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Colours, Alignment and separation on the new basic edit screen

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I've noticed - obviously - that there has been changes to the basic editor style. All in all i like the gradient but there are a couple of little problems to point out.

I have a screenshot just to make it easier to tell exactly what i'm talking about, because not everyone's would look the same, i assume.

As you can see the separation between the lines of the editor have disappeared. This isn't totally a bad thing - i actually quite like it - but as you can see with the three rows it kinda bleeds into the lower gradient so it start to look like its in the edit box and not its own thing.

Also, the way the line is broken up seems a little.. unintentional i suppose? Having you know preview, fieldset, OOC, all that way over on the right with the big empty space on the left and all the new buttons on an entire third line looks kinda messy. I know it probably has something to do with the width of the screen as well, I can tell this because when posting a topic the Paragraph button is up with the horizontal line and when replying to a topic its on the third line.





I did some experimenting and it looks okay on mobile but i never use mobile so i had to specifically go looking. Things squish up pretty nice and the gradient looks good - though the bottom buttons still kinda bleed into what looks like the editing space.


Funnily enough the best resolution (width-wise) seems to be 1160px


Lastly, as you've no doubt noticed yourself the statblock button needs a transparent background.

I'm using the default MW theme as well. So i'm wondering if its possible to get the edit buttons to align a little tighter so you don't have all that empty space, and maybe a little more deliniation between the box with the buttons and the editing pane would be nice. I'm a fan of the gradient though so i hope that stays.



Edited by Neopopulas (see edit history)
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It is definitely a screen size issue. The toolbar buttons are broken up into separate groupings. Those groups are breaking at odd points and not wrapping correctly.

Eric is planning on reorganizing the icons and hopefully he will edit the file that holds them so they won't be grouped and will display as one grouping. I have tried to do it with pure CSS but I don't have a lot of control over CKEditor as it is a plugin and not something I can look at directly. So sort of hunt and peck from this end.


Once they are on just two lines or so the gradient should be ok, I can put a border line under the box or add some padding if needed. Going to wait until @Eric gets the icons sorted first and we will see what it looks like.

EDIT: The colors (blue dice and white box) have been fixed, but you need to clear your cache to get the proper icons now.

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So, in checking that OOC issue that was just fixed in the regular MW theme, I noticed that I am now seeing the problem Neopopulas is seeing. Hopefully that helps narrow it down if you intend a patch until Eric comes up with something more permanent.

This issue only happens in MW standard theme.


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50 minutes ago, Malkavian Grin said:

@Neopopulas Definitely not intentional. This is my view. All buttons on two lines. What resolution are you using? I'm 1920x1080.


Technically the window is 2048x1010. My screen resolution is 2560x1440 but the width of the pane that the icons are in is 1143 wide. This width changes depending on if you are posting a new topic or replying to a topic or editing a topic as well.

The width of the editor pane is actually more important though because if you change that (say, by narrowing the whole window) then the icons will shift. I don't envy having to make these icons all line up with those differences.

Its interesting that it only happens in the default theme, it might not happen in the newer themes? I don't have the premium theme but i can confirm it doesn't seem to happen in the beach theme.


Edited by Neopopulas (see edit history)
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