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Brumdan Marblehand Dwarf Paladin


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redo, forgot to drop lowest

repeat(drop(4d6,lowest,1),6) 2,2,4,5,1,3,4,5,1,3,5,6,2,2,2,5,1,4,4,6,2,5,5,6
repeat(drop(4d6,lowest,1),6) 1,3,4,6,1,1,3,3,2,4,5,5,1,2,4,5,4,4,5,6,1,2,3,4
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brumdan.png.31faa7008a959a0804c48a25d2e7f7a6.png.6ce1efd149f13ab62fa62306f2b307a4.pngName: Brumdan Marblehand

• Race: Mountain Dwarf

Height: 4'2"

Weight: 185#

• Age: 50 (apparent age 22)

Level: 1 • Class: Paladin • Background: Noble

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish

Skills: Athletics, Persuasion, History, Perception

Tools: Smith’s



Brumdan Marblehand is a stout dwarf with shoulder length wavy brown-red hair and a long brown-red beard that is tied up in six braids. Each braid ends with an intricate iron bead with a large garnet in the center. He has no visible scars. When not in his intricately fashioned chain mail armor, he wears fine robes (if a little worn) of a deep red similar to the garnets. He has a large intricate iron heater shield with a coat of arms on it and an amulet around his neck with a symbol of a mountain with a cut gem set in it.

Brumdan is outgoing despite being slow to trust. He is optimistic. He tends to be blunt, loud, and jovial, often inserting jokes in any situation even where they don’t belong. Being raised in a noble family, he is comfortable leading underlings, high-stakes negotiating, and dealing with the intricacies of court politics, but if negotiations go his way it is less because he is cunning and silver-tongued and more that he is just generally likeable. He worships Dumathoin, god of mining, although he is not overtly religious and tends to worship quietly to himself. Instilled in him by his family, he tries to strictly adhere to tenets of fearlessness and never running from a fight.

Brumdan tends to speak for and make decisions for others without much thought. In a fight, he likes to be in the thick of things, support his comrades, and would rather die than back down.



"I will bring glory to my people and earn my place among them.”

He has diplomatic skills but this is due more to his likeability than cunning. He is very optimistic. He is always joking, even at inappropriate times. He is very stubborn when it comes to confronting an enemy. He would much rather die than turn his back on a threat.




"Cowardice is the ultimate sin. Cowards die first. I will make a name for myself greater than my brothers or father and earn my place a marchion of Mirabar."




"I will face any challenge to win the approval of my family."




"I seek only victory in battle, but truly that single mindedness, inflexibility, and stubbornness keep me from becoming the worthy leader I so desperately want to be."




When Brumdan’s father, the current marchion (ruler) of the dwarven city of Mirabar in the Spine of the World, Thordan Marblehand, was young, the city was battling a band of orcs. The orcs were eventually wiped out, but something during the war caused a great change in Brumdan’s grandfather, Marchion Hjoldan. He became a devout cleric of Dumathoin, and the remainder of his rule was characterized by somewhat erratic decisions and the changing of many traditions within the city. The most significant of which was that instead of choosing the eldest son to succeed him as marchion, he waited until all of his 15 sons had become of age at 50. Hjoldan then pitted all of his sons against each other in a huge battle, later immortalized as the War of Sons. Those who refused to fight or ran were banished and never spoken of again. Those who stayed and fought, did so to the death until only one son was left standing. This was Thordan, who later became the new marchion upon the death of Hjoldan.

Upon winning the War of Sons, Thordan, stricken with the burden of what he had been through, left the city to explore the world at large, hoping to atone for the blood of his brothers he had spilled by doing good deeds, and perhaps even finding some of his brothers that yet lived, those that had been banished.

Later, as marchion, his experiences adventuring led Thordan to become a more moderate leader than his father and endeavored to reform some things. For example, the entirety of the city was no longer required to worship Dumathoin, although the Marblehand family still continued to do so. Also, recognizing the terrible waste of good dwarves the War of Sons had been but still recognizing the wisdom of choosing an heir based on merit, he would send each of his 12 sons out on their 50th birthday to find adventure as he had done and to bring strength, wisdom, honor, and prosperity back to the city. Then, when the time came to choose an heir, the son who was deemed the most worthy would then inherit his rule.

On the eve of Brumdan's 50th birthday, there was a great feast in celebration of Brumdan leaving. The next morning his father Chief Thordan woke him up before sunrise and said to him, "I'll give you no words of wisdom. Wisdom cannot be taught. Go find it, my son." The two of them then walked out to the gate to the surface alone and said farewell in the early morning chill.

After a few weeks of adventuring, Brumdan came across a trader he knew from back home who mentioned that Gundren Rockseeker, a businessman who had some dealings with Brumdan's father, may be searching for help near Phandalin. Brumdan decides it may be worth checking out and heads there.

Edited by zaffo (see edit history)
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brumdan.png.31faa7008a959a0804c48a25d2e7f7a6(1).png.a841caf0511b65d38343f8b2cd0bbb11.pngBrumdan Marblehand


AC: 18 (Chain Mail & Shield) | HP: 12/12 (1d10+2) | Speed: 25 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 11, Insight 9, Investigation 10
Str: 18 (+4) | Dex: 12 (+1) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 11 (+0) | Wis: 9 (-1) | Cha: 16 (+3)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Dwarvish, and Gnomish

“My words,” Brum says. | ‘My thoughts,’ Brum thinks. | My actions . . .








Bonus Action: 



Item Interaction:





Edited by zaffo (see edit history)
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Thanks for the app, looks good.

A not very religious paladin. Certainly possible but from what commitment or devotion does he draw his power? Do you have an idea what oath he will swear when the time comes?

Feel free to join the pre game RP thread if you wish.

I wonder if Neverwinter has fire codes....

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i thought he would be quietly religious at first, mostly from how he was raised, then become more devout as he gained power and performed more miracles.

as for his oath, im not quite sure yet. ive never played a paladin before (ive never played much of anything before, im very new. definitely grateful for any help or advice.). i was thinking about conquest, crown, or vengeance.



ill be sure to divine smite any fire marshal i see 🔨bonk 👍

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