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Chapter 2: Exhumation


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https://i.imgur.com/CThdUja.jpgCordelia Nightshade

Guided by the Cleric's subtle prompting, with a dignified poise, Cordelia arose from her seat, her movements an embodiment of grace tinged with swiftness. Making her way to the front, Cordelia took a brief moment to place a reassuring hand upon Lady Ittia's shoulder as she passed. She empathized deeply for the mournful widow as they exchanged glances that spoke volumes. Cordelia stood before the crowd at the cleric's side, adorned in the resplendence of an onyx-hued gown, a garment that bespoke both elegance and reverence. Her once-contained fiery locks, customarily bound in a neat chignon, now flowed in a cascade of romantic tresses, an ethereal half-coif that mingled with waist-long tendrils, cascading like a waterfall of curls down her shoulders. A gathering of hundreds awaited her words, a sea of eyes fixed upon her, an ordeal that would have ruffled the composure of many, yet Cordelia stood unburdened by apprehension. Her demeanor exuded an air of tranquility, an innate ease that danced with a somber undertone, painting her countenance with solemnity.

In her poised grasp, no parchment or notes found their place; her eulogy had become a part of her, an incantation repeated within the corridors of her mind until it flowed like an aria, ready to be woven into the tapestry of the moment. She was determined to gaze into the eyes of those gathered, her words a bridge between souls. To address a gathering of such import required an intimacy that only direct gazes could forge, a communion of hearts and minds transcending the mere words she was about to utter.

With dainty hands clasped before her, a gesture both poised and reverent, she inhaled deeply, drawing the very essence of courage from the air around her. Then, with a voice that resonated not only in its timbre but in the sincerity it carried, she initiated her eulogy, ''Noble denizens of Hethton, gather we here on this solemn day to render homage to a valiant soul departed, none other than Captain Uriah. I am but a humble newcomer, having tread upon these cobblestone streets for a mere fortnight, yet the echoes of his gallant exploits have reached mine ears and stirred mine heart. In this brief span, I have imbibed tales aplenty of his dauntless feats, his unwavering loyalty, and the profound tapestry of his influence woven into this tight-knit hamlet. I stand afore you, humbled and awe-struck, by the veritable tapestry of unity and resolve that thrives within these hallowed precincts and the very hearts of its folk.

Captain Uriah's legend resounds not merely in the pages of chronicles but through the very air we breathe, the winds that rustle the leaves above. His valor, a beacon that guided our warriors through the tempests of Three Hills, his name etched upon the scroll of history, inked in bravery's hue. Yet it was here, amid Hethton's tranquil haven, that he unfurled his full splendor as the very linchpin of this settlement. Beyond his accolades and designations, he transmuted into more than a mere paragon of heroism; he metamorphosed into confidant, mentor, and a compass illuminating our collective path.

His legacy, a veritable narrative of chivalry, burgeons beyond the ensanguined fields, for he was naught but a warrior. He was, too, a tender spirit. His ardor for Lady Ittia, an ode composed in the annals of time, a devotion that endured unyielding, even as his final moments dawned. As the festal revelries waned into shadow, Captain Uriah's undaunted shield against the forces of darkness stands, a monument to his mettle. His existence, a sagacious embodiment of valor upholding virtue in the face of adversity's bitter gale.

Though his departure hath sundered our hearts, let it not snuff our beacon. Let us summon forth the same fervor that dwelt within him, to navigate these uncharted waters. The fortitude that doth course through this assembly, the solidarity that binds us in sorrow's embrace, speaks of his enduring legacy. He was more than a mere combatant; he symbolized the undying spirit of Hethton, an unyielding bulwark against tribulation, an emblem of our resolute unity in the tempest's wake.

Aye, his vacancy may cast a pall upon our future revels, yet we shall not be swayed. Instead, let us channel his legacy, that blazing ardor that kindled his soul, and proceed upon our odyssey unabated. For it is his wish that we revel in life's joys, safeguard love's sanctity, and rise stalwart afore adversity's challenge. His memory, a lantern that shall illuminate our path through life's labyrinth, a constant reminder that the battles we wage do not merely transpire on fields of war, but within our very beings, as we strive to uphold the precepts he held as gospel.

Today, we bid adieu to a paragon, a leader, a spouse, and a cherished comrade. Yet let his remembrance ever remain a clarion call, guiding us through life's tribulations, a reminder that within Hethton's core throbs the fortitude and valor that Captain Uriah embodied. As we tender our farewells, we also commemorate the verity that his legacy persists, not solely within chronicles, but within each soul gathered here.''

Edited by Karma Kameleon (see edit history)
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Jozelle - Human (Rogue/Monk)


AC: 16 | HP: 33/33 | Initiative: +8 | Passive Perception: 13

Jozelle had little else to offer that night. Despite having seen what a ghoul can do to a person, she could only guess and speculate on anything else. And she did just that during the night, finding very little sleep. She wears a mixture of her black dress and her travel clothes, also mostly black and greys, that makes a more-than-suitable mourning outfit. It's almost as if she's always dressed for the occasion.

Her heart sinks as the full scope of their problem is made clear. Not only are they now meant to be grave robbers, but are meant to do it with undead monsters stalking about, and dig far deeper than any aught to.

Should they turn back? In the moment the situation feels terribly hopeless.

"Cordelia paints a beautiful portrait with her words." She says the words softly, recognizing her companion's talents and skills. She doesn't sound surprised, more like finally letting it sink in that they are with someone who does know how to sway a crowd.

She can only wait until the service ends, and they have some time to figure out what, if anything, they are to do.



Main Hand: - (Rapier at hip)
Off Hand: -

Action: -
Bonus Action: -
Move: -
Manipulate: -

HD: 4/4d8




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AC: 14 | HP: 46/46 | Rages: 3/3  | Passive Perception: 12 

Before the funeral, Dalin had wondered if she really had to go. If only she could have thought of a single reason to be anywhere else. But, she couldn't and so, she went. Fine.

Her hair was loose, the intricate braids Cordelia had created would have lasted several days, but it felt too celebratory for such a somber occasion. Further, the dwarf was still dressed in the only clothes she had, her dark rough-hewn layers truly designed for a life on the road.

As she listened to the speeches, the dampness of the knees of her trousers, where she had scrubbed them free of grave dirt from the night before, were an almost welcome distraction. She tugged at the material repeatedly.

When her companion spoke, Dalin tried to pay attention but she found it easier to watch the people around them in the near rows. She hadn't known the Captain and she felt very little for his loss, but others did. She caught sight of a man and woman leaning into each other for comfort, arms wrapped tightly, eyes tearful. Dalin inhaled sharply and forced her gaze to return to Cordelia. Her hand slid into a pocket where Bonnie was napping. One agitated thumb started to pet her.

Absentmindedly, she nodded at Jozelle's words, but truly, she just wanted the whole thing to be over.

Edited by ariel
grammar! (see edit history)
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Alban Lord Stuart - Human Shadow Sorcerer Credit: KuraiGeijutsu

AC: 14  | HP: 32/32 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 11 (Darkvision 120ft) | HD: 3/3 | Inspiration 0/1 

Without the tooth to add solidity to his imagination, Alban slept surprisingly well. The exhaustion of their journey both physical and emotional had caught up to grant blissful unconsciousness, for the late nights at least were not unusual. Truly it seemed that fate was swirling over this town, and as dressed himself appropriately for the funeral - taking care over his appearance to adopt the correct blend of respectful and respected, he let his mind drift to speculation over the next surprise in store. He harboured no regrets as to following the mysterious call; he had hoped that finding such an artefact would lend weight to the Stuart name and the growing mysteries only increased the likelihood of great significance in his mind.


He joined Cordelia outside the inn, offering his arm to lead her to the event. It was becoming surprisingly comfortable to keep playing the same role - almost without thought - though her carefully composed beauty almost blew him away. She truly was stunning. Repeated exposure and the intensity of their days had somehow caused him to forget. With a smile that required no artifice he strolled through the streets, taking care to enact a more solemn look as they took their seats near the front of the audience.


What little interest he held in the cleric's speech to begin with vanished entirely as he spotted their prize around the Captain's neck. His mind raced through possibilities, illusion, deceit, distraction. How to gain the amulet without drawing dishonour upon his family name. His eyes narrowed as he flitted between possibilities, his churning blood turning his touch to ice. No matter how he spun the scenarios the risk was too great. His power still to limited. And then it was gone, the clods of earth falling onto the coffin with dull finality.


He turned his attention to Cordelia's speech, both as distraction and as the politeness due to someone he actually cared for the opinion of. Her words were impressive, as was their delivery. Perhaps she really did care for the man.

Stat Block

Imperial (variant) Human Sorcerer 3

Languages Common, Elven

Background Noble Background Feature Position of PrivilegeThanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to.

 StrSave +0
Athletics +0
 11 DexSave +4
Acrobatics +4 | Sleight of Hand +4 | Stealth +6*
18 ConSave +5*
No skills associated.
 16 IntSave +1
Arcana +3* | History +3* | Investigation +1 | Nature +1 | Religion +1
12 WisSave +1
Animal Handling +1 | Insight +1 | Medicine +1 | Perception +1 | Survival +1
 12 ChaSave +6*
Deception +6* | Intimidation +4 | Performance +4 | Persuasion +6*

Proficiency Bonus +2 Saving Throws Con, Cha

Speed 30

Tools Calligrapher's Tools

Spell Attack Bonus +6 | Spell Save DC 14 | Spell Slots L1 4/4 ; L2 2/2

Sorcery PointsSubtle Spell - 1 point
Extended Spell - 1 point


  • Dagger +6 to hit for [1d4+4] piercing damage | Light, Finesse, Thrown 20/60
  • Light Crossbow +6 to hit for [1d8+4] piercing damage | Loading, Two-handed, 80/320
  • Mind Sliver DC14 INT Sv for [1d6] psychic damage | V, one creature, 60ft | -1d4 next saving throw
  • Frostbite DC14 CON Sv for [1d6] cold damage | VS, one creature, 60ft | disadvantage next weapon attack roll

Bonus Actions


  • ShieldAn invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and you take no damage from magic missile. [Hit by an attack / targeted by Magic Missile]


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The funeral came to an end shortly after Cordelia’s eulogy. The crowd was visibly moved, as was Lady Ittia. She had nodded a small gesture of thanks towards the bard, her eyes misty and fringed with red. Mayor Dovero announced that the Hearthshome food and goods would all be available today in the square and that all were invited to partake in the reception honoring the Captain. Lady Ittia and her honor guard were allowed to retire first, and then people begin to file out, slowly at first, but then more quickly. It was a truly solemn day, but solemn day or no there was still work to be done for most.

The companions were among the last to leave, as many stopped by to thank Cordelia for her words, inquire as to her provenance and how she knew the Captain, and express their gratitude on behalf of Hethton. Alban thought he saw at least two of the young people who had been with Vadim the other night, but from this distance could not discern whether their motive for being at the service was genuine or not. The challenge of retrieving the amulet now rested uncomfortably on their shoulders, mingled with the raw emotion present among most of the townsfolk. It was clear they could not remain here for much longer, but they knew they would have to return, some time, some way.

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https://i.imgur.com/CThdUja.jpgCordelia Nightshade

A solitary teardrop traced a path down her cheek, a poignant punctuation to her final words spoken during the eulogy. Her composure had remained steadfast until this very point, yet the collective sorrow palpable within the crowd, coupled with her own deeply resonating experience of losing her fiancé, conspired to momentarily fracture her poised façade. With a gentle touch, she delicately brushed away the glistening tear, then proceeded to navigate back to her seat by her companions.

While she had been consumed by the recitation of the eulogy until that juncture, her thoughts had not yet ventured to dwell upon the fact that the object of their quest now lay buried beneath twenty feet of earth. Settling beside Alban, her fingers restlessly toyed with her dress, the once-feasible task now seemingly insurmountable. She was far from a grave robber, yet the notion of aiding the village of Hethton in their plight, perhaps securing the coveted amulet as a gesture of gratitude, allowed her to ponder whether this could mitigate the unease of disturbing their revered captain's rest. Another possibility arose: forming a connection with Lady Ittia and opening up about their predicament. Perhaps she would consider exhuming her beloved in exchange for the promise of communicating with the spectral remnants of her lost love with the help of Alistair and the amulet. Nevertheless, there was little utility in ruminating on these possibilities at present. The priority rested in waiting until the conclusion of the service, at which point the group could reconvene to strategize and chart their collective next steps.

As the service drew to a close, Cordelia seamlessly intertwined her arm with Alban's once again. In a graceful dance of familiarity, they effortlessly assumed the roles of a devoted husband and wife, ready to engage with the townspeople who approached them. Cordelia's responses flowed with practiced ease, offering the same explanation for their origin that she and Alban had carefully presented to the mayor upon their arrival. They understood well the importance of consistency, especially in small communities where information had a tendency to spread like wildfire.

With their polite exchanges over, Cordelia made haste to seek out her companions, ''We should find somewhere quiet to discuss, yes?''

Edited by Karma Kameleon (see edit history)
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AC: 14 | HP: 59/59 | Rages: 2/3  | Passive Perception: 12 

The dwarf had needed no encouragement to leave the area. As soon as the ceremonies were over, Dalin didn't wait for Cordelia's fans to exercise their right to speak to her. She was up and out of the graveyard, drifting with the centre mass of people leaving the area. The whole thing had given her the heebie-jeebies and sitting through it certainly seemed like enough "graveyard" for one day.

As her companions left the cemetery, they spotted her easily enough though, leaning against a wall, waiting for them. She was looking down at her feet, with a fairly relaxed expression. As they approached, she looked up. "Well, I guess that's it then... no way we're getting that amulet up out of the ground now, eh?"

Edited by ariel (see edit history)
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Alban Lord Stuart - Human Shadow Sorcerer Credit: KuraiGeijutsu

AC: 14  | HP: 32/32 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 11 (Darkvision 120ft) | HD: 3/3 | Inspiration 0/1 

Alban dutifully filled his role, though surprised himself with how much pleasure he actually took from it. He'd rarely accepted thanks from his citizens, most of it going to his older brother and his father, and the latter had provided precious little praise for his frankly exceptional work in Glammer. Oh, he'd always assumed he would receive the praise and thanks of the peasantry once he returned to elevate the Stuart name in glory as was right and proper, but he supposed he'd never given thought to the actual process. So he inclined his head as people thanked Cordelia, ignoring the traitorous corner of his mind that whispered like creeping frost that it was not only stolen praise but stolen praise built on falsehood.

He joined Dalin by the graveyard wall, gravel crunching beneath his boots. "I would not despair to quickly, Dalin" he replied. "Perhaps Lady Ittia may be persuaded to exhumation, or even yet this ghoul may perform the role for us. Besides, I would stay to see Vadim King punished if nothing else," he added with cruel smile, all sharp teeth. Revenge was a dish best enjoyed icy cold, and Alban made sure to always get his. "But as Cordelia says, we know not what lurks behind the graveyard wall, perhaps a more private affair is appropriate."

Not to mention his continued enjoyment of their little company - what eligible bachelor would not wish to have a coterie composed exclusively of attractive and able women. He had learned much already from Cordelia's own charm, the messenger deploying a kindness that could cut as sharp as any acid, and saw too how he could veil his own intentions in the same manner. From Jozelle he continued to learn from her mastery of deception, her ability to truly embody her character, though he feared she paid a heavy toll to do so. From Dalin... well actually he mostly just liked having a competent cook and caravaneer serve him on his travels, but that was worth precious gold.

Stat Block

Imperial (variant) Human Sorcerer 4

Languages Common, Elven

Background Noble Background Feature Position of Privilege

 Str 11 Dex 18 Con 16 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 20

Proficiency Bonus +2 Saving Throws Con, Cha

Speed 30

Tools Calligrapher's Tools

Spell Attack Bonus +7 | Spell Save DC 15 | Spell Slots L1 4/4 ; L2 3/3

Sorcery Points 4/4


  • Dagger +6 to hit for [1d4+4] piercing damage | Light, Finesse, Thrown 20/60
  • Light Crossbow +6 to hit for [1d8+4] piercing damage | Loading, Two-handed, 80/320
  • Mind Sliver DC15 INT Sv for [1d6] psychic damage | V, one creature, 60ft | -1d4 next saving throw
  • Frostbite DC15 CON Sv for [1d6] cold damage | VS, one creature, 60ft | disadvantage next weapon attack roll
  • Chill Touch +7 to hit for [1d8] necrotic damage | VS, one creature, 120ft | can't regain hitpoints until the start of your next turn, if undead disadvantage on attacks targeting you

Bonus Actions


  • Shield [Hit by an attack / targeted by Magic Missile]


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Jozelle - Human (Rogue/Monk)


AC: 16 | HP: 33/33 | Initiative: +8 | Passive Perception: 13

"The jewel is now forfeit." Jozelle seems back to normal, which is to say, she is positively off in her own head space once more. "Not that disturbing the fine Captain's resting place would be acceptable to anyone, but it is meant to now rest far beneath the earth away from any and all eyes."

A soft sigh emits from her, and she looks up at the sky above, pale blonde hair rolling off to either side. Her eyes are closed as she appears positively serene in that moment. "We are in the most ugliest of professions, are we not? We now drink tragedy, and feast upon the macabre."

She looks to Cordelia. "Your speech was lovely. I wish I could use words as you."



Main Hand: - (Rapier at hip)
Off Hand: -

Action: -
Bonus Action: -
Move: -
Manipulate: -

HD: 4/4d8




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https://i.imgur.com/CThdUja.jpgCordelia Nightshade

As they strolled out of the graveyard in search of their companions, Cordelia leaned closer to Alban, her words a quiet and intimate whisper meant solely for his ears. "You wear the mantle of a husband quite gracefully; it suits you quite well." she remarked with a coy smile, infusing her tone with a playful touch that resonated in her warm chuckle.

While Cordelia felt the weight of disappointment akin to Dalin and Jozelle, a glimmer of determination still burned within her. Despite the growing complexities, she hadn't surrendered to defeat. Alban's optimism resonated with her, and she nodded in agreement as he spoke. "Fear not, Jozelle, Dalin," she assured them, her voice unwavering. "Our cause is not yet forfeit." Casting a cautious glance around to ensure their privacy, she continued, "As Alban says, Lady Ittia remains swayable. Remember, Alistair did pledge his support for harnessing the amulet's power together. Offering her a chance to bid a proper farewell to her love might just be the persuasive touch we need. Furthermore, we must consider that the amulet he wore might not be the one we seek. None of us got close enough to ascertain its identity. Regardless of the specifics, our mission is still unfinished. Regrettably for you, my company will be lingering a while longer," she quipped, a playful grin lighting up her features.

Alban's comment regarding Vadim prompted a lopsided smile from Cordelia. She nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging the necessity of justice, yet revealing that she did not share the same pleasure from the punishment.

Jozelle's admiration elicited a soft, appreciative smile from Cordelia. "I am grateful for your kind words, Jozelle. Although I never knew the captain personally, the depth of empathy I feel for Lady Ittia is undeniable as I too have unfortunately felt the grief of losing a partner. The words I spoke only mirrored my own unspoken yearnings felt during that difficult time, and my hope is that these words will be the balm to begin healing the collective wound of herself and the townspeople," Cordelia explained earnestly. She then turned her focus to Jozelle, her expression encouraging and earnest. "Jozelle, your eloquence is already a gift. You possess the potential to wield words with the same poetic grace. If you ever consider pursuing writing, I'd be more than willing to offer my assistance."

With a proposition in mind, Cordelia turned her attention to their plans. "Shall we make our way back to the Worm to continue this exchange? I find myself with spare time before my scheduled meeting with Lady Ittia later today. She requested our presence for a conversation," she suggested, extending an invitation to her companions.

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AC: 14 | HP: 59/59 | Rages: 2/3  | Passive Perception: 12 

With a worn boot, Dalin scruffed at the ground. "Exhumation... " She repeated the word softly, rolling it around her mouth as if tasting wine turned to vinegar. She shook her head and looked back at the graveyard.

With an unwavering stare at the rows of tombstones, she continued. "This whole things seems to be leading us into a swamp of bad choices, but your tongue is honey, Cordelia... if anyone can convince the Lady to do something, it's you. Or Vadim... if he gets a chance to talk to her. Can't help but think he's planning something.

But, if we got time before your meeting, I think I'll spend it here." She pulled her eyes back to her companions. Her expression revealed that she wasn't convinced it was worthwhile to continue their endeavour, but she was resigned to it, for at least a while longer. "I'll catch you up at the Worm." 

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https://i.imgur.com/CThdUja.jpgCordelia Nightshade

Cordelia's brows knitted in concentration as she listened to Dalin's words. "I understand your concerns. My tongue may be honey, but it is important that we tread respectfully and do not compromise our moral principles as we pursue our quest. While the situation has indeed grown more complex, I am confident that we can navigate it without losing our integrity."

She exchanged a nod of agreement with Dalin. "Regarding Vadim, I've also contemplated the possibility that his intentions might extend beyond mere desires. It's conceivable that he aspires to take on the captain's role in this town, driven by motives we haven't fully comprehended."

Cordelia's brows furrowed even deeper as Dalin gracefully evaded further discussion, recognizing the dwarven woman's distant demeanor that had persisted since before the funeral. With genuine concern, she inquired, "Is everything alright? Your behavior, even prior to the funeral, has been somewhat reserved. I also can't help but notice the abrupt departure from the graveyard as soon as the service concluded. So, what keeps you here? What do you aim to achieve by staying? Please know that I'm more than willing to keep you company, Dalin. I simply thought it would be wise for us to take a moment to regroup—consider whether we should proceed immediately or allow the situation to settle before charting our next course of action."

Edited by Karma Kameleon (see edit history)
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AC: 14 | HP: 59/59 | Rages: 2/3  | Passive Perception: 12 

With a rueful grin, Dalin responded. "Well... if we're talking about the situation, then I don't think anyone of us would say it's alright. But, me... like personally?

I'm ok. I don't like funerals. Don't think anyone does... but just sitting there was getting under my skin and didn't see a point to me staying and trying to practice being polite after it.

Anyway, given how things are... I don't think we're gonna get the thing we came for. But, for me, maybe that's not important anymore. Money is money and a job's a job. It won't be the first job I screwed up.

So, thinking now... if what's important, to me, is trying to keep people safe then we gotta know better what's happening there." The dwarf gestured through the gates to the graveyard. "I don't always know how to talk to people, but I can talk to other things." She patted the pocket where Bonnie was resting.

"I'm gonna go talk them... see what they know. And, it's probably better I do it alone. I will catch up and meet you at The Worm before you leave." She looked at Cordelia, a look that expressed that she understood why the woman had asked, but with a hint of residual disappointment that the woman hadn't just trusted her. Apparently, the dwarf was not used to having people want to know where she was going.

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Jozelle - Human (Rogue/Monk)


AC: 16 | HP: 33/33 | Initiative: +8 | Passive Perception: 13

"Best fortune to you, Dalin." Jozelle nods her head to Dalin.

She waits until they are parting ways when she looks to Cordelia and Alban. "I believe I was not clear, and for that I apologize. When I claimed the amulet forfeit, I did not mean that we lost it. I meant that the owners have willingly given it up to the earth. I hope we can convince Dalin to continue helping, I believe of us all she is probably the strongest digger."

Jozelle pauses, considering her next words carefully. "I admire her wanting to keep people safe. It would be a nice change of pace, something different and fresh."



Main Hand: - (Rapier at hip)
Off Hand: -

Action: -
Bonus Action: -
Move: -
Manipulate: -

HD: 4/4d8




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