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4 minutes ago, Cirlot said:

Quick note, I'll be traveling and sans-computer starting today through roughly New Years: hope everyone has a Happy Holidays and and excellent New Year, will resume posting once I'm back!

Thanks for the heads up and nobody worry about posting rates though the New Year. I will post when I'm able, which shouldn't be heavily impacted by the holidays, and you all reply whenever things are good for you. A mid-December to early-January hiatus is pretty common in games.

5 minutes ago, Terran said:

Been driving the past two days. In FL now for the holidays.

Rough trek. I grew up in Florida so I spent a lot of my holidays there. Hope everything is nice for you down there.

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8 hours ago, Terran said:

Hey Malkavian Grin

I think that initiative is 1d10 + Dex Modifier, instead of a 1d20


8 hours ago, Malkavian Grin said:

Oh ffs... Thanks for that, i definitely don't know this system yet.


Yeah, I think we're all in the same boat of learning the system as we go here. Mistakes are gonna happen. So initiative in C&C leans more toward old school ideas. A flat 1d10, dex mod breaks ties, reroll every round. It hasn't been an issue in previous rounds because of all the...well, the misses. Now it's a matter of does lizardman get his action before he is mercilessly slaughtered. Not that he'll drop Clairese in one hit but at least he might die happier knowing he shed a little blood.

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And back, if a bit slow in posting. Thanks for your patience and hope the holidays found you all well. Took a bit of liberty with Neve's action as she acted last in the round (at which point Mr. Should-Have-Been-An-Accountant will have been bludgeoned into the heavy negatives), figured since you threw the draconic in there she'd answer in kind.

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Sorry for the hold up, the holidays happened. Posting probably tonight/today or when I wake up, whichever comes first. Time is an illusion.

EDIT: Actually looking at it, it looks like the business lizard is dying; should I post? Or should I hold off?

Edited by Gregorotto (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Gregorotto said:

Sorry for the hold up, the holidays happened. Posting probably tonight/today or when I wake up, whichever comes first. Time is an illusion.

EDIT: Actually looking at it, it looks like the business lizard is dying; should I post? Or should I hold off?

There is little chance of Wicke being able to bring this guy down in one hit but critical hits do happen. As it stands, he goes first in the round and thus gets his attack before you all kill him. Not the worst outcome, given his trash dice rolls and the Sister's HP total, but preventing that would be the only reason you'd need to post.

I am coming back from holiday hiatus, as well. Expect I'll post this afternoon as my morning is blocked up with dentistry.

Edited by DoNotFearToTread (see edit history)
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