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Session 9: Booty

GM Saint

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Agatha is a portly older widower who runs the inn herself. She was still up only because she'd been helping Aria until you returned last night but was happy enough to pour you a pint and push you a bowl of fruit and cheese and dried fish and sell you room, especially with you overpaying so much. You eventually settle into bed and the next morning comes with the fatigue of the day mostly washed away.


You come downstairs, drawn by the scent of pork frying. "The Vale is quite a strange place, friend. A disciple of Ludwig doesn't surprise me. That she's a drow... shouldn't surprise me," comes a voice from a nearby table. "Yet I'm surprised anyway." He must have noticed the emblem around your neck. This is a middle aged man who initially presents as human but is there the slightest point to his ears? Not a half-elf but likely has an elven ancestor to too far up the family tree. He's got short blonde hair and a clean goatee and bright blue eyes.


He's wearing a soft blue shirt that fits tight around his large arms and laces up only at the collar. There is a very small pendant around his neck with Sola's symbol on it. His pants are brown leather, also tight fitting and functional, his boots well worn. There is a mace propped against his chair that is quite strange. It has a metal handle and the head is spiked and seems to be made out of gold. It'd be pointlessly heavy except the size of his arms suggests he can probably wield it fine. "Join me. I've only met the man once and would love to hear what's gotten up to. Breakfast is on me."


You notice his left forearm is heavily bandaged. He's been in a fight recently.




You spend the night in Griselda's journal and turn in to rest. You know your friends made it back and eventually people arrive at the house and start going to sleep. In the morning, you wake up not in the house but standing outside the town. It's about mid-morning so the sun is out and the sky is quite clear but Winter is starting to press in so the air is chill and the breeze is uncomfortable. "Forgive me, little mouse, I couldn't be bothered to knock so I just dreamwalked you out," comes Baba's voice from a nearby shadow.


@Diofant @Knave @WolfBirch @TheGospel


You guys all went to bed whenever you chose to. You can wake up whenever you wish and the day is yours for now.

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https://mwbaldrcdkstack-ipbuploads6f377ba5-6asvxg6ywium.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/monthly_2023_11/ffe456db-145a-4206-a621-b97d83a44164(2).jpg.5c56c24bd51547bf470bfc45f6b0d253.jpgName: Souris Garou | Class: Druid 6 | AC: 12 | HP 60/60 (54/54) | Prof: +3 | PP: 17 (22 scent/sound)

Saves | Attacks | Cantrips | Magic Items | Wildshape: 

Spell DC: 15 | Spell Attack: +7 | Level 1 ▣  | Level 2 ▣ ▣ ▣ |   Level 3 ▣ | Luck ▣
With sleep bleary eyes Souris blinked slowly, as the hag she strained to focus on the shadows. So much was going through her mind, remnants from what she read, mixed with the lingering bits of dreams that were fast fading from her memory. "It is probably for the best that you did not pay me a visit directly" She said unnecessarily.



Dice Ex Machina



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https://mwbaldrcdkstack-ipbuploads6f377ba5-6asvxg6ywium.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/monthly_2023_11/ffe456db-145a-4206-a621-b97d83a44164(2).jpg.5c56c24bd51547bf470bfc45f6b0d253.jpgName: Souris Garou | Class: Druid 6 | AC: 12 | HP 60/60 (54/54) | Prof: +3 | PP: 17 (22 scent/sound)

Saves | Attacks | Cantrips | Magic Items | Wildshape: 

Spell DC: 15 | Spell Attack: +7 | Level 1 ▣  | Level 2 ▣ ▣ ▣ |   Level 3 ▣ | Luck ▣
Sighing, she shook her head. "Not yet. We did find a ledger, or something I think. She was tied up with some halfling menace. Then we ended up freeing Griselda. Do you think she'd be inclined to help? At this point I'm half tempted to just burn her house down."



Dice Ex Machina



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"You did what now?" Her eyes go north as if she might see the Mory house from here. "Foolish girl and your idiot friends... you stop one bit of madness and then just set free more! You want to burn her house down but she would eat you alive and barely notice the effort! She is the archdruid. You would do well to remember all druids in her realm are subservient by nature."

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Murdain ShattershieldMurdainWitcher5.png.6cd2afbc95fe290c39b8a905db668054.png

Class: Psion 6 | AC: 14 | HP: 60/60 | Prof: +3 | Init: +3 | PP: 16 | Speed: 30ft

Conditions |0/3 0/36/6d8 HD| image.png.a82f23fe2d47028594124051b651afdc.png 2/2 LR| image.png.708944f243459fdd52c280f6b499426c.png 4/4 SR|image.png.c62acd6d65df4d9d52e101b519ead606.png 1/1 LR| potion.png.8ceade609fcabc6cc6ab30895b9a0a52.png 10/10 |💼 Inventory

Murdain had not slept much that night, the nightmares witnessed proving it difficult to fall asleep. He'd been used to blood, to suffering, but not that kind. Waking, he checked if the small 'traps' had been where he placed them - nobody had broken into the room to check on him unannounced. No feeling of being spied on, neither... And his head felt remarkably clear, given yesterday's events. Yawning, he sat up and done his stretches, gave Tato his breakfast and some scritches behind his ear, then equipped himself as usual and headed off for Agatha's Inn. Whatever this day held, it was best to start with a bit of breakfast. With any luck, there might be pie or scrambled eggs back on the menu.


Bonus Action:
Free Action: 

Edited by Diofant (see edit history)
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Name Aaliyah | Class Warlock/Sorc | Level: 1/5 | AC: 16| HP: 49/49 | Prof: +3 Stats: Str 8 / Dex 14 / Con 14 / Int 12 / Wis 10 / Cha 18
Special Abilities: Luck: [o][o] Attacks: EB | +7 | 1d10+4(x2)

Cantrips       Spells Known (6): 

Magic Items: Healing Potion [o]

Spell DC: 15 | Spell Attack +7 Sorc Points: 0/5

Spells (Sorc lvl1) [o][o][o][o] (lvl2) [o][o][o] (lvl3) [o][o]l (War lvl1) [o]  


Aaliyah bamfs out of her room at the inn and goes straight to where the kids are. It was morning story time and today she had a new magic trick to show them.

Edited by TheGospel (see edit history)
Did I rest?
1d100 56
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https://mwbaldrcdkstack-ipbuploads6f377ba5-6asvxg6ywium.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/monthly_2023_11/ffe456db-145a-4206-a621-b97d83a44164(2).jpg.5c56c24bd51547bf470bfc45f6b0d253.jpgName: Souris Garou | Class: Druid 6 | AC: 12 | HP 60/60 (54/54) | Prof: +3 | PP: 17 (22 scent/sound)

Saves | Attacks | Cantrips | Magic Items | Wildshape: 

Spell DC: 15 | Spell Attack: +7 | Level 1 ▣  | Level 2 ▣ ▣ ▣ |   Level 3 ▣ | Luck ▣
She looked confused for a moment then laughed. "No, not Griselda's house, the, how did you put it cancerous woman's house. Any chance you think the arch druid could be an ally?"



Dice Ex Machina



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Name Nikoletta Vandal | Class BH/Pal | Level: 6 | AC: 15| HP: 72/72 | Prof: +3 Stats: Str 18 / Dex 12 / Con 14 / Int 08 / Wis 10 / Cha 14
Special Abilities: Luck: [o][o] Eyeless [x] Aroooo:[o] The Die: 1d6 Attacks: Greatsword | +7 | 1d12+4 slash - Bow | +4 | 1dd8+3

Spells: Misty Step/Levitate/Dispel Magic/Bless [o][o][o][o]

Magic Items: Healing Potion [o][o]



Niko feels starved. She was hungry but, most concerning, her wolf was hungry so she'd come downstairs chasing the scent of bacon. When the man greeted her and invoked Ludwig's name, she paused at the bottom of the stairs. Her armor was upstairs and she was wearing a simple linen tunic with tights on beneath it, belted at her waist. They were in plain brown colors but she did wear her house sigil, Ludwig's own, that marks her as a hunter from the Order of the Cursed Blood.


She sized the man up very overtly and for a moment regretted leaving her sword upstairs. If he started trouble, she'd have to use her claws... but then she shrugs. He was offering free food so she went to the table. "Ludwig would say my circumstances were... unique." She extends her hand, deciding the man was also quite handsome. "Nikoletta Vandal, formerly of House Vandal but I suspect that house fell before you were even born."

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"She'll make you her ally but I'd suspect you'd aid her more than she returns the favor. She's going to make a right mess of things once she gets her footing. Maybe she'll solve my problem for me... but she'll be more my enemy than your friend. First she'll claim my bakali servants..." Baba seems... afraid. The idea that Griselda is free has her very nervous.


Roll insight.




The children are actually starting to go back to their old routines now that the Shadow is gone. You find a few who rush over to say hi but it isn't the large groups you usually attracted as families begin going to their homes or feel safer having their kids with them as they work.




A plate of bacon and eggs is laid in front of by the innkeeper, who remembers how much you paid last night. "So another seeking the sanctuary of the Vale? I hadn't considered even the drow might honor the Vale for what it is. I am Ser Gavan the Sunsetter, formerly of His Majesty's most holy of knights, now also a refugee of sorts."


He extends his hand and takes yours, not gently but firmly. He does seem to recognize you as someone very martially inclined.

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https://mwbaldrcdkstack-ipbuploads6f377ba5-6asvxg6ywium.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/monthly_2023_11/ffe456db-145a-4206-a621-b97d83a44164(2).jpg.5c56c24bd51547bf470bfc45f6b0d253.jpgName: Souris Garou | Class: Druid 6 | AC: 12 | HP 60/60 (54/54) | Prof: +3 | PP: 17 (22 scent/sound)

Saves | Attacks | Cantrips | Magic Items | Wildshape: 

Spell DC: 15 | Spell Attack: +7 | Level 1 ▣  | Level 2 ▣ ▣ ▣ |   Level 3 ▣ | Luck ▣
Baba always spoke in half truths, but Souris liked to believe she could suss out more of the truths that the old woman cared to reveal. She rarely let on, which she believed help lower the hag's guard.



Dice Ex Machina



1d20+4 12
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Name Nikoletta Vandal | Class BH/Pal | Level: 6 | AC: 15| HP: 72/72 | Prof: +3 Stats: Str 18 / Dex 12 / Con 14 / Int 08 / Wis 10 / Cha 14
Special Abilities: Luck: [o][o] Eyeless [x] Aroooo:[o] The Die: 1d6 Attacks: Greatsword | +7 | 1d12+4 slash - Bow | +4 | 1dd8+3

Spells: Misty Step/Levitate/Dispel Magic/Bless [o][o][o][o]

Magic Items: Healing Potion [o][o]




Oh... She shakes his hand, trying to not reveal how she'd hesitated after hearing his name. "I've heard the name spoken. I admit I had to question how a holy knight ends up here but I understand it's quite rude to ask such things. I myself am not an exile. My house was removed from the world when I was but a small girl and circumstances found me rejecting the reputation that comes with the color of my... hair."


She hungrily shoves a fork full of eggs into her mouth. "You were there last night, at the house."


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orcpirate(2).jpg.12104ac02f934c721f72d91272b3fe2d.jpgName Barkvin | Class Cleric 6 | AC: 19 | HP: 57/57 | Prof: +3 | PP: 13 | Saves: Str +3 / Dex +2 / Con +3 / Int +1 / Wis +8 / Cha +3 | Luck: (2/2) | Channel Divinity: (1/1)

Special Abilities darkvision, Warcaster, Disciple of Life, Turn Undead, Preserve Life, Blessed Healer | 

Attacks: Mace | +5 | 1d6+2 bludgeoning, Light Crossbow | +4 | 1d8+1 piercing (80/320)

 Prepared Spells | Spell DC: 15 | Spell Attack +7 | Hit Dice d8 (6/6) | Death Saves: 0/0

Cantrips: Light, Spare the Dying, Sacred Flame (2d8 radiant DEX save), Word of Radiance (2d6 radiant CON save)

Level 1 | (4/4) | Bless C (+d4), Cure Wounds (1d8+7 healing), Healing Word (1d4+7 healing), Inflict Wounds (3d10 necrotic)
Level 2 | (3/3)  | Hold Person C (WIS), Zone of Truth, Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon (1d8+4 force), Prayer of Healing (2d8+8 x6), Blindness Deafness (CON)

Level 3 | (3/3)  | Beacon of Hope C, Mass Healing Word (1d4+9 x6), Daylight, [Aura of Vitality C (2d6+5 for 1 minute)], Revivify, Spirit Guardians C (WIS 3d8 radiant), Remove Curse


The young cleric gets up before dawn and starts a fire in the hearth of the house. The place seemed big and empty. Not everyone came to stay here last night. Apparently some preferred the comforts of the inn. He could appreciate that, if he had the coin to spare he would to. He warms his hands in front of the small fire then puts a pot on with some water for tea. He is ready for the sunrise and makes his devotions to the Sola the sun goddess. Afterwards Barkvin drinks some hot tea and eats some of his hard tack. He would need to pick up some supplies today, at least a little food to have on hand. He waits late into the morning for Aaliyah to show up. He had prepared the spell she requested, but she is a no show. Perhaps she did not really want to separate herself from the staff. When it seems clear that she isn't coming he decides to go out shopping. Hitting up some of the farmers stalls and the baker to buy some food for the house. He decides to also go and visit the church. Stop in and visit, see how things are getting on now.


Mechanics *

MOVE: go to market and stalls to buy some food for the house, then go to the little church in town.

ACTION: none






OOC: Did anyone besides Barkvin stay at the house? Did we ever decide how it is laid out?

Free 1 level bump whenever plus benefits of a long rest.



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