arcane Duelist Bard 1 (Aristocrat 0), Level 2, Init 3, HP 21, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 5, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0
+1 Rapier +4 (1d6+3+1, 18-20/*2)
Explorers outfit donned under Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 15
Condition None
Speaks Common and Draconic


Draco was frowning as he contemplates the effects he just created. He knew before it was stronger, but this time it seemed like something was lacking. Was it something wrong with him or was it just a thing that would happen occasionally? Or was it the situation because whilst he was just in a fight, he didn't really feel that threatened so maybe he just didn't have the energy pumping? He hesitates. "I can try using it again?" Who the offer was for, he didn't know. He was busy mentally poking where he thinks his magic comes from to see if he overused it or something. Maybe he needed to stretch it out like a muscle? Maybe he should ask Ingrid after this is over.


He's going to offer to heal with his last Bard slot.

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Nancy glares at Byran furiously.

"We’re here fighting these creatures we had no quarrel with to help a man who kidnapped us and held us captive, so we can rescue the woman responsible for it all, who then… experimented on us somehow!" She splutters, what she lacks in eloquence being made up for in vehemence. "You’ll be lucky if we don’t just kill you and Cessna after we’ve rescued her!"

Disdainfully turning away, she looks at the injured Quim.

"I could try?" She suggests. Draco seems to be struggling, and she feels that whatever her own newfound power is, she can still tap into more of it. "I’m still figuring out how this works… I don’t want to make it worse by accident… but I’ve done it before, I think I can do it again."

She doesn’t offer to heal Byran’s wounds.




[URL=/sheets/?id=2079966][B]Nancy Netherwater[/B][/URL] [B]Senses:[/B] Darkvision 60ft, Perception +6, [B]Init:[/B] +3 [B]HP:[/B] 16/16, [B]Resist:[/B] Cold 5, Elec 5, Fire 5 [B]AC:[/B] 18, [B]Touch:[/B] 13, [B]Flat-footed:[/B] 15, [B]CMD:[/B] 12 [B]Saves:[/B] Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5 (+2 vs divination/fear) [B]Mythic Power:[/B] 4/5, [B]Spells:[/B] L1: 4/5, [B]Other:[/B] Unearthly Terrain 7/7, War Blessing 2/2 [B]Special:[/B] Spell Resistance 7 [B]Active:[/B] Touch of Blindness (1r)
Nancy Netherwater
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Perception +6, Init: +3
HP: 16/16, Resist: Cold 5, Elec 5, Fire 5
AC: 18, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 15, CMD: 12
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +5 (+2 vs divination/fear)
Mythic Power: 4/5, Spells: L1: 4/5, Other: Unearthly Terrain 7/7, War Blessing 2/2
Special: Spell Resistance 7
Active: Touch of Blindness (1r)
Edited by TheFred (see edit history)
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~ Skum Cave Entrance ~

~ Month 2, Day 9: Afternoon ~

Byran.png.46a5e29a685cc1c426f5d9e44015c0ca.pngByran initially shakes his head gently as Nancy's anger erupts. When he responds, his objections don't carry the same emotion as her accusations. "I'm no kidnapper, not by trade or hobby. I'm a hired blade, a good one, and my job was to keep Cessah safe. You and I, we were just in the same place at the same time." He paused for a minute, taking a breath and looking around the group to see if Nancy's anger was shared amongst them. "I'm glad you got free, all of you, truly," he looks to Nancy, his face waiting for a scoff or the like. "My ma lived her life in bondage to her betters, but she was able to squirrel enough away to make sure I wouldn't. And I keep earning however I have to so I can make sure that stays true."

He steps closer to Nancy, speaking quieter now as he looks directly at her. His eyes surprisingly beam with empathy, or maybe pity. "I've no interest in being your enemy, but if you need me to play that part, then so be it."

Turning back towards the cave, he gazes into it's dark depths as he asks, "We ready to go in?"

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coalscuttle_28_small_by_illogictree_dd9wa8d.png.17f42cc691ddeb5e8c0114f415557f37.pngCoalscuttle Kobold Paladin 2 || Guardian Tier 1 LG AC 21 HP 23/25 Speed 20ft Str 11 (0) Dex 13 (1) Con 11 (0) Wis 10 (0) Int 9 (-1) Cha 15 (2) Attacks Dagger +3 (1d4), +1 Longsword +4 (1d6+1), Light Crossbow +4 (1d6) Mythic Power 3/5 (+1d6)

Coals looks about the group. There is still traces of doubt on her face, but she nods to Byran.

"I am ready," she says, "and I think the others are not any less ready than when we arrived."

When she gets a chance, she moves to Nancy's side and tugs on the hem of her clothes to get her attention.

"Nancy... I know you do not like this," she says quietly. "But... Byran does not smell bad. I do not think he wants to do us harm, at least for now. And perhaps if we succeed, he and Cessah will be grateful enough to help us, yes?" She tries to put into words what she knows from her time in the Pit. "The bad dark dwarves who kept me... they were of course bad, but they whispered among themselves when they did not think we kobolds could hear. There were things even badder and darker than them that they feared in the deepest places. Things that hate those of us who walk in the sunlight." She paused, hoping the idea came across. "I... think I would rather have Cessah as our friend rather than our enemy, as we already have enough of those."


Coals will remain where she is for this round.


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Draco Tiras (sheet)spacer.png
Male NG Human (Brass) Eldritch Scion Magus 1, Arcane Duelist Bard 1 (Aristocrat 0), Level 2, Init 3, HP 21, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 5, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0
+1 Rapier +4 (1d6+3+1, 18-20/*2)
Explorers outfit donned under Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 15
Condition None
Speaks Common and Draconic


Draco tilts his head as Nancy's rant washed over him. He kind-of understood where she was coming from, but having them owe their lives to them was his main goal. Then he could bring it up later on when they needed help or they try anything like, say, informing guards in a city that they were escaped slaves. Although it looked like Coals was going to talk to her, so he tried to make himself useful by helping where he could while they had that chat. Maybe he needed to be more emotional to make his magic better, it seemed to respond to his emotional state more often than not. "Ready as we'll ever be."



Edited by Pheonixfire
forgot to word (see edit history)
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Quim waved off the offer from Nancy, but he wasn't sure she even saw it before she laid into the soldier. His muscles ached and he wasn't sure he was done bleeding, but it just felt like too much fuss at the moment. He couldn't explain it.

He watched as she berated the man, his own emotions stone cold neutral. He knew he didn't like the man, but it was for different reasons than the others. In that moment, he could feel just how different he was from the others. His place in that slave chain had been voluntary, there's hadn't been -at least not to his knowledge- and that burned them deeper. He had no qualms with that burning either, he sometimes felt it on behalf of his father, whether the old man could use the empathy was a mystery.

His reply didn't lighten his place in Quim's heart. He was deflecting responsibility again, and that stung Quim like a rawhide whip. He tightened his grip on his blade, anger welling up in him. Then, as if the beast could tell he needed a distraction, the warg came into view. He'd been poking his nose around the wagon the last few minutes, no doubt finding someone's dropped food scraps. The warg bounded across the expanse of open ground, in his normal inquisitively aggressive way, and it burned away Quim's hateful words for Bryan.

Quim put his hand down to touch the top of the beast's head. It was wet, but Quim couldn't see any wounds on the warg and assumed the blood was not its own. He didn't act injured either, at least to his unskilled eye.

"Do I take a light, or is someone going to stay close behind?"



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