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Fair enough. :P Speaking of which, gentle prod to @JagrHunter to react to the pistol-wielding roommate.

A successful InfoSec roll will get you as much information as possible about the base schematics with a low-level employee access account. Depending on the degrees of success, you may find some interesting backdoors available to you, but you may alert anyone watching that someone is overstepping their access. For most of the interesting information (such as power distributions in the station), you'll need access to high privileges... or physical access to a hardpoint that lets you tap into privileged information/networks contained in said point (note that Maria is carrying a cannibalized hardpoint from somewhere, so she was likely increasing her own abilities to hack into places).

A Know:SysAdmin test will let you analyze whatever you find to hypothesize about where these hardpoints would be, how the mesh structure is set up, and maybe some guesses about other networking (information and maybe power if you roll well enough) features of the habitat; you can also extrapolate some on a successful SysAdmin test based on the public schematics of the base.

Edited by Morkskittar (see edit history)
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Update for @Dr Jackal: JagrHunter has to bow out, so his character will be written out of active duty in a little bit. This means that Six's reaction to Maria's provocation is undetermined, so I'll let anyone from Taskforce TOPHAT to make a suggestion about how Six should handle it that you think makes the most sense/would be most fun; aggression? Backing down? Negotiating? Bluffing? I'll take any suggestions into consideration and update in a day or two with Six's reaction, and just go my own way if no one has any. :)

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Making it OOC because basically what I'd write IC would depend of @Morkskittar's reply to the result:


Psychosurgery test to see if Linda's familiar with the writings of Dr. Hoftada. Not sure how the psi sleight would factor into this, if it ever could, so I'm not counting anything related to this.

(Psychosurgery TN 70)


Side question for the record, since there was a blunder with the name of the syndicalist (which I very well know can happen!): would the fact that Dr. Hoftada shares their name with Colonel Hoftada a voluntary or involuntary coincidence?

(Psychosurgery TN 70)
(1d100) 11
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That particular similarity was intentional. :P

The two share the same name and title (the author of record is listed as being attached to this specific colony, so there is no doubt that are the same individual).

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That depends on how loud you are. Maria has claimed (at least) that she has already spoofed the in-suite security systems (including the camera), so as long as the camera isn't damaged and you stick to mostly carefully aimed lasers, you might be fine. :)

Alas, I have never had the honor of playing any of the GTAs, so I cannot use comparisons to it as a scale. :P A careful, quiet firefight might work, if such a thing exists. ;)

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That is going to be fun. XD

I plan on pushing an update through for you at least on TOPHAT tomorrow once I figure out what I can do with that. :D Serge/Null and TheFred/Aeos have been having some RL delays, but I'll prod that plot along for them by the end of the week.

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I'm back home now, just tired and jetlagged (I got bumped to a later flight, it sucked, etc) - also just figuring out what to do here. My thought is, try and see if these tunnels can be useful for covert options, tell Six to chill out, and get a party invite.

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