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Abraxas the Magician -- High Elf Wizard Evoker, Sage, & Oracle


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Placeholder #1 -- Application


Abraxas the Magician

A humble student of the forces of the multiverse.




"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." -- Carl Sagan (1934-96)



Medium humanoid male (High Elf), neutral good

Armor Class 13 (16 mage armor)

Hit Points 21 ( 3d6 + 3 )
Speed 30' ft.

Senses darkvision, passive perception 20' ft.

Languages celestial, Khazian common, dwarvish, elvish, gnomish

Proficiency Bonus +2



Proficiency Bonus: +2

Strength 11 (+0)
Save +0
Athletics +0

Dexterity 17 (+3) 
Save +3
Acrobatics +3 | Sleight of Hand +3 | Stealth +3

Constitution 13 (+1)
Save +1
No skills associated.

Intelligence 18 (+4)
Save +6
Arcana +6 | History +6Investigation +6 | Nature +4 | Religion +6

Wisdom 12 (+1)
Save +3
Animal Handling +1 | Insight +1 | Medicine +1 | Perception +3 | Survival +1

Charisma 11 (+0) 
Save +0
Deception +0 | Intimidation +0 | Performance +0 | Persuasion +0

* Includes +1 from Luckstone / ** Includes +1 from Luckstone and Jack of all Trades / (E) denotes expertise. / Bold denotes proficiency.



  • Tools n/a
  • Instruments n/a
  • Weapons Daggers, darts, light crossbows, longbows, longswords, rapiers, shortbows, shortswords, slings, staves 
  • Armors n/a

Arcane Recovery | Ritual Casting | Arcane Tradition (Evocation Savant) | Sculpt Spells

Darkvision | Keen Senses | Fey Ancestry | Trance | Elf Weapon Training | Cantrip

n/a | n/a




  • Unarmed Strike +2 to hit for (1) bludgeoning
  • Dagger +5 to hit for (1d4+3) piercing damage. | Finesse, light, thrown (20/60)
  • Longbow +5 to hit for (1d8+3) piercing damage. | Ammunition, heavy, two-handed (150/600)
  • Rapier +5 to hit for (1d8+3) piercing damage. | Finesse



SPELL SLOTS 4/4 (1st), 2/2 (2nd)

  • Wizard - Spell Save DC: 15 (Arcane Grimoire) | Spell Attack Mod: +7 (Arcane Grimoire) | Spells Prepared: 6


Acid Splash | Chill Touch | Create Bonfire | Mage Hand |  Ray of Frost


Chromatic Orb | Comprehend Languages* | Detect Magic* (C) | Find Familiar* | Mage Armor | Magic Missile | Shield (R) | Sleep


Scorching Ray | Shatter

* Denotes a ritual spell. / (C) Denotes concentration. / (R) Denotes reaction spell. / (B) Denotes bonus action spell.



These spells are not available unless they have been prepared ahead of time. (Unless they are a ritual.)


Chromatic Orb | Comprehend Languages* | Detect Magic* (C) | Find Familiar* | Mage Armor | Magic Missile | Shield (R) | Sleep


Scorching Ray | Shatter

* Denotes a ritual spell. / (C) Denotes concentration. / (R) Denotes reaction spell. / (B) Denotes bonus action spell.




  • Weight: 40.42 lbs. / 165 lbs. max. (15 x STR Score)
  • Status: Unencumbered
  • Penalty: None

MONEY POUCH (0.42 lbs.)

Copper: 3 | Silver: 18 | Gold: 0 | Obsidian: 0 | Platinum: 0

(200 Coins x .02 lbs. = 0.42 lbs. Total Weight)


Equipped items can be retrieved with a manipulate item interaction.

  • Armor (4 lbs.) Traveler's Clothes - 6 lbs. | Hat of Wizardry* | Money Pouch - 1 lb. | Signet ring
  • Weapons (5 lbs.) Rapier - 2 lbs. | Dagger - 1 lb. | Longbow - 2 lbs.  
  • Readied Items (9 lbs.) Spell Component Pouch - 2 lbs. | Chromatic Orb Spell Component (50 sp) | Find Familiar Spell Components (10 sp) | Quiver of Arrows - 1 lb.


Stored items can be retrieved with an action.

  • In Backpack (11 lbs.) Backpack - 5 lbs. | Mess Kit - 1 lbs. | Spellbook (Arcane Grimoire)* - 3 lbs | (10) Sheets of Parchment | (2) Scroll Cases - 2 lbs. | Bottle of Ink | Ink Pen (quill) | Vial of Perfume | Common Clothes - 3 lbs. | Fine Clothes - 6 lbs. | Sealing Wax | Soap |  Book (Personal journal) - 5 lbs.
  • Strapped to Backpack (16 lbs.) Waterskin (full) - 5 lbs. | Hempen Rope - 9 lbs. | Bedroll & Blanket - 10 lbs.


  • At Home   n/a

* Denotes magic item (see below)






  • Hat of Wizardry (Common)
  • Arcane Grimoire (Uncommon)



Age 111| Height 5' 1" | Weight 91 lbs. | Hair Bronze| Eyes Amber | Complexion Fair

Adran Siannodel, the self-styled “Abraxas the Magician”, is a high elf of Inal Lenora. This nondescript wizard stands at an average elvish height of 5’1 and weighs a modest 96 lbs. of wiry muscle. Like most elves, he looks considerably younger than his actual age of 111. Out of his ordinary features, his short-cropped, bronze-colored hair and amber catlike eyes stand out the most while he sports an inscrutable, Mona Lisa-like smile, which keeps most people guessing as to what is going on in his head. Despite his wealthy upbringing, he tends to wear common clothing more in keeping with traveling and adventuring. As to his personality, one would best describe him as a "magic nerd". He's excellent at book-learning, but he's not as adept at common, everyman skills.



SAGE -- You spent years learning the lore of the multiverse. You scoured manuscripts, studied scrolls, and listened to the greatest experts on the subjects that interest you. Your efforts have made you a master in your fields of study.

Source: PHB

  • Personality Traits: I’ve read every book in the world’s greatest libraries — or I like to boast that I have. I am horribly, horribly awkward in social situations.
  • Ideals: Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself. (Any)
  • Bonds: My life’s work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore.
  • Flaws: I am easily distracted by the promise of information.

Background Feature: Researcher

When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.


Excerpts from A Personal Peregrination through the Serene Holds: A Magician’s Journal by Adran Siannodel of Inal Lenora

15th day of Midsummer, 394 AC – Today, on the tenth anniversary of my birth, my beloved parents, Arannis and Althaea of Mornesera, have gifted me with my first personal journal upon which I now inscribe my various thoughts and experiences. This is in addition to an Arcane Grimoire! To say that I am pleased would be an understatement. These two items are now and will always be my most cherished possessions.

My beneficent forebears have also informed me that since I am progressing so well with my studies in the arts arcane, they will be providing me with a personal tutor, the famed evocatrix Quelenna Holimion. Her academic treatises on thaumaturgy are considered by many in Inal Lenora to be the most authoritative on the subject.

I am most fortunate to have such wealthy progenitors. Their mercantile prowess and business acumen in trading with the crafty dwarves and gnomes of Orenhall has allowed me many more opportunities to better myself than most other wizards here will ever enjoy. I must now redouble my scholarly efforts, dedicate myself to my inevitable growth in my chosen field as a magician.

Onward and upward!

P.S. My paternal grandfather, Varis, gave me a Hat of Wizardry. He claimed that he got it from his grandfather and that it came in handy many times during his long life. It's a little worn and travel-stained, perhaps even a little old-fashioned, but I greatly appreciate this gift, too. 

18th day of Rainfall, 450 AC – Eureka! I have found it. After much deliberation, I have chosen the name “Abraxas” as my professional name when I become a full-fledged archimage. It is a perfect name for me, I think. Yes – Abraxas the Magician. It sings to me! It works.

Although my familiar, Athyne, disagrees with me, but what does she know, anyway.

Hmm… well, maybe I should consider some other possibilities. After all, one shouldn’t rush into any rash decisions when you enjoy the extended lifespan of a high elf. Patience, young one. Patience….

28th day of Palesun, 460 AC -- Once again, I find myself walking around the forest surrounding our estate as I find solitude more tolerable than the constant distractions of large social gatherings such as the wedding of my second-cousin on my maternal side to a she-elf from Ylan'Talos. (At least, that means that I might be able to access some of their excellent libraries down there when I can get around to doing so.) I simply do not understand the fascination that others have for being with others, especially in such vast quantities. How can one breathe, let alone think?

As I watch my loyal Athyne flying around and above and below the cathedral of evergreens, I can see what she sees. I can hear what she hears. I can feel the exhilaration and joy of the freedom of flight. Oh, how I envy her. Still, I savor the quietude as I ponder various magical formulae in my head for this spell or that potion or this item. It is liberating, I must say.

*Sigh* At some point, I suppose that I must return home... but I think I will wait until the last carriage departs the grounds.

I have this idea for a new spell, though, that I'd like to try out that Quelenna had suggested. It's called a Chromatic Orb....

2nd day of Bloom, 470 AC -- Quelenna Holimion has left our family's employ. To be sure, it was her choice, not mine. She said that any further progression into the arts arcane must result from within myself and not through her rigid guidance. I am somewhat discomfited by her departure, yet her words -- as always -- make sense. I must explore the world from without me as well as well as from within to find the answers I seek. Magic is not something that can be limited by tradition. It must advance through the rigorous crucible of direct observation, from asking questions and seeking answers through tests and experiments.

I accept her challenge, of course. Such has always been our student-teacher relationship. And I thank my mentor for all the advice, information and inspiration that she has carefully provided me over the years. I wish her well.

4th day of Frostfall, 490 AC – It has been only a few days after the new year, and nearly six years since I was recognized as an adult as per our elvish customs, As I grow older, though, I find that there is a growing disquietude, an emptiness gnawing at me, that leaves me wondering where I am going with my life. There lies within me a strong desire nigh unto an obsession to travel, to go places, to see places that I have never seen, to experience things I have never experienced. It’s almost as if someone or something inside me beckons to me. Some inaudible, inner voice….

How odd.

I have never been the flighty sort, given to random impulses. I tend to remain rather deliberate and sober, focusing solely on the pursuit of my chosen avocation. To be honest, most other elves my age in Inal Lenora consider me dull and pedestrian. Parties, dances, recitals and the like have never held any interest for me. Only my studies in the arcane arts matter. Yet this unease is now affecting my professional growth in the mastery of the arcane arts. And if I lose my magicks, what is there left for me in this world if I cannot be the best that I can be?

Perhaps a change of scenery will do me good, then, but where to go? Where to go?

Well, for now, I will repair to our family holdings in Orenhall to consider my options. Maybe talking with our sagacious gnome agent there, Lorilla Ashhearth Daergel, might prove fruitful as she has always been a font of wisdom and common sense.

nth day of nth month, 495 AC -- For the past two months, I have been plagued with the same cryptic and disturbing nightmare. Sleep has become a burden. Has someone put a curse upon me? Have the gods decided to torture me for some slight I dealt them? Either way, no matter what, I have tried to ignore it, but the same vision comes to me when I rest.

An unfamiliar smoke-choked sky is lit ablaze with cinder, every breath burns at my lungs and sears my throat. I am unable to stand, just like every time before. Blood fills my vision, and I can feel my strength and life leaving my body. The roar of battle and blood-curdling screams fill the air, and the usual drumming of heavy footsteps moves closer to me. Above me, like every night before this, I see a massive beast of muscle, fangs, claws, and steel stand over me preparing to deal the finishing blow. As it moves to do so, I prepare myself, but something is different this time.

The sky splits open, a ray of light splitting the darkness, vaporizing the beast that has tormented my dreams for the last two months. The silhouette of a person can be seen between the rays of light so bright that I cannot make out much more than that. "You must find me before this becomes a reality," The man says in a voice so strained that they are barely recognizable as words at all. "The Serene turns to Smolder and the World to ruin. I am trapped, Halaea…." The man's voice falters, and a long pause is followed by the ash clouds beginning to overtake the man and his light.

From where the man floated, he is replaced with a blazing yellow eye whose mere gaze seems to sear my skin. The next words are what shock me back to the conscious world, sending a shiver up my spine and a cold sweat across my body.

"You shall be the final one to die." The voice this time is warped, sounding like two voices overlapping one another.

My heart still beating in my chest, I pack my things and head for Halaea. Neither prepared nor ignorant of what lies ahead, I find myself aboard a ship sailing towards a place called Baromenes.

Blessed Thiuna, Lady of The Land, guide my way. And, Xoros, Great Lord of the Arcane? If you're listening, I certainly wouldn't mind a few words of wisdom from you, too.


Edited by artsmythe
Removed multiple copyright infringing links per site rules. (see edit history)
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Placeholder #3 -- Generating Ability Scores

Stats: 15, 13, 11, 11, 12, 17

HP: 21

Character Level: 3rd

Starting Gold/Equipment: Wizard (Evoker), Sage (10 sp) + 200 Sp to buy anything before the game start. 

As well as:

a. 2 Common Magical Items to start with for free or

b. 1 Common and 1 Uncommon Magical item to start with for free. - Hat of Wizardry and Arcane Grimoire

Allowed Material: All official, Subclasses from the Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn.

Banned Material: Any flying race.

Players Needed: 5

Prohibited Alignments: Any Evil

Supernatural Gift: Oracle (Oracle Curse -- One of the gods intends to use me as an oracle whether I want to listen or not.)

Edited by artsmythe (see edit history)
Ability Scores
repeat(drop(4d6,lowest),6) 5,4,6,3,3,3,4,6,1,4,3,4,1,5,4,2,4,6,2,1,6,1,6,5
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