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Moktar Des - The Black Knight


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[FIELDSET="Picture"][img2=300]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c40dafe3-9684-4813-86bd-fd0bf4e85357/d5x34xx-128feaf0-7d50-4e8f-ad24-67c9148480d8.jpg/v1/fill/w_811,h_985,q_70,strp/lion_knight_by_johnofthenorth_d5x34xx-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTAwMCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2M0MGRhZmUzLTk2ODQtNDgxMy04NmJkLWZkMGJmNGU4NTM1N1wvZDV4MzR4eC0xMjhmZWFmMC03ZDUwLTRlOGYtYWQyNC02N2M5MTQ4NDgwZDguanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTgyMyJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.QGPe89NFoHjBDN5GlnuJmiZ6uy6SCv9jr9GR3rPkWu4[/img2] [/FIELDSET] [FIELDSET="Moktar Des"] [B]Name:[/B] Moktar Des [B]Race:[/B] [OOC=”Human”]Cursed to look like a lionfolk[/OOC] , Male [B]Classes (Side 1):[/B] [OOC="Fighter 1/Mariner 1/Fighter 1”]Mariner is from Dragonlance Campaign[/OOC] [B]Classes (Side 2):[/B] [OOC="Rogue 1/Cleric 1/Dragonfire Adept 1"] Variant Rogue -> Adventurer from Unearthed Arcana: Trades Sneak Attack for Fighter bonus feat progression Variant Cleric -> Cloistered Cleric from Unearthed Arcana. Loses proficiencies and gets bad BAB, Lore, extra knowledge domain Dragonfire Adept is from Dragon Magic.[/OOC] [B]Intended Role:[/B] Melee Dps, Tank [B]Alignment:[/B] LG [spoiler="Physical Description/Personality"] [B]Height:[/B] 6'4" | [B]Weight:[/B] 275 lbs [B]Age:[/B] ~32 | [B]Skin:[/B] White [B]Mane:[/B] White/Light Gray [B] Fur:[/B] Dark Gray [B]Eyes:[/B] Red [B]Appearance:[/B] To many Morak looks like a dreadful werelion, with an odd dark gray fur and a light colored mane that somehow brings storms and lightnings to memory. However, when others see his red eyes the thought of a simple monster being before them goes up in smoke, sometimes his irises flicker, a disquieting occurrence that suggests about there being something more under the flesh, Heironeous will running strong in his veins. Even if Morak's presence is unconfortable, his eyes show that he is no mindless beast and that he is here to help. Morak also sports some scars on his face that could be confused with tattoos. The scars are green, with a moldy texture, trophies from glorious battles, and they bring great sobriety to his stern face. [B]Personality:[/B] Contrary to his looks, Morak is quite merry, enjoying dancing and singing and he would never say no to a tankard of mead. After having his fill Morak enjoys nothing more than reading and researching about his condition, an unexplained curse that seems impervious to magic. Morak is fair and just in his dealings, but he somewhat lacks kindness. He is very pragmatic, a consequence of his circumstances, and he would not waste time coddling feeelings when he could be unraveling the secrets of his own being. Sometimes Morak might act paranoid, an invitability after delving into the occult, so he always makes it clear that, no matter how charitable he aims to be, his personal belongings are off limits and blood has been draw because of it. [B]Usual Attire:[/B] Morak normally wears Black Full plate armor with golden lines across it. He also wears a stylish robe that seems to always be under a breeze. Colors, style and fitting are quite variable thanks to his sleeves of many garments. In fact, the armor stays on even when sleeping, not bothering Morak after years of conditioning his body and modifying his prized armor. [/spoiler] [spoiler="Build Notes"] [b]32 Point-Buy[/b]: 15/12/14/14/14/10 [spoiler="Level Progress and Feats"] [b]Levels Side A[/b]: 1-Fighter 2-Mariner 3-Fighter [b]Levels Side B[/b]: 1-Rogue (Adventurer Variant) 2-Cleric (Cloistered Cleric Variant) 3-Dragonfire Adept [b]Feats[/b]: Flaw: [OOC="Loudmouth"] -4 penalty to diplomacy and move silently.[/OOC] Flaw: [OOC="Metal Intolerance"] Take one additional point of damage whenever struck by metal.[/OOC] Bonus Feat: [OOC="Draconic Heritage (Gold Dragon)”[/OOC]It is possible to take this feat thanks to dragontouched feat, that was retrained after gaining a level of Dragonfire Adept at 3rd level. A gold dragon heritage gives: bônus to saves vs. Magic sleep, paralysis and fire effects equal to the number of draconic feats. Current +4.[/OOC] Bonus Feat: [OOC="Draconic Knowledge”]All knowledge skills become class skills. You gain a bônus to knowledge checks equal to the number of draconic feats. Current +4.[/OOC] Human: [OOC="Draconic Senses”]Gain Low-light vision and a bônus on Listen/Search/Spot equal to the number of draconic feats. Current +4. With 3 or more draconic feats you gain darkvision 60ft. With 4 or more draconic feats you gain blindsense 20ft.[/OOC] 1- [OOC="Lion Tribe Warrior”]Regional Feat. FR Shining South, p.20. You may make a full attack with a single light weapon as part of a charge action. If you have light weapons on both hands you can instead strike with each weapon once following the normal TWF rules.[/OOC] 1 Rogue 1 Bonus Feat- Shield Specialization (Light Shields) 1 Fighter 1 Bonus Feat- Improved Shield Bash 2 Mariner 1 Bonus Feat- Improved Initiative 2 Cloistered Cleric 1 Bonus Feats- Trades domains for [OOC=”Law Devotion/Knowledge Devotion”]Law devotion is from Complete Champion, p.61. 1/day as a swift action you gain +3 sacred on attack rolls or AC until your next action and you decide where the bonus apply at the start of your turn. It lasts 1 min. At 10th level it becomes +5 and at 15th level it becomes +7. 3 turn undead attempts gives another use of this feat. Knowledge devotion is from Complete Champion, p.60. You can make knowledge checks to identify creatures and receive insight bonuses to attack and damage for the remainder of the combat. The result of the check determines the bonus. [b]Check result[/b] 15 or below +1 16-25 +2 26-30 +3 30-35 +4 36 of higher +5[/OOC] 2 Cloistered Cleric 1 Bonus Feat- [OOC=”War domain gives WF with Cutlass”]Refluffed Heironous to have a different favored weapon.[/OOC] 3- [OOC="Draconic Toughness”]+2 HP for each draconic feat. Current +8[/OOC] 3 Fighter 2 Bonus Feat- [OOC=”Agile Shield Fighter”]PHB 2, TWF with shields use a -2 penalty, when making a Shield bash and armed strike as parto f a full attack action.[/OOC] 3 Dragonfire Adept 1- [OOC=”Dragontouched”]Dragon Magic p.18. +1 HP/Listen/Search/Spot and +1 vs. Sleep/Paralysis. This feat also allows you to select draconic feats as if you were a sorcerer of your character level.[/OOC] [/spoiler] [spoiler="Class Abilities"] 1-Rogue 1: Trapfinding 2- Mariner 1: Sailor Lore, [OOC=”Seamanship”]+1 competence bonus to Balance/Climb/Profession (Sailor) checks[/OOC] 2-Cloistered Cleric 1: Lore, War Domain 3-Dragonfire Adept 1: [OOC=”Breath Weapon 1d6”]Standard Action, Fire 15ft. Cone or 30ft. line, REF DC 13 (10+1/2 HD+CON)[/OOC], [OOC=”Least Invocation”]Draconic Knowledge invocation, +6 to knowledge/spellcraft checks and you are treated as trained even without ranks on those skills.[/OOC][/spoiler] [spoiler="Planned Progression"] [b]Levels Side A[/b]: 1-Fighter 2-Mariner 3-Fighter 4-Crusader 5-Ordained Champion 6-Ordained Champion 7-Ordained Champion 8-Ordained Champion 9-Ordained Champion [b]Levels Side B[/b]: 1-Rogue 2-Cloistered Cleric 3-Dragonfire Adept 4-Psychic Warrior 5-Psychic Warrior 6-Rogue 7-Monk 8-Monk 9-[OOC=”Master”]Dragonlance Campaign[/OOC] [/spoiler] [spoiler="Saves, BAB, HD, Skill Points"] [b]HD[/b]: [OOC="2d10 + 1d8"]Fighter 2/Mariner 1[/OOC] [b]BAB[/b]: [OOC="+3"]Fighter 2/Mariner 1[/OOC] [b]Saves[/b]: [OOC=For +7]1st: 2,5 (Fighter), 2nd: +2,5 (Mariner), 3rd: +2,5 (Dragonfire Adept)[/OOC], [OOC=Ref +5]1st: +2,5 (Rogue), 2nd: 2,5 (Mariner), 3rd: +1/3 (Fighter)[/OOC], [OOC=Will +5]1st: +1/3 (Fighter), 2nd: +2,5 (Cleric), 3rd: +2,5 (Dragonfire Adept)[/OOC] [b]Skill Points[/b]: [OOC="54"]1st: 8 (Rogue) + 1 (Int) + 1 (Human) x4, 2nd: 6 (Cloistered Cleric) + 1 (Int) + 1 (Human), 3rd: 4 (Dragonfire Adept) + 1 (Int) + 1 (Human)[/OOC] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler="Statblock"] ??????????????? [/spoiler] [spoiler="Background"] Ever since Morak was young, he has been treated like dirt, an abomination among street urchins. Corrupt thugs served as town guards and nobles used whatever was available to send the "undesirables" off to fight in pointless shows of force. But through it all, Morak survived and dreams kept his soul alive. Strong as a child, then faint for some time, but always there. Dreams of a voice like chiming bells, [OOC="the future had something in reserve for Morak"]At some point Morak will become a Ordained Champion of Heironous[/OOC]. From a street urchin to a conscript, Morak soon escaped the clutches from the local corruption and started working as a folk hero, or at least tried to. Internal strife ended causing the fall of Shaarmid, Morak's hometown, but he was able to help evacuate survivors. His deeds were not in vain and he soon found a place within a mercenary band. After the fall of Shaarmid several skrmishes happened, meaning there was no lack of jobs for a mercenary. His greatest accomplishment was retrieving an important stolen missive for a king from a half-ogre. However, good deeds never go unpunished. The half-ogre was not evil itself, but just an agent from another side and he didn't act alone. Their fight ended with the half-ogre fatally wounded and fading fast. He was held by his ally in tears, [OOC="Giselle Jacobs"]Neutral Good Human Cleric [img2=200]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DWFtUNAVoAALetB?format=jpg&name=medium[/img2][/OOC], and she swore to the heavens that this day would not be forgotten and justice would be done. That weighted heavily in Morak's heart, perhaps war was not something an adventurer should be involved in. He left such battlefields and sought to help the common folk, he also started reading more, a way to learn from his mistakes. The dreams became stronger, they called to him, soft hints at a secret power within him, a door waiting to be opened. And so, on a day like many before, Morak faced a most common door. Little did he know that this door was the first step towards the source of those dreams, and to learn more of his destiny. [/spoiler] [spoiler="Roleplay sample"] ??????????????? [/spoiler] [/FIELDSET]
[FIELDSET="Picture"][img2=300]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c40dafe3-9684-4813-86bd-fd0bf4e85357/d5x34xx-128feaf0-7d50-4e8f-ad24-67c9148480d8.jpg/v1/fill/w_811,h_985,q_70,strp/lion_knight_by_johnofthenorth_d5x34xx-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTAwMCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2M0MGRhZmUzLTk2ODQtNDgxMy04NmJkLWZkMGJmNGU4NTM1N1wvZDV4MzR4eC0xMjhmZWFmMC03ZDUwLTRlOGYtYWQyNC02N2M5MTQ4NDgwZDguanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTgyMyJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.QGPe89NFoHjBDN5GlnuJmiZ6uy6SCv9jr9GR3rPkWu4[/img2] [/FIELDSET] [FIELDSET="Moktar Des"] [B]Name:[/B] Moktar Des [B]Race:[/B] [OOC=”Human”]Cursed to look like a lionfolk[/OOC] , Male [B]Classes (Side 1):[/B] [OOC="Fighter 1/Mariner 1/Fighter 1”]Mariner is from Dragonlance Campaign[/OOC] [B]Classes (Side 2):[/B] [OOC="Rogue 1/Cleric 1/Dragonfire Adept 1"] Variant Rogue -> Adventurer from Unearthed Arcana: Trades Sneak Attack for Fighter bonus feat progression Variant Cleric -> Cloistered Cleric from Unearthed Arcana. Loses proficiencies and gets bad BAB, Lore, extra knowledge domain Dragonfire Adept is from Dragon Magic.[/OOC] [B]Intended Role:[/B] Melee Dps, Tank [B]Alignment:[/B] LG [spoiler="Physical Description/Personality"] [B]Height:[/B] 6'4" | [B]Weight:[/B] 275 lbs [B]Age:[/B] ~32 | [B]Skin:[/B] White [B]Mane:[/B] White/Light Gray [B] Fur:[/B] Dark Gray [B]Eyes:[/B] Red [B]Appearance:[/B] To many Morak looks like a dreadful werelion, with an odd dark gray fur and a light colored mane that somehow brings storms and lightnings to memory. However, when others see his red eyes the thought of a simple monster being before them goes up in smoke, sometimes his irises flicker, a disquieting occurrence that suggests about there being something more under the flesh, Heironeous will running strong in his veins. Even if Morak's presence is unconfortable, his eyes show that he is no mindless beast and that he is here to help. Morak also sports some scars on his face that could be confused with tattoos. The scars are green, with a moldy texture, trophies from glorious battles, and they bring great sobriety to his stern face. [B]Personality:[/B] Contrary to his looks, Morak is quite merry, enjoying dancing and singing and he would never say no to a tankard of mead. After having his fill Morak enjoys nothing more than reading and researching about his condition, an unexplained curse that seems impervious to magic. Morak is fair and just in his dealings, but he somewhat lacks kindness. He is very pragmatic, a consequence of his circumstances, and he would not waste time coddling feeelings when he could be unraveling the secrets of his own being. Sometimes Morak might act paranoid, an invitability after delving into the occult, so he always makes it clear that, no matter how charitable he aims to be, his personal belongings are off limits and blood has been draw because of it. [B]Usual Attire:[/B] Morak normally wears Black Full plate armor with golden lines across it. He also wears a stylish robe that seems to always be under a breeze. Colors, style and fitting are quite variable thanks to his sleeves of many garments. In fact, the armor stays on even when sleeping, not bothering Morak after years of conditioning his body and modifying his prized armor. [/spoiler] [spoiler="Build Notes"] [b]32 Point-Buy[/b]: 15/12/14/14/14/10 [spoiler="Level Progress and Feats"] [b]Levels Side A[/b]: 1-Fighter 2-Mariner 3-Fighter [b]Levels Side B[/b]: 1-Rogue (Adventurer Variant) 2-Cleric (Cloistered Cleric Variant) 3-Dragonfire Adept [b]Feats[/b]: Flaw: [OOC="Loudmouth"] -4 penalty to diplomacy and move silently.[/OOC] Flaw: [OOC="Metal Intolerance"] Take one additional point of damage whenever struck by metal.[/OOC] Bonus Feat: [OOC="Draconic Heritage](Gold Dragon)”[/OOC]It is possible to take this feat thanks to dragontouched feat, that was retrained after gaining a level of Dragonfire Adept at 3rd level. A gold dragon heritage gives: bônus to saves vs. Magic sleep, paralysis and fire effects equal to the number of draconic feats. Current +4.[/OOC] Bonus Feat: [OOC="Draconic Knowledge”]All knowledge skills become class skills. You gain a bônus to knowledge checks equal to the number of draconic feats. Current +4.[/OOC] Human: [OOC="Draconic Senses”]Gain Low-light vision and a bônus on Listen/Search/Spot equal to the number of draconic feats. Current +4. With 3 or more draconic feats you gain darkvision 60ft. With 4 or more draconic feats you gain blindsense 20ft.[/OOC] 1- [OOC="Lion Tribe Warrior”]Regional Feat. FR Shining South, p.20. You may make a full attack with a single light weapon as part of a charge action. If you have light weapons on both hands you can instead strike with each weapon once following the normal TWF rules.[/OOC] 1 Rogue 1 Bonus Feat- Shield Specialization (Light Shields) 1 Fighter 1 Bonus Feat- Improved Shield Bash 2 Mariner 1 Bonus Feat- Improved Initiative 2 Cloistered Cleric 1 Bonus Feats- Trades domains for [OOC=”Law Devotion/Knowledge Devotion”]Law devotion is from Complete Champion, p.61. 1/day as a swift action you gain +3 sacred on attack rolls or AC until your next action and you decide where the bonus apply at the start of your turn. It lasts 1 min. At 10th level it becomes +5 and at 15th level it becomes +7. 3 turn undead attempts gives another use of this feat. Knowledge devotion is from Complete Champion, p.60. You can make knowledge checks to identify creatures and receive insight bonuses to attack and damage for the remainder of the combat. The result of the check determines the bonus. [b]Check result[/b] 15 or below +1 16-25 +2 26-30 +3 30-35 +4 36 of higher +5[/OOC] 2 Cloistered Cleric 1 Bonus Feat- [OOC=”War domain gives WF with Cutlass”]Refluffed Heironous to have a different favored weapon.[/OOC] 3- [OOC="Draconic Toughness”]+2 HP for each draconic feat. Current +8[/OOC] 3 Fighter 2 Bonus Feat- [OOC=”Agile Shield Fighter”]PHB 2, TWF with shields use a -2 penalty, when making a Shield bash and armed strike as parto f a full attack action.[/OOC] 3 Dragonfire Adept 1- [OOC=”Dragontouched”]Dragon Magic p.18. +1 HP/Listen/Search/Spot and +1 vs. Sleep/Paralysis. This feat also allows you to select draconic feats as if you were a sorcerer of your character level.[/OOC] [/spoiler] [spoiler="Class Abilities"] 1-Rogue 1: Trapfinding 2- Mariner 1: Sailor Lore, [OOC=”Seamanship”]+1 competence bonus to Balance/Climb/Profession (Sailor) checks[/OOC] 2-Cloistered Cleric 1: Lore, War Domain 3-Dragonfire Adept 1: [OOC=”Breath Weapon 1d6”]Standard Action, Fire 15ft. Cone or 30ft. line, REF DC 13 (10+1/2 HD+CON)[/OOC], [OOC=”Least Invocation”]Draconic Knowledge invocation, +6 to knowledge/spellcraft checks and you are treated as trained even without ranks on those skills.[/OOC][/spoiler] [spoiler="Planned Progression"] [b]Levels Side A[/b]: 1-Fighter 2-Mariner 3-Fighter 4-Crusader 5-Ordained Champion 6-Ordained Champion 7-Ordained Champion 8-Ordained Champion 9-Ordained Champion [b]Levels Side B[/b]: 1-Rogue 2-Cloistered Cleric 3-Dragonfire Adept 4-Psychic Warrior 5-Psychic Warrior 6-Rogue 7-Monk 8-Monk 9-[OOC=”Master”]Dragonlance Campaign[/OOC] [/spoiler] [spoiler="Saves, BAB, HD, Skill Points"] [b]HD[/b]: [OOC="2d10 + 1d8"]Fighter 2/Mariner 1[/OOC] [b]BAB[/b]: [OOC="+3"]Fighter 2/Mariner 1[/OOC] [b]Saves[/b]: [OOC=For +7]1st: 2,5 (Fighter), 2nd: +2,5 (Mariner), 3rd: +2,5 (Dragonfire Adept)[/OOC], [OOC=Ref +5]1st: +2,5 (Rogue), 2nd: 2,5 (Mariner), 3rd: +1/3 (Fighter)[/OOC], [OOC=Will +5]1st: +1/3 (Fighter), 2nd: +2,5 (Cleric), 3rd: +2,5 (Dragonfire Adept)[/OOC] [b]Skill Points[/b]: [OOC="54"]1st: 8 (Rogue) + 1 (Int) + 1 (Human) x4, 2nd: 6 (Cloistered Cleric) + 1 (Int) + 1 (Human), 3rd: 4 (Dragonfire Adept) + 1 (Int) + 1 (Human)[/OOC] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler="Statblock"] ??????????????? [/spoiler] [spoiler="Background"] Ever since Morak was young, he has been treated like dirt, an abomination among street urchins. Corrupt thugs served as town guards and nobles used whatever was available to send the "undesirables" off to fight in pointless shows of force. But through it all, Morak survived and dreams kept his soul alive. Strong as a child, then faint for some time, but always there. Dreams of a voice like chiming bells, [OOC="the future had something in reserve for Morak"]At some point Morak will become a Ordained Champion of Heironous[/OOC]. From a street urchin to a conscript, Morak soon escaped the clutches from the local corruption and started working as a folk hero, or at least tried to. Internal strife ended causing the fall of Shaarmid, Morak's hometown, but he was able to help evacuate survivors. His deeds were not in vain and he soon found a place within a mercenary band. After the fall of Shaarmid several skrmishes happened, meaning there was no lack of jobs for a mercenary. His greatest accomplishment was retrieving an important stolen missive for a king from a half-ogre. However, good deeds never go unpunished. The half-ogre was not evil itself, but just an agent from another side and he didn't act alone. Their fight ended with the half-ogre fatally wounded and fading fast. He was held by his ally in tears, [OOC="Giselle Jacobs"]Neutral Good Human Cleric [img2=200]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DWFtUNAVoAALetB?format=jpg&name=medium[/img2][/OOC], and she swore to the heavens that this day would not be forgotten and justice would be done. That weighted heavily in Morak's heart, perhaps war was not something an adventurer should be involved in. He left such battlefields and sought to help the common folk, he also started reading more, a way to learn from his mistakes. The dreams became stronger, they called to him, soft hints at a secret power within him, a door waiting to be opened. And so, on a day like many before, Morak faced a most common door. Little did he know that this door was the first step towards the source of those dreams, and to learn more of his destiny. [/spoiler] [spoiler="Roleplay sample"] ??????????????? [/spoiler] [/FIELDSET]
[FIELDSET="Picture"][img2=300]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c40dafe3-9684-4813-86bd-fd0bf4e85357/d5x34xx-128feaf0-7d50-4e8f-ad24-67c9148480d8.jpg/v1/fill/w_811,h_985,q_70,strp/lion_knight_by_johnofthenorth_d5x34xx-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTAwMCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2M0MGRhZmUzLTk2ODQtNDgxMy04NmJkLWZkMGJmNGU4NTM1N1wvZDV4MzR4eC0xMjhmZWFmMC03ZDUwLTRlOGYtYWQyNC02N2M5MTQ4NDgwZDguanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTgyMyJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.QGPe89NFoHjBDN5GlnuJmiZ6uy6SCv9jr9GR3rPkWu4[/img2] [/FIELDSET] [FIELDSET="Moktar Des"] [B]Name:[/B] [URL=http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2838966][B][SIZE=+1]Moktar Des[/SIZE][/B][/URL] [B]Race:[/B] [OOC="Human"]Cursed to look like a lionfolk[/OOC] , Male [B]Classes (Side 1):[/B] [OOC="Fighter 1/Mariner 1/Fighter 1"]Mariner is from Dragonlance Campaign[/OOC] [B]Classes (Side 2):[/B] [OOC="Rogue 1/Cleric 1/Dragonfire Adept 1"] Variant Rogue -> Adventurer from Unearthed Arcana: Trades Sneak Attack for Fighter bonus feat progression Variant Cleric -> Cloistered Cleric from Unearthed Arcana. Loses proficiencies and gets bad BAB, Lore, extra knowledge domain Dragonfire Adept is from Dragon Magic.[/OOC] [B]Intended Role:[/B] Melee Dps, Tank [B]Alignment:[/B] LG [spoiler="Physical Description/Personality"] [B]Height:[/B] 6'4" | [B]Weight:[/B] 275 lbs [B]Age:[/B] ~32 | [B]Skin:[/B] White [B]Mane:[/B] White/Light Gray [B] Fur:[/B] Dark Gray [B]Eyes:[/B] Red [B]Appearance:[/B] To many Moktar looks like a dreadful werelion, with an odd dark gray fur and a light colored mane that somehow brings storms and lightnings to memory. However, when others see his red eyes the thought of a simple monster being before them goes up in smoke, sometimes his irises flicker, a disquieting occurrence that suggests about there being something more under the flesh, Heironeous will running strong in his veins. Even if Moktar's presence is unconfortable, his eyes show that he is no mindless beast and that he is here to help. Moktar also sports some scars on his face that could be confused with tattoos. The scars are green, with a moldy texture, trophies from glorious battles, and they bring great sobriety to his stern face. [B]Personality:[/B] Contrary to his looks, Moktar is quite merry, enjoying dancing and singing and he would never say no to a tankard of mead. After having his fill Moktar enjoys nothing more than reading and researching about his condition, an unexplained curse that seems impervious to magic. Moktar is fair and just in his dealings, but he somewhat lacks kindness. He is very pragmatic, a consequence of his circumstances, and he would not waste time coddling feeelings when he could be unraveling the secrets of his own being. Sometimes Moktar might act paranoid, an invitability after delving into the occult, so he always makes it clear that, no matter how charitable he aims to be, his personal belongings are off limits and blood has been draw because of it. [B]Usual Attire:[/B] Moktar normally wears Black Full plate armor with golden lines across it. He also wears a stylish robe that seems to always be under a breeze. Colors, style and fitting are quite variable thanks to his sleeves of many garments. In fact, the armor stays on even when sleeping, not bothering Moktar after years of conditioning his body and modifying his prized armor. [/spoiler] [spoiler="Build Notes"] [b]32 Point-Buy[/b]: 16/12/14/12/12/12 [spoiler="Level Progress and Feats"] [b]Levels Side A[/b]: 1-Fighter 2-Mariner 3-Fighter [b]Levels Side B[/b]: 1-Rogue (Adventurer Variant) 2-Cleric (Cloistered Cleric Variant) 3-Dragonfire Adept [b]Feats[/b]: Flaw: [OOC="Loudmouth"] -4 penalty to diplomacy and move silently.[/OOC] Flaw: [OOC="Metal Intolerance"] Take one additional point of damage whenever struck by metal.[/OOC] Bonus Feat: [OOC="Draconic Heritage (Gold Dragon)"]It is possible to take this feat thanks to dragontouched feat, that was retrained after gaining a level of Dragonfire Adept at 3rd level. A gold dragon heritage gives: bônus to saves vs. Magic sleep, paralysis and fire effects equal to the number of draconic feats. Current +4.[/OOC] Bonus Feat: [OOC="Draconic Knowledge"]All knowledge skills become class skills. You gain a bônus to knowledge checks equal to the number of draconic feats. Current +4.[/OOC] Human: [OOC="Draconic Senses”]Gain Low-light vision and a bônus on Listen/Search/Spot equal to the number of draconic feats. Current +4. With 3 or more draconic feats you gain darkvision 60ft. With 4 or more draconic feats you gain blindsense 20ft.[/OOC] 1- [OOC="Lion Tribe Warrior"]Regional Feat. FR Shining South, p.20. You may make a full attack with a single light weapon as part of a charge action. If you have light weapons on both hands you can instead strike with each weapon once following the normal TWF rules.[/OOC] 1 Rogue 1 Bonus Feat- Shield Specialization (Light Shields) 1 Fighter 1 Bonus Feat- Improved Shield Bash 2 Mariner 1 Bonus Feat- Improved Initiative 2 Cloistered Cleric 1 Bonus Feats- Trades domains for [OOC=”Law Devotion/Knowledge Devotion”]Law devotion is from Complete Champion, p.61. 1/day as a swift action you gain +3 sacred on attack rolls or AC until your next action and you decide where the bonus apply at the start of your turn. It lasts 1 min. At 10th level it becomes +5 and at 15th level it becomes +7. 3 turn undead attempts gives another use of this feat. Knowledge devotion is from Complete Champion, p.60. You can make knowledge checks to identify creatures and receive insight bonuses to attack and damage for the remainder of the combat. The result of the check determines the bonus. [b]Check result[/b] 15 or below +1 16-25 +2 26-30 +3 30-35 +4 36 of higher +5[/OOC] 2 Cloistered Cleric 1 Bonus Feat- [OOC=”War domain gives WF with Cutlass”]Refluffed Heironous to have a different favored weapon.[/OOC] 3- [OOC="Draconic Toughness”]+2 HP for each draconic feat. Current +8[/OOC] 3 Fighter 2 Bonus Feat- [OOC=”Agile Shield Fighter”]PHB 2, TWF with shields use a -2 penalty, when making a Shield bash and armed strike as parto f a full attack action.[/OOC] 3 Dragonfire Adept 1- [OOC=”Dragontouched”]Dragon Magic p.18. +1 HP/Listen/Search/Spot and +1 vs. Sleep/Paralysis. This feat also allows you to select draconic feats as if you were a sorcerer of your character level.[/OOC] [/spoiler] [spoiler="Class Abilities"] 1-Rogue 1: Trapfinding 2- Mariner 1: Sailor Lore, [OOC="Seamanship"]+1 competence bonus to Balance/Climb/Profession (Sailor) checks[/OOC] 2-Cloistered Cleric 1: Lore, War Domain 3-Dragonfire Adept 1: [OOC="Breath Weapon 1d6"]Standard Action, Fire 15ft. Cone or 30ft. line, REF DC 13 (10+1/2 HD+CON)[/OOC], [OOC=”Least Invocation”]Draconic Knowledge invocation, +6 to knowledge/spellcraft checks and you are treated as trained even without ranks on those skills.[/OOC][/spoiler] [spoiler="Planned Progression"] [b]Levels Side A[/b]: 1-Fighter 2-Mariner 3-Fighter 4-Crusader 5-Ordained Champion 6-Ordained Champion 7-Ordained Champion 8-Ordained Champion 9-Ordained Champion [b]Levels Side B[/b]: 1-Rogue 2-Cloistered Cleric 3-Dragonfire Adept 4-Psychic Warrior 5-Psychic Warrior 6-Rogue 7-Monk 8-Monk 9-[OOC="Master"]Dragonlance Campaign[/OOC] [/spoiler] [spoiler="Saves, BAB, HD, Skill Points"] [b]HD[/b]: [OOC="2d10 + 1d8"]Fighter 2/Mariner 1[/OOC] [b]BAB[/b]: [OOC="+3"]Fighter 2/Mariner 1[/OOC] [b]Saves[/b]: [OOC="For +7"]1st: 2,5 (Fighter), 2nd: +2,5 (Mariner), 3rd: +2,5 (Dragonfire Adept)[/OOC], [OOC="Ref +5"]1st: +2,5 (Rogue), 2nd: 2,5 (Mariner), 3rd: +1/3 (Fighter)[/OOC], [OOC="Will +5"]1st: +1/3 (Fighter), 2nd: +2,5 (Cleric), 3rd: +2,5 (Dragonfire Adept)[/OOC] [b]Skill Points[/b]: [OOC="54"]1st: 8 (Rogue) + 1 (Int) + 1 (Human) x4, 2nd: 6 (Cloistered Cleric) + 1 (Int) + 1 (Human), 3rd: 4 (Dragonfire Adept) + 1 (Int) + 1 (Human)[/OOC] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler="Statblock"] [URL=http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2838966][B][SIZE=+1]Moktar Des[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M LG Human See Notes, [B]Level[/B] 3, [B]Init[/B] 5, [B]HP[/B] 43/43, [B]Speed[/B] 30 ft. (20 ft.) [B]AC[/B] 21, [B]Touch[/B] 11, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 20, [B]Fort[/B] 9, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 6, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 3 [B]Masterwork, Weapon Focus Cutlass [/B] +8 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2) [B]Spiked Light Shield (Masterwork, Steel) [/B] +7 (1d4+1, 20/x2) [B]Restful Crystal Full Plate (Masterwork)[/B], [B]Shield Specialization Light Shield (Steel, Masterwork)[/B] (+8 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12 [B]Condition[/B] None [/spoiler] [spoiler="Background"] Ever since Moktar was young, he has been treated like dirt, an abomination among street urchins. Corrupt thugs served as town guards and nobles used whatever was available to send the "undesirables" off to fight in pointless shows of force. But through it all, Moktar survived and dreams kept his soul alive. Strong as a child, then faint for some time, but always there. Dreams of a voice like chiming bells, [OOC="the future had something in reserve for Moktar"]At some point Moktar will become a Ordained Champion of Heironous[/OOC]. From a street urchin to a conscript, Moktar soon escaped the clutches from the local corruption and started working as a folk hero, or at least tried to. Internal strife ended causing the fall of Shaarmid, Moktar's hometown, but he was able to help evacuate survivors. His deeds were not in vain and he soon found a place within a mercenary band. After the fall of Shaarmid several skrmishes happened, meaning there was no lack of jobs for a mercenary. His greatest accomplishment was retrieving an important stolen missive for a king from a half-ogre. However, good deeds never go unpunished. The half-ogre was not evil itself, but just an agent from another side and he didn't act alone. Their fight ended with the half-ogre fatally wounded and fading fast. He was held by his ally in tears, [OOC="Giselle Jacobs"]Neutral Good Human Cleric [img2=200]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DWFtUNAVoAALetB?format=jpg&name=medium[/img2][/OOC], and she swore to the heavens that this day would not be forgotten and justice would be done. That weighted heavily in Moktar's heart, perhaps war was not something an adventurer should be involved in. He left such battlefields and sought to help the common folk, he also started reading more, a way to learn from his mistakes. The dreams became stronger, they called to him, soft hints at a secret power within him, a door waiting to be opened. And so, on a day like many before, Moktar faced a most common door. Little did he know that this door was the first step towards the source of those dreams, and to learn more of his destiny. [/spoiler] [/FIELDSET]
Moktar Des
Name: Moktar Des
Race: HumanCursed to look like a lionfolk , Male
Classes (Side 1): Fighter 1/Mariner 1/Fighter 1Mariner is from Dragonlance Campaign
Classes (Side 2): Rogue 1/Cleric 1/Dragonfire Adept 1 Variant Rogue -> Adventurer from Unearthed Arcana: Trades Sneak Attack for Fighter bonus feat progression Variant Cleric -> Cloistered Cleric from Unearthed Arcana. Loses proficiencies and gets bad BAB, Lore, extra knowledge domain Dragonfire Adept is from Dragon Magic.
Intended Role: Melee Dps, Tank
Alignment: LG

"Physical Description/Personality"

Height: 6'4" | Weight: 275 lbs Age: ~32 | Skin: White Mane: White/Light Gray Fur: Dark Gray Eyes: Red

Appearance: To many Moktar looks like a dreadful werelion, with an odd dark gray fur and a light colored mane that somehow brings storms and lightnings to memory. However, when others see his red eyes the thought of a simple monster being before them goes up in smoke, sometimes his irises flicker, a disquieting occurrence that suggests about there being something more under the flesh, Heironeous will running strong in his veins. Even if Moktar's presence is unconfortable, his eyes show that he is no mindless beast and that he is here to help. Moktar also sports some scars on his face that could be confused with tattoos. The scars are green, with a moldy texture, trophies from glorious battles, and they bring great sobriety to his stern face.

Personality: Contrary to his looks, Moktar is quite merry, enjoying dancing and singing and he would never say no to a tankard of mead. After having his fill Moktar enjoys nothing more than reading and researching about his condition, an unexplained curse that seems impervious to magic. Moktar is fair and just in his dealings, but he somewhat lacks kindness. He is very pragmatic, a consequence of his circumstances, and he would not waste time coddling feeelings when he could be unraveling the secrets of his own being. Sometimes Moktar might act paranoid, an invitability after delving into the occult, so he always makes it clear that, no matter how charitable he aims to be, his personal belongings are off limits and blood has been draw because of it.

Usual Attire: Moktar normally wears Black Full plate armor with golden lines across it. He also wears a stylish robe that seems to always be under a breeze. Colors, style and fitting are quite variable thanks to his sleeves of many garments. In fact, the armor stays on even when sleeping, not bothering Moktar after years of conditioning his body and modifying his prized armor.

"Build Notes"

32 Point-Buy : 16/12/14/12/12/12

"Level Progress and Feats"

Levels Side A :

Levels Side B :
1-Rogue (Adventurer Variant)
2-Cleric (Cloistered Cleric Variant)
3-Dragonfire Adept

Feats :
Flaw: Loudmouth -4 penalty to diplomacy and move silently.
Flaw: Metal Intolerance Take one additional point of damage whenever struck by metal.

Bonus Feat: Draconic Heritage (Gold Dragon)It is possible to take this feat thanks to dragontouched feat, that was retrained after gaining a level of Dragonfire Adept at 3rd level. A gold dragon heritage gives: bônus to saves vs. Magic sleep, paralysis and fire effects equal to the number of draconic feats. Current +4.
Bonus Feat: Draconic KnowledgeAll knowledge skills become class skills. You gain a bônus to knowledge checks equal to the number of draconic feats. Current +4.

Human: "Draconic Senses”Gain Low-light vision and a bônus on Listen/Search/Spot equal to the number of draconic feats. Current +4. With 3 or more draconic feats you gain darkvision 60ft. With 4 or more draconic feats you gain blindsense 20ft.

1- Lion Tribe WarriorRegional Feat. FR Shining South, p.20. You may make a full attack with a single light weapon as part of a charge action. If you have light weapons on both hands you can instead strike with each weapon once following the normal TWF rules.

1 Rogue 1 Bonus Feat- Shield Specialization (Light Shields)
1 Fighter 1 Bonus Feat- Improved Shield Bash

2 Mariner 1 Bonus Feat- Improved Initiative
2 Cloistered Cleric 1 Bonus Feats- Trades domains for ”Law Devotion/Knowledge Devotion”Law devotion is from Complete Champion, p.61. 1/day as a swift action you gain +3 sacred on attack rolls or AC until your next action and you decide where the bonus apply at the start of your turn. It lasts 1 min. At 10th level it becomes +5 and at 15th level it becomes +7. 3 turn undead attempts gives another use of this feat. Knowledge devotion is from Complete Champion, p.60. You can make knowledge checks to identify creatures and receive insight bonuses to attack and damage for the remainder of the combat. The result of the check determines the bonus. Check result 15 or below +1 16-25 +2 26-30 +3 30-35 +4 36 of higher +5
2 Cloistered Cleric 1 Bonus Feat- ”War domain gives WF with Cutlass”Refluffed Heironous to have a different favored weapon.

3- "Draconic Toughness”+2 HP for each draconic feat. Current +8
3 Fighter 2 Bonus Feat- ”Agile Shield Fighter”PHB 2, TWF with shields use a -2 penalty, when making a Shield bash and armed strike as parto f a full attack action.
3 Dragonfire Adept 1- ”Dragontouched”Dragon Magic p.18. +1 HP/Listen/Search/Spot and +1 vs. Sleep/Paralysis. This feat also allows you to select draconic feats as if you were a sorcerer of your character level.

"Class Abilities"

1-Rogue 1: Trapfinding
2- Mariner 1: Sailor Lore, Seamanship+1 competence bonus to Balance/Climb/Profession (Sailor) checks
2-Cloistered Cleric 1: Lore, War Domain
3-Dragonfire Adept 1: Breath Weapon 1d6Standard Action, Fire 15ft. Cone or 30ft. line, REF DC 13 (10+1/2 HD+CON) , ”Least Invocation”Draconic Knowledge invocation, +6 to knowledge/spellcraft checks and you are treated as trained even without ranks on those skills.

"Planned Progression"

Levels Side A :
5-Ordained Champion
6-Ordained Champion
7-Ordained Champion
8-Ordained Champion
9-Ordained Champion

Levels Side B :
2-Cloistered Cleric
3-Dragonfire Adept
4-Psychic Warrior
5-Psychic Warrior
9-MasterDragonlance Campaign

"Saves, BAB, HD, Skill Points"

HD : 2d10 + 1d8Fighter 2/Mariner 1

BAB : +3Fighter 2/Mariner 1

Saves : For +71st: 2,5 (Fighter), 2nd: +2,5 (Mariner), 3rd: +2,5 (Dragonfire Adept) , Ref +51st: +2,5 (Rogue), 2nd: 2,5 (Mariner), 3rd: +1/3 (Fighter) , Will +51st: +1/3 (Fighter), 2nd: +2,5 (Cleric), 3rd: +2,5 (Dragonfire Adept)

Skill Points : 541st: 8 (Rogue) + 1 (Int) + 1 (Human) x4, 2nd: 6 (Cloistered Cleric) + 1 (Int) + 1 (Human), 3rd: 4 (Dragonfire Adept) + 1 (Int) + 1 (Human)



Moktar Des
M LG Human See Notes, Level 3, Init 5, HP 43/43, Speed 30 ft. (20 ft.)
AC 21, Touch 11, Flat-footed 20, Fort 9, Ref 6, Will 6, Base Attack Bonus 3
Masterwork, Weapon Focus Cutlass +8 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Spiked Light Shield (Masterwork, Steel) +7 (1d4+1, 20/x2)
Restful Crystal Full Plate (Masterwork) , Shield Specialization Light Shield (Steel, Masterwork) (+8 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
Condition None


Ever since Moktar was young, he has been treated like dirt, an abomination among street urchins. Corrupt thugs served as town guards and nobles used whatever was available to send the "undesirables" off to fight in pointless shows of force. But through it all, Moktar survived and dreams kept his soul alive. Strong as a child, then faint for some time, but always there. Dreams of a voice like chiming bells, the future had something in reserve for MoktarAt some point Moktar will become a Ordained Champion of Heironous .

From a street urchin to a conscript, Moktar soon escaped the clutches from the local corruption and started working as a folk hero, or at least tried to. Internal strife ended causing the fall of Shaarmid, Moktar's hometown, but he was able to help evacuate survivors. His deeds were not in vain and he soon found a place within a mercenary band.

After the fall of Shaarmid several skrmishes happened, meaning there was no lack of jobs for a mercenary. His greatest accomplishment was retrieving an important stolen missive for a king from a half-ogre. However, good deeds never go unpunished. The half-ogre was not evil itself, but just an agent from another side and he didn't act alone. Their fight ended with the half-ogre fatally wounded and fading fast. He was held by his ally in tears, Giselle JacobsNeutral Good Human Cleric DWFtUNAVoAALetB?format=jpg&name=medium , and she swore to the heavens that this day would not be forgotten and justice would be done. That weighted heavily in Moktar's heart, perhaps war was not something an adventurer should be involved in. He left such battlefields and sought to help the common folk, he also started reading more, a way to learn from his mistakes.

The dreams became stronger, they called to him, soft hints at a secret power within him, a door waiting to be opened. And so, on a day like many before, Moktar faced a most common door. Little did he know that this door was the first step towards the source of those dreams, and to learn more of his destiny.


Edited by droobles (see edit history)
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Unfortunately, the Mariner class is not from an approved source (the only Dragonlance source that's approved is the Dragonlance Campaign Setting, but Mariner is from Legends of the Twins). I'm familiar with the class, and I think it's fine (it's actually quite underpowered, to be honest), so I'm okay approving it. I'll need to ask the other moderators first though.

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7 hours ago, Blue Jay said:

Unfortunately, the Mariner class is not from an approved source (the only Dragonlance source that's approved is the Dragonlance Campaign Setting, but Mariner is from Legends of the Twins). I'm familiar with the class, and I think it's fine (it's actually quite underpowered, to be honest), so I'm okay approving it. I'll need to ask the other moderators first though.

I'm fine with Mariner.

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This is easily the most convoluted non-monster build I've ever seen. Wow!

Four notes:

  • It looks like you charged yourself 50 gp for retraining your Dragontouched feat at 1st level? That must be a holdover from a previous build or something?
  • The masterwork price for weapons is +300 gp (different from armor), so a mwk cutlass costs 315 gp.
  • Changing Heironeus's favored weapon isn't refluffing: that's a mechanical change. You should either go with the official mechanics, pick a different deity, or make up your own (you're allowed to do that, but don't be too cherry-picky about it).
  • You mention the Master class in your planned build. The Master is actually from War of the Lance, which is not an approved source here, so you won't be able to use that class.
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On 10/2/2023 at 12:03 AM, Blue Jay said:

This is easily the most convoluted non-monster build I've ever seen. Wow!

Four notes:

  • It looks like you charged yourself 50 gp for retraining your Dragontouched feat at 1st level? That must be a holdover from a previous build or something?
  • The masterwork price for weapons is +300 gp (different from armor), so a mwk cutlass costs 315 gp.
  • Changing Heironeus's favored weapon isn't refluffing: that's a mechanical change. You should either go with the official mechanics, pick a different deity, or make up your own (you're allowed to do that, but don't be too cherry-picky about it).
  • You mention the Master class in your planned build. The Master is actually from War of the Lance, which is not an approved source here, so you won't be able to use that class.

I took dragontouched at 1st to be able to take draconic heritage, then at 3rd level get that feat from Dragonfire Adept, that way I could get the extra skill points from rogue.


I will be working on the rest.

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2 hours ago, droobles said:

I took dragontouched at 1st to be able to take draconic heritage, then at 3rd level get that feat from Dragonfire Adept, that way I could get the extra skill points from rogue.


I will be working on the rest.

I'm not sure how I feel about retraining within the initial build; it doesn't feel quite right, but I'll let others express a view before we make a decision.

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