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OOC: The Shattered Badger

Brian Skies

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@Brian Skies A few more questions:

[1] How many players are you thinking about inviting?

[2] Will you accept a couple more of your maximum just in case one or two you invited leave the game early?

[3] When do you plan on starting this game?

[4] How many post per player per week do you expect as "normal"?

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On 7/27/2023 at 12:52 PM, MysteriousMiller said:

@Brian Skies I have a concept in my head that I wanted to run past you before I make it more concrete.

I'm going along the lines of a kender who has picked up a little magical training and thinks she is a "wizard"...in actuality an Arcane Trickster rogue.

I thought I'd take the Mage of High Sorcery background to pick up some basic "spells" but take it no further as none of the Towers will accept her....unless she does get offered the test?

Either way, should be good fun to play!

From the book:

"Mages of High Sorcery are typically sorcerers, warlocks, or wizards and might have any subclass. Spellcasters who gain their magic through devotion are less likely to be welcomed among the traditional-ist mages. Nevertheless, the Mages of High Sorcery are shrewd, and they rarely let unique opportunities or individuals pass them by. Even members of martial classes who train in magic might find a rare place among the group's three orders."


On 7/27/2023 at 4:52 PM, rauhric said:

@Brian Skies A few more questions:

[1] How many players are you thinking about inviting?

[2] Will you accept a couple more of your maximum just in case one or two you invited leave the game early?

[3] When do you plan on starting this game?

[4] How many post per player per week do you expect as "normal"?

1. The Adventure Path is designed for 4-6 players. So, I will be picking 4-6 players.

2. No.

3. After I have selected the players.

4. 1-3 per week. I do my best to post at least 1-2 times a week.

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Ability Scores:repeat(keep(4d6,highest,3),6)
lol forgot the ) behind the 6.

Edited by Steel Warrior (see edit history)
SyntaxError: Expecting ) in a function call "repeat"
Proper example
repeat(keep(4d6,highest,3),6) 5,5,3,1,4,3,2,1,6,3,2,1,6,5,3,2,6,5,3,2,5,3,2,1
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I'm assuming multiclassing is allowed, from earlier mentions in this thread, or am I mistaken? How would it be tackled? Can one just gain it through level ups or is there a certain amount of justification needed within game, like a mentor?

I'm currently thinking of a Druid that has one level of Monk as an extension of their sensitivity to living things giving them awareness for the Monk's Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts.

Also, although this is mostly optional, would you be amenable to reflavoring certain spells to be more water-y (like Thorn Whip being a Water Whip instead and dealing bludgeoning damage instead of piercing)?

EDIT: Character creation says that they get max wealth of their class, but do they still get the equipment of their background? Or is the price of the background items deducted from that? Some items obtained from the background don't seem to have prices...

EDIT: Welp I managed to make a sheet and now I'm wondering if I should go with a different character concept...

Edited by Cloudheart (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, Cloudheart said:

EDIT: Welp I managed to make a sheet and now I'm wondering if I should go with a different character concept...

I feel like I do this every time I make a character! That's why I end up with so many lying around lol

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