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About This Game

For five years after the defeat of Mesogog's forces, Earth has known peace. Now that peace is broken as a new extra-terrestrial invasion begins. To defend the Earth from this new menace, Gaia; the Spirit Goddess of the Earth, has sent out the Terra Gems; six pairs of powerful crystalised Morphin Grid energy to seek out appropriate holders. Furthermore, she has restored the Wise Grid Champion known as Zordon to help shape the technology necessary to channel the Gems' power and give rise to a new team of Power Rangers

Game System

Power Rangers RPG (Renegade Games)



Detailed Description

For five years after the defeat of Mesogog's forces, Earth has known peace. Now that peace is broken as a new extra-terrestrial invasion begins. To defend the Earth from this new menace, Gaia; the Spirit Goddess of the Earth, has sent out the Terra Gems; six pairs of powerful crystalised Morphin Grid energy to seek out appropriate holders. Furthermore, she has restored the Wise Grid Champion known as Zordon to help shape the technology necessary to channel the Gems' power and give rise to a new team of Power Rangers.


Angel Grove, and the World, are in danger and you have been chosen by the Terra Gems to defend it.

As a Terra Force Ranger, you have access to a universe of power, given form by one of six mystical influences. Four of these correspond to the Classical Western Elements - Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. The remaining two embody the influences of the Sun and the Moon.

As awesome as your individual power may be, it is only by coming together as a team that you can hope to succeed.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. Hey, I've been dealing with the fallout from the Crowdstrike outage. I'm not exactly humming along at 100% on this, either.
  3. hope everyone's feeling better than me. I had some questions about characters that I wanted to ask, but my mind's blanked again 😳 Still not over whatever's keeping my energy levels in the abyss 🙁
  4. Been ill again so no post ready yet 🙁 I hate when this happens 🙁
  5. Working on the Pilot Episode intro. Hope to have it up tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for your patience 🙂 Good news is I have a working scanner again.
  6. Not had the best week, and got a couple of technical things I need to sort out before we get anywhere near an action scene that requires a map, but barring any hideous complications I hope to kick things off this weekend 🙂
  7. Ok, what's still missing after we discussed things on skype? Ah yes. Origin Benefit: Do Not Go Quietly It is upon you to try to ensure your people don't disappear from existence without a fight. The first time you face Defeat in a scene, you instead return to 1 Health and gain the Impaired Condition for the remainder of the scene. Also, the asterixes on your sidearms seem to have escaped, but that's an easy fix 🙂
  8. Level: 1 Health: 3 {5 Morphed } Movement: 30 Feet Strength Essence: 6 Speed Essence: 4 Smarts Essence: 3 Social Essence: 3 Toughness Defence: 16 (+4 Morphed) Evasion Defence: 14 Willpower Defence: 13 Cleverness Defence: 13 Strength Skills Speed Skills Smarts Skills Social Skills Athletics - +d6 Acrobatics - d {} Alertness - +d2 Animal-Handling - +d2 Brawn - +d2 Driving - d {} Culture - +d2 Deception - d {} Conditioning - 1 Finesse - d {} Science - d {} Performance - +d2 Intimidation - d {} Infiltration - d {} Survival - +d2 Persuasion - +d4 Might - +d6 Initiative - +d6 Technology - d {} Streetwise - d {} Targeting - +d4
  9. Ok, let's see here. Skills and stuff look above board and legal-like (though you put your Defences the wiki way rather than the book way... while I agree with the wiki that "Cleverness as the Smarts-based Defence makes more sense" I'm currently inclined to keep it the book way for consistency on my end). I'm a little curious why you took Finesse all the way to +d10 instead of +d8 with a Specialization. That's perfectly legal, just a little surprising. I'm guessing you plan to take a "Power Weapons" Specialization at level 2? Looks like you need to add Martial Artist to your listed Influences as you have the Hang-up for it and one of the background bonds 🙂 Ok, so do you plan for Mia to have already finished school as it's about to be a new school year and she's already 18? Given her lack of focus on academic pursuits and stated tendency to cut classes I could see her having to repeat 12th grade if you want to keep her as 18 and for her to still be at Angel Grove High.
  10. Well, that was a bad week, but still hoping to get the ball rolling next week. Hope you guys are ok 🙂
  11. Fine with me. I don't get much posting done on the weekends, anyway.
  12. How do you guys feel about Monday the 8th July as our rl start date? Not sure how many of you are over in the US, but I can't imagine we'd get anything done if I tried to take time out of your weekend for celebrating the Revolution 😜 , and starting before that means a big risk that said weekend eats all our momentum.
  13. Stone Canyon's probably a safer bet than another dimension 😜 or San Diego, Los Angeles, or pretty much anywhere in California for that matter. I'm sure we can figure it out as we go 🙂
  14. After all, nothing says "Covert" like bright yellow spandex 😉
  15. You know what, I think sacrificing Infiltration is the better choice. He's not actually super sneaky or anything like that. I just wanted to make sure that I'm appropriately competent at filling my role.
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