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Waiting Room (Character Introductions)

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spacer.pngOnce Duke has finished talking about Cobra, noticing the silence of the room, she speak up "no questions" inviting the officer to continue with the explanation.

An enemy is an enemy, Angel find it dangerous to delve too much on their motivations, if you begin to see your enemy as a misguided person then you risk to hesitate at a crucial moment, maybe she's cynical but her job taught her that life is unfair.

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Health: 2 | Movement: 35 | Toughness: 11 | Evasion: 11 | Cleverness: 16 | Willpower: 18

"I'll admit, I'm curious about what you mean by 'other enemies' boss. Look, I don't expect a counter-terrorism unit to focus on a single group - that would just be a massive waste of money - but what do we do that's different from the Special Mission Units or Directorate of Operations back at the CIA? In fact are we even part of JSOC? Now that you got me thinking I'm trying to fit us into the organizational puzzle, though I suspect you're about to answer that question."


JSOC - Joint Special Operations Command, created in 1980.

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Triage (Michelle Carver)4zkaE16A0lKrtJESaxCm--1--xcsuo.webp.cda062f27de629b463aa7ad3b07471b8.webp
Infantry: Medic: 1

HEALTH: 3/3 MOVE: 30, Perks Hang-Ups Bonds Training Scientist

Stats and Skills
Toughness: 12 Evasion: 15 Willpower: 18 Cleverness: 11

Languages: English, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, German, French, Italian, Chinese (Mandarin) 

Stress Damage: 0/2 Strength; 3/5 Speed; 1/8 Smarts; 0/1 Social

Triage sat quietly listening to Duke speak and the others questions. Her situation is one she does not really wish to discuss. She only hopes her family is safe and Cobra didn't get her full background from that scumbag medical director at Mass General.



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oldmanwanderer_female_soldier_high_tech_short_red_hair_bob_hair_f6f92a28-5de6-4539-ab89-5722676f887f.webp.50b367d365b0a6c8fc75b2bb74f8beb5-removebg-preview.png.79c5ef25c7f626fd130ac8a84821a6b5.pngDeCaf | Vanguard(Heavy Ordnance)

Health: 3 |  Movement: 30 | Toughness: 14 |  Evasion: 13 |  Cleverness: 13 |  Willpower: 15

DeCaf nods. "Thank you, sir." She says and after going through the motions sits back down, trying to figure out if her new barracks room would have enough space for a fancy Italian expresso machine. "Thank you, Joe hazard pay," she whispers quietly to herself.

As the other new Joes continue either waiting or questioning, DeCaf can't help but be curious about Fixer's comment. "I would assume that it's because we're basically a black book operation," the young sapper says. "We have no true DOD or Agency oversight, no public records, even our true identities are encrypted and at this point held in a secure off-network database." She remembers some other Greenshirts talking once about an incident a few years ago where Cobra managed to hack the Pentagon and kidnapped the families of several Joes. "The CIA, NSA, JSOC, and even SOCCOM have oversight and can easily be called before Congress for hearings ... I think it would take an act of God to get General Hawk in front of Congress."




Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty


Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



Edited by Niven81 (see edit history)
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Health: 2 | Movement: 35 | Toughness: 11 | Evasion: 11 | Cleverness: 16 | Willpower: 18

Fixer nods along at Decaf's words. "That tracks yeah, but still begs the question - what do we do that's different from those groups? What's the nature of our enemy or operations that necessitates so much operational independence from the Department of Defense or the Intelligence Community? Whose to say the CIA couldn't make better use of the budget here for operations in Latin America or other flashpoints? We could be pushing up the timetable for ousting the Sandinistas in Nicaragua for instance."

He shifted his gaze towards Duke, gauging his reaction. He was curious about how Duke would respond; a measured response? Anger and frustration? Either would tell a great deal about him as a person, and more pointedly the kind of operation he manages.



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