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Leave game confirmation


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OK, now we have something we can work on! It's probably going to require some CSS tweaking ( @bwatford ) to prevent the off-screen part (thinking something about viewport width rather than % width is going to be the answer). As for the inadvertent clicking of the button, I'm going to bury it in a dropdown so it'll take at least two clicks to touch it.

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1 minute ago, Eric said:

OK, now we have something we can work on! It's probably going to require some CSS tweaking ( @bwatford ) to prevent the off-screen part (thinking something about viewport width rather than % width is going to be the answer). As for the inadvertent clicking of the button, I'm going to bury it in a dropdown so it'll take at least two clicks to touch it.

*thumbs up*

If you want the screen cap let me know where to drop this fat 60MB file

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So since it is something you are intending to work on . . .

I've been wondering why the "Leave Game" button is in such a prominent position to begin with.  It isn't as bad on a desktop as it is on mobile, but in general it isn't a function that I really need such quick and easy access to - I am not usually trying to leave a game 🙂.

I think it makes sense to have a "Game Actions" drop down or something, with options for "Follow game", "Mark game read", and "Leave this game" or something like that.  Just my thoughts if you are revisiting the layout.

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Late follow-up on this. I experienced the same thing last week but had forgotten to post a question about it.

I was curious if it's possible the mobile version caused that "bump" because of the site populating the blue Meetup banner at the top? I am also no code-minded person at all, but it seems like the right amount of space to accidentally go from tapping the game's drop down menu to tapping Leave Game.

Just an observation. Sounds like it's being dealt with, one way or another. Thanks for all your work! 🙂

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