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Shoddy In Brancalonia, everyday objects come at the normal cost, as per common price lists. However, Knaves are generally short of money, and “poor equipment” is all they can afford. Shoddy items and services are badly crafted and offered by crooks and scoundrels. They have an unreliable appearance, uninviting taste, or ambiguous smell, and they always look ready to fall apart on first use. Indeed, poor equipment costs way less than standard-quality gear (a tenth of the price). Objec


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Heresiarch The Creed is a religion of extreme tolerance and openness, dedicated more to good living, preaching, and collecting alms than persecutions, inquisitions, and religious wars. However, if there is one thing that the clergy and the faithful cannot bear, it's the Heresiarchs: sorcerers who adore and draw power from Lucifuge, Archdevils, Malacodas, and the whole pseudo-monarchy of Inferno's devils. These characters often plot the worst atrocities and iniquities and cultivate their abilit


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Brigand In a world of constant warfare and rivalry among the upper crust, petty noblemen, knights, and hungry peasants, the brigand is often seen as the people’s true champion against debt collectors, excisemen, burgomasters, and finaglers. While brigands are undeniably bandits, robbers, and street thugs in their own right, these rascals are frequently much better for commoners than “their lordships”, who traditionally live off their backs like parasites. Throughout the Kingdom there m


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Grapevine Cantrip (evocation; communication, plants) Class(es): Druid Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Special (100 miles) Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous You cause a message in Druidic to appear on a tree or plant within range which you have seen before. You can cast the spell again to erase the message.


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Altered Strike

Altered Strike Cantrip (transmutation; enhancement, transformation, unarmed, weaponry) Class(es): Bard, paladin, sorcerer, wizard Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self Components: V, S, M (piece of the desired material) Duration: 1 round You briefly transform your weapon or fist into another material and strike with it, making a melee weapon attack against a target within your reach. You use your spellcasting ability for your attack and damage rolls, and your melee weapon attack


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Fugitive Outcasts; prison, galley or forced-labor escapees; deserters from armies and mercenary companies; on the run after attacking a guard or an aristocrat: whether rumors about them are true or false, fugitives are accused of escaping from the Kingdom’s “justice”, and when they join a company, it’s because they have no other prospects. Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Survival Tool Proficiencies: Thieves' tools Languages: Racket Equipment: A dagger, a memento from your past life, a


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Slacker How did you come to this in your life? Where did you go wrong? You didn’t, actually, as what you have “done” is just following someone else and living off the results of their success. You don’t feel the urge to do anything, you do not have any outstanding ability. No special feature whatsoever. And that’s the way you like it: why struggle when someone else can do the job for you and you can live and bask in their glory? What really matters is to find a party to exploit, and a ban


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Illusory Tribute

Illusory Tribute 1st-level (illusion; arcane, utility) Class(es): Bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self Components: S, M (10 cp that the spell consumes) Duration: 1 hour You alter the structure of the copper pieces so that they appear to be gold pieces. These new pieces now have a total value of 10 gold pieces for the spell's duration. You also alter how each piece appears for spells and magical effects which detect magic auras, such as detect mag


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Journey Rules

Journey Rules A Band will often roam across the countryside and beyond during their jobs. But traveling is not simply a means of getting to a destination, nor something to be undertaken lightly. A great part of the life of a knave is spent on the road. Often, what distinguishes a knave from a common villager is the skills they possess to help them survive while on a journey. Knaves make various ability checks along the way, to deal with the various perils that may occur, as well as to


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Maintenance Like all gear, mundane weapons and armor wear out over time, and keeping them in good working order requires maintenance and repair. Regular day-to-day maintenance is assumed—your bowstring is oiled, your blade is sharpened, and your armor is polished. However, Knaves frequently encounter unusual events that are exceptionally hard on gear that may require a DC 10 maintenance check (or DC 15 if the stress was particularly severe). If you are proficient with the tools required t


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Guiscard Guiscards are a closed and exclusive guild of conmen and magic-users with branches in various Occasian countries, whose intent is primarily to recover artifacts, relics, and fragments of lost wisdom to enhance their power and knowledge, while also making the college, and individual members within it, more powerful. After their apprenticeship, guiscards (named after the northern term for “magician” or “shrewd”) leave their school and travel around the Kingdom, alone or in bands, f


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Calculate Cantrip (divination; enhancement, law, technological) Class(es): Sorcerer, warlock, wizard Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration (1 hour) You instantly know the answer to any mathematical equation that you speak aloud. The equation must be a problem that a creature with Intelligence 20 could solve using nonmagical tools with 1 hour of calculation. Additionally, you gain a knack die on Engineering checks made during the duration


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Favors Given the nature of their occupations, Bands and Knaves might often get in trouble with the law. When this happens, the company usually tries to help them out. Each Knave can ask for a number of Favors up to the highest Notoriety they have achieved, otherwise, they contract a 100 gp debt with the company. This debt must be repaid to their leader as soon as possible. No Knave can ask for new Favors until their debt is paid. Ransom. A Knave or one of their comrades may be kid


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Rover Rovers spend a large part of their lives in the free, natural manner traditional of feral communities and wolfcats, hermits, heretics, woodcutters, coalmen, shepherds, and the more isolated pagans. They are hunter-gatherers and their groups move with the seasons, drawing all their raw materials from the remains of animals or plants. The rovers’ cultures, skills, and knowledge are deeply influenced by their outdoor life, experience with wild territories, and communion with nature and its


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Shoplifting Prerequisite: Arcimboldo When arcimboldos find around them an object that they may acquire as part of their body (weapons and tools for a scrapper; plants for an orcharder; clothes and accessories for a ragpicker) they can snatch it with a quick move of “luxury expropriation” and quickly hide it among the jumbled items of their body. By then, even if they are caught red-handed, good luck in demonstrating that the object wasn’t part of their body from the beginning... You gain


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Tools Many trades and crafts require special tools or sets of tools needed to do things like to pick a lock, paint a portrait, or brew a potion. Any character can use a tool kit, but many characters also gain proficiency with specific tools. When you are proficient, you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks made with them. Tool use is not tied to any single ability score and your Narrator may decide your work may require any sort of ability check. For example, you may be a


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False Life

False Life 1st-level (necromancy; arcane, enhancement) Class(es): Sorcerer, wizard Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self Components: V, S, M (alcohol or distilled spirits) Duration: 1 hour You are bolstered with fell energies resembling life, gaining 1d4+4 temporary hit points that last until the spell ends. Cast at Higher Levels. Gain an additional 5 temporary hit points for each slot level above 1st.


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Knight-Errant Beggars and paupers in dire straits are not the only people you meet in the streets of the Kingdom and in the Bounty Brotherhood. There are Knaves of noble descent, offspring of fallen families and cadet sons launching into adventures, with their high ideals, weapons and banners of their lineage in plain sight, and their rump on an old jade. Generally more cultivated than most of the populace, and armed with robust ambitions and moral principles, these rambling knights ar


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Command 1st-level (enchantment; compulsion, divine) Class(es): Cleric, paladin Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Medium (60 feet) Target: One creature Components: V Duration: 1 round Saving Throw: Wisdom negates You only require line of sight to the target (not line of effect). On its next turn the target follows a one-word command of your choosing. The spell fails if the target is undead, if it does not understand your command, or if the command is immediately harmful to it.


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Medicinals Not everyone has access to magical healing spells. The following herbal remedies and potions may be commonly available from apothecaries and herbalists. Drinking or administering a potion or remedy takes an action.  Knack dice granted by the use of medicine can only be gained from that type of medicine once between long rests. Adderwort Roots. Chewing these dark roots bolsters your body’s natural defenses, and after you eat it you gain a knack die on Constitut


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Relic Hunter

Relic Hunter Among those who dedicate themselves to the noble art of exploration and ruins, dungeon and catacomb looting, relic hunters are probably the most recognizable and appreciated community. Some of them are part of the Congregation of Reliquaries. The Creed's hierarchies send them out to find the mortal remains of the saints of the past, their objects, sacred instruments, weapons, and their magical artifacts of divine or angelic nature. Other times, it is a question of common grave rob


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Malebolge Nostalgia

Malebolge Nostalgia Prerequisite: Malebranche Some malebranche do not entirely deny their past and sometimes dedicate themselves to reclaiming some of the powers and faculties lost after their Great Refusal. This kind of path is as long and difficult as the one that led them to humanity, but sometimes the results are much more… flashy! Both your Helltraits improve and increase in effectiveness: Hellwings. Your wings grow big and strong. You gain a flying speed of 20 feet. H


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Create or Destroy Water

Create or Destroy Water 1st-level (transmutation; divine, utility, water) Class(es): Cleric, paladin Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Short (30 feet) Target: Open container or 30-foot cube area Components: V, S, M (drop of water to create water or grains of sand to destroy it) Duration: Instantaneous Choose one of the following. Create Water: You fill the target with up to 10 gallons of nonpotable water. Alternatively, the water falls as rain that extinguishes exposed fla


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Survival Gear

Survival Gear Adverse weather and gnawing hunger can claim just as many lives as monsters and traps. The following items are necessities when facing inhospitable environments and harsh journeys: Bedroll. This essential commodity provides insulation and comfortable sleep on rocky, wet, or uneven terrain. Blanket. Provides warmth while resting in cold environments.  Climbing Gear. A climbing gear set includes special pitons, boot tips, gloves, and a harness. You can use the climbi


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Basic Combat Maneuvers

Basic Combat Maneuvers Melee combat is not always an exchange of weapon attacks—sometimes you are trying to subdue, not kill. Other times, you may want to do something else other than damage your target in order to gain an upper hand. Several other basic combat maneuvers are presented below. These can be used to help adjudicate other improvised actions, following a similar structure and using similarly weighted effects. A basic combat maneuver sometimes forces a target to make a saving th


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