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Deleted Scenes (OOC Conversation)


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7 hours ago, Terran said:

Je nes parle pas francais, bein!

Parlez-vous le Go'blin?

I don't at all, but I'll steal their words like the goodly english major/linguistic pickpocket that I am.We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.

-James Nicoll

Go'blin? Ae talie. Ruski unfortunatlerit."A little. Rusty, unfortunately."

Also, google has translators for EVERYTHING.


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I am working on my response to the Witch thread but I'm beset by a spell of nausea that may be food poisoning. I'm working to push through and finish the post but it may not end up appearing until tomorrow morning when I've gotten some rest.

I do want to say that I am loving this plan. I did not count on this approach at all when I put the opening post together.

Here is info on the Witch for Neve that I'm incorporating into the upcoming post, in case you want to add more to the conversation before the posts goes up.

Results of the Ridiculously High Roll

The Witch of the Withered Grove holds a similar place in legend that the Oracle of Stone does. A figure of mysterious power, the accounts of which are always vague and often conflicting, who watches over one of the several noteable geographical locations on the continent. A sage and collector of knowledge, she is said to be an elf of considerable age and experience. Most rumors agree that she has power over mind and perception and is extremely territorial over the swamp. Unlike the Oracle, the Witch does not accept visitors lightly but has been known to make a rare exception for reasons she never declares.

With that kind of roll, I want to hand Cirlot the narrative wand. Feel free to give me two true things that are rumored about the Witch and we'll incorporate them into Neve's knowledge.


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Probably won't be able to throw up another IC post for a day or so but I don't want to leave that narrative wand hanging . . .

1) The Witch of the Withered Wood holds to an older version of the Nirvanese faith, which holds Niko and Ivana as a bifron titaness - a two faced cthonic diety predating the current pantheon - and all the myriad subfacets as one entity. One of the cult symbols a large eye tattooed or drawn in blood, mud or khol upon the forehead with the pupil a stylized sun or moon depending on which facet was being invoked.

Yeah, took a long walk to "there's a symbol the witch probably wears!" 🙄

2) The Witch's temperament was described as sullen or venomous to those she named friend and kindly to those she had no use for; her smile was said to haunt the nightmares of those that crossed her and her sneer was the fondest memory of those that knew her well.

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Okay, so we have an idea. Let's dig into how you want this to work.

@Malkavian Grin How is Val going to initiate this? Is this purpose of this deception to send the lizardfolk scattering or to interact with them? You do have spells of your own that you can apply to making a convincing show of being 'the Witch' so those can factor into the below mechanics, too.

Everyone else is hidden and able to do something to improve the show here. A thrown flask of oil for a fire spell? Absolutely. A silence spell dropped as a readied action if the shaman tries something? Totally.

If the aim here is to run them off without having to fight them, I think this is more of a shock and awe situation. You already know they fear the Witch, so presenting as her tips things heavily in your favor. If that is the goal, I feel like they need to make saves to resist instead of Val having to make a check to pretend. Which is likely mechanically better for you given that play acting isn't really in Val's wheelhouse and Charisma is (presumablyIt looks like you are missing a Prime attribute on your sheet still, MG, but I assume Charisma isn't going to top your list for it.) not a prime for her. If we go that route, I'll add 1 to their DC for Neve's use of her boosting ability, and 2 more for each convincing effect each of you commits to the deception. One action per person seems a fair limit. This feels like a Wisdom save as this is confusing, or it could be Charisma given that it is terrifying, so I'll let MG make the call on which save she wants Val to target here based on what her intention is. None of them have either of those as a primary so it's not a huge deal.

If this is a situation where you simply aim to trick them and then interact in a conversational manner, that's where Val's active dice rolling will come in instead. A Charisma check with a +3 CL (21 total for a non-prime stat). But any shows of force like I mentioned above will add +2 to Val's roll on this. You can 'fireball' the stewpot or a patch of shrubs if you want to show magical prowess but not actively attack them. Things of that nature.

So what's the idea here, and how will each of you throw in to assist?

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Oh geez, I forgot I had spells too XD

Um, I think the idea here is to interact with them a little to gauge their intentions but mainly to scare them off--with using our powers. I'll be getting as close to them as possible just in case they don't buy it and I need to lop one of their arms off ;) Also, yes, I'm not going to be great at Charisma stuff but then Wisdom stuff isn't any better off...

You don't see a checkmark on my sheet to the left of Wisdom?

So, my thought is a "fireball" when I point at something, silence when I drop a feather, and I can cast either Faerie Fire (calling it a curse) or Summon Swarm (calling it a curse)? I'll save Entangle in case of combat. I also have Obscuring Mist but that kind of hides the charade. If I need a second fireball or whatever, I have Produce Flame (1 cast) that could mock a fireball ability.

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9 minutes ago, Malkavian Grin said:

Oh geez, I forgot I had spells too XD

Um, I think the idea here is to interact with them a little to gauge their intentions but mainly to scare them off--with using our powers. I'll be getting as close to them as possible just in case they don't buy it and I need to lop one of their arms off ;) Also, yes, I'm not going to be great at Charisma stuff but then Wisdom stuff isn't any better off...

You don't see a checkmark on my sheet to the left of Wisdom?

So, my thought is a "fireball" when I point at something, silence when I drop a feather, and I can cast either Faerie Fire (calling it a curse) or Summon Swarm (calling it a curse)? I'll save Entangle in case of combat. I also have Obscuring Mist but that kind of hides the charade. If I need a second fireball or whatever, I have Produce Flame (1 cast) that could mock a fireball ability.

I do see that checkmark, but only that one. By default you should get another prime attribute of your choosing as a non-human character. Since having an attribute as prime sets the base DC of checks with it to 12 instead of 18, it's a super nice bonus to have.

Summon Swarm...in the swamp...oh, the horrors we could bring with that. Any of those options would net another +2 to their CL on their check so feel free to add in whichever appeals the most.

I'll let you initiate things with your post so you can describe all the fun stuff that Val does. Everyone else doesn't have to put up a full post saying 'I throw the oil' or 'I cast Silence', they can just commit to the action here and I'll incorporate it in the response. I don't imagine this will possibly go well for the lizardfolk. It should be equal parts hilarious and horrifying.

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15 minutes ago, Malkavian Grin said:

Woah, wait, what?! I definitely missed that rule!

What does something being Prime mean, again?

So a Prime attribute is, presumably, one that your character has natural talent or practiced skill in using. When you roll a check or save with a Prime attribute, your DC (target number to hit) starts at 12 before any challenge levels (additional difficulty factors like opponents level or situational mods) are added. If you roll a secondary attribute, the DC starts at 18 before any challenge levels. It's a big jump and makes Prime attributes much easier to succeed with. If you check your class abilities for both classes, you'll likely find an attribute called out for some abilities that you may want to make Prime.

I've added a house rule that if you roll with a secondary attribute but the action is specifically something called out in your class you roll with a starting DC of 15 as you have some training with it. This was primarily to smooth gameplay and avoid people having to ask me if they get to add their class levels to every roll. I also made class level applicable to all rolls for that same reason.

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