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  • Read Only Game 聽路聽 8 members 聽路聽 Last active

    A reboot of a game I ran a few years ago, gestalt, fiends, Eberron. One side of the gestalt must be either a demon, devil or yugoloth whose combined HD+LA is no lower than 12. It will use a savage species like progression. If you cannot find any source out there listing a progression for your fiend, it is up to you to supply one, can work it out in an app thread. The other side of the progression can be anything you like as per the gestalt rules. 32 pt buy, starting level 1, no items. Allowed books: Probably most things, I own quite a few dnd books. Canon only, no unofficial web based enhancements. App should be a few paragraphs of your former life, noting that before game start you were up around epic level powered. Note maps and combat will use roll20

  • Open Game 聽路聽 6 members 聽路聽 Last active

    A world that has only just seen its first super powered individuals.

  • Closed Game 聽路聽 4 members 聽路聽 Last active

    Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, and a narrow strip of land known as Oujtrejourdain which connects the kingdom to the sea of Jaffa have been returned to Christian control by the treaty between the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and Sultan al-Kamil. The Cainites of the area have been brought together by the Diet of Olives, a meeting of powerful elders of the region which promises a peace between the vampires of the region for at least ten years through 3 rules. Mutual non-aggression to be observed between all Cainites involved and their vassals and lieges All parties involved will share any information regarding the Baali and those who would come to the Holy Land to plunder its treasures and faith No Cainite lord involved would agree to grant the hospitality of his or her domain to any transgressor of the above rules (the Salubri convinced all in attendance that the Tremere almost always fall into this category). Representatives at the creation of the Diet of Olives Qawiyya el-Ghaduba (Salubri Warrior) - The creator of the Diet of Olives and the true power behind the throne of the Prince of Jerusalem Nahum ben Enosh (Salubri Healer) - Childe of Saulot and co-creator of the Diet of Olives Etienne de Fauberge (Bashirite Ravnos) - Prince of Acre Zakariah (8th Generation Assamite Vizier) - Vassal and Childe of Ahmed ibn Zayyat the Prince of Tripoli Rafqa (Brujah) - Prince of Beirut Shahnazar (Malkavian) - An elder of Jerusalem Unnamed Ghoul - Representative of Cyrpus and its Prince Nehemiah, acted as a silent witness and did not sign as the elder had given instructions to make no concessions or sign any treaties on behalf, merely provide an accounting of what occurred. With the peace in place the Cainites of the region, both native and foreign, seek to rebuild and take advantage of the night. Your characters are young elders of potent blood who see the Diet of Olives either as a beacon of what could be for peace among Cainites or an opportunity to grow in a region with an enforced treaty of peace.

  • Open Game 聽路聽 7 members 聽路聽 Last active

    A continuation of the Legacy Academy from OGMW. The Legacy Academy opened a little over a year ago as a place where the Teen Titans could be properly educated without endangering their classmates. There was discussion about how so many resources were being poured into a school that was only educating four students, so it was decided that the school would be opened to any child with at least one costumed parent.

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