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  1. whats up save have not seen you in a while hope all your games are going well
  2. That's a rather nice looking avatar there. :)
  3. Heya Save!

    i am slowly creeping back in to MWers and wanted to know if you had a line on a Shadowrun opening...no annoying, crappy dialect experiments either, swear!

  4. I have started an aplication for a D&D4 game here. Since I consider you a freind I decided to extend a personal invitation in case you were interested.
  5. Hey Save I was able to get it working thanks for pointing me in that direction.
  6. Ah, poor Dastir doesn't have any messages for his very own! Well, I think it's time I changed that! You are a wonderful GM and anyone should feel honored to play in one of your games.
  7. I think we can probably work he back into the game without much trouble. The good thing about super hero games is that they usually have a large and changing cast. She just got done with her other work early.
  8. So, as I start to ramp up my involvement with M-W again, I was wondering if there room for The Portland Rose in your Bridgetown game?
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