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About This Game

Sometimes you want an intricate fantasy setting that encourages roleplaying and characterization – one with lovingly detailed cultures and plots, enabling you to give each hero a past, a family, and a home town. Sometimes you want to use every rule, making the game richer and more realistic . . . . . . and sometimes you just want to play a combat-monster warrior who stomps monsters and takes their stuff! Many – perhaps most – gamers started out playing simple dungeon-crawl RPGs or hack n' slash computer games. Some of us still recall that time fondly, but pretend to have "outgrown" it. But if you love the smell of fireballs in the morning, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy is for you. The Dungeon Fantasy series reduces GURPS to the essential abilities and rules you need to create tough dungeon-delvers, equip them with awesome gear, and defeat monsters and traps to get even more awesome gear. It provides the GM with advice on how to pose challenges and keep things interesting without unbalancing the game or killing all the PCs (unless they deserve it!). And as the series grows, we'll be adding new items that cover advanced characters and situations. So choose a good, strong archetype like "barbarian" or "thief," strap on your Accurate Orichalcum Broadsword of Smiting, stuff your potion belt with Great Healing Potions, and get with the program!

Game System




Detailed Description

Character creation will be using the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Rules and using the templates and lens provided only.

Well be using the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Boxset but I am happy to use the series of pdfs for extra content. (I have pdfs 1 - 15) Source Books being used; GURPS Basic Characters, GURPS Basics Campaigns, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Boxset, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy PDF's 1 - 15, GURPS Magic and GURPS Martial Arts.

Character Point Buy: 250 points, -75 Disadvantages, 5 points Perks, -5 points Quirks. In addition I will allow players an extra 20 points to buy a racial template, those players choosing to be human will gain an extra 20 points spend on stats, advantages and skills.

List of expectable races; Dwarves, Elves (Half-Elf, High Elf, Mountain Elf, Sea Elf and Wood Elves), Nymphs, Gnomes, Half-Orcs, Halflings and Human. If anyone wants to play another race run it by me first and I'll think about it but I feel there is enough options for everyone to choose from.

Experience will be awarded either weekly or monthly depending on post rate, though I may change this to milestone - we'll see how it goes.

There will be plenty of room for Role-play as it suits the PBMB format..

We presently have a full party, any further applications will be put in as first reserves in case anyone drops out.

  • Dwarf Barbarian (Groan)
  • Half-Orc Holy Warrior (Necromyncer)
  • Human Cleric (Brother Rondell)
  • Halfling Thief (Lockheed Dobbins)
  • Human Mage (Ursella Farspell)
  • Nymph Bard (Amaranth)
  • Dwarf Knight (Corunda)
  1. What's new in this game
  2. Corunda Cheeseroller Dwarf Knight HP: 14/14 || FP: 17/17 || DR: 5/4 || Speed: 6.25 || Move: 3 (current), 5 max Dodge: 8 || Block: 13 || Parry: 13U || Pick: 18 (sw 2d+1 imp) || Shield Bash: 16 (1d cr) || Pick to the faceTrademark Move (18 base, -5 location penalty, +1 TM): 14 (sw 2d+1 imp) "<more heavy Dwarven breathing sounds>" OOC: Full Move with a bonus +1 MP from sprinting, which puts her at D4.
  3. Necromyncer, Half-Orc Holy Warrior HP: 17/17 || FP: 14/14 || DX: 13 || Move: 3 || Dodge: 8 || Parry: 13- Block: 13- Enjoying Amaranth's contribution to the song, Necro continues fighting. "Oh, Groan, be my guest, if you want to be surrounded." He keeps chopping at the skeleton still standing nearby. "The bosun brained with a marlinspike, and cookey's throat was marked belike!" OOC Attacking number 12
  4. Groans attacks this round will severely damage the remaining skeletons but they will remain upright for the present time... Kind Regards Shub
  5. Are we still fighting or did Groan kill everything?
  6. Groan Dwarf Barbarian HP: 22/22 || FP: 17/17 || DX: 13 || Move: 5, 4 with sack || Dodge: 10- || Parry: 14- Still in motion from his run around Necromyncer, Groan steps through the doorway to confront the remaining skeletons. Perhaps putting an orc behind him isn't the smartest thing he's ever done, but he's got more important things to do than think right now. He slams his axe through one skeleton and into the other. OOC: Step to C0. Whirlwind attack on #12 and #11. No defense this turn.
  7. I hope things are going better for you now, Shub. Thanks for keeping us updated.
  8. Lockheed eyes the eastern doorway and tries to concentrate on aiming his sling at the skeletons as they move forward and fight in the choke point of the door. Corunda barrels down the corridor using all her effort to catch Groan and assist with the ongoing combat. Groan positions himself between Necromyncer and Brother Rondell taking a wild swing with his axe at the skeleton opposite the holy warrior. The blow though swings wide and misses it's target leaving the undead monk standing though appearing prone and suffering the effects of Amaranth's spell. Necromyncer slashes at the prone skeletal figure in front of him and cuts deep into its flaming robes, the undead monk collapses before him and falls to a pile of bones at his feet. Ominiel takes aim with his sling but his view is blocked by the gathering party members filling the door, he pauses in his attack waiting to see if a space is made for him to continue his attack. Brother Rondell waits for the skeletons to move forward, ready to attack with his staff as they draw nearer. Ursella lets another rain of fire descend on the remaining monks their robes once again doused in flames as the fireball explodes in their midst. Amaranth plucks at her harp, weaving the magics as she sings and plays. The skeleton she targets seems to slumps in its stance becoming non-responsive and under the effects of her spell. OOC:
  9. Sorry about the delay, I;m really busy irl this end. I'll update the threads tomorrow... Kind Regards Shub.
  10. Ursella the Wizard Ursella twirls her fire ball and then hurls it at another space between the skeletons... Ursella Farspell Human Wizard Myth-Weavers Character Sheet Out of Character: Actions
  11. Amaranth Nymph Bard HP 10/11 FP 10/15 Conditions/ Effects None "The mate was fixed by the bos'ns pike!" cheers Amaranth as she gives Necro some harpist accompaniment. She cancels her spell on Lockheed to make things easier on herself and her music crashes into the mind of another skeleton man. OOC: Step to A2. Cast Mental Stun on #11.
  12. Lockheed Dobbins Halfling Thief HP: 10/10 || FP: 12/12 || DR: 1 || Speed: 6.75 || Move: 3 (current), 6 max Dodge: 9 || Block: 11 || Parry: 10 Lockheed kept an eye on the doorway, observing the progress of the battle. It was difficult for him to concentrate on a target as he stifled a laugh from Necro's singing. Did he realize Amaranth was harmonizing her playing with his singing? Did she realize she was doing that? It was all very amazing to Lockheed. But it all challenged his concentration on aiming. OOC: Aiming maneuver
  13. My mistake, the skeletons still go down though from sustained fire damage from their burning robes., editing the main thread now. Thanks for pointing it out. Kind Regards Shub
  14. Oh, that was jarring! Hey, Game Master, I noticed in your last summary post, you said that Ursella dealt damage to the bad guys; in my last one, though, she just called up her fire ball.
  15. Necromyncer, Half-Orc Holy Warrior HP: 17/17 || FP: 14/14 || DX: 13 || Move: 3 || Dodge: 8 || Parry: 13- Block: 13- "Drink and the devil had done for the rest!" the holy warrior continues chopping. "Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!" "Hey, I should become a bard!" OOC Attacking number 9, or whoever is up there for him to chop.
  16. Corunda Cheeseroller Dwarf Knight HP: 14/14 || FP: 17/17 || DR: 5/4 || Speed: 6.25 || Move: 3 (current), 5 max Dodge: 8 || Block: 13 || Parry: 13U || Pick: 18 (sw 2d+1 imp) || Shield Bash: 16 (1d cr) || Pick to the faceTrademark Move (18 base, -5 location penalty, +1 TM): 14 (sw 2d+1 imp) "<heavy Dwarven breathing sounds>" OOC: Full Move with a bonus +1 MP from sprinting, which puts her at D8.
  17. Groan Dwarf Barbarian HP: 22/22 || FP: 17/17 || DX: 13 || Move: 5, 4 with sack || Dodge: 10- || Parry: 14- Made a hole, Groan thinks negatively. Damn fool might have let them into the room doing that. But he doesn't say what he's thinking. Groan squeezes between Necro and Brother Rondell to take a roundhouse swing at skeleton in the doorway. At least it'll keep em at bay a bit while he gets set up for a real blow. OOC: Taking -4 to hit from Move & Attack, and another -4 from Deceptive Attack to give the skeleton -2 to defend.
  18. Brother Rondell Cleric of Morhelin HP: 12/12 || FP: 7/14 || Move 7, 6 with armor/weapons, 5 with backpack || Dodge - 9 || Parry - 9 Conditions/Effects: Haste 1 (maintained at no cost), Armor 1, cast on Omniel. (Maintained at no cost) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Come on, Groan. I made a hole for you!", Rondell shouted. He held his staff at the ready, waiting for a chance to thrust it between his friends at the skels. ------------------------------------------- OOC: I don't know if Skel #9 is within reach 2 or not. He will wait to see if another one moves up to replace his friend. IF one does, he will perform a thrust attack
  19. Glad Mythweavers is back up and running I was worried for a while. Sorry I've took a day to post I have a Roll20 game I play in on Sundays. I hope everyone is well and glad to have things back up and running. Kind Regards Shub.
  20. Lockheed changes his facing towards the western door and draws his sling ready to fire. Corunda moves hurriedly along the corridor trying to catch Groan, intent on joining the rest of the party fighting the undead at the western door. Groan drops his sack next to Ursula and readies his axe to join the rest of the party embroiled in combat just in front of him. Necromyncer sings loudly as he slashes at the skeletal monk adjacent to him, his sword cutting deep into its midriff and scoring a telling blow. Both the undead in front of him kick out in reply to the attack but are blocked and parried in turn leaving the half-orc uninjured. Ominiel lets another stone loose from his sling and it catches the skeleton nearest to him, causing a small amount of damage. Amaranth plucks her harp and cast her Mental Stun at the skeleton opposite the holy warrior, the undead monk seems to slump in its attack as if under the effects of the spells power. Brother Rondell smashes his staff into the skeletal figure in front of him, the blow hits hard and the undead monks collapses in a pile of bones at his feet. Ursella readies another rain of fire to descend on the robed monks as they continue to burn in the flames from their ignited robes. One of their number falls to the ground succumbing to the ongoing fire damage... OOC: Can all characters add an active defense roll to their post, if they have one available after their maneuver. In addition to attack rolls please add damage as well. @KingGoblin Should I add his parry roll in too? In addition to Block? Since there are two skeletons there? Good Move...
  21. Lockheed Dobbins Halfling Thief HP: 10/10 || FP: 12/12 || DR: 1 || Speed: 6.75 || Move: 3 (current), 6 max Dodge: 9 || Block: 11 || Parry: 10 Lockheed OOC: Moved to
  22. Lockheed Dobbins Halfling Thief HP: 10/10 || FP: 12/12 || DR: 1 || Speed: 6.75 || Move: 3 (current), 6 max Dodge: 9 || Block: 11 || Parry: 10 Lockheed exhaled and moved his vision across the room, ending on the door where the hostiles were being held off. As he watched, he readied a stone in his sling. OOC: Moved to A5
  23. @Bobcloclimar, I really like Corunda's character block in your posts. I'm going to steal that if you don't mind! I think that's the cleanest nicest looking one.
  24. Amaranth Nymph Bard HP 10/11 FP 11/15 Conditions/ Effects Concentrating on Keen Vision Amaranth strums on her harp to invoke her magic, and casts Mental Stun on Monk #9, stepping to A3 as she does.
  25. Ursella the Wizard Ursella sighs, and builds more flames in her hands, shaking her head in disbelief at the resillience of the dead! But, then again, they do endure eternity... Ursella Farspell Human Wizard Myth-Weavers Character Sheet Out of Character: Actions
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