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Introduction or New Beginnings


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Date: 1st of Renewal, 20th year of the new Vedan calendar

Carisport has somehow, in less than two decades since its founding, become the center of the world in many people's eyes.

It's a very odd thing for a town of modest size, only about nine thousand people, to be such an important place, but for the many people transplanted to this world not so long ago, Carisport represents many things to them. Be it the humans on their familiar islands, dwarves or goblinoids in their safe places underground, elves in their hidden city that they wander out of, or the many scattered villages of who knows what species, all of them converge and meet in Carisport. The town is the first large endeavor embarked on this this strange new world. It is seen widely as neutral ground, it attracts individuals looking for opportunity, or looking to get away from their pasts.

There is an air of optimism in the salty air this morning. Carisport is generally an optimistic place, filled with entrepreneurs, travelers, and adventurers, but today is the first day of Renewal: New Year's day. By the Vedan calendar anyways, which most others have adopted since the Vedan stargazers have gone through so much trouble to track the time in this new world.

Up the Serpents Way - the zig zagging roads that climbs up the cliffs from the harbor to the rest of town - past the main market, to Stonecutter Plaza, a particular type of people are gathering.

With the new year come new ventures, new agreements, contracts and opportunities. And that is why today Stonecutter Plaza is crowded this morning by all kinds of bushmen, wanderers, explorers, scouts…in fact many of them have little such experience, but have been caught up in the excitement of the growing colonies.

Screenshot_20231014_193739_Chrome.jpg.50e46de1dc1450e77877d98868faa78f.jpgCouncilor Emma Gray stands on a wooden stage in the center of the plaza, and addresses the crowd: "You're all here for a variety of reasons. Whether you're blazing new trails, surveying resources, staking claims for investors, making or updating maps, or whatever contracts you'll be undertaking, you're all here because you believe in the future of the colonies and you believe in your future here. So here's how we'll proceed: my clerks here," she gestures to a collection of people at tables around the base of the stage with leather folders of documents, "will call your group up each at a time, and you'll review and finalize your charter with them. Good luck everyone! And I hope to see you all again safe and a little bit richer." She winks, gestures with a broadly sweeping hand to the clerks, and steps off stage.


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The adventurers of our story are called up by one of the clerks. They go over several of the contracts available, some of which you have already seen. The clerk seems uncertain which one you had discussed and chosen ahead of time. You may choose the contract you had planned for ahead of time, or opt for a different one if your minds have changed on the matter.

The selection:

caravan escorts


lumber surveyors




geological surveyors


ranch protection


relic retrieval



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Word spread to some in taverns, while others read about it on notices posted in the streets, or conversation with traveling companions. The colonies are become the center of much discussion.

"The future" they say. It's a new world, and the colonists have the right of it going forward. And the way forward is to learn more about each other and about the world.

And so the individuals of this new group were drawn together from disparate backgrounds, and knowing each other only a few days have become swept up in the growing eagerness to be a part of this world's course forward.

The clerk, a very skinny human in his thirties with thin dark hair, looks up (and down) at those gathered at his table. He clears his throat and addresses them in a nasally voice, "Alright, which contract were you taking? And who will be signing on behalf of your group?"

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For the most part, individuals, pairs, and small groups are picking up exploration charters - agreements that provide coin for expanding the colonies' knowledge of the continent. Most relatively nearby, although Captain Hemmit Kown's expedition by ship is a notable, more ambitious exception.

In the future, arrangements like this will be handled at the New Orona Explorers' Society offices, but today is a special occasion to try to really boost the push to grow the colonies.

Contracts like the one our five adventurers have been discussing are rare, but part of an important effort to reach out to other more isolated communities out there on the Wild Continent. In addition to providing a service for the Bronze Horn Hold, there os potential reward for exploration details from the region in question.

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"Let's see..." he mumbles, looking over the paperwork that Kek points out, "right then. Bit of a special case here. Take your copy," he slides a lether folder with some papers across the table, "and go to this address." He taps a card on the folder with an address just by the North gate, and the name Shoruuz.

Fifting minutes later, the five new friends find themselves in front of a small brick building in a neighborhood of mostly hastily built wooden shacks.

A lone hobgoblin stands near motionless outside. Only his eyes move as you approach, taking in the five of you one by one.

After a bit of awkward silence, the person holding the folder and card remembers to show it to him. With a grunt, he turns, unlocks the door to the building and gestures for you all te enter.

Eyes quickly adjusting, you find yourselves in a small entrance foyer, a thin layer of gray paint over the entrance windows.

With the creaking of a wooden chair, someone stands in the next room opposite the entrance. With heavy footfalls on the wooden floor boards, an imposing figure enters the foyer with you.

Screenshot_20231017_125812_Chrome.jpg.2398f0b9ef702f3a3095cbe8206ef2ad.jpg"Hello, my name be Shoruuz" the large bugbear wearing a tight fitting Alucian captain's jacket says. He sees Kek, then spots the folder and nods. "But you can name me Neil. It is friend-name, ok." The ok is more of a statement than a question.

"Interesting you work with us? So what is you know about Goblin relics? Dzimeen relics."

Players: you may hop into the main story here now. In addition to speaking, you may make occult, religion, society, or lore checks in underworld, sports, goblin, hobgoblin, etc, or crafting for some extra insight here.

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Maybell Springfield
Maybell Springfield
Gutsy Halfling Bard 1
HP: 15/15
AC: 17
Spell Slots: 2/2 L1
Focus Points: 1/1
Halfling Luck: 0/1
Class DC: 17
Status: Normal and Healthy



Maybell Springfield Female Halfling Bard 1 Neutral Good Entertainer
STR: 8/-1
DEX: 14/+2
CON: 12/+1
INT: 14/+2
WIS: 12/+1
CHA: 18/+4
Saves: For 4 Rex 5 Wil 6 Per 6
Speed: 25
AC: 17
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling


"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Neil" says the little bard with a polite curtsy, the gesture meant to show friendliness and respect... but also to give her a few breaths worth of time rattle the brain between her little sharp ears for any of the countless stories she has heard about Dzimeen, relics, goblins and more...


And she blinks a little bit as she realizes that she knows precious little! Huh, are they that reclusive? Or has she been focusing too much on her own kind and the tall folk that she has neglected her studies in goblinkind? In any case, that's somewhat embarrassing.



Alright then, dunno how many checks I can do here in this span of time, but I'll do all the relevant ones Maybell has in order of importance. If can do them all, great, if not, just take the first that may be relevant.




Occult check on lore on Dzimeen relics




Society check on the history of goblinoids, specially the ones in this area.




Religion check on relics of goblin importance, rituals and their spiritual practices.


Edited by daltar (see edit history)
1d20+5 1
1d20+5 4
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Khaine - Human Monk 1

HP: 21/21 | AC: 19 | Speed: 25ft | Hero: 1/3 

Perception: +4 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +9 | Will: +6 

Statistics | Equipment | Abilities | Skills

Conditions :


The young man looked quite out of place. He stood in his shirt and breeches as if he had come in to report for a days labour. He looked nervous and remained quite. His eyes took in the hobgobin and the large bugbear and he quietly swallowed. He took a long, slow breath. He seemed to calm down and when he opened his eyes once more, a quiet confidence was clear.

"Hello Neil, well met. Call me Khaine, I reckon that is my friend name too. Course I ain't got any other name to go by. I gotta level with you, I ain't heard of 'these I mean' relics. Can you tell me about them? I have a knack for findin' and retrievin' lost items."

He decided to shut up, he was talking too much. He didn't want to screw up the deal before it ever got started.

Edited by omegoku (see edit history)
1d20+1 4
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Chelia Gremaris Elven Fighter 1

HP: 17/17 | AC: 18 (19 with shield) | speed: 30 | hero: 1/1

Perception: +6 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +6 | Will: +4

conditions: none


Chelia had seen quite a few different species she hadn't seen before, but this was someone she had never seen before. But she did stay polite.

"I'm Chelia," she said with a nod, while trying to recall what she knew about these artefacts.


"I might have heard a few stories, but I'm not from this world... as is everybody apparently, so I might not have gotten the full story."

She thought about it for a moment.

"Expect a lot of bones though, from what I heard and saw. Maybe even humanoid bones."

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1d20+5 13
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weylin(1).png.e4bb6feffe4438da76babea0d7b960e2.png  WEYLIN "The Drake" RYDER

Half-Orc Sorcerer (Bronze Dragon) CG

HP 16/16 AC: 15  Speed 25ft

Fort 5 Ref 5 Will 6

Class DC: 17 Spell Slots: 3  Focus points: 1/1

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14 Wis 12 Int 10 Cha 18

Status: Hungry and Ready

Weylin clocks the Alucian garb, his body unconsciously relaxing a little at the familiarity. "Hello... It is a pleasure to meet you, Neil. My name is Weylin. It's always a pleasant sight to see another from home." He gestures to the captain's jacket. Weylin himself was wearing a brown alucian styled jacket as well, albeit far less intricate than what a captain would wear, his outfit overall was pleasant but unobtrusive, except a glittteringly gorgeous brone pendant resting on his slightly hairy chest, vaguely the shape of a dragon's scale.

His mind raked for any knowledge to be helpful, but came up wanting. "As far as relics of the dzimeen variety are concerned, I am happy to learn." With that he gave a deep bow and waited to hear more.

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Screenshot_20231017_125812_Chrome.jpg.2398f0b9ef702f3a3095cbe8206ef2ad.jpg"Er, well yes, yes. Bones. Yes." He seems slightly surprised at Chelia's response.

"We make many things. Different things. But trophies are important to us. Our hold shows its history, its pride, its strength to other holds with trophies. We show others we are important. We have our place in Dzimeen. Less war when hold becomes important!"

"But," he is slowly pacing now, "when trophies are gone, it makes a hold look foolish. They forgot their history. Embarassing. Very rare, one hold steals from another. Very rude! But our hold lost trophy. Not to other hold. To vermin! Need to get it back, but can't send warriors from hold. They can't know. Shameful."

He stops pacing, and looks around at everyone carefully.

"Would affect their performance," he says thoughtfully, "start rumors."

He frowns a bit, then motions you to follow him to a table set up in the room he came from when you entered. There is a map. He lights a couple candles and sets them on the table. On the map you can see the colonies, and the Dzimeen holds west of Aldpine. A line drawn in pencil goes from one of the holds to a spot closer to Aldpine.

"Verminnn," he softly growls. "Infested outcasts, eat garbage and filth. Sometimes steal. Sometimes we kill them. They have new home," he points at the mark near Aldpine.

"Can't send warriors. They will see what the vermin stole. Shame. Can't tell Aldpine. Their leaders will want to know. Have to send outsiders. Outsiders who swear to hide our shame."

He unrolls a strip of fine vellum with drawings on it. There are diagrams of different objects: cups, knives, necklaces...most look like they could be made, partially or completely, out of carved bone. He taps the vellum indicating an intricately carved circlet, made of strips woven together like a wreath, each strip having patterns and runes carved into it.

"Crown of Mechegkoth. Bad..." he struggles to find the word for it, and at last settles on "shame. Need it back."

Players: you may of course as questions at this point. Perception rolls, or any kind of knowledge or lore rolls you think appropriate would also be great at this point.


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Hakaja Kek

HP: 22/22 ~ AC: ?? ~ Speed: 25
Fort: +5 ~ Ref: +7 ~ Will: +6 ~ Per: +6

Sheet link

Kek makes a noise somewhere between a groan and a sigh. "I'm a healer. I've treated a great many rashes of suspicious origin and never spoken of them to anyone but the patient. Your secret is safe with me."
1d20+6 19
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