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Even 1st level characters have a past...

PbP leaves little room for characters to sit around the fire and introduce themselves. This thread aims to address that. Each character will post one reply here that they will update as the game progresses, revealing what the other characters learn about that character's past, family and ambitions etc...

Start by posting what your fellow characters know about you as the game begins, you're not strangers, after all, you've all undergone basic militia training together!

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yoho2.jpg.0fff9c575ddb08cde11910c5ad642d70.jpgYohan Zebedee human chondathan young adult male

Riding into Daggerford upon a magnificient white stallion with studded leather barding, a lone knight in highly decorated and polished full plate armor canters slowly down the main street. His engraved armor prominently bears the holy sun emblem of the Morning Lord, Lathander front and center upon his breastplate and his raised lance flys a bannertte of the Order of Aster. His heavy steel shield also bears the symbol of the sun, spiked with the sun symbols rays.

Beneath the raised visor of his ornate helm, a youthful chondathan man with auburn hair and penetrating green hazel eyes looks on. A short well trimmed beard suggests a man in his early to late twenties, by human standards.

He carries weapons of war, a glowing heavy metal mace that radiates light hangs from his belt. A silver holy smbol of Lathander hangs from the spur of his military saddle and an image of Waterdeep's Spire of Morning is embroidered on the saddle bags of his steed.

Engraved on each shoulder piece of full plate armor is an image of The Spire of Morning, and Castle Waterdeep on the other.

Yohan is a holy knight from Waterdeep who has spent his young life in service to the City Watch, and later finding his faith joined the Holy Order of Lathander's Soldier's of Light and continued to serve Waterdeep in the City Guard. After many years of service, Yohan is now a wandering Knight of the Order of Aster intent on serving Lathander's will for the good people of the realm.

He is in Daggerford to visit the Tower of Morninglow and the Lightlord Liam.

Yohan is used to working as a knight with a larger shared purpose, and works well with others to accomplish common goals. He is mindful of evil, and will thwart it's evil influences before it has a dire effect upon the good of the community. He will give criminal's an opportunity to surrender to face justice, and only kill's when it is sanctioned by the church or to save another life.

When the situation calls for it, Yohan will be a champion for the good of the community. He is polite, likes wine and cheese and never refuses a dinner invitation from a local lord or a friend. Yohan has made a vow of chastity, one he struggles with.

Edited by DarkAngel (see edit history)
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elfftrwizoriginal_zps9e1ae712.webp.721f4e507125c5d4c515211265c66147.webpQwynn Maraphiir

Moon Elf Ranger from Neverwinter Wood

Qwynn has informed his adventuring companions that he is from Neverwinter Wood and is on a quest to discover his roots. These lands once were part of a great Elven Empire and he is in search of ancient ruins to discover lost libraries to track down his "family tree". He has a little pocket notebook that he loves scribbling in with all sorts of curious bits of information that he wishes to expand on at a later date.

Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
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Finwe.jpg.ac1926001151e8ce9d7343921d6d3fb7.jpgFinwe Faline

Sun Elf Wizard from Evereska

Finwe has shared that he is a Wizard from Evereska and that until a little over three years ago he had not had any interactions with any race other than the Sun Elves.

He prefers studying and talking to physical activities and has no problem letting others handle the manual labor. Although he will pitch in if he has to.

He seeks knowledge of all things, not just magic.

He was traveling through Daggerford to Waterdeep, but his bad timing got him stuck in Daggerford for the winter.

He joined the militia because otherwise he would have run out of money and starved to death. And that brings him to be here now, exploring a lost Dwarven complex. While thrilling at finding long lost items and seeing the wonders the dwarves built, he could do without all the fighting and would much rather be above ground.

And the group knows of his familiar, Kodo the weasel.

Edited by Draidden (see edit history)
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Daltin RockFist
Shield Drawf, Barbarian



Daltin keeps his distance initially. Cordial but standoffish as he goes about his taskings. eventually he engages in conversation He explains he is seeking a fellow Shield dwarf that has embarked with a company to reclaim Runedardath. Daggarford is referred to as a resupply point for that mission. Thus, he contacted the latest messenger and is enroute back to Runedardath. As to his reasons, he grew tired of the simple life at Torstultok and decided to seek out grander and more exciting things on the road.

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Appearance: Rather than choosing the typical black clothing for a thief, Dolan has opted instead for the browns and tans of undyed leather armor. He's slender and clean-shaven, from what few hairs the 17 year old would have on his face anyway, and when his hood is down, his brown hair, brown eyes, and fair-to-tawny skin make his Chondathan ancestry obvious, even if there could be a little Illuskan in the mix as well. He is short, standing at only 5'7" with his boots on.

What is Known:

  • Dolan's mother lives in Daggerford as well.
  • Dolan has recently begun to follow Tymora, though he's not very knowledgeable about the gods.

What is Rumored:

  • Dolan has a reputation for being able to pick pockets and locks.
  • Though he does have a reputation as a thief, he doesn't steal from his fellow militia members or friends.
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Baldin Dawnson


Baldin leans heavily towards the martial cleric school of dress and appearance. Instead of vestments, he wears armor, and his sturdy, just-over-six-foot frame walks with the type of confidence one can only get from the battlefield. Even though his armor appears well used, it is as immaculately cared for as his shoulder-length brown hair and beard. Hinting at a certain fastidiousness that only someone who was taught and enjoyed it could have.
Baldin lives up to his namesake as serves Lathander. He believes even bad events can be a chance for a good rebirth. He is friendly and open with people but can be quite vicious when he witnesses acts of cruelty. Despite his willingness to wade into battle against the foes of his faith he has a strong appreciation for art and culture wherever he can find it. He is never afraid to admire something that interests him: a new painting, fine food, a pretty woman, or a catchy jingle. He is fighting for joy in life, after all.
Due to recent setbacks, his confidence seems ,to be crumbling, and a more stoic persona is emerging.
  • Baldin, as indicated by his last name, is most likely an orphan taken in by the church
  • Baldin was sent to Daggerdale to settle down from the more wild influences he was finding in Waterdeep
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