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The Web of All Torment - OOC


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Yeah I'd rather not break the lantern. However Shaun is game with lighting a torch for tossing at Malice if someone takes care if dousing her with oil.


Edit: needs to be someone else's torch though, Shaun has none.

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Flickwit started with two flasks of oil, I’m not sure if they were used in the lantern yet. He also has candles, torches, and flint. He could throw the flask/splash her with it if someone else wants to hurl a torch at her?

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Shaun has a full flask of oil, that hasn't been used to refill the lantern.

Shaun also has a lantern which was originally full and could provide 4 hours of light. 1 hour and 20 minutes of that was used during the tunnel transit and to get a rough idea of the cavern (here), leaving 2 hours and 40 minutes.

Since then by my count we've used 10 minutes to examine the graves / candles, another 10 minutes to examine the northern end of the cavern, and 2 hours to rest - assuming we kept the lantern burning while resting; we didn't say we're turning it off so it's fair game. After that Shaun turned the lantern off (before Novia and Doørfin started exposing the wooden floor at Malice's grave), leaving 20 minutes of oil in the lantern.


Flickwit's oil flasks have not been used to refill the lantern.


Shaun can hurl Flickwit's torch at Malice once he douses her in oil.

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Okay, so we've got two areas of action right now, and ten minutes before Malice arrives.

Area One is Ms. Alice's now-uncovered grave. I need an IC post from Novia about what she's doing there, as well as anyone else who wants to interact with that area.

Area Two is the mouth of the tunnel, where Malice will emerge. If your PC is there, I need IC posts about how you're setting up. Again, you have ten minutes to get this done but Malice will see any light and likely hear any noisy activity

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Could Flickwit set up a rudimentary tripwire to drop/tip the flask of oil on her head? Or is there not enough time/supplies at hand?

I figure we could douse her, then when she comes at the obvious group holding torches and such, they light her up.

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I was planning to just guard the entrance so Malice would have to fight on uneven ground (hopefully an AC penalty) and i posted as such at the end of my last post. I figure it's more tactical to do that than try to stand off to the side and burn her and potentially let her have full movement/AC

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I've posted Shaun's plan IC, based on what we've been discussing here. I took some liberties there with the torch, I hope that's OK with you @Malkavian Grin! You can then react to it IC by turning down the rest of Shaun's plan and propose Doørfin stand by the entrance instead.

Here's where I see us being positioned per Shaun's plan (brown is Shaun, red is Doørfin):


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If everyone agrees with Flickwits addendum to the plan, he will try to dig a small indentation in the soft dirt and lay flat, trying to disguise himself as a pile of dirt, then pop up and douse her with oil when she’s close

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