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Caves Behind the Washnoran Falls

Black Wyvern

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Zyira examines each spear in the barrel in turn, noting construction and the like... "It might do for us to take these with us on the way back... If not to provide the townsfolk with something to use in their defense or hunts, then something for us to use." She hefts the hafted weapon in her hand once.

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Marzipo starts putting the tarnished silver plates and goblets in his backpack, emptying the content on the floor.

"Hmm, I'd wager this is worth something, if cleaned and scrubbed."

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image.png.57dd8e29ec683f899b9d492331fb67fc.pngAfter the initial search, Dugrule's frustration grew, and he began to toss the room in earnest, determined to find hidden treasure or any secret compartments or rooms. He flipped the bed, ripped apart the mattress and pillows, and smashed up the furniture, searching for concealed spaces. His search didn’t stop there; he meticulously examined the walls, floors, and ceiling, looking for any hidden doors or passages.

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As Barlo's torch starts to sputter the halfling slings off his pack and hastily starts digging out a torch. Touching the new to the old just as it sputters its last. "Whew! That was close. I gotta keep a better eye out." He says with a broad smile.

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Posted (edited)

DM Narrative

As would be expected with hobgoblin weapons, the spears are in all worn but solid working order.

Marzipo gets the tarnished silver tucked away.

Barlo barely manages to get a torch lit before the party is cloaked in darkness.

Duggrule smashes two of beds in a rage, the sounds of crashing and bashing echo down the hall. He finds nothing in the beds.


Marching Order:
Barlo: (Torch Turn 1)
Duggrule: Wounded -1
Zyira: (Cure light wounds, Sleep)
Marzipo: (Charm Person, Sleep, Ventriloquism, Phantasmal Forces)
Lionel: (cure light wounds, cure light wounds)
Recovered Treasure: 23 gp, 15 sp, 47 cp
Monsters Defeated: 6 Hobgoblins

X - I am only going to post up on one turn of actions at a time. You posted about 30 turns worth of actions.

DTS - Your character is wearing chain mail. The hobgoblins have leather.

Edited by Black Wyvern (see edit history)
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"That was close...! Say, if the lights ever do go out, I can always light a torch or a lantern for you who can't see as well as I in the dark." Zyira offers. As she slides a spear out of the barrel, she continues. "These spears have seen better days, but they're serviceable enough. I'm going to carry this one... for a quick thrower." She nods at the barrel. "Any other takers?"

Edited by SCARY WIZARD (see edit history)
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Barlo will help search the remaining beds. He will look under them first then with a dagger remove the bedding, fearful of lice. If the bunk is layered hides or cloth he will stab through a few layers at a time and give them a shake before tipping his dagger blade down to let them slide to the floor. If there is any area for compartment he will knock on it to see if it is hollow. Otherwise, lacking any heavy hitter weapons he will let the dwarf break parts up.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

DM Narrative

Duggrule and Barlo continue searching the room while Lionel looks over the hobgoblin armor. The closed door in the back of the room suddenly opens and a mass of creatures push into the room with limping shuffled gaits. They are all lanky nearly to the point of being skeletal. Little of their skin is visible as they are covered in dirt and dried blood. They bring with them the overwhelming stench of rotten carrion. These poor creatures have no joy or pain or fear, all they know is unquenchable hunger. Seeing you with their cold black shark eyes they begin shuffling in mass to you... a new food source.


Marching Order:
Barlo: (Torch Turn 2)
Duggrule: Wounded -1
Zyira: (Cure light wounds, Sleep)
Marzipo: (Charm Person, Sleep, Ventriloquism, Phantasmal Forces)
Lionel: (cure light wounds, cure light wounds)
10 Ghouls: Closing to attack
Recovered Treasure: 23 gp, 15 sp, 47 cp
Monsters Defeated: 6 Hobgoblins


Edited by Black Wyvern (see edit history)
Random Encounter 1-3 due to noise
1d6 3
1d12 12
# Appearing
2d6 4,6
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LIonel will step forward and says, " by the power that is good repell undead creatures. Flee from my presence."


(attempt to turn undead)

roll turn undead
2d6 2,1
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Duggrule stops his search as the undead horrors flood the room, he halts long enough to see if Zyira's faith is enough to turn the horrors back.

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Barlo kneels and unleashes two arrows at the closest corpses. "Don't just bloody stand there. Hack 'em!" He says between shots.

4,12; 1,2
repeat(1d20+1,2);repeat(1d6,2) [3,11]; [3,11,1,2]
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Posted (edited)

DM Narrative

Faith provides you with no support as the shambling horde of emaciated stench moves forward. For all their awkward motion the undead move with vigor and speed. They rush into your group before you can form into battle lines. Your clerics are unable to stop them and they crash like a great wave against you.

Barlo hits one of the undead as it closes on him and before his is able to change weapons the halfling is bleeding from half a dozen bites and scratches. Duggrule and Lionel falr little better despite heavy armor. Zyira and Marzipo are unable to keep their feet and are soon being feasted upon.


Ghoul Attacks
Barlo - Hit 6 times for 7 points of damage - Need Save vs. Paralyzation
Duggrule - Hit twice for 5 points of damage - Need Save vs. Paralyzation
Zyira - Hit thrice for 16 points of damage - Down
Marzipo - Hit four times for 5 points of damage - Need Save vs. Paralyzation
Lionel - Hit twice for 4 points of damage - Need Save vs. Paralyzation
Sorry guys - This is why I hate Turn Undead. By the law of averages Turn Undead had a 70% of getting rid of half of them each round.
Marching Order:
Barlo: (Torch Turn 2) Paralyzed
Duggrule: Wounded -6 total Paralyzed
Zyira: (Cure light wounds, Sleep) Down
Marzipo: (Charm Person, Sleep, Ventriloquism, Phantasmal Forces) Wounded -5 total
Lionel: (cure light wounds, cure light wounds) Paralyzed
10 Ghouls: Closing to attack
Recovered Treasure: 23 gp, 15 sp, 47 cp
Monsters Defeated: 6 Hobgoblins


Edited by Black Wyvern (see edit history)
Ghoul 1 Attack on Barlo
16,15,17; 2,4,1
repeat(1d20,3);repeat(1d6,3) [16,15,17]; [16,15,17,2,4,1]
Ghoul 2 Attack on Barlo
13,14,16; 1,1,2
repeat(1d20,3);repeat(1d6,3) [13,14,16]; [13,14,16,1,1,2]
Ghoul 3 Attack on Duggrule
13,17,4; 6,4,1
repeat(1d20,3);repeat(1d6,3) [13,17,4]; [13,17,4,6,4,1]
Ghoul 4 Attack on Duggrule
10,4,4; 3,2,4
repeat(1d20,3);repeat(1d6,3) [10,4,4]; [10,4,4,3,2,4]
Ghoul 5 Attack on Zyira
5,7,18; 3,4,3
repeat(1d20,3);repeat(1d6,3) [5,7,18]; [5,7,18,3,4,3]
Ghoul 6 Attack on Zyira
16,17,10; 3,4,1
repeat(1d20,3);repeat(1d6,3) [16,17,10]; [16,17,10,3,4,1]
Ghoul 7 Attack on Marzipo
5,11,2; 5,4,6
repeat(1d20,3);repeat(1d6,3) [5,11,2]; [5,11,2,5,4,6]
Ghoul 8 Attack on Marzipo
12,19,19; 5,1,4
repeat(1d20,3);repeat(1d6,3) [12,19,19]; [12,19,19,5,1,4]
Ghoul 9 Attack on Lionel
5,14,20; 1,5,4
repeat(1d20,3);repeat(1d6,3) [5,14,20]; [5,14,20,1,5,4]
Ghoul 10 Attack on Lionel
1,5,4; 2,1,2
repeat(1d20,3);repeat(1d6,3) [1,5,4]; [1,5,4,2,1,2]
Ghoul 1 and 2 Damage Rerolls for everything above 1
0.5; 2
1d6/2;1d4 [1]; [1,2]
Ghoul 3 Claws damage reroll
repeat(1d6/2,2) 6,4
Ghoul 5 Bite and Ghoul 6 Claws Damage Rerolls
2; 3,0.5
1d4;repeat(1d6/2,2) [2]; [2,6,1]
Ghoul 7 Claw and Ghoul 8 All Damage
1.5,0.5,0.5; 1
repeat(1d6/2,3);1d4 [3,1,1]; [3,1,1,1]
Ghoul 9 Claw and Bite
2.5; 1
1d6/2;1d4 [5]; [5,1]
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