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DM Dax| Dead Suns Bk 4 Ch 1| Game Play

Dax Thura

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Surrounded with fire (Corona) the solarian says.

"I don't hear anything but if you say so that should be right. But what what we doing here. I thought I asked the lift to go to the bridge."

(Photon 3)

Edited by Deronas (see edit history)
1d20+13 5
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Posted (edited)

You arrived at and are now back on the level with the Main Bridge. There is a Lower Bridge on the same level as the cargo hold where you originally chased the Jangly Man to. I've moved the tokens to the correct level.

When you get into the bridge you find it empty, but the instruments are going wild.

Computers 25

The computer has been locked out. No biggie accept the power core is over charging. The ship is going to blow. Soon. You can try to break into the computer to stop it, go to engineering and stop it, or hope to get far enough away in your own ship to escape the explosion.


Dmerilo is still tromping across the hull.








Light Level: Dark
Terrain: Urban


  • Lavinia- SP 57/63 HP 58/58 RP 10/10 || Shaken
  • Dmerilo- SP 72/81 HP 69/69 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60'; Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]
  • Kaeon- SP 40/79 HP 58/58 RP 10/10 || Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]
  • Menelas- SP 72/73 HP 67/67 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Light (mote); Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]


  • Alleena- SP 63/63 HP 49/49 RP 10/10 || Low-Light Vision
  • Seht- SP 81/81 HP 67/67 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60';


Jangly Man -71 hp







Edited by Dax Thura (see edit history)
Pay No Attention
1d20+16 3
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image.png.7c11d7a9d320f45f322ad4934a658f4c.png"I don't think he's out here" Dmerilo's voice sounds tinny from outside the ship "I'm coming back around and in...this is a waste of time."

Dmerilo will then move to the nearest airlock and back in.





Stat Block

Dmerilo Vesk Solider 9
SP: 81/81 | HP: 69/69 | F: 9| R: 6 | W: 6
Init: +7 | Speed: 35 | KAC: 27 | EAC: 26
Offense: Punch +15 (2d6+18 B) | Unarmed MW Strike (Standard): 2x Punch +12 (2d6+18 B)

Conditional Bonuses

MW Strike: Combine damage for DR
Frenzy: +4 Melee Dmg, +1 Will, -1 AC, +9 Temp HP
Close Enough to Kill: Miss but not Nat 1 when frenzied, spend 1 RP to treat as hit, do minimum dmg (24)

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Will Dmerilo continue forward or backward. You're about halfway between the airlock that you entered the ship and the airlock that you chased the Jangly Man out of.







Light Level: Dark
Terrain: Urban


  • Lavinia- SP 57/63 HP 58/58 RP 10/10 || Shaken
  • Dmerilo- SP 72/81 HP 69/69 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60'; Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]
  • Kaeon- SP 40/79 HP 58/58 RP 10/10 || Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]
  • Menelas- SP 72/73 HP 67/67 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Light (mote); Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]


  • Alleena- SP 63/63 HP 49/49 RP 10/10 || Low-Light Vision
  • Seht- SP 81/81 HP 67/67 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60';


Jangly Man -71 hp







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spacer.png Lavina - shaken

HP: 58/58
Stamina: 63/63
Resolve: 9/10
EAC/KAC: 18/18

Fort +5, Reflex +8, Will +12

(presumably Kaeon tells everyone that the reactor is overloading)

"Oh. That's bad. Let's get the hell out of here."

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When Dmerilo gets to the outside of the airlock, it opens. The Jangly Man is there.


Round 1 All PCs May Act

- Dmerilo is still outside of the ship, but the airlock is open. The Jangly Man is standing in the doorway.

- The rest of you are in the bridge.









Light Level: Dark
Terrain: Urban


  • Lavinia- SP 57/63 HP 58/58 RP 10/10 ||
  • Dmerilo- SP 72/81 HP 69/69 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60'; Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]
  • Kaeon- SP 40/79 HP 58/58 RP 10/10 || Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]
  • Menelas- SP 72/73 HP 67/67 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Light (mote); Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]


  • Alleena- SP 63/63 HP 49/49 RP 10/10 || Low-Light Vision
  • Seht- SP 81/81 HP 67/67 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60';


Jangly Man -61 hp







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image.png.7c11d7a9d320f45f322ad4934a658f4c.png"FINALLY! COME 'ERE! Dmerilo charges straight at them, grabs them by whatever they can, and try to throw them out the airlock.

Move: Up to Jangles

Standard: Reposition





Stat Block

Dmerilo Vesk Solider 9
SP: 81/81 | HP: 69/69 | F: 9| R: 6 | W: 6
Init: +7 | Speed: 35 | KAC: 27 | EAC: 26
Offense: Punch +15 (2d6+18 B) | Unarmed MW Strike (Standard): 2x Punch +12 (2d6+18 B) | Reposition +21

Conditional Bonuses

MW Strike: Combine damage for DR
Frenzy: +4 Melee Dmg, +1 Will, -1 AC, +9 Temp HP
Close Enough to Kill: Miss but not Nat 1 when frenzied, spend 1 RP to treat as hit, do minimum dmg (24)

Edited by Peff (see edit history)
1d20+19 9
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The solarian moves towards the airlock and fires towards the Jangly man.

membrane holdout pistol


membrane holdout pistol
1d20+16 4
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Posted (edited)



When Dmerilo gets to the outside of the airlock, it opens. The Jangly Man is there.


Round 1 Lavinia May Act

- Dmerilo is still outside of the ship, but the airlock is open. The Jangly Man is standing in the doorway.

- The rest of you are in the bridge.

* As the pair look at each other in shock, Dmerilo recovers first. He takes the Jangly Man by the collar and yeets him out into space. The Jangly Man almost grabs the frame, but just misses it. His curses at Dmerilo is lost in the vacuum of space as he helplessly floats away.

* Menlas runs to the airlock, but finds the inner door closed and locked as the outside door is open.

* Kaeon's purposeful operations of the computer allows him to bypass the lockout. You now only need another success to gain proper access then a second to deactivate the self-destruct command. Each attempt is a Standard Action. BTW time is still counting down.









Light Level: Dark
Terrain: Urban


  • Lavinia- SP 57/63 HP 58/58 RP 10/10 ||
  • Dmerilo- SP 72/81 HP 69/69 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60'; Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]
  • Kaeon- SP 40/79 HP 58/58 RP 10/10 || Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]
  • Menelas- SP 72/73 HP 67/67 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Light (mote); Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]


  • Alleena- SP 63/63 HP 49/49 RP 10/10 || Low-Light Vision
  • Seht- SP 81/81 HP 67/67 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60';


Jangly Man -61 hp







Edited by Dax Thura (see edit history)
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When Dmerilo gets to the outside of the airlock, it opens. The Jangly Man is there.


Round 1 Lavinia May Act

- Dmerilo is still outside of the ship, but the airlock is open. The Jangly Man is standing in the doorway.

- The rest of you are in the bridge.

* As the pair look at each other in shock, Dmerilo recovers first. He takes the Jangly Man by the collar and yeets him out into space. The Jangly Man almost grabs the frame, but just misses it. His curses at Dmerilo is lost in the vacuum of space as he helplessly floats away.

* Menlas runs to the airlock, but finds the inner door closed and locked as the outside door is open.

* Kaeon's purposeful operations of the computer allows him to bypass the lockout. You now only need another success to gain proper access then a second to deactivate the self-destruct command. Each attempt is a Standard Action. BTW time is still counting down.









Light Level: Dark
Terrain: Urban


  • Lavinia- SP 57/63 HP 58/58 RP 10/10 ||
  • Dmerilo- SP 72/81 HP 69/69 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60'; Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]
  • Kaeon- SP 40/79 HP 58/58 RP 10/10 || Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]
  • Menelas- SP 72/73 HP 67/67 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Light (mote); Lesser Resistant Armor [Acid/Cold]


  • Alleena- SP 63/63 HP 49/49 RP 10/10 || Low-Light Vision
  • Seht- SP 81/81 HP 67/67 RP 9/9 || Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60';


Jangly Man -61 hp







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