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And On That Note...


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  At The Sign Of The Prancing Pon...err...Golden Gear   



Twilight languidly shifted into night as the four adventurers slowly made their way toward the lights of the nearby town. All were tired, as well as footsore, since, for the entirety of the last two days, they'd had to walk their mounts through the surrounding forest to get here. All of the beasts seemed to have sensed something dangerous in the woods. And it wasn't only the four footed amongst the group that were uncomfortable. The sensation of being watched...and judged...permeated the very air around the companions, and spurred their feet along the well marked road through the greenwood.

All attempts to draw out the had watcher failed, nor could they be spotted, no matter how keen the eye of the observer. Any time the matter was pursued, the sense of being watched would quickly recede, only to return almost immediately as soon as attention was turned back to the trail ahead, the unseen eyes making themselves felt within moments.

As they wearily trod the last few miles before reaching the shelter of the town walls, the thoughts of the four strayed backwards over their journey so far. A few days prior, they'd been in the border town of Arghelt, sampling the local cuisine, meeting people, and just generally enjoying themselves. With the letter of introduction to Humbert the Artificer, the local mayor had been happy to have the wandering troupe in town, spending their coin as they partook of the local businesses. That night, 'his lordship' had even graced the inn with his munificent presence, asking about news of the wider world, and dispensing with tidbits of local gossip in return.

Much of the conversation dwelt on the town of Canismini and their upcoming journey through the forest. There were rumours of 'dark forces' moving about the SchwarzewaldBlack Woods. Still, the rotund, florid man assured them, so long as they stuck to the Schwarzewald Forest road, they 'should have no real trouble'.

His assurances weren't exactly comforting.

Still, in addition to his ghost stories, the mayor did prove to be quite a font of other 'local color'. While extolling the virtue of their local ale, a traveling merchant shouted the man down, loudly bemoaning the 'lack of good spirits' to be had in town...'not like the fine Cream they serve at the Golden Gear'. Without a bit of encouragement, the merchant, who clearly liked to listen to himself talk as much as the mayor did, spoke at length about his various trips around the countryside, selling his wares, dealing with fractious customers, and thieving tax collectors, but, eventually, he'd been shouted down by the mayor when he disparaged Arghelt's charms one too many times.

Happy that he'd managed to quiet the 'boorish fellow' the mayor continued extolling the virtues of the region to the foursome. At their urging, he spoke at length of their destination, the small logging town of Canismini.

Canismini, despite it's relatively small size, was quite a boon to the regional economy. It sat at a major crossroads along the Great Schwarzewald Way, where it met the King's Highway. The town sat in the midst of thousands of hectares of ancient forest. Woods that had many a dark tale attached to them. Tales of goblin tribes, wandering bands of orcs, feral forest elves who killed any who trespassed on their holy sites, and even tales of the odd demon or powerful wizard who'd taken up residence.

Canismini itself was founded by a mixed group of elves and humans refugees, fleeing from one of the frequent wars that swept the land. The small group of elves provided the know how to survive in the dark woods, and the humans provided the numbers and strong backs to build a working community. Over the years, the two groups intermingled freely, to the point where a large percentage of the town were of mixed race. And, amazingly, the town thrived. It's position at the crossroads, as well as the foresight of it's founders in making it a strong, walled, fortified village, afforded it a tactically...and, when the land wasn't torn by strife, economically, advantageous position.

Now the town had grown to house a few thousand souls, had temples, schools, and did a thriving business harvesting (responsibly, and with the cooperation of many of their wilder neighbors) the fruits of the forest. One of those fruits, aptly named the Korova Nut, was the source of the famous 'Cream' that the merchant had mentioned. Apparently it was a drink like none other, with the Korova Nut only growing in the forest's specific climate and soil. Through secret processes, it was harvested, rendered, and fermented into the wildly popular liqueur, then shipped all over the region, and beyond, for exorbitant prices.

It was with these tales resonating in their mind that the quartet had set out on the final leg of their journey. The bright sunshine, crisp fall air, and high, sparse clouds had them all in high spirits, and they were determined to make good time on their journey.

Unfortunately, Mother Nature had...different plans.

About halfway to their destination, a storm had blown up out of seemingly nowhere. Tall black thunderheads piled up in the sky, wind shrieked through the air, driving the torrential rain that fell from the clouds almost horizontally. All of it conspired to make their travel miserable. Even the powerful nature magic of their Wyrwood druid didn't seem able to calm the raging storm.

The massive deluge dogged their footsteps the entire last day of their journey, and by the time they finally spotted the gates...closed, of course...of Canismini, they found themselves drooping with weariness.

Reaching the gates, they pounded on them until the got the attention of a guard. A surly half-orc, clad in a voluminous oiled cloak so all encompassing they couldn't tell what he was wearing under it, peered at the four, and, after a full minute, grunted and swung open a postern door, just large enough for them to proceed inside, single file.

Entering the town, the adventurers took in it's appearance with a glance. Canismini was best described as 'Gray'. Gray houses made of local wood and clay. Gray slabs of slate lined the roadbed, covered in a thin skin of gray mud. Gray skies dribbled down a cold, soaking rain, though it has, fortunately, lost most of it's driving force...when they'd gotten within a couple miles of the town, the wild weather had finally slacked off, along with the constant, sinister, watching presence. Now, there was just enough moisture in the air to make it's way in in cold rivulets through every opening in their outerwear, but not enough to wash the cobblestones clean. There was even a light gray haze in the air from all of the chimneys putting out clouds of smoke as homeowners and shopkeepers tried to ward off the late fall chill in the air.

Most of the houses are dark, in others, lanterns were dimmed, candles blown out, and shutters tightly shut. Not even a stray dog barked as they passed by, though a small feral kitten hissed, hackles raised on the off chance that one of them...or, more likely, their many familiars, might be interested in the bird that the tiny feline had caught for her supper.

However, there was one building, set back from and dominating an entire side of the moderate town square, that was brightly painted, with lively music coming from within. This, they realized as a flare of lightning illuminated the signboard over the entrance, was the famous Korova Inn, also known at The Golden Gear, home of the renowned and refreshing pale liquid known as Korova Cream, a drink that was reputed to go down easy and smooth, but made it tough for you to get back up again.

Off to one side of the inn was a small stable, filled nearly to capacity with horses covered in warm blankets and stamping about, trying to get comfortable on the drizzly night. As the four glanced in, a non-de script stable hand, of indeterminate sex and age in their shapeless brown homespon tunic and trews, scrambled up from a pile of straw near the door when they got near.

Inquiries about the cost of stabling lead to a jerk of the child's head in the direction of the inn and a grunt of "Leider." The voice does nothing to make identifying the child's gender easier, and any further questions were met with a roll of the eyes and another jerk of the head in the direction of the inn. The stablehand seems to know their business though, expertly stripping the tack from the tired beasts, and gentling and currying them with obvious skill and delight. Glancing around it was easy to spot the bins of oats and hay as well as the large tun of fresh water. A pile of horse blankets, kept warm beside a small kettle stove, completed the picture of potential equine delight.




Leaving the child to get on with their work, the four headed inside. The Korova Inn was a clean, well lighted place, but with enough dark corners to facilitate a private conversation or a solitary drink, as the glitter of eyes and lifted mugs could attest. The room was filled with the sounds of light conversation and the low crackling sound of a fireplace. The heady aroma of fresh bread and cooked meat permeated the air.

Their entrance went largely unremarked, except by a short, rotund man behind the bar, which was located toxXsAept.jpg their left as they entered the taproom. The man's head was bald and shiny as an egg, covered in intricate tattoos, but the man seemingly made up for the loss with a full and heavily styled mustache and full, pomaded and shaped beard, both the same bright, ginger red as his bushy eyebrows and the thick hair on his forearms. He spotted the weary travelers and waved them over, even as he expertly drew a half dozen dark, foamy beers, loaded them onto a tray, and deftly handed all and sundry to one of the half dozen servers making their way around the room.

Without exception, the women were all attractive examples of their races, and all were wearing clothing that offered a view of more than a bit of exposed flesh. They laughed and joked with the patrons, fending off advances with a deft shift of the hips or a playful slap, and for those few customers who seem inclined to not be put off, a single pointed finger in the direction of a shadowed alcove by the door, wherein stood probably the largest half orc any of the adventurers had ever seen, caused quiet gulps and much more polite hands.

image.gif.3a36167518b268f43c0ae4c3da4b28d7.gifArms crossed over the handle of a massive warhammer, the head of which rested at his wide-spread feet, the half orc's eyes never rest as he scanned the room for the merest hint of trouble.

Trouble, unsurprisingly, was conspicuously absent...


As the four stood near the doorway, taking all this in, the innkeeper finished sending out a tray laden with a basket of fresh bread, a bubbling cauldron of some heavenly smelling stew, and another tray of dark, foamy beers, and he turned to attend to them. His voice was like gravel over silk as he welcomed you.

"Greeting and salutations, weary travelers, and welcome to the Korova Inn, the best tavern between the Fire Sands and the Narrow Sea. I am Leider, your host. How can I be assisting you this fine evening?" He made a sweeping gesture around the taproom, indicating that there were still a few tables unoccupied, as well as a few spots at the bar.

1NclVEo.jpgAs the man gave his enthusiastic greeting, but before any could respond, the room suddenly stilled and they could hear a hauntingly beautiful melody begin to play. It quivered in the air, the notes ethereal and lovely, and the four found their gazes drawn to a slender, dark haired woman tucked into a small stage in the corner of the taproom closest to the massive fireplace. She was seated on a simple wooden stool and cradled in her lap was a beautiful and well cared for dulcimer.

The woman's hands were poetry in motion as she struck each of the metal 'strings' with a pair of small, padded hammers, and the sweet notes thus produced seem to fill the room completely.

She was dressed in finely made tunic and trews of a silky looking material, and a cloak of similar, though heavier, material lay neatly folded and draped over a goldenoak case near her feet. Well made soft leather boots encased the feet that were tucked up under the stool. The entire outfit was in varying shades of blue and all of them were a perfect foil for her clear, dark blue eyes. Odd, intricately looped and swirled characters were embroidered in several places on her clothing and seem to bear some resemblance to linguistic characters.

Lucrezia, with her near encyclopedic knowledge of cultures and lore, thought she might recognize some of the individual characters, but between the distance, the light haze of smoke in the room, and the motions of the singer, she couldn't quite make them out.

From behind them, a gravelly chuckle rolled forth. "I see that good mistress Ariand has captured your attention as well. Tis a pity that she'll be leaving us in the morning. She's been here for nearly two weeks. She hurt her hip and back in a bad fall...her horse bolted in the Eld Woods a few miles outside of town. Luckily a local forester found her and brought her to the local temple of Ilmater. The priest fixed his scrapes right up, but there was some deep damage that needed time, so she's been here, entertaining the locals while she recovers." As they turned to look at him he smiled and rolled his eyes. "But here's me, nattering on when you're probably chilled and hungry. What can I be doing for you? The bread is fresh, the beer is cold, and my wife's venison stew is to die for. Or, if you've a hankering for something a bit more interesting to warm up your innards, our famous Cream is available by the mugful. Would you like a table and supper? And a room after, perhaps? Rooms are five silver a head, and it includes dinner and breaking your fast in the morning. Drinks'll cost extra, of course." He winked, his eyes bright and cheery as he awaited the newcomers answer.



Aaaand, We're OFF!

Well folks, here we go!! I hope you enjoy yourselves on this little adventure. 😀

Feel free to post actions/reactions to when you enter the town, the stables, and/or the inn. I tried to keep it open enough that you could react, but also get things to the point where you could start roleplaying without hopefully bogging things down in minutiae.

If you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask! I'll do my best to make myself available in the Discord.

Also, I set up an IC Chat channel in the Discord. I know that waiting for everyone in PbP can get kind of tedious, and, rather than let things bog down during static scenes like this, please feel free to use the IC Chat channel to have IC conversations between your characters as you get settled in. All I ask is that you try to not move the scene too far forward. Obviously, feel free to get yourselves a table, order a meal and/or a drink, etc, and chat to your hearts content. Anything that happens in the Chat channel, I'll copy into a spoiler at the top of the next post, so that it's easy to keep track of.

Also Also, I've set up a Dice Thread for anytime you need to make a roll/see the results of said roll BEFORE you make your posts, and can then post your character's reaction accordingly.

Finally, while I know rules are boring, I do have a few Posting Rules that I'd like everyone to take a look at before they post. Thanks! 😀

I'm SUPER EXCITED to finally be kicking things off! I love this module and I've been wanting to fully run this it for years. I'm looking forward to experiencing it with all of you.




Edited by Arklytte (see edit history)
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Lucrezia had entered the inn last, in order to get a look in under the arm pits of her much taller companions before the clientele could get a good look at her. What she was wearing was good cold weather clothing of the outwardly waterproof sort. In the forest the appearance of this had turned dark and unobtrusive, the better to blend in and not attract attention. At the gate, its appearance had shifted once more, on account of her magic, to appear as conservative noble looking travelling garb. On the threshold of inn, it changed yet again, this time form-fitting, light and colourful, with a pretence of being transparent in some places.. the apparent material light silks, lace, gave the appearance of having been patterned in their weaving and not embroidered. Indeed she had the look of a rich someone dressed for the Opera in the big city. The irridescent thrush, coloured like a bird of paradise, flitting around her does lend her a fairy princess vibe.

She got some looks, not just from her apparent choice of travelling garb, nor on how she moves, which some might describe as 'hipswaying on rails' but on account of her being somewhat otherworldly in appearance, yet in a way that precluded either fey or celestial origin. Lucrezia was ever at pains to open with her exoticism at the least opportunity. However, given the company her exoticism was no more exotic than her travelling companions.

Lucrezia's ambivalence, as visible up to the threshold as it had been throughout their passage through the woods, on account of its nameless, utterly elusive observor, only now changes. Judging from her previously verbalised thoughts on the matter, which she had repeatedly taken no pains to conceal, she could not decide whether was iredeemably irritated by the elusive presence or undeniably intrigued. Now however, the intensity of the lines of her eyebrow, pursed lips and jawlines tranmutes into something much more warm and welcoming, though still with a heavy lidded dangerous to it.

Sitting down, she swivelled her 'behind' this way and that on the bench, mostly to take a good look around, but also to give the clientele time to get a good eyeful of that 'bendy like you wouldn't believe' swivel. The bard caught her eye, just as the Innkeeper talked of her hips and back being in need of attention. She's not alone there so I'll get right on that, she thought to herself, amused by the innkeeper's timing.

She eyed the massive half orc before turning her gaze to Killian.. "I think your big boy credentials are under threat from the local competition", she purred in her low, husky, breathy contralto,.... not the voice of a girl you'd bring home to meet mother. She was, in this respect, characteristically gently teasing Killian... just to show she cares. She followed this up with an amused wink, just for good measure.

"The beer, the stew and a room for five silver pieces if you please.", she replied to Lieder's query, in the kind of efficient communication she employed when dealing with arrangements and not things such as emotions, needs etc. Those who know her can see she is positively itching to get closer to the bard.

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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Killian Evanero and PerianwyrimcMtmH.jpgPerianwyr
Diminutive Dragon and Magical Beast (Familiar)

Init +4, Senses Scent, Perception +9

AC 20 (Touch 20, Flat 14) (Dex +6, Size +4)
HP 20; Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9
Immune None; Bonuses +4 vs. fear (Aura of Courage), +2 vs. paralysis, petrification, polymorph; SR

Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 50 ft.
Melee none; Space 1 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Adorkableness
Special Abilities Alertness, Empathic Link, Improved Evasion, Speak with Master; Convenient Appendage (Mouth), Estivation, Freeze
Spherecasting CAM Wis, CL 5th, Spell Pool 6, Somatic Casting 1
Magic Spheres Illusion (Illusory Odor, Illusory Sound, Suppression; Disappearance, Obscura Mage)

Str 3, Dex 22, Con 8, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 0
Attack Bonus +7 (BAB +5, Size+4, Str -2), CMB -1, CMD 8 (4 flat-footed)
Feats Cantrips
Skills Acrobatics +11, Appraise +4, Artistry (Painting) +5, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Fly +26, Handle Animal +1, Knowledge +0, Knowledge (Engineering) +4, Knowledge (History) +4, Knowledge (Local) +4, Knowledge (Nobility) +4, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Linguistics +0, Perception +9, Perform (Dance) +5, Perform (Sing) +5, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +0, Stealth +25, Swim +10, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Orc, Sylvan; cannot speak

Origin Spheres Form (Aquatic 1, Convenient Appendage [Mouth], Developed Tolerance [Paralysis, Petrification, Polymorph], Developed Wings 3, Estivation, Freeze, Glider, Scent 2; Form Variations (Arm-Wings, Defensive Familiarity [Stealth], Vestigae of the Other [Dragon], Waterhome 2)

Half-Orc, Paladin 5||Sorcerer 1/Psychic 4, Code of HonorFindeladlara's Code of Honor
Convert a powerful enemy into a close friend or ally
Produce an innovative work of art (roll of 30 or higher on an Artistry check)
Reacquire and/or preserve a lost work of elven art
Protect an elven artist in need
Protect an artist of any other race in need
Defeat a known art vandal
Offer aid and shelter to an elf in need who would otherwise be your enemy
Offer aid and shelter to an elf in need and they accept
Become the inspiration for and/or subject of someone else's work of art
Defend a hospitable household from those who would do it harm
Uphold the elven way of life in some notable fashion
Attempt to disguise or show shame towards your elven heritage even in times of peril
Excessively brag of your accomplishments or works of art
Fail to protect or aid an elf in need
Fail to protect or aid an elven artist in need
Allow a close associate of yours to break the law of hospitality
Unwillingly destroy or vandalize an elven work of art (such as when charmed)
Break the law of hospitality
Willfully and knowingly destroy or vandalize an elven work of art
This code of honor is based on the teachings of the church of Findeladlara, the elven goddess of art. Her edicts include the creation and preservation of art and architecture, the sanctity of households, and the artistic inspiration of others.

Note also that the entries that refer to art and artists also refer to architecture and architects as appropriate.


It should also be noted that paladins of Findeladlara are more morally ambiguous than others. While cold-blooded murder and other crimes of that ilk are as abhorant to them as anyone, her champions are willing to bend the rules if the cause is just. For example, stealing for a noble goal is perfectly acceptable to them, and even aiding known villains and criminals in the pursuit of the greater good or to convert them to the light is not only fine by them, but something that they eagerly pursue to mirror their goddess's conversion of the succubus Nocticula. Not surprisingly, her followers share a close bond with those of the Redeemer Queen.
, Findeladlara

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 22
AC 22 (Flat 20, Touch 14) · Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +17 · BAB +5 · Init +4 · CMB +23, CMD 30 · MSB +5(+8), MSD 16(19)

Spell Pool 26 · Phrenic Pool 8 · Hero Points 3 · Combat Stamina 5 · Lay on Hands 8 · Smite Enemy 2

Immune: Disease, Fear · Resistances: Spell Resistance 22, advantage on Poison saves
Conditions: Healthy
Active Sphere Effects: None Currently

Ever the optimist, Killian nevertheless felt the somber 'greyness' of the town deep within his soul; the sheer lack of artistry on display was completely anathema to everything he stood for. He also couldn't help but question the stories he'd heard about how the town was founded in part by his kinfolk; it seemed highly unlikely that their descendants, muddled as their blood may have become, would allow such dreariness to dominate their lives.

It certainly didn't help that the bad weather had already put him in an unpleasant mood, too. Well, as unpleasant as he ever gets anyway. Nor did the saddle sores he could feel creeping into existence betwixt his thighs; sopping wet clothes plus chaffing leather wasn't exactly a pleasant combination. Together, it was enough to put anyone into a foul mood, and Killian was no exception.

Regardless, the surprisingly bright colors and welcoming ruckus issuing forth from the approaching tavern was already beginning to turn the paladin's spirits. A soft smile—the first any of you had seen since breaking camp this morning—began to form on his face as the quartet made their approach. Oh, just the mere thought of a blazing hearth to dry his bones and a glass of that creamed beer that he'd been hearing about for weeks was enough to warm the cackles of his heart. And what if they had a bath available? Dare he dream such dreams?!

After dismounting and tipping the androgynous young stablehand an extra silver piece, Killian gave his gypsy cob, Oissin, a lovingly reassuring rub along his muzzle and turned to follow the others into the Golden Gear.

Similar to Lucrezia, the gloomkin's clothes seamlessly shifted from the sheepskin cloak and heavy leathers that he had been wearing in a feeble attempt to stave off the torrential downpour into the more traditionally elven finery that all of you were used to seeing on him. He reached up and ran his fingers through his tousled hair—which clearly hadn't been properly taken care of for months judging by the state of his braids, but of course that only served to make him that much more attractive—and, as he did so, a sprinkling of magic simultaneously dried him off, cleared away all of the grime and muck he had accumulated on the road, and even gave his gilded jewelry and flashy rapier a little extra polish for good measure. Judging by the growing smile on his face, he was definitely beginning to feel a lot better.

It was just after the little sparkle of magic that his familiar, Perianwyr, finally poked his head out from his lair within Killian's vest and had a quick peek around. Peri's feathery antennae twitched happily upon hearing the dulcet tones coming from the cerulean bard, which in turn solicited a little scritch on the head from his friend and master. Content that they were both in a safe place, the little faerie dragon yawned and tucked himself back inside to snooze away atop his treasure hoard.

Taking a seat across from Lucrezia, Killian shifted to and fro until he found just the right position to help alleviate the soreness from all that riding. Before he was able to, however, his companion's teasing caught his attention. His smile turned into a wry smirk.

"Indeed. Though I cannot lie, it will be nice to not be the center of attention for once."  There was a slight twinge of sadness in his voice as he said that, but he'd never admit—even to himself—how vain he truly was. Such behavior was unbecoming for a gentleman-warrior, after all.

"I'll have what she's having, but with a mug of that creamy delight if for no other reason than to see if it lives up to its sterling reputation," he winked playfully after Lucrezia made her order. "And you wouldn't happen to have a hot bath available, would you?" he continued, batting his eyes hopefully.

Once satisfied, Killian leaned back a bit and casually let his gold-flecked eyes drink in everything that was going on around him.

OOC Notes

Killian is going to make a Perception and Sense Motive check to see if anything unusual or suspect jumps out at him. He's using his normal (albeit Keen, from both the oath and origin talents) senses, and his full Scent sense is always active. And shoot, while he's at it, he'll throw a Detect EnemyThis works like detect evil except that it's a move action, he gets a full 3 rounds read instantaneously, and it senses if anyone views him as an enemy or has any sort of hostile intent towards him, as we discussed. I'm not really expecting anything in this regard, but never hurts to check in new surroundings. out just in case. So many sus things going on around here, lol.

His main attention will be on the landlord, the blue-clad bard, and anyone else who seems really out of place. Strangely enough, he got a read on the bouncer as he came in and won't suspect him of anything even if his Detect Enemy goes off like a siren; dude is just doing his job. Respect.

Also, please feel free to make additional rolls on your end if they're required. Perception is at +20, Sense Motive is at +14.

Edited by Boogie Woogie Wookiee (see edit history)
Perception Check
1d20+20 18
Sense Motive Check
1d20+14 18
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No sooner had Lucrezia decided that what she'd have would have off menu selections, all the while eyeing the bard aquisitively from beneath hooded eyelids, a secret smile playing around the corners of her lips, than Killian came out with "I'll have what she's having but with a mug of creamy delight."

Lucrezia smirked somewhat, purring... "You took the words right out of my mouth. Off the tip of my tongue even." all this delivered in her customary bordello 'come hither' quaternity in that it was a low, breathy, husky, contralto... that made opera singers sound monotonal.

In truth Lucrezia's hunger for life was fueled by a bone deep chill, something she'd inherited from dear old dad. It was a malady that demanded strong physic, namely a certain lust for life in those that caught her eye, and from the lady in question's playing, well she was just what the chirurgeon ordered. There's gold in them there hills. , she thought to herself.

Pondering, perhaps a might overlate, whether she was being too transparent, she changed the subject, essaying a joke.

"You know what catches my eye?" she asked around the table.. "Dwarves with umbrellas"

Just then her familiar, the small irridescent thrush perched on her shoulder, comically named 'Clamydia', though 'he' preferred to be called Clem, piped up with "You should know.. ma stomach thinks me throat's been cut. Fly me little 'eart out ah doo." There some surprise at this from nearby tables, some on account of a bird speaking, the remainder on account of the fact that the thrush sounded like a harbourside loan shark. Clem turned to one of these worthy's and.. "Whatya looking at? Never see a bird speak before? Yeah, it's me other voice that does the trilling. What of it?"


Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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Lance Warren

spacer.png"Gods above and below, do you think these unfortunate people are allergic to color?" Lance's mutterings and various expressions of shock and dismay at the aesthetics of the grey town having gotten more frequent as they discovered the state of the town, he became somewhat mollified once inside the inn, finally ceasing to play with his golden jewelry as if he were trying to use them to ward off the dull and dreary environment.

Tiny head poking out from the satchel she called home, Bolt yawned, splitting her wedge-shaped head in two as she exposed her needle-sharp teeth. Blinking rapidly, she hangs her head from over the satchel's opening, lazily taking in the sights. reaching down to scratch her head absently, Lance listened to the 'menu' and grimaced slightly. He hated paying money to rent a room, but it was rude to essentially take up residence without paying, even if that residency took no space for him.

"I suppose I'll have the same. Though, while I will pay for the night's stay, I don't require an actual room." Flicking a hand at the nearby wall, the portal of his extradimensional room shimmers into existence. Gesturing at it, he continues, "Just need a place to set that up where the light won't bother any of the other guests if you please." Letting the portal snap shut, he shrugs, "And I'll try some of this 'cream' as well. It has quite the reputation, it seems."

Glancing down at Bolt, he flashes a smile at the man, "Would it be possible to add a bit more meat to the meal for my friend here? And the absolute smallest liquid receptacle available for her to drink from?" Scratching Bolt's furry head with his index finger, he shrugs slightly, "She's going to steal some of my food and drink regardless, and I'd really like to eat a full meal for once." Offering up a surprisingly polished and gleaming gold piece and waving away any thoughts of getting change back, Lance's words of protest at the inevitable food theft are at odds with his smile at the thought.

OOC & Notes

-1 Gold Piece

Mechanics & Statblocks


Lance Actions

Bolt Actions
  • Free Action(s): N/A
  • Move Action: N/A
  • Standard Action: N/A
  • Full-Round Action: N/A
  • Readied Action: N/A
  • Conditional Immediate Action: N/A

Misc: N/A

  • Free Action(s): N/A
  • Move Action: N/A
  • Standard Action: N/A
  • Full-Round Action: N/A
  • Readied Action: N/A
  • Conditional Immediate Action: N/A

Misc: N/A


Lance Warren
spacer.pngMale C/N Human Witch 1|Incanter 4 // Alchemist 1|Conscript 4, Level 5, Init +4, HP 63/63, SP 20/20, Speed 30' Land
AC 25, Touch 15, Flat-footed 20, CMD 18, Fort 6, Ref 9, Will 6, CMB Variable, Base Attack Bonus +4
Telekinetic Greatsword Bludgeon +10 (3d6+1, 19-20/x2, 25' Range)
Unarmored Training, Improved Force Shield (+4 Armor, +4 Shield, +4 Dex, +2 Natural)
Ongoing Effects Orbit (Empty), Vagabond Nick (Stance)
Other Defenses Spell Resistance 16, Fast Healing 2, DR 2/Silver
Notable Modifiers  Detect/Disarm Traps (+21), Steal/Disarm (+20), Stealth (+20), Open Locks (+17), Perception (+12)
Senses Auto Trap Checks (10'), Darkvision (60'), Keen Senses (20'), Low-Light Vision, Tremorsense (30')

spacer.pngFemale C/N Ferret Familiar Level 5, Init +3, HP 29/29, SP 7/7, Speed 40' Land, 20' Hover
AC 24, Touch 18, Flat-footed 20, CMD +2, Fort 6, Ref 8, Will 6, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus +4
Ordan's Clockwork Mantle +13 (2d6+1, 19-20/x2, 120' Range)
Tail Slap +12 (1d2, 20/x2)
Unarmored Training (+4 Armor, +4 Size, +4 Dex, +2 Natural)
Notable Modifiers  Stealth (+27), Perception (+10)
Ongoing Effects Shaped Veil (1)
Senses Darkvision (60')


Edited by BBK (see edit history)
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Killian Evanero and PerianwyrimcMtmH.jpgPerianwyr
Diminutive Dragon and Magical Beast (Familiar)

Init +4, Senses Scent, Perception +9

AC 20 (Touch 20, Flat 14) (Dex +6, Size +4)
HP 20; Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9
Immune None; Bonuses +4 vs. fear (Aura of Courage), +2 vs. paralysis, petrification, polymorph; SR

Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 50 ft.
Melee none; Space 1 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Adorkableness
Special Abilities Alertness, Empathic Link, Improved Evasion, Speak with Master; Convenient Appendage (Mouth), Estivation, Freeze
Spherecasting CAM Wis, CL 5th, Spell Pool 6, Somatic Casting 1
Magic Spheres Illusion (Illusory Odor, Illusory Sound, Suppression; Disappearance, Obscura Mage)

Str 3, Dex 22, Con 8, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 0
Attack Bonus +7 (BAB +5, Size+4, Str -2), CMB -1, CMD 8 (4 flat-footed)
Feats Cantrips
Skills Acrobatics +11, Appraise +4, Artistry (Painting) +5, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Fly +26, Handle Animal +1, Knowledge +0, Knowledge (Engineering) +4, Knowledge (History) +4, Knowledge (Local) +4, Knowledge (Nobility) +4, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Linguistics +0, Perception +9, Perform (Dance) +5, Perform (Sing) +5, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +0, Stealth +25, Swim +10, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Orc, Sylvan; cannot speak

Origin Spheres Form (Aquatic 1, Convenient Appendage [Mouth], Developed Tolerance [Paralysis, Petrification, Polymorph], Developed Wings 3, Estivation, Freeze, Glider, Scent 2; Form Variations (Arm-Wings, Defensive Familiarity [Stealth], Vestigae of the Other [Dragon], Waterhome 2)

Half-Orc, Paladin 5||Sorcerer 1/Psychic 4, Code of HonorFindeladlara's Code of Honor
Convert a powerful enemy into a close friend or ally
Produce an innovative work of art (roll of 30 or higher on an Artistry check)
Reacquire and/or preserve a lost work of elven art
Protect an elven artist in need
Protect an artist of any other race in need
Defeat a known art vandal
Offer aid and shelter to an elf in need who would otherwise be your enemy
Offer aid and shelter to an elf in need and they accept
Become the inspiration for and/or subject of someone else's work of art
Defend a hospitable household from those who would do it harm
Uphold the elven way of life in some notable fashion
Attempt to disguise or show shame towards your elven heritage even in times of peril
Excessively brag of your accomplishments or works of art
Fail to protect or aid an elf in need
Fail to protect or aid an elven artist in need
Allow a close associate of yours to break the law of hospitality
Unwillingly destroy or vandalize an elven work of art (such as when charmed)
Break the law of hospitality
Willfully and knowingly destroy or vandalize an elven work of art
This code of honor is based on the teachings of the church of Findeladlara, the elven goddess of art. Her edicts include the creation and preservation of art and architecture, the sanctity of households, and the artistic inspiration of others.

Note also that the entries that refer to art and artists also refer to architecture and architects as appropriate.


It should also be noted that paladins of Findeladlara are more morally ambiguous than others. While cold-blooded murder and other crimes of that ilk are as abhorant to them as anyone, her champions are willing to bend the rules if the cause is just. For example, stealing for a noble goal is perfectly acceptable to them, and even aiding known villains and criminals in the pursuit of the greater good or to convert them to the light is not only fine by them, but something that they eagerly pursue to mirror their goddess's conversion of the succubus Nocticula. Not surprisingly, her followers share a close bond with those of the Redeemer Queen.
, Findeladlara

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 22
AC 22 (Flat 20, Touch 14) · Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +17 · BAB +5 · Init +4 · CMB +23, CMD 30 · MSB +5(+8), MSD 16(19)

Spell Pool 26 · Phrenic Pool 8 · Hero Points 3 · Combat Stamina 5 · Lay on Hands 8 · Smite Enemy 2

Immune: Disease, Fear · Resistances: Spell Resistance 22, advantage on Poison saves
Conditions: Healthy
Active Sphere Effects: None Currently

Killian's wry smirk turned back into a grin upon hearing Lucrezia's retort. "You just can't help yourself, can you?" Leaning forward, he rests his elbow on the table as he turns and has a look around, scanning the crowd with his typically friendly expression. He gives a polite nod and warm smile to anyone who meets his eyes. After a moment, he turns back around. "Let me guess, the little blue songbird?" he asks in a soft tone so as not to be overheard.

At that, he glances over at Lance only to smile again as the cad talks about his partner in crime. Between Bolt, Clem, and Peri, their familirs were certainly a handful to be sure, but oh how they made life so much more interesting. Killian was just thankful that his beloved friend had filled his belly up earlier this morning at that blackberry bush and was still sleeping it off. He already felt that they had put a little too much magic on display for such a backwater village, and having a little faerie dragon flomping around searching for sweets might push them over the top. But then again, a three-foot tall tree was sitting across from him and no one seemed to be reacting too much to him, so who knew for sure?

Edited by Boogie Woogie Wookiee (see edit history)
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Wyrwood, Druid 5||Hedgewitch 5
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 22, Wis 16, Cha 10
AC 21 (Flat 17, Touch 21) · Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +7 · BAB +3 · Init +4 · CMB +2, CMD 16 · MSB +5, MSD 16

Spell Pool 26/26 · Inspiration Pool 5/5 · Hero Points 3

Immune: _ · Resistances: _
Conditions: Healthy
Active Sphere Effects: None Currently

Trellis stepped into the tavern with some small amount of apprehension. Wyrwoods were not well-known among the races of men, elves, and dwarves, being so insular within their own community. "I wonder how often Lumisar visited places like this." The simple gray cloak Trellis wore covered most of his constructed wooden form, but there was still no missing his face, like a mask carved from the wood of some ancient oak, and with two embedded blue gems for eyes. These did not just sparkle with reflected light, but were illuminated by an inner glow.

His apprehension perhaps slowed his steps by a little, but he still moved lightly and quickly with his recent companions to their table. He made an effort not to stare long at any one person in the room so as not to add more to the wariness they might feel at the sight of him.

When the innkeeper greeted them, Trellis replied. Hearing his voice was strange, with no mouth to provide a corresponding visual indication of his speech. The sound of it was somehow reminiscent of a violin--if violins could talk.

"Thank you for your hospitality. I cannot enjoy your food and drink, but I will pay for a room."

Trellis observed the banter between Killian and Lucrezia but made no comment, for now simply turning his attention to the beautiful music provided by the performer in the corner.

Edited by Keante (see edit history)
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As the four adventurers settled in, the door swung open behind them as another drenched figure stepped into the inn, closing the door behind him and tugging down the hood of his oilskin to look around, two large, spiralling horns visible even if the rest of his features were somewhat hidden in the dim light of the entryway.

In truth, Valros had arrived barely after the other four, although the storm had concealed them from each other - and he'd been somewhat delayed for a few minutes by trying to shepherd the little feral kitten somewhere warmer and drier, which of course had only got him even wetter.

Without leaving the entryway, he carefully took off his oilskin and folded it, doing his best to avoid dripping too much water on the floor, holding it in one hand and slinging the small chest that he seemed to carry everywhere with him back over his shoulder with the other, the wrapped-up sword clattering slightly against it, before making his way over to the innkeeper, trying his utmost not to stare too much at the barmaids. Once the innkeeper had run through the list of options, Valros paused for a moment to consider. "Uh, can I have a room for the night, some stew, and...uh, a mug of the cream...stuff?" He didn't really feel like a cold beer given the bitterly cold weather he'd just had to go through. "Oh, um, do I need to pay for the stabling and...things?" It was at this point that he realised that when one hand was holding his oilskin and trying to keep it away from everyone, and the other holding the rest of his belongings, he didn't have any free hands with which to actually pay for everything he'd just ordered. His tail half twitched towards the chest before he changed his mind and carefully set the box down, pulling out his coin pouch with his newly-freed hand and setting it on the bar, awkwardly rummaging through it until he managed to find the right coins.

As Valros turned around and looked around for somewhere to sit, it was probably blatantly obvious to the four adventurers - and, indeed, to everyone else in the bar - that the tiefling was not particularly used to travelling. Most likely it was only his height and bulk that had discouraged would-be bandits marking him as an easy target.

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spacer.pngClamydia the Thrush

The irridescent thrush, bouncing around in the fluttering way that small songbirds do, on Lucrezia's arm, watches the new arrival with some interest. When it comes to the difficult choice that the Tiefling has to make, he pipes up with.. "On de horns of'a dilemma right enough.", still sounding like the poorly educated neighborhood tough.

Lucrezia, manages to snort some beer out of her nose at this, coughs discretely, turning away from the performing bard as she does so.

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Lance Warren

spacer.pngFailing to hide a snicker at Lucrezia's unfortunate beer-out-the-nose reaction, Lance scritches Bolt's head and points at the spilled beer. Immediately looking annoyed at the mess, the tidy-minded ferret floats out of her familiar satchel to hover over the table and scowls at both Lucrezia and Clamydia, gekkering at them both peevishly while waving her diminutive forelegs as the spilled beer begins cleaning itself.

"And now we'll end up with the cleanest table in the building. You'd think she'd make a decent maid for hire the way she can't stand sitting around in a place that isn't clean, but once she starts cleaning an area any and all fruit mysteriously goes missing," Lance muses. Pausing to consider, he continues, "And honey, and pastries, and generally anything sweet."

Pulling a single strawberry from his personal storage with a flourish of his hand like a street performer finishing a parlor trick, he gently places it on the table directly behind Bolt, out of her immediate view. As the ferret continues to monitor the cleaning process of her magic, she eventually spots the strawberry and goes very still. Eyes darting around, she nonchalantly drifts to hover directly over the strawberry, her altitude shifting as she drifts down 'casually'. As she gets within range of the strawberry, she lets out an exaggerated yawn, stretching her long body and tiny limbs out over the strawberry as she does an aileron roll...and there it went, the strawberry zipping into her tiny backpack as the rotation puts them directly in line with one another and it disappears completely into the container despite the container not looking nearly large enough to contain the entire fruit.

"As I said. A complete mystery. One of life's great questions, quite impossible to solve, I'm afraid," Lance commented dryly as he raised an eyebrow at the ferret pretending very hard she had no idea what he was talking about, continuing her cleaning efforts as if nothing happened and pointedly ignoring Lance's words.

OOC & Notes


Mechanics & Statblocks


Lance Actions

Bolt Actions
  • Free Action(s): N/A
  • Move Action: N/A
  • Standard Action: N/A
  • Full-Round Action: N/A
  • Readied Action: N/A
  • Conditional Immediate Action: N/A

Misc: N/A

  • Free Action(s): N/A
  • Move Action: N/A
  • Standard Action: N/A
  • Full-Round Action: N/A
  • Readied Action: N/A
  • Conditional Immediate Action: N/A

Misc: Uses Cantrip to clean the spilled beer.


Lance Warren
spacer.pngMale C/N Human Witch 1|Incanter 4 // Alchemist 1|Conscript 4, Level 5, Init +4, HP 63/63, SP 20/20, Speed 30' Land
AC 25, Touch 15, Flat-footed 20, CMD 18, Fort 6, Ref 9, Will 6, CMB Variable, Base Attack Bonus +4
Telekinetic Greatsword Bludgeon +10 (3d6+1, 19-20/x2, 25' Range)
Unarmored Training, Improved Force Shield (+4 Armor, +4 Shield, +4 Dex, +2 Natural)
Ongoing Effects Orbit (Empty), Vagabond Nick (Stance)
Other Defenses Spell Resistance 16, Fast Healing 2, DR 2/Silver
Notable Modifiers  Detect/Disarm Traps (+21), Steal/Disarm (+20), Stealth (+20), Open Locks (+17), Perception (+12)
Senses Auto Trap Checks (10'), Darkvision (60'), Keen Senses (20'), Low-Light Vision, Tremorsense (30')

spacer.pngFemale C/N Ferret Familiar Level 5, Init +3, HP 29/29, SP 7/7, Speed 40' Land, 20' Hover
AC 24, Touch 18, Flat-footed 20, CMD +2, Fort 6, Ref 8, Will 6, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus +4
Ordan's Clockwork Mantle +13 (2d6+1, 19-20/x2, 120' Range)
Tail Slap +12 (1d2, 20/x2)
Unarmored Training (+4 Armor, +4 Size, +4 Dex, +2 Natural)
Notable Modifiers  Stealth (+27), Perception (+10)
Ongoing Effects Shaped Veil (1)
Senses Darkvision (60')


Edited by BBK (see edit history)
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Killian Evanero and PerianwyrimcMtmH.jpgPerianwyr
Diminutive Dragon and Magical Beast (Familiar)

Init +4, Senses Scent, Perception +9

AC 20 (Touch 20, Flat 14) (Dex +6, Size +4)
HP 20; Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9
Immune None; Bonuses +4 vs. fear (Aura of Courage), +2 vs. paralysis, petrification, polymorph; SR

Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 50 ft.
Melee none; Space 1 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Adorkableness
Special Abilities Alertness, Empathic Link, Improved Evasion, Speak with Master; Convenient Appendage (Mouth), Estivation, Freeze
Spherecasting CAM Wis, CL 5th, Spell Pool 6, Somatic Casting 1
Magic Spheres Illusion (Illusory Odor, Illusory Sound, Suppression; Disappearance, Obscura Mage)

Str 3, Dex 22, Con 8, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 0
Attack Bonus +7 (BAB +5, Size+4, Str -2), CMB -1, CMD 8 (4 flat-footed)
Feats Cantrips
Skills Acrobatics +11, Appraise +4, Artistry (Painting) +5, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Fly +26, Handle Animal +1, Knowledge +0, Knowledge (Engineering) +4, Knowledge (History) +4, Knowledge (Local) +4, Knowledge (Nobility) +4, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Linguistics +0, Perception +9, Perform (Dance) +5, Perform (Sing) +5, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +0, Stealth +25, Swim +10, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Orc, Sylvan; cannot speak

Origin Spheres Form (Aquatic 1, Convenient Appendage [Mouth], Developed Tolerance [Paralysis, Petrification, Polymorph], Developed Wings 3, Estivation, Freeze, Glider, Scent 2; Form Variations (Arm-Wings, Defensive Familiarity [Stealth], Vestigae of the Other [Dragon], Waterhome 2)

Half-Orc, Paladin 5||Sorcerer 1/Psychic 4, Code of HonorFindeladlara's Code of Honor
Convert a powerful enemy into a close friend or ally
Produce an innovative work of art (roll of 30 or higher on an Artistry check)
Reacquire and/or preserve a lost work of elven art
Protect an elven artist in need
Protect an artist of any other race in need
Defeat a known art vandal
Offer aid and shelter to an elf in need who would otherwise be your enemy
Offer aid and shelter to an elf in need and they accept
Become the inspiration for and/or subject of someone else's work of art
Defend a hospitable household from those who would do it harm
Uphold the elven way of life in some notable fashion
Attempt to disguise or show shame towards your elven heritage even in times of peril
Excessively brag of your accomplishments or works of art
Fail to protect or aid an elf in need
Fail to protect or aid an elven artist in need
Allow a close associate of yours to break the law of hospitality
Unwillingly destroy or vandalize an elven work of art (such as when charmed)
Break the law of hospitality
Willfully and knowingly destroy or vandalize an elven work of art
This code of honor is based on the teachings of the church of Findeladlara, the elven goddess of art. Her edicts include the creation and preservation of art and architecture, the sanctity of households, and the artistic inspiration of others.

Note also that the entries that refer to art and artists also refer to architecture and architects as appropriate.


It should also be noted that paladins of Findeladlara are more morally ambiguous than others. While cold-blooded murder and other crimes of that ilk are as abhorant to them as anyone, her champions are willing to bend the rules if the cause is just. For example, stealing for a noble goal is perfectly acceptable to them, and even aiding known villains and criminals in the pursuit of the greater good or to convert them to the light is not only fine by them, but something that they eagerly pursue to mirror their goddess's conversion of the succubus Nocticula. Not surprisingly, her followers share a close bond with those of the Redeemer Queen.
, Findeladlara

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 22
AC 22 (Flat 20, Touch 14) · Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +17 · BAB +5 · Init +4 · CMB +23, CMD 30 · MSB +5(+8), MSD 16(19)

Spell Pool 26 · Phrenic Pool 8 · Hero Points 3 · Combat Stamina 5 · Lay on Hands 8 · Smite Enemy 2

Immune: Disease, Fear · Resistances: Spell Resistance 22, advantage on Poison saves
Conditions: Healthy
Active Sphere Effects: None Currently

Killian just shook his head at the antics going on next to him, albeit with a bemused expression painted lovingly on his face.

After a few moments, he went to stand up. He brushed down the earth-toned but otherwise luxurious clothing he was wearing and turned to the tiefling. If Lance had recognized the newcomer, the half-orc hadn't picked-up on it. And, while he was now towering a few inches over the man, it was clear that Killian was but a wilting flower next to Valros' broad shoulders and powerful build.

"Please forgive my beloved companions here, their silliness is how they hide the awkwardness of meeting a few friend. Come! Have a seat and break bread with us. There's plenty of room, the company would be warmly received, and we'll have something interesting to talk about as we introduce ourselves over supper."

There was a beat.

"Speaking of," he quickly continued, holding out his hand. "I am Killian Evanero of House Evanero, and it is a genuine pleasure to make your acquaintance."  Almost as if on cue, the telltale glint of his holy symbol caught the light and sparkled whimsically when he bowed his head respectfully at the fellow warrior.

And then there it was, that damn smile of his that was every bit as sincere as his words.

Edited by Boogie Woogie Wookiee (see edit history)
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Lucrezia, the exotic pale creature with the figure hugging gown, langorously extends, in a somewhat predatory fashion, a long leg to drag another stool to the table, whereupon she grins a grin almost as pointed as anything that Valros might present to the world.

This motion of hers gets a few looks from the clientele given that Lucrezia is lucky enough to fall into the category of 'legs up to here' and the gown has side splits. 'All in all', not a girl you bring home to mother seems like the shoe this leg, and indeed the rest of her seems to fit into.

As for the grin, it is a grin for necks, and betrays her ancestry, not that she seems to care. This motion, the langorous leg, is clearly an invitation, perhaps a lure. Either way, it is completely in accord with Killian's words.

She gestures to the staff for another drinking vessel, after a moment's pondering as to how to raise fingers hereabouts and not get punched in the mouth. She seems to do well enough.

"Lucrezia, actually 'The Lucrezia', but my friends call me Lucrezia. My enemies call me from beyond the grave.", she jokes, clearly being insincere. "I too have a House, but it's the creepy one at the end of the street that people avoid.", she adds, her voice a quaternity of promise that makes holy trinities seem boring and banal, being a gothically low, plummy, breathy and husky.

Clearly this is one of those rare Dhampir who can't take anything seriously. Her clothing is also entirely non-monochromatic.

Clem meanwhile keeps his distance from Bolt, a member of a bird eating species, while trying not to look like he's keeping his distance. He's 'flying casual'.


Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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Killian Evanero and PerianwyrimcMtmH.jpgPerianwyr
Diminutive Dragon and Magical Beast (Familiar)

Init +4, Senses Scent, Perception +9

AC 20 (Touch 20, Flat 14) (Dex +6, Size +4)
HP 20; Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9
Immune None; Bonuses +4 vs. fear (Aura of Courage), +2 vs. paralysis, petrification, polymorph; SR

Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 50 ft.
Melee none; Space 1 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks Adorkableness
Special Abilities Alertness, Empathic Link, Improved Evasion, Speak with Master; Convenient Appendage (Mouth), Estivation, Freeze
Spherecasting CAM Wis, CL 5th, Spell Pool 6, Somatic Casting 1
Magic Spheres Illusion (Illusory Odor, Illusory Sound, Suppression; Disappearance, Obscura Mage)

Str 3, Dex 22, Con 8, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 0
Attack Bonus +7 (BAB +5, Size+4, Str -2), CMB -1, CMD 8 (4 flat-footed)
Feats Cantrips
Skills Acrobatics +11, Appraise +4, Artistry (Painting) +5, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Fly +26, Handle Animal +1, Knowledge +0, Knowledge (Engineering) +4, Knowledge (History) +4, Knowledge (Local) +4, Knowledge (Nobility) +4, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Linguistics +0, Perception +9, Perform (Dance) +5, Perform (Sing) +5, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +0, Stealth +25, Swim +10, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Orc, Sylvan; cannot speak

Origin Spheres Form (Aquatic 1, Convenient Appendage [Mouth], Developed Tolerance [Paralysis, Petrification, Polymorph], Developed Wings 3, Estivation, Freeze, Glider, Scent 2; Form Variations (Arm-Wings, Defensive Familiarity [Stealth], Vestigae of the Other [Dragon], Waterhome 2)

Half-Orc, Paladin 5||Sorcerer 1/Psychic 4, Code of HonorFindeladlara's Code of Honor
Convert a powerful enemy into a close friend or ally
Produce an innovative work of art (roll of 30 or higher on an Artistry check)
Reacquire and/or preserve a lost work of elven art
Protect an elven artist in need
Protect an artist of any other race in need
Defeat a known art vandal
Offer aid and shelter to an elf in need who would otherwise be your enemy
Offer aid and shelter to an elf in need and they accept
Become the inspiration for and/or subject of someone else's work of art
Defend a hospitable household from those who would do it harm
Uphold the elven way of life in some notable fashion
Attempt to disguise or show shame towards your elven heritage even in times of peril
Excessively brag of your accomplishments or works of art
Fail to protect or aid an elf in need
Fail to protect or aid an elven artist in need
Allow a close associate of yours to break the law of hospitality
Unwillingly destroy or vandalize an elven work of art (such as when charmed)
Break the law of hospitality
Willfully and knowingly destroy or vandalize an elven work of art
This code of honor is based on the teachings of the church of Findeladlara, the elven goddess of art. Her edicts include the creation and preservation of art and architecture, the sanctity of households, and the artistic inspiration of others.

Note also that the entries that refer to art and artists also refer to architecture and architects as appropriate.


It should also be noted that paladins of Findeladlara are more morally ambiguous than others. While cold-blooded murder and other crimes of that ilk are as abhorant to them as anyone, her champions are willing to bend the rules if the cause is just. For example, stealing for a noble goal is perfectly acceptable to them, and even aiding known villains and criminals in the pursuit of the greater good or to convert them to the light is not only fine by them, but something that they eagerly pursue to mirror their goddess's conversion of the succubus Nocticula. Not surprisingly, her followers share a close bond with those of the Redeemer Queen.
, Findeladlara

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 22
AC 22 (Flat 20, Touch 14) · Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +17 · BAB +5 · Init +4 · CMB +23, CMD 30 · MSB +5(+8), MSD 16(19)

Spell Pool 26 · Phrenic Pool 8 · Hero Points 3 · Combat Stamina 5 · Lay on Hands 8 · Smite Enemy 2

Immune: Disease, Fear · Resistances: Spell Resistance 22, advantage on Poison saves
Conditions: Healthy
Active Sphere Effects: None Currently

Killian's face contorts into a wry expression at Lucrezia's chiding of his introduction, just as a soft sigh escapes his lips. It quickly becomes clear, however, that he finds her words endearing when his smile returns a moment later. Indeed, it's all he can do to keep himself from laughing.

At that, and once hands are shook, he takes a step back and gestures to the stool the teasing vamp so generously offered.

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Wyrwood, Druid 5||Hedgewitch 5
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 22, Wis 16, Cha 10
AC 21 (Flat 17, Touch 21) · Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +7 · BAB +3 · Init +4 · CMB +2, CMD 16 · MSB +5, MSD 16

Spell Pool 26/26 · Inspiration Pool 5/5 · Hero Points 3

Immune: _ · Resistances: _
Conditions: Healthy
Active Sphere Effects: None Currently

Trellis nimbly gets up from his seat to greet the newcomer, following Killian's example. He inclines his head, saying, "Yes, you are welcome to sit with us and rest from your travels. My name is Trellis. What is yours?"

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Lucrezia eyes the newcomer lazily, clearly nowhere close to the edge of her seat. She sips on her beer. The sip seems to impress, for along with raised eyebrows and a generally pleased expression, followed by a saucy wink to a local that is eyeing her, she purrs.. "Man that hits the spot better than a stake. You could get hammered on that."

Clearly a lover of layering meaning, especially humorous undertones, into anything she says. She eyes the newcomer once more. After a few moments of continuing silence, she shrugs lazily and rising from her chair, beer mug in hand, she adds.. "Well, it's been emotional, but I have to go see about a girl."

She walks, though hipswaying strut would be a more apt description, in the direction of the female bard. She had a mind to get a closer look at the runes she could barely see. A strong bard in a crowd was more dangerous than a half ogre with a two handed hammer.

She smiles lazily at the bard as she gets closer, then opts to simply stop twelve or so steps from being in her face and regards her with her dark, dark eyes.

It is at this point that she seems to concentrate, as if listening closely to the music.

OOC: Divining, out to a range of 120' for the presence of magical auras, aberrations, outsiders, wounds, hurts, bleeding, incorporeals, who is phyically the most hale and hearty and the least, who is the best armoured and least armoured, the presence of extreme desires (in particular those whose interest is focussed on her and those at her table), a generalised idea of the movement through the Tavern in the last 5 hours, not forgetting the presence of portals and signs that anyone has teleported in our out.

The various extradimensional spaces impinge on her senses, hers and those of her long time companions. She ponders the other information she recieves as she works her senses through the divination checklist. She looks around, tapping her feet to the tune adding the information she is recieving in a mundane fashion to that obtained from magic.

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
Perception (sees perfectly in all shade & darkness to limits of daylight vision)
1d20+14 12
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