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Where DM Dax runs games.

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Welcome to the (New) Myth-Weavers official chapter of the Starfinder Society organized play campaign.


The Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild, part of Paizo’s Organized Play programs, is a worldwide science fantasy roleplaying campaign that puts you in the role of an agent of the Starfinder Society, an organization of explorers, archaeologists, and adventurers dedicated to discovering and chronicling all corners of the galaxy (and beyond). The Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild is powered by the Starfinder Roleplaying Game.


Pathfinder Society
  1. What's new in this game
  2. Does everyone know the good guys are up in battle? P.S. I'm helping run PFS tables at ComicCon here in San Diego this week. For anyone lucky enough to be going to GenCon (like dohjoe), have fun!!!
  3. Huffing from the quick pace, Hamarr takes a moment to catch his breath and delays. "Looks like meat's back on the menu!" 1
  4. Kajimara's eagerness convinces the slaver that his ruse isn't working. He simply puts up his hands and remains quiet. Sneak 1 does not struggle against being tied up and put into a magical cell. He does seem more concerned now by the look he gets from Leppin. "Just make sure that I make it to stand in front of a magistrate." Back at the quay. C1 This quay has several posts for tying boats. An overturned boat, stacked crates, and crab traps obscure much of the quay from view. The quay is 5 feet above the water, but you can see where it can go higher and, presumably, lower as the tide ebbs and flows. The ship's deck is 15 feet above the quay, but isn't visible from waterline due to the gunwales. The gangplank is down, providing access to the ship's deck. You see three blood boars lounging and roaming the quay. Eager to save the town and its inhabitants, Garion calls down electricity upon two of the boars. Round 1 Bold May Act Kuz'Arak, Nalah, Hamarr, Kyros , Drasil, Garion, Red Blood Boar, Yellow Blood Boar, Blue Bloood Boar * Garion casts Lightning Bolt, hitting two of the blood boars. He then casts Shield. * Status Visibility: Terrain: Cover: HP 98/98, AC 27, AP 1/3; Fo +16, Re +18, Wi +18, Per +17; HP 62/96; AC 27; Fo +17, Re +19, Wi +16, Per +16; HP 114/114, AC 28, AP 2/3; Fo +17, Re +15, Wi +15, Per +15; HP 123/123, AC 27, AP 3/3; Fo +15, Re +19, Wi +14, Per +14; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, Res Fire 10, HP 89/89, AC 24, AP 3/3; Fo +16, Re +16, Wi +16, Per +15; False Life 10/10 HP 154/154, AC 30, AP 1/3; Fo +19, Re +13, Wi +15, Per +13; HP 130/136, AC 30, AP 2/3; Fo +19, Re +18, Wi +15, Per +12; Darkvision, Vibration Sense 30', Blue Blood Boar- HP -37, AC 23; Fo +16, Re +14, Wi +10 Yellow Blood Boar- HP , AC 23; Fo +16, Re +14, Wi +10 Red Blood Boar- HP -18, AC 23; Fo +16, Re +14, Wi +10 Mentions
  5. Garion was planning to see if anyone wanted to lure the boars away from the ship. However, with the group waiting on him to get started, he considers his options and explains, "A fireball is tempting, but might burn down the pier ... as well as endangering innocent slaves aboard ship." Reconsidering, he instead chants, "fork pork" sending a fork of lightning at two of the boars. He then chants "wield shield" to bring up a force field. Actions ◆◆ (3rd rank) vs Blue & Red (as marked on the map) Lightning Bolt w/ Dang Sorc [Electricity Damage. Basic Reflex DC 27] ◆ Shield
  6. Kyros falls in step with Drasil, waiting for the casters to start the party before rushing in. Kyros | Swashbuckler 9 | AC 27, Fire Resistance 5 | HP 123 | Percep +14 | F +14 R +19 W +14 | SPD 30 ft. (45 w/ panache) | Focus 1/1
  7. Drasil gives his companions a firm nod, a grim smile, and begins to move in, Sword gleaming. | AC 28(26 while raging with weapon)(27 without oversized weapon) | HP 114/114 +11 temp| Percep +15 (+17 init) | Speed 35' |
  8. Kajimara's eagerness convinces the slaver that his ruse isn't working. He simply puts up his hands and remains quiet. Sneak 1 does not struggle against being tied up and put into a magical cell. He does seem more concerned now by the look he gets from Leppin. "Just make sure that I make it to stand in front of a magistrate." Back at the quay. C1 This quay has several posts for tying boats. An overturned boat, stacked crates, and crab traps obscure much of the quay from view. The quay is 5 feet above the water, but you can see where it can go higher and, presumably, lower as the tide ebbs and flows. The ship's deck is 15 feet above the quay, but isn't visible from waterline due to the gunwales. The gangplank is down, providing access to the ship's deck. You see three blood boars lounging and roaming the quay. You making any prep before hand? Waiting on your actions. Status Visibility: Terrain: Cover: HP 98/98, AC 27, AP 1/3; Fo +16, Re +18, Wi +18, Per +17; HP 62/96; AC 27; Fo +17, Re +19, Wi +16, Per +16; HP 114/114, AC 28, AP 2/3; Fo +17, Re +15, Wi +15, Per +15; HP 123/123, AC 27, AP 3/3; Fo +15, Re +19, Wi +14, Per +14; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, Res Fire 10, HP 89/89, AC 24, AP 3/3; Fo +16, Re +16, Wi +16, Per +15; False Life 10/10 HP 154/154, AC 30, AP 1/3; Fo +19, Re +13, Wi +15, Per +13; HP 130/136, AC 30, AP 2/3; Fo +19, Re +18, Wi +15, Per +12; Darkvision, Vibration Sense 30', Sneak 1- HP -52, AC 25; Fo +10, Re +14, Wi +12; Disarmed Mentions
  9. Before heading to the ship, Garion turns to Leppin, "Our goal is to put an end to the slavers. Some of us wouldn't mind if we came back to find this one skewered with your new rapier." He continues, "However, you don't strike me as a cold-blooded killer." The gnome asks, "If we leave him here, can we count on you to watch over him?" After Kuz'Aarak confirms tying him up, Garion considers and says, "I can help by creating a makeshift cell, just in case." Turning back to the tied-up slaver, the sorcerer chants, "slaver slammer" and casts (2nd rank. 1hr duration) to create a 10x10 jail cell, with metal bars cold to the touch, that spring up out of the ground around the sneak.
  10. Kuz'Arak grimaces as the slaver begs for his life. "Yes, this man will betray us at the first chance. We said we'd put a good word in for him when justice arrives, that does not mean letting him free. Tie him up and gag him. Make sure he's out of sight and well bound. If given the chance he'll be glad to tell his comrades of our plans. He'll do anything to save his skin." Kuz'Arak spits at the mans feet and motions for Kajimara to move in towards the man threatening him if he tries to flee while someone ties him up. "Yes I agree, let us draw out these boars. A fight too near the ship will alert the crew and we'd only end up with boars on the ground and bastards above" Actions Kuz'Arak Kajimara Remaining Vital Beacon 4d10 4d8 4d6 4d4 Kajimara's Training Day 1- Success! Day 2- Success! 2/10 Successes Nature 28 to gain control of her You need to make this check once a day for 10 days before she can be considered 'trained'. I'll try to have you do so at times like this for story. Also, at least at first, you can't be aided in this role. She has to come to respect you (at 7 successes). That -4 non-goblin penalty is because she pretends to not understand you. It goes down by 1 for every two successes. Crits count as 2 successes and crit fail subtract 1. Please remind me.
  11. "No! No! No! I wouldn't just wander away. I said I would leave. And I'm a victim here. They made me do it. I would never do such vile things on my own. Let me just go. Or I could come with you. Make up for what I did by helping the kind folk of this fine town. You'll see." Leppin looks like he'd like to practice his rapier technique on Sneak 1. Kuz'Arak Sneak 1 will run at the first opportunity unless he can figure a way to just betray you outright. Status Visibility: Terrain: Cover: HP 98/98, AC 27, AP 1/3; Fo +16, Re +18, Wi +18, Per +17; HP 62/96; AC 27; Fo +17, Re +19, Wi +16, Per +16; HP 114/114, AC 28, AP 2/3; Fo +17, Re +15, Wi +15, Per +15; HP 123/123, AC 27, AP 3/3; Fo +15, Re +19, Wi +14, Per +14; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, Res Fire 10, Frightened 1 HP 89/89, AC 24, AP 3/3; Fo +16, Re +16, Wi +16, Per +15; False Life 10/10 HP 154/154, AC 30, AP 1/3; Fo +19, Re +13, Wi +15, Per +13; HP 130/136, AC 30, AP 2/3; Fo +19, Re +18, Wi +15, Per +12; Darkvision, Vibration Sense 30', Sneak 1- HP -52, AC 25; Fo +10, Re +14, Wi +12; Disarmed Mentions
  12. Kyros agrees, saying "Nalah's right. We can't trust him to just wander away." Kyros | Swashbuckler 9 | AC 27, Fire Resistance 5 | HP 123 | Percep +14 | F +14 R +19 W +14 | SPD 30 ft. (45 w/ panache) | Focus 1/1
  13. "I don't trust this slaver. He deserves proper justice. I'd prefer to tie him to a tree and come back when we have dealt with all of that."
  14. My post was less finished than I had hoped. I assume you have at least half an hour between talking to the slaver and the captive, plus taking time to get to the ship. The slavers, including #1, leave behind a total of 5 sets of manacles marked with the Scarlet Triad symbol, though only 1 set of keys, 4 +1 rapiers, and a +1 flail. They have leather armor (4 sets) and a set of chain mail. What is your plan for Sneak 1. He promises to stay out of trouble and offers to be on his way if allowed to go free. Leppin picks up a rapier, but you can tell that he has never picked up such a weapon before. Status Visibility: Terrain: Cover: HP 98/98, AC 27, AP 1/3; Fo +16, Re +18, Wi +18, Per +17; HP 62/96; AC 27; Fo +17, Re +19, Wi +16, Per +16; HP 114/114, AC 28, AP 2/3; Fo +17, Re +15, Wi +15, Per +15; HP 123/123, AC 27, AP 3/3; Fo +15, Re +19, Wi +14, Per +14; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, Res Fire 10, Frightened 1 HP 89/89, AC 24, AP 3/3; Fo +16, Re +16, Wi +16, Per +15; False Life 10/10 HP 154/154, AC 30, AP 1/3; Fo +19, Re +13, Wi +15, Per +13; HP 130/136, AC 30, AP 2/3; Fo +19, Re +18, Wi +15, Per +12; Darkvision, Vibration Sense 30', Sneak 1- HP -52, AC 25; Fo +10, Re +14, Wi +12; Disarmed Mentions
  15. Hamarr heads towards the Genie's Smile with his shield raised (defending) and ready for battle. Seeing the small pack of boars across the dock, he bangs the haft of his axe and shield together while chanting: "Here piggy piggy...." 1
  16. After offering to refill the slaver's mug, Garion says, "We appreciate the intel. As promised, we'll put in a good word with the authorities." Packing up his magic jug, the gnome adds, "Sit tight. This shouldn't take long." [Presumably, with the discussion and walk to the ship, Garion had 10 minutes to Refocus. Sorcerers need do nothing special for this activity. OK?] At the ship, seeing Nalah ready to attack, Garion offers, "Does it make sense to lure the boars here, away from the ship? To avoid immediately alarming the slavers." He shrugs and will adapt to whatever is decided.
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