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Through the Looking Glass


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image.png.83d069bdd4db254b8c8acf966711e909.pngSamaa paused for a moment as Raalk spoke to her in Draconic. She looked a bit awkward exchanging a look between Raalk and Vanora. She finally laughed lightly, nervously . She continued to speak in Geant despite Raalk having addressed her in Draconic.

I dont know how to tell you this.... I have no idea what you just said. I've grown up here my entire life. I only know the languages of the Genasi and the Sprites here. The village here found me as an egg. They have raised me since being a hatching. I actually learned Primordial first before anything else.

Samaa looked a bit embarrassed about the situation.




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 Raalk Gremweldspacer.png

The Oracle couldn't believe his ears at what he had just been told. He looked at the Dragonkin with eyes wide like saucers, and took some time to compose himself. This... was not all what he had been expecting. Hoping. Anticipating.

He was probably even less fluent in Primordial than Samaa in Giant, but it seemed only respectful to talk in the language the Lady was most familiar with, and so he switched to it as best he could.

"(Primordial) Apologies, Lady Samaa. Honor to meet you. I am Raalk Gremweld, at your service. And your family. (/Primordial)" and he was glad to repeat himself, because at the same time his mind was racing, trying to come to terms with the current situation, and what to tell her next.



HP : 60

Effects : -


Actions this round:

Free action : -

Move action : -

Standard action : -


Already Cast :

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Slots 7 6 4



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image.png.83d069bdd4db254b8c8acf966711e909.pngSamaa shifted to Primordial with a much smoother speech pattern. If Primordial had the ability to sound regal, now Raalk could sense more of what he had expected in the air of a Dragonkin.

Well my family, is what you see around you. I have grown up with the Genasi people my whole life. The Sprites of the jungle. These lovelies here...

She patted the pteranodon gently on the side with a light smile. After a moment of petting the creature the Dragonkin looked over Raalk for a moment. She studied his expression for a few seconds before speaking again, her tail unfurling from around her waist, as what have might have been mistaken as a belt earlier. .

I'm sorry if you were expecting something a bit extravagant or flamboyant. While the Genasi have told me stories of the Nephilim. The Dragons, Wyrms, Gigas, and of the other Titan's children. I have never met them. I do not know mother. I know not if my father is Genasi, Human, or any other of the mortal races that grace the continent.




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 Raalk Gremweldspacer.png

While Raalk was not the most silver-tongued of all Trollkins, some words still came to his mouth that he hoped would be fitting.

"(Primordial) What I wasn't expecting, was the privilege to ever meet someone like you, Lady Samaa. I am sorry if I have given any indication of something else. The Genasi are graced to count you in their midst. Everything else is secondary if you choose to make it so. (/Primordial)" And actually, it was very much his true feelings, laid out in the best possible manner. Another key information could be to know how long she had been here, but that was not his place to ask, or not right now at least.



HP : 60

Effects : -


Actions this round:

Free action : -

Move action : -

Standard action : -


Already Cast :

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Slots 7 6 4



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image.png.83d069bdd4db254b8c8acf966711e909.pngSamaa smiled and shook her head.

I am far from a lady, but I will certainly take the compliment. However the pleasantries are taking away valuable time while the sun is in the sky. Let us take the time to get your path ahead scouted while we can. We can save the other conversation for after we have come back and landed. Assuming you have the time? I would be most curious to hear the stories of where you are from and your lands. I've heard little beyond what the elders have provided to share from time to time when travel to the west was more common. And for most of them that could be centuries. I have no doubt much as changed since then.

She moved over and grabbed a harness that Raalk could put on and secure himself to the riding saddle. Samaa would allow Raalk the option to try and don it himself. However if the Trollkin seemed to have any confusion on the proper means of getting the straps on she would offer to help. The straps going around his upper thighs needing a bit of tightening she would try to joke.

I'm generally not so handsy before the first date...

The Dragonkin's face contorting a bit to what would be considered a smirk.


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 Raalk Gremweldspacer.png

Lady Samaa may say whatever she wished, but she could be nothing else but a Lady in the Oracle's mind. She was too much touched by the Dragons to be anything less. He humoured her as best he could, and helped her with the harness. They came differently in his village of course, but the principles were still mostly the same. The trollkin was ill at ease being handled by someone he placed above him, but he also felt that she enjoyed the meeting, the novelty, and he didn't want to displease her either.

"(Primordial) I will share with you all the stories you are interested in hearing, Lady Samaa, though I don't know if you will find them of any interest. In the meantime I agree with you of course that sunlight is quickly spent if we are unwary, so let's proceed with that part first. (/Primordial)"

Already, it was likely she would be a reason for him to come back if he ever succeeded his mission. But it was a faraway future, best left unthought about at the moment.



HP : 60

Effects : -


Actions this round:

Free action : -

Move action : -

Standard action : -


Already Cast :

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Slots 7 6 4



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Once the harness was secured and everyone was mounted, Samma would take the reins of the massive creature and move for it to take off into the sky. Within but a few moments and a few circles over the aviary space the true flight would begin.

As the sun was still working its way to its height of the noon sun it washed over the dense canopy of the jungle, casting a warm golden glow upon the verdant landscape. Perched atop the mighty back of the pterandon, it soared above the winding ribbon of a river that snaked its way through the heart of the jungle. The air hummed with the chorus of vibrant life below, the cacophony of bird calls and the rustle of leaves blending harmoniously with the rhythmic beat of the creature's wings.

Below, the river meandered through the emerald expanse, its waters shimmering like liquid silver in the morning light. Lush green foliage stretched as far as the eye could see, punctuated by bursts of color from exotic flowers and the occasional flash of iridescent plumage from darting birds. The jungle exuded an ancient mystique, its untamed beauty a testament to the enduring power of nature.

To the north, rising into the clouds in the distance were the Merrihurst Mountains. The vast expanse of rocky peaks though so far away still visible from their massive height that attempted to pierce the heavens themselves. The river twisted and flowed to the northeast hugging along the foothills of the mountain range.

Samma tilted her head back to Raalk as they soared over the area. She had to shout a bit from the wind.

Anything particular you were looking to check out? We can follow the river a ways up. Check for any issues. Though the trees may block some areas from view. Might be able to set down in a clearing too if you want to see anything on foot. Little lady here we're riding on though its probably going to want to leave the nesting area too far.




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 Raalk Gremweldspacer.png

Being a mariner and diver by trade, Raalk had seen his share of extensive landscapes above which he was floating, but there was a difference in nature between flying over a primal forest and swimming over a coral reef. Both were vibrant with life, energy and colors, but... Perhaps it was the light. Perhaps it was the speed at which things occured. It just wasn't the same.

"(Primordial) My purpose is to follow the river as far as possible to the north, and probably cross the Merrihurst before reaching the Nico Swamp. Or maybe cross the Swamp if that's what you advise, but it is a detour from the Red Sands Desert I am going for. (/Primordial)"

Hopefully she would understand that he meant mostly to follow the river for the moment. It was obvious. But there were implications too.

"(Primordial) Do you know the purpose of my travel, Lady Samaa ? (/Primordial)" it seemed incredibly rude to keep her out of the loop, after all.



HP : 60

Effects : -


Actions this round:

Free action : -

Move action : -

Standard action : -


Already Cast :

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Slots 7 6 4



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image.png.83d069bdd4db254b8c8acf966711e909.pngSamaa shook her her slightly.

Vanora mentioned taking you as far as the swamp, but I didnt pry into the purpose of your escort. As for getting to the Red Sands. From what I know of the geography, going through the swamp would be safer. The mountains are generally known to be dangerous and unforgiving. Unless you are traveling THROUGH them. But that would be a question better asked a Dwarf. Not that I have ever met any. The mountains though cant be bargained with. It will kill you rich or poor. Young or old. A skilled warrior or a learned scribe. The swamp is also deadly but those that live there are far easier to bargain with.

She started to continue and then stopped. Her hand motioned over at what looked like a giant black cloud of smoke rising up in the distance. It was a bit off to the east from the river. It would have been a bit of a hike had they been on foot by the river. Though they probably wouldn't have seen it either. Flying however it would be but a few minutes to reroute.

Thats likely a Farrow camp. It looks like something may have attacked them...perhaps a Kalashtar or Judow raiding party.

She paused.

Should we check? I do not wish to force you into conflicts that are not your own.


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Raalk Gremweldspacer.png

The Oracle felt like Lady Samaa deserved an explanation of his mission, as he couldn't believe their meeting to be mere chance. He was about to explain, but then the smoke came into view, and their attention was focused on something else.

While Raalk now had a rough idea of what the Kalashtars and Judow were, the Farrows were an unknown. And so were the relationships between all those folks, really.

"(Primordial) What are the Farrows, please ? Are they allies of yours ? I understand the Kalashtars or Judow are threats to you, right ? If you would have investigated this further without me, then please don't let me deter you, and let's do it. Your duty is to your people first, and I would be glad to repay some of the help I am receiving anyway. (/Primordial)"

And also, again, he was extremely confident in his ability to overcome any conflict should it happen. The Trollkin knew he had limits, of course, but they always seemed so far away...




HP : 60

Effects : -


Actions this round:

Free action : -

Move action : -

Standard action : -


Already Cast :

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Slots 7 6 4



Edited by Thot (see edit history)
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image.png.83d069bdd4db254b8c8acf966711e909.pngThe Farrow are a tribe of beast men... Boarmen. Ally might be a stretch. They aren't on friendly terms with the Genasi but are willing to trade from time to time., they're certainly less hostile than any of the insect people.

Samaa had turned the creature already to start flying towards the source of the smoke. Within a minute or two the pterandon would be flying over what remained of a small village. Most of the huts were on fire and a number of bodies could be seen scattered around the area.

That fire will spread to the jungle itself if we don't do anything to assist.

She waved her hand a bit, causing the air to ripple off to the side and a large ball of of water materialized in the air before raining down towards a section of the fire. She pulled on the reins of the dinosaur a bit more and caused it to circle around before pulling it back to attempt to land down in a bit of a more open area.

Upon getting down to the ground, the carnage and chaos of the raid was even more brutal. The canopy of the trees having served as a barrier to hide much of the slaughter and destruction. The smell of blood and burnt flesh filled the air, mixed amid the burning of wood. Screams, or more accurately pained squeals echoed throughout the village. The clashing of steel could also be heard in the distance further into the village.

Samaa was off the creature as she unhooked her safety harness. She twisted her hands again and started to make another water ball to attempt to quell a nearby fire, and then another and another.

Two female Farrow ran past her trying to herd several smaller piglet children away to safety. One of them, a bit younger stopped and looked back to Samaa and Raalk.


The language was a series of grunts and snorts. It may have shared some similarities to Goblinoid but Raalk couldnt really make out what it was saying either way. Though the tone was clearly scared and pleading. One word however Raalk had learned recently was able to be made out amid the sounds from the female Farrow. "Judow"



Edited by ArcaneDesperado (see edit history)
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 Raalk Gremweldspacer.png

Battle and death were the same everywhere. Blood had the same smell no matter where it was shed, no matter who bled, no matter the reason for its spilling. Raalk had no particular care for those Farrow creatures, not even for their pleading children, but he couldn't stand by idly either. The battle may spread to his benefactor's village, for one, and also Lady Samaa had chosen to cast her lot with the animalistic people.

While it was no surprise that she could use magic, Raalk hadn't expected her to summon water. He wondered if he should do the same, but probably he could be more useful on the frontlines. The clash of steel could be heard not far away, and the Trollkin drew his spear, his buckler, and strode in that direction, eyes alert in case of any pincer maneuver.

"(Primordial) My Lady, please stay here and see to the fire. I will see to the Judow ! (/Primordial)"

Hopefully he could keep her safely protected here while he would take on the raiders.




HP : 60

Effects : -


Actions this round:

Free action : -

Move action : -

Standard action : -


Already Cast :

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Slots 7 6 4



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Charging into the main village, Raalk would find bodies littering the area. Dead Farrow in various states of slaughter, between simple gashes across their main body, to others that seemed to have been torn apart as if by some massive beast. The remains however left to rot and leak the lifeblood of their victim into the earth below. Fires burned all around, and many of the houses were fully engulfed already. The buildings of wood and grass not having much to stop the spread of the flames as they searched for more fuel to continue their inferno.

A massive squeal was heard around a corner as Raalk turned it. The male Farrow warrior stumbling against the attack it had just endured. Blood dripped from its mouth and numerous other wounds already. Several other warriors already lay dead in the area. Raalk then laid eyes on the creature that the others he had heard refer to as Judow.

image.png.b1b151e0c50ac2bce554194c07d7140a.pngIt was similar to a humanoid in basic features. Though its size was closer to a Jotun as it stood a bit over seven foot tall. Its body was slim and almost malnourished looking as its ribs were slightly visible. Its body was void of any hair that Raalk could see. Its head was adorned with spikes that looked metal, making it confusing to tell if they were natural or self-inflicted. Its visible body was covered in scars and piercings. Black spiked shoulder pads gave it some degree of armor, along with a black metal sleeves. Chains attached to its hips seems to float around in the air in a ghostly fashion. The links giving off a blue-greenish ethereal glow. The creature's teeth were jagged like a shark as it snarled. Raalk could feel its red glowing eyes shift towards him. A sudden weight seemed to press down on him. A feeling like something was probing into his mind.

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 Raalk Gremweldspacer.png

The amount of destruction in the village was a testament to the ruthlessness of the attackers, and made it abundantly clear to Raalk that he should expect no peaceful outcome.

And then he spotted the attacker.

Being explained what a Judow is, and seeing one, were two vastly different things. The creature exuded foulness unlike anything Raalk had ever seen before, and he paused for a second as the creature laid eyes on him. The Judow obviously tried to exert a dominion of some kind on him, but Raalk was not an Oracle of Dragons for nothing, and he easily shrugged it off. Obviously the Farrows around had found the Judow to be more than a match for their own strength, but one was still standing and still fighting.

In the blink of an eye, Raalk jauged that he could still be saved, and rushed to his side, casting the most powerful healing spell at his disposal to bring this ally back into the fight.




HP : 60

Effects : -


Actions this round:

Free action : -

Move action : To the wounded Farrow

Standard action : Cast Cure Serious Wounds - 3d8+6


Already Cast :

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Slots 7 6 4
Cast     1



Cure Serious Wounds
3d8+6 6,6,8
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image.png.b1b151e0c50ac2bce554194c07d7140a.pngThe Judow snapped the chain at its side and snarled again as it saw Raalk heal the Farrow warrior. Raalk could feel something still trying to pierce his mind though thankfully he had steeled himself against it for the time being. He heard a voice though through the attempted psychic probe. Emotions of pure hate and contempt laced the words through the mental link like barbed wire and corrosive acid.

You have no place here troll-spawn. Leave this jungle and go back to where you belong. Or you can meet the same fate as these mud-rooting swine. Your healing ability will make it even more pleasurable to watch you wiggle in agony over a slow death. You will not get a second warning...

One of the chains lashed out again and grabbed one of the dead Farrow on the ground. The dead body convulsed and spazzed as the chain poured the colored ethereal light over it. The chain then released and the dead farrow opened its mouth in a empty silent scream. Its pupils wide as the blue-green light took over, and a miasma like smoke seemed to pour out. Its fingers dug into the ground where it lay, the bones nearly snapped in its hands from the pressure. Then it shot up to its feet in a speed that did not seem natural for a creature its size. download(10).jpg.a7aa24385b43c335f4bc0371239af88d.jpg

The Farrow that Raalk had healed snorted as it pushed itself up to its feet. There was a clear language barrier between the two, but the exchanged look to the Trollkin was that of thanks, and that it was ready to fight beside him. It gripped the heavy axe in its hands as it cracked its neck to the side.


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