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Crusader half orc.webpSkold - Crusader

HP: 20/20 | Init: +0 | AC: 16 Touch: 10 FF: 16 | Fort: +5 Reflex: +0 Will: +1 |

Stance: Martial Spirit | Maneuvers | Steely Resolve 0/5

"Most kind of you." He responds with a grateful smile. As she moves to send word ahead, Skold takes the same moment to step back to the door and leans in to politely interrupt the conversation.

"I've just sent for the Captain of the Guard. They're in Medical right now, but hopefully we'll talk soon." He lingered in the doorway for a moment to hear any follow-up from the room, then stepped back outside to the elf guard.

"Thank you for your assistance. My name's Skold, and dark days aside, it's a pleasure to meet you." Skold may not be as well versed in 'noble-speak' as some of the others, but there was a certain calmness in small talk he believed anyone could take comfort in. Best help settle her nerves what little he could, at least until further word of the Captain arrived.


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Sister Elektra. Healer & Elementalist

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=18, Touch=12, FF=16 / HP=15/15 / Init=2 / Saves: Fort=4, Reflex=2, Will = 6 _________________________________________________________________________

Sister Elektra had sat and listened to the others speak, as well as her colleagues assent to helping the noble house in their war against powerful forces at play in the city, seemingly without much information as to the nature of the foes.

What was supposed to be a simple sale of a piece of artwork had suddenly turned into a life-or-death situation, where the losers would likely be better off turned to dust than face their true fates for such a failure, since just assisting House McClare was the equivalent of a death sentence.

Nodding her assent without speaking when her colleagues commit to jumping from the frying pan into the fire, the Dwarven holy woman asks a logical question, "I realize this is a sensitive topic, but if we are to help, then we should know all we can about the creatures who assaulted you in order to try and change the result during the next encounter."

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Free Action:   


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:  

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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Doallyn McClare / Royal Tactician & Conjurer 


Male - Human Noble - Neutral Good

Wizard (Conjurer) 1 / Duskblade 1

Initiative + 1 / Hit Points: 13 / Speed: 30ft

Armor Class: 14 / Touch: 11 / Flat-Footed: 13

Will + 5 / Reflex +1 / Fortitude +3


Doallyn looked to the Healer Dwarf once again. His face despondent as the topic shifted to this.

The attack was sudden and under the cover of magical darkness. No one really could see much. Racanna's invocation allowed her to see thing better but...

Racanna had already started to tremble. The potion from Shade that had been in her hand, tumbled to the ground and the bottle rolled across the floor. She shook and her eyes went wide as the memory of the attack played back through her mind like it was happening all over again. Doallyn shifted on his boots and knelt down next to her. He put a hand on hers, though she seemed elsewhere as the events replayed. Her eyes glazing over and the tears welled. Her painted nails dug into the chair to the point it started to scratch into the finished wooden frame. Her body moved and started to climb up the chair. She swung at the creature that wasnt there. Doallyn having to lean back to avoid being clocked upside the face from her wild punch. The massive horse like frame of the beast. The three eyes gleaming at her. Its breath was foul and acidic, her face contorted as the corrosive smell filled her nose again.

She still tried to move back up the chair more still, the weight finally having her fall back to the floor. She screamed a bit as she pushed back against the massive weight of the creature in her mind. The fur was coarse and wiry in-between her fingers. The claws held her down, her legs kicking in a futile effort to wiggle free. She'd been a skilled escape artist but the creatures size was like a bulky mass just pinning her into the floor. It was more though, like the shadows clinging around it body pushed down with it also adding to the already terrifying form. Doallyn slid across the floor to try and keep close to her as the trauma unfolded. He didnt try to stop her, but more keep her from hurting herself.

Her mouth opened in an empty hollow scream as the images and the sensation of the long sender maw, lunged from the swirling darkness and clamped at her throat
. The teeth ripping into her flesh. The burning pain. The air escaping her lungs. She tasted blood. It was her own. She grabbed at her throat tight, trying to stop the bleeding that wasnt there. The existing wounds that her body felt mixed with the memory playing out to only fuel things like it was still real. She convulsed and gasped for air. She saw the purple lights as her vision was hazy. They ripped through the darkness towards Doallyn. She tried to call his name. It failing as the blood squirted from her neck.


Tears flowed like a river as the memory finally started to give back way to reality. As Racanna suddenly realized what was going on, she turned and buried herself into Doallyn's chest. Grabbing at his duster she tried to pull herself into it like a blanket that might protect a scared child from the monster in the closet. She wailed and began to sob, the scream echoing through the room and down the hall. Her body nearly becoming limp and sliding off the chair and into him more. Doallyn just cradled her and let her cry. Somehow she managed a few words through the rapid breathing and bawling.

Cloaked men...The monster beast....then the purple lights came after you...Doallyn... Dont leave me....

Doallyn stroked her back in an attempt to try and comfort her. His gaze looking back to Elektra once again.

One of the assailants had a special blade and used a poison when they tried to... gild me... Thankfully their aim was a bit off. The healer Mordren is still researching it. If they find out the poison more specifically, it may help narrow down the source.

He frowned again
, as he just rocked with Racanna for a bit, her body still trembling.



Doallyn McClare

Character Sheet

Male Neutral Good  Human Wizard,

Init +1 

HP: 13/13

Speed: 30

AC: 14

Touch: 11 / Flat-footed: 13

Fort +3 / Ref +1 / Will +5

Base Attack Bonus: +1

Abilities: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 14


Wizard Spells Per Day: 

Cantrips - 3 

Message | Message | Open/Close


1st Level - 2 (1 + Intelligence Bonus Spell ) 

Spell Save DC:  10 + Spell Level + Intelligence Modifier (+3)Conjuration Spells +1     

Summon Monster | Summoner Monster


Duskblade Spells Per Day:

Cantrips - 4

Detect Magic | Read Magic | Detect Magic | Read Magic


1st Level - 2

Blade of Blood | Resist Energy



Spell Like Abilities: 6

(Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Flare, Ghost Sound, Read Magic)




Edited by ArcaneDesperado (see edit history)
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ShadeGaerbarradd (Shade) Whisper Gnome, Rogue 2 

AC: 18, HP: 12/12, Initiative: +4, Perception: +8, Search: +8

Str: 11 (+0), Dex: 18(+4), Con: 12 (+1), Int: 16 (+3), Wis: 13 (+1), Cha:13 (+1)



Shade quickly scoops up the potion she dropped and stands there watching as she has her fit or whatever it is. Once it finally passes he hands her back the potion.

I only wish there was more I could do to ease your pain.

He then turns to the others.

For now, I suggest we complete the attempted sale of the statue before we go trying to get any more mixed up in this then we already have. Once that is done, then we can see if we can learn any more from the Lady of the house. But we will obviously have yo be careful of her new friends.






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spacer.png Macsen Mistwalker


AC: 15, Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 13, HP: 8/8, Initiative: +2, Saves: Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will:

Watching Racanna experience the moment once again, Macsen felt a profound sense of sadness at her movements. Although he didn't fully understand he could see the pain on her face.

"If there is anything we can do to help we will. Shade is right we should try to deal with this matter with the lady of the house which should provide more answers hopefully." Macsen gives a sympathetic expression.


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Crusader half orc.webpSkold - Crusader

HP: 20/20 | Init: +0 | AC: 16 Touch: 10 FF: 16 | Fort: +5 Reflex: +0 Will: +1 |

Stance: Martial Spirit | Maneuvers | Steely Resolve 0/5

Within a brief moment of returning outside, a short scream barely made itself heard through the door. On instinct, Skold quickly moved back inside towards Racanna's visible distress, but slowed to a stop at the sight of Doallyn having this in hand. He had heard stories of trauma having a physical hold on a person like this, but had never seen it. Powerless to help in the moment, his fists clenched painfully in indignation.

"No." Was his response to the idea of the sale. It came out angrier than he had intended, so he took a second to swallow some of it down. His fists still clenched, but less firmly now as he talked slowly through his thoughts. "I think that would be a mistake. If we finish our business, we'd be expected to leave, right?" He looked to Varon with that question, looking away from Racanna for the first time since re-entering the room. "If we're still s'posed to be here, 'Hospitality' says they can't kick us out. That sale is the last thing we do today."


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ShadeGaerbarradd (Shade) Whisper Gnome, Rogue 2 

AC: 18, HP: 12/12, Initiative: +4, Perception: +8, Search: +8

Str: 11 (+0), Dex: 18(+4), Con: 12 (+1), Int: 16 (+3), Wis: 13 (+1), Cha:13 (+1)



Shade shakes his head and sighs.

These guys are like pack of puppies. Locked on to a task and then, "Squirrel!" and suddenly off in another direction.

We do both at the same time. The reason we gave for coming here was we had something to sell. That is what is going to get us a meeting with the Lady. Once we are in the meeting we can express our sorrow for her resent loss and offer to help her find out who did it. The one leads to the other. We need to be a little careful as it appears she already under this other groups sway. If she refuses our offer, then we can still help, but we do so as helping Doallyn and Racanna track down and bring to justice whoever attacked them. Either way we have to have our meeting to sell the item in order to get a meeting at all.






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Sarai, Enchantress of the Veil

Female   Gray Elf   Enchanter 2  

Init 6 | HP 9/9 | AC 11, Touch 11, FF 9 | Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 1


Sarai had turned away from the discussion after contributing her bit. Others in their group were far better at tactical planning, so she would leave that part of the discussion to them while she took a moment to soak in some of the decor of the sitting room, sculptures and paintings and such, if there were any. She looked back at Racanna's episode, but there she was no healer, and there was not much else she could do, so she resumed her appraisal of the local art. Stop and smell the roses, Sarai.

When an argument over the desired course of action popped up, she turned back to the group, sparing a gentle smile for Shade. That isn't how it works, dear. These are internal matters. Once our "official" business is concluded, we would no doubt be politely asked to leave. If we persisted, there would be big trouble for us.

If we're going to help, we need to do it first. She flashes a crafty smile at him before adding, besides, the Lady might be grateful to us and give us a better price. Just then Zila floats over to land on the gnome's shoulder, letting out a sympathetic chirp.




Show Stats


Init 6 | HP 9/9 | BAB 1 | Speed 30'

AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 9

Fortitude 2, Reflex 2, Will 1

Str 6, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 14

Condition Healthy

Shortbow (18/20 arrows) +2 (1d6-2, x3)
Dagger -2 (1d4-2, 19-20 x2)

Potions: CLW (2), Parchment (4), Ink (1 vial), Sealing Wax (1 lb), Candles (10), Chalk (10), Twine (50'), Sparker (10), Trail Rations (8)

51 g, 61 s, 13 c

Prepared Spells
0 Level:  Detect Magic, Daze, Mage Hand
1st Level:  Charm Person, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist


Hummingbird FamiliarZila.jpg.18423c5e24e41dc1fb7d851aa88856a3.jpg

Init 2 | HP 2/2 | Speed 10'/40' Fly (Average)

AC 17, Touch 16, Flat-footed 15

Fortitude 2, Reflex 4 Will 2

Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 6

Condition Healthy

Show Mechanics



Free Action:

Swift Action: 

Move Action: 

Standard Action: 

Skill Checks

Knowledge: Arcana, The Planes

Continuing Effects: 

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In The Shade


Varon turns his eyes to Skold at an opportune time in the conversation. "Correct. Once the matter of art sales is concluded, it is likely the matter of this visitation is considered concluded unless we are involved in another relevant matter as well - such as the social matter of a widow's grieving period."

From somewhere, through the now open door, you hear heavy footsteps as Varon speaks. In response, he turns his voice to a more quiet tone so that his voice does not conflict with the heavy sound of metal greaves upon floor tiles.

"That is likely the Captain."


It is not a long wait. It is enough to arrange oneself into a suitable and comfortable posture so as to not look like one has been kept waiting.



The woman who arrives does not arrive with a military posture. Nor does she come in alone. Instead, a battered figure of woman arrives at he door, held up by two men in servants' garbs - one is young and spry, the other aged and harrowed by age. Both are men and yet they are fighting to keep themselves upright with the armored woman in their middle, even though more plates and scale reinforcements are missing or shattered than there are left. She is large in physique but bent low by the harm visibly lingering on her. Blood and ichors cover her from the top of her head to the greaves, which are fully coated in rust-red stains. Before she is even at the door, you can see this woman fighting to come to a salute at a full attention with quivering limbs. She looks

"Captain...Anika...Stormborn...Third...Of...Name... Present... As...Requested...My,...Lord...Skold."

Her voice is a whisper, a ghost that lingers in shadows.


   RielatThird weekday, 30th49 days to a month, except Mesha is a day short of MeshaFirst month of the year, out of eight in total. 8:46 A.M






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Crusader half orc.webpSkold - Crusader

HP: 20/20 | Init: +0 | AC: 16 Touch: 10 FF: 16 | Fort: +5 Reflex: +0 Will: +1 |

Stance: Martial Spirit | Maneuvers | Steely Resolve 0/5

When Skold heard the captain was in Medical but could still be summoned, he assumed that perhaps she was making the rounds or assisting with something in passing. To see her in such a state was a shock that made him feel bad for calling her away from whatever aid she was receiving. Still, she was a trooper staying true to the Hospitality. He returned the full salute with a steely look he might have given his commanding officer.

"Captain Stormborn, thank you for coming." He dropped the salute, immediately letting a shade of sympathy cover his features as he continued. "There's no need to stand on ceremony for us. Please, sit." He helped clear some room where additional seating might have been needed, allowing Anika and her support all the time they needed to get comfortable. He sat down himself with a stiff posture that was all business while giving the captain his full attention.

"We want to help reclaim this Manor." He began, speaking matter-of-factly. "There's been an attack, that much is plain. The good lady on the door said to me the 'darkest of days' were upon you. Days. Today isn't the start, is it? How did this all begin?"


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Sister Elektra. Healer & Elementalist

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=18, Touch=12, FF=16 / HP=15/15 / Init=2 / Saves: Fort=4, Reflex=2, Will = 6 _________________________________________________________________________

When Elektra's simple and necessary question seems to trigger a psychotic episode in Lady Racanna, the Dwarven Priestess is loath to speak further and instead silently prays for her health and relief from these day terrors while the other continue to talk among themselves after Lady McClary is somewhat calmed down.

Even though Elektra is a healer of some skill, she has no doubt that her abilities pale in comparison to the healing skills and rejuvenating powers that Racanna has benefited from since her injury, otherwise the minister would offer to heal the noble woman had she not fully known that such offer is of absolutely no practical consequence or help whatsoever.   

When a friendly dispute breaks out among her colleagues regarding the timing of the art sale, Elektra listens to both sides as she silently thinks to herself, Having the pending sale is the perfect excuse to remain present in the house without it seeming unusual with respect to societal and business norms.

Such is confirmed by Varon and is a purely logical conclusion given the fact it's highly likely that Lord Doallyn would prefer his request of the party for help in their family's internal matters to remain confidential in light of recent household attacks and political effects within the local power structures.  

However, just as the holy woman is about to speak, suddenly the Captain of the Guard arrives with a small entourage all of whom are visibly injured which, contrary to Lady Racanna already treated wounds, is a situation Sister Elektra can remedy.  

Pulling out a crooked oak twig and after asking permission to evaluate and then treat their wounds, after conducting her analysis the minister lightly touches Captain Anika Stormborn causing a divine healing energy to well up in the woman, slowly but surely healing the worst of her wounds over time.

After stowing the nearly spent wand of vigor, the Elemental Priestess retrieves her masterwork healers kit which she uses to treat the wounds of the pair of soldiers escorting the Captain and then says, "That will keep you going until you can see your affiliated healers. Praise the gods!"  

Show Mechanics


Free Action:   


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:   Use Wand of Vigor, Lessor on the Captain (+11 healing over next 11 rounds). Healing skills used on the pair of soldiers.

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Heal Check
1d20+9 10
Heal Check
1d20+9 9
Heal Check
1d20+9 10
Heal Skill Check to Heal Injured Soldier DC 15
1d20+9 8
Heal Skill Check to Heal Injured Soldier DC 15
1d20+9 19
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Doallyn McClare / Royal Tactician & Conjurer 


Male - Human Noble - Neutral Good

Wizard (Conjurer) 1 / Duskblade 1

Initiative + 1 / Hit Points: 13 / Speed: 30ft

Armor Class: 14 / Touch: 11 / Flat-Footed: 13

Will + 5 / Reflex +1 / Fortitude +3



Doallyn carefully picked up the chair that Racanna had knocked over and got her to sit back down in it. She was slowly regaining her composure after the horrific flashback that had taken hold of her a bit more than she'd care to admit to. She fidgeted with the bottle that she was holding once again.

For now Doallyn would remain quiet. He was curious to gauge how the group here in front of him would approach the situation with the Captain of the Guard. He'd only had a brief introduction with her himself before the attack. So a good bit of the conversation with Stormborn would be a first for him as well. The noble would step in if need be but for now he was content to watch things unfold.






Doallyn McClare

Character Sheet

Male Neutral Good  Human Wizard,

Init +1 

HP: 13/13

Speed: 30

AC: 14

Touch: 11 / Flat-footed: 13

Fort +3 / Ref +1 / Will +5

Base Attack Bonus: +1

Abilities: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 14


Wizard Spells Per Day: 

Cantrips - 3 

Message | Message | Open/Close


1st Level - 2 (1 + Intelligence Bonus Spell ) 

Spell Save DC:  10 + Spell Level + Intelligence Modifier (+3)Conjuration Spells +1     

Summon Monster | Summoner Monster


Duskblade Spells Per Day:

Cantrips - 4

Detect Magic | Read Magic | Detect Magic | Read Magic


1st Level - 2

Blade of Blood | Resist Energy



Spell Like Abilities: 6

(Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Flare, Ghost Sound, Read Magic)




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spacer.png Macsen Mistwalker


AC: 15, Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 13, HP: 8/8, Initiative: +2, Saves: Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will:

Macsen nods along to the discussion amongst the group of what's best to do. Finding himself a seat to settle in when the Captain of the Guard arrived. Her appearance provided further evidence of the fierce battle that took place here.

Letting Skold take the lead, his stature better place with the captain.

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Posted (edited)

In The Shade


Skold's choice to return a military salute is taken as cue to fall off from the rigid stance of her salute by the Captain herself, as well as a cue by the two servants holding her up to move the near-collapsing woman's bulk onto the indicated chair. Once there, the unnamed servants excuse themselves outside the room - which is the cue Elektra needs to come about with her wand. The offer is received with a small nod of affirmation.

The wand's shimmering energy seeps into the battered woman's injuries. Faintly, slowly - you think you see a few of them begin to knit themselves. It does not escape your notice that the reaction from Captain Anika herself is a small sigh of relief.

"Aye," comes the Captain's quiet response to Skold. "I..... The mage?...His kin?... The... The quakes.... Yes, the quakes.....Since them. ...Since then. My Lord.... Vultures. " Her breath hitches up, and the woman's eyes narrow. Through visible exertion, she forces a nugget of strength into her voice, forcing that whisper into something almost like normal speech. "Vultures, Lord Skold. Surrounding the mistress. Braying, baying - Master would send them running were he alive."



   RielatThird weekday, 30th49 days to a month, except Mesha is a day short of MeshaFirst month of the year, out of eight in total. 8:46 A.M






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ShadeGaerbarradd (Shade) Whisper Gnome, Rogue 2 

AC: 18, HP: 12/12, Initiative: +4, Perception: +8, Search: +8

Str: 11 (+0), Dex: 18(+4), Con: 12 (+1), Int: 16 (+3), Wis: 13 (+1), Cha:13 (+1)



Shade holds up his hands in surrender when his idea is shot down. He figures they may be right about it so does not pursue it. Then the Captain gets escorted in. Or at least what is left of her. He is glad to see that Elektra rushed forward with some healing this time. Then when the Captain is led to a chair and tries to speak, with only a small amount of success, he grabs a bottle of wine off the table and a glass and walks over to the Captain. He pours some of the wine into the glass and hands it to her.

Take a minute to catch your breath and then please try to tell us what exactly happened in as much detail as you can. We would like to help, but so far we are not exactly sure what attacked you. Any info you can give would be greatly appreciated.

He stands by and offers to fill the glass again once she drains it.




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