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The Web of All Torment - IC


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Flickwit2(Custom).jpg.cad6e0b5defdce653e3966f12e109357.jpgStill trying to stay hidden, Flickwit whispers to the two by the entrance, “Doorfin, stand near the tunnel entrance and keep her distracted. Shaun, get ready with the torch. I’ll douse her with the oil, then you light her up.”

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HP 24/24 | AC 16 | R+1 F+2 W+1 | Luck 11/13 (+1) | Init. +0 | Speed 15' | Combat

"Right, 'ave a torch then, lad," Doørfin replied, digging out one to hand to Shaun. "Whatev'r yer plan, Ah'll be keepin'er in th' tunnel. If'n 'er legs get free uh th' sand, she might 'ave an advantage on us. You burn 'er but Ah'll be at the front. Do what ye must but try not t' burn my beard, eh?" the Dwarf said, somehow able to muster a chuckle.

Doørfin then shuffled up to the entrance and prepared to step in front of it to block Malice from exiting into the cavern proper. If he got oiled and burned in the process, so be it. He just had to put faith in his companions. What was a little fire for a blacksmith, anyhow?

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With some effort, you're able to slide the false coffin lid out of position and flip it over. The lid is actually very light. If you'd tried to stand on it, you might have fallen through.

Which would have been bad because it isn't a grave underneath the lid; it's a deep, ragged stone shaft. You can't see the bottom but it doesn't seem like a pit trap. It looks like something a person could climb down. There are even a few places where it looks like someone purposely cut a few hand or footholds.

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Doorfin, Flickwit, and Shaun

You set up for your ambush at the mouth of the tunnel as quietly as possible. Malice is still making her way through the tunnel and you can hear her muttering and cursing as she does.

It also sounds like there are two others with her. You hear snarling and deep breathing.

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Novia need to tell the others but she didn't want to warn Malice about the ambush. Not wanting to get spotted, she heads due west. Once she gets to the cave wall, she will start heading north to join the ambush.



HP 12/12 AC15 Luck 12 Ref+1 Fort+1 Will+2 longsword+2 d8 Sling+2 d4 Spell Check +4 Disapproval: 1


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Novia joins the rest of you at the ambush site, but then you hear Malice speak to her companions in a harsh whisper.

"Quiet! Do you smell that? Lantern oil and torches. They're in there, or they were. Careful, there's a thief with them who likes to attack from behind."

In a few moments, the sound of legs slogging through the loose dirt begins again.

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Malice Approaches

Malice curses and snarls as she approaches the end of the tunnel. First, you hear her talking to whoever is with her.

"The filthy little mongrels are probably waiting to ambush us at the tunnel. Get ready!"

Next, she calls out to all of you.

"Oh yoo-hoo! Hello up there! We're coming for you, you lazy kitchen rats! Time to get back to work! We've got some nice innocent guests coming, and I just know you'll make the best stew out of them. Have you started to remember what you've done yet? Oh, you will! If you live long enough!"


Malice is close. Now is the time to try to catch her a few feet inside the mouth of the tunnel. Or, you can let her come to you. Letting her get to the mouth of the tunnel will allow your companions to join the fight better, but if you step inside, Malice will be less able to avoid you.

What do you do?


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Flickwit starts to dig out his hidey hole, then pauses for a second as he gear’s Malice’s taunting. He looks to Doorfin and whispers “Don’t fall for her taunting! We’ve got a good plan! When she gets close give me a signal and I’ll pop up and douse her!”

Int Check
d20 2
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HP 24/24 | AC 16 | R+1 F+2 W+1 | Luck 11/13 (+1) | Init. +0 | Speed 15' | Combat

Tunnel fighting was just a Dwarf thing. A large part of him wanted to force the fight inside the tunnel, but in order for the fire plan to work, Doørfin needed to let Malice get as close as possible.

The moment the demon woman got the edge of the tunnel, the smith-warrior turned the corner and stepped in front of her. "Stop right there, ye blasted beastie! NOW!!!" he cried out, hoping to use the surprise to bring his axe and shield to bear on her. He'd pause for a single moment while the plan was enacted but then fully guard the entrance.

Axe attack
1d20+2 14
Deed Die
1d5 4
Free shield bash
1d14+2 2
Deed Die on Shield Bash???
1d5 1
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As Doorfin attacks Malice, Novia warns. "If this works, don't attack her for a moment" , Novia tries to tap into her more powerful magic. Looking into Ms Alice's eyes, she starts chanting and praying...



HP 12/12 AC15 Luck 12 Ref+1 Fort+1 Will+2 longsword+2 d8 Sling+2 d4 Spell Check +4 Disapproval: 1

Casting: Lotus stare (p276) - casting time of 1 round.


Results: Will save DC18: If she fails, Malice is under hypnosis for 1d6+1 rounds. Under hypnosis, she functions like a zombie following Novia's commands. Move at 50% speed, -2 to actions. Animal level intelligence.


Edited by Rakle (see edit history)
spell check
1d20+4 14
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As Doorfin steps forward to attack, Malice snarls and moves to engage him. She is carrying a bloodstained lumber axe as a weapon.

Behind her are two seven-foot-tall humanoid creatures with stunted legs and grotesquely long arms. They have rubbery green skin and eyes that are tiny points in a broad-featured head.

Malice takes a single step before she's hit by Novia's spell. The cleric's eyes become a kaleidoscope of dark and light patterns, and Malice's transform to match. The demon innkeeper comes to a halt as if stunned, her mouth hanging slack and her axe held in a loose grip.

The monsters behind her, however, continue to charge. They open their mouths impossibly wide, their lower jaws extending to their midsection, exposing rows of jagged teeth.

** OOC - PCs don't get a surprise round but automatically win initiative. Go!

Malice Will Save (DC 18)
1d20+9 2
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Taking control of Malice's mind, Novia orders Ms. Alice. "Kill those creatures" and she points at the monsters following Malice. No longer needing to to look at Ms Alice, she quietly tells the others.

"Don't attack Ms. Alice- it will break the spell. She is on our side for only a few moments, so don't trust it to last"





HP 12/12 AC15 Luck 12 Ref+1 Fort+1 Will+2 longsword+2 d8 Sling+2 d4 Spell Check +4 Disapproval: 1

Casting: Lotus stare (p276) -

Results: Spells lasts 1d6+cl


Edited by Rakle (see edit history)
max duration
1d6+3 5
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Flickwit2(Custom).jpg.cad6e0b5defdce653e3966f12e109357.jpgFlickwit is shocked by a moment at their new companion's capabilities, but shakes himself free before he hurls the oil flask at the giant monstrosities, and trying to avoid Malice. "Light 'em up, Shaun!"

Edited by TheMightyDeeEmm (see edit history)
Throw Oil Flask
d20+2+2 17
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Shaun hears and sees their plan change, but not so much as to catch him off-guard. The man brings his oil-soaked torch up to the candle's flame, making sure not to snuff it with dripping oil. As soon as it catches fire he pushes himself out of the shallow grave and hurls the torch at the monstrosities.

"Torch away!"

Throw torch (Agility)
1d20 16
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