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Posted (edited)

I'm reading the rules on traps now...

If Chalia had known about the trip wire, it sounds like, for that specific design, she could have just bounded over it.

Let's give Chalia a second chance to spot it: roll perception, DC 18, for the trip wire. If that fails, please roll a reflex save to avoid the trapdoor opening beneath her, DC 16

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reflex save

Here we go


EDIT: I don't think I spot the trap, but I manage to avoid it nevertheless. Probably just lucky during the charge that I stepped right before the trap and right after but not on it.

Edited by farothel (see edit history)
reflex save
1d20+10 10
1d20+8 9
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Posted (edited)

I'll remove the barn so it's just the drawn barn underneath and give you a new pic of that tonight.

In any case, Flick is 20 feet North of the north barn door. The living guy on the ground floor is 15 ft in, and the dead one is 20 feet in. Plus 2 guys up 12ish feet at the south windows.

East to west, the starting positions for Flick, Khaine, and Maybell were just roughly placed. They could really have been anywhere along the tree/bush line which is cut 20 ft back from the barn.

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Not sure why I wrote green when I had intended to attack yellow anyway! Even with his enhanced movement Khaine would never have made it to green (without denying himself that tiger stance!)

Did yellow roll his fort save against being stunned? That happens without the need for a crit (I just need to hit with either flurry of blows)

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Posted (edited)

@omegoku the first strike turns out to be a crit if we include Maybell's buff. Please include her buffs in your rolls if she has posted before you. For me to sort it out I have to got to your character sheet (which isn't linked in your post templates) to look up your normal attack bonusWhich would also be lovely to have a quick reference to in your template to know whether you included the buff.

Lastly, I would like everyone to make a change to how you format your rolls: please separate the bonuses. So for example, Khaine would roll 1d20+10+1 instead of just 1d20+11. This makes it clear to me, at a glance, that he's remembered to include everything additional bonuses

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Sorry, I mean to include it all myself, but I have forgotten pretty consistently. Will try harder!

My attacks (and attack bonus) are in the Statistics part of my post. I will try to make things as clear as possible!

For example

-Tiger Claw +10/+6/+2 1d8+2 Slashing • Agile, Finesse, Non-lethal, Unarmed, Bleed on Crit

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@Eagleheart that was a critical failure on Flick's save vs lethargy poison, putting him at stage 2. It won't be doing poison damage to him, but it will eventually knock him right out. Now, you have 3 hero points at this point. All of you do, unless I've forgotten something. Perhaps I haven't been communicating that clearly up til now, but now would be a really good time for Flick to reroll.

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I rolled 3 10s to hit in a row! What the hell dice tower!

Do I need to take another fort save at the end/start of my turn? I wasn't sure if it is the same poison, so I added a third action, which can be ignored if needed.

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Posted (edited)

@farothel The platforms with the archers are 12 ft up, Chalia needs to roll an athletics check to reach that high (you can roll your own and ignore the roll I tagged on there). If her jump doesn't succeed, she can continue the same movement action to reach the yellow guy. Or she can do another perception check to look for other ways to the archers.

@omegoku The second fort save will be on your next turn. All three of you are now at stage one of lethargy poisoning. If you fail the second save, the effects for stage 2 don't worsen, but you don't get another save for a minute after that. If you fail that save and go to stage 3, lights out for 1 round. 4th save is one round after that, and failing that means stage 4 which means lights out for 1d4 hours.

Also, Khaine has lost one action due to being slowed 1. But he still has one action remaining since he took out the bandit captain (yellow) on his first strike (with help from Flick).

Edited by Blaeringr (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Blaeringr said:

@farothel The platforms with the archers are 12 ft up, Chalia needs to roll an athletics check to reach that high (you can roll your own and ignore the roll I tagged on there). If her jump doesn't succeed, she can continue the same movement action to reach the yellow guy. Or she can do another perception check to look for other ways to the archers.

@omegoku The second fort save will be on your next turn. All three of you are now at stage one of lethargy poisoning. If you fail the second save, the effects for stage 2 don't worsen, but you don't get another save for a minute after that. If you fail that save and go to stage 3, lights out for 1 round. 4th save is one round after that, and failing that means stage 4 which means lights out for 1d4 hours.

Also, Khaine has lost one action due to being slowed 1. But he still has one action remaining since he took out the bandit captain (yellow) on his first strike (with help from Flick).


Will the roll you did make it up there?

Oh, I removed my last action due to the slowed.

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1 hour ago, farothel said:


Will the roll you did make it up there?

Oh, I removed my last action due to the slowed.

Tricky question with no clear answer in the rules

With her own height being ~6 ft, and arms adding ~2 ft to that, she needs to make a 4 foot vertical to grab it. Without a roll, the rules put a normal vertical jump, with a 10 ft running start, at 3 ft, and a DC 30 check set as the benchmark for 5 ft vertical, or 8 ft on a crit success, or DC 40.

So DC 30 for 5 ft, 40 for 8 ft, 0 for 3 ft, and x for 4 ft. Whatever x is, it's gotta be higher than the 13 I got.

Also, high jump costs two actions normally: https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=2377&Redirected=1

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