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Waiting Room (Character Introductions)

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oldmanwanderer_female_soldier_high_tech_short_red_hair_bob_hair_f6f92a28-5de6-4539-ab89-5722676f887f.webp.50b367d365b0a6c8fc75b2bb74f8beb5-removebg-preview.png.79c5ef25c7f626fd130ac8a84821a6b5.pngDeCaf | Vanguard(Heavy Ordnance)

Health: 3 |  Movement: 30 | Toughness: 14 |  Evasion: 13 |  Cleverness: 13 |  Willpower: 15

DeCaf looks at the zipline and then looks down. Removing her canteen, she gulps the last of the coffee she keeps in the tin instead of water and takes a deep breath and steps toward the zipline and then backs up. "Come on ... " She whispers to herself.

One after another the other Joes make it over and then to the other side of the line. "You did this in Sapper School, Kennedy, you can do it here." She hops up and down a few times trying to pump herself up. "Come on Got to get tough." She whispers and then screams "GO JOE!!!" And takes the leap, grabbing the zipline and ...

"Ooooooh Shiiiiiiiii"

Eventually the diminutive Joe candidate rejoins her team.




Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty


Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



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The latest obstacle did hurt Angel's pride, but it has a hella lot of hp so it's not a tragedy. The delay has the benefit of letting Decaf catch up "Are you tired, miss Kennedy?" she tease her squad-mate.

She shift her gaze from the redhead to the walls "behind these, after the finish line..there is an hot bath with scented candles" if that doesnt motivate her, nothing will

Angel resume moving, using her parkour moves to climb the walls, fatigue is beginning to set in and her climbing speed is noticeably lower, will she last until the end?



Edited by Rudra (see edit history)
acrobatics(wall 1)
keep(2d20,highest,1)+1d2 2,2,2
acrobatics(wall 2)
keep(2d20,highest,1)+1d2 16,13,2
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Posted (edited)

A succession of the clearing the solid wooden walls ends with a cheap piece of plywood painted RESTRICTED: LIVE FIRERANGE.

“You’re almost through,” a smoky voice hisses from the other side of the cheap wood.

"But the cowards can stay behind.”

A man wearing grey fatigues and red tinted colored goggles can be seen standing in a scrapyard of scattered debris through a hole in the wood. A modified looking sniper rifle is setup before him. A turnstyle like device funnels the group into a single file entry point A number of various pieces of debris are scattered down the 120 foot stretch of field before reaching the finish line. The turnstyle locks after the first person goes through, and doesnt unlock until they clear the course. There is no helping each other with the last stretch.



PCs must succeed at a DIF 10 Acrobatics, Alertness, Athletics, or Deception Skill Test to move from cover to cover while crossing the field. Failure will result in Low-light successfully tagging the Joe with a paintball round from the modified sniper rifle. Amount of attempts required will be based on the Joe's speed to cross the 120 foot gap. Each failure will inflict 1 Stress damage.



Edited by ArcaneDesperado (see edit history)
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Health: 2 | Movement: 35 | Toughness: 11 | Evasion: 11 | Cleverness: 16 | Willpower: 18

Making his way over the last set of walls with practiced ease, Fixer takes in the scene before him. Unsurprisingly the worst was saved for last - both in terms of the challenge itself and the smugness of its attending Joe. You'd think this was how buddy liked to spend his off-time; suppose it was about as relaxing as pulling weeds, but then who was he to judge? At least they weren't getting Most Dangerous Game'd.

He turns aside to address the team. "Once more unto the breach, eh folks? At least it's the last one of the day. I'd ask for a kiss for good luck from the ladies, but I'd wager that'll net me a smack to the cheek instead. Besides, something tells me I've got more than enough luck for a mad dash."

Fixer makes a break for it once he’s on the other side of the turnstile, juking and jiving erratically to throw off Low-Light’s aim as he works towards the other side. This works for a time, but Fixer seriously underestimates the sniper’s ability to read movement patterns (or perhaps Fixer simply had too much rhythm in his step). He grits his teeth as he feels a paintball explode against his knee, but in spite of that he manages to drag himself to the other side.

”So much for a flawless run…”


Stress Damage: Strength - 1/1; Speed - 1/1; Smarts - 6/6; Social - 8/8

Edited by Maester1216 (see edit history)
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Tap scaled and conquered the next two walls in quick succession. He muttered a curse upon seeing the next course. "I suspect he's very good with that rifle."

After entering the turnstile, Tap allowed his training to take over. It wasn't until the end that Tap felt the snap of a paintball upon his shoulder. He fell off balance and tripped into the final room.

"I'll take that whiskey now," he said from the floor.



Influence: SpecialistAdventurer

Origin: Intelligence (US Marshals)

Role: Ranger | Focus: Predator - Urban

Languages: English, Spanish, French, Cantonese, Arabic, Cheyenne

Health: 3 | Movement: 30 | Toughness: 12| Evasion: 14 | Cleverness: 16 | Willpower: 13



Athletics : -
Brawn : -
Conditioning : +1
Intimidation : D2
Might : -
Acrobatics : -
Driving : D2
Finesse : -
Infiltration : D4
Initiative : D2
Targeting : D2
Alertness : D4
· Perception (S)
Culture : D2
Science : -
Survival : D2
Technology : D2
Animal Handling : -
Deceptive : -
Performance : -
Persuasion : D2
Streetwise : D4


Might melee & thrown weapons
Close combat heavy blade
Assault Rifle
Tactical Armor (standard)
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Triage (Michelle Carver)4zkaE16A0lKrtJESaxCm--1--xcsuo.webp.cda062f27de629b463aa7ad3b07471b8.webp
Infantry: Medic: 1

HEALTH: 3/3 MOVE: 30, Perks Hang-Ups Bonds Training Scientist

Stats and Skills
Toughness: 12 Evasion: 15 Willpower: 18 Cleverness: 11

Languages: English, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, German, French, Italian, Chinese (Mandarin) 

Stress Damage: 0/2 Strength; 3/5 Speed; 1/8 Smarts; 0/1 Social

It seemed everyone was fine as they passed. Triage turned to the wall before her and started to climb. Shoot! Shouldn't have stopped. Losing momentum from checking on the others first. Triage stepped back from the wall and took another run pulling herself over and using that momentum to squeeze over the second wall. Turn styles she waits hearing Fixer about good luck kisses. "Yes, I imagine that would be the case. Nothing a bit of ice won't cure after though."

As Fixer and Huntsman make their attempts. Triage does her best to settle and think of how best to go through this. The lock releases and Triage bolts forward, using her ears for when the rifle fires and modifying her approach accordingly. It's not long before she is over half way across the gantlet. She notices a paintball coming towards her and she ducks down while pulling loose parts up to shift the paintballs trajectory. It was at the last 10 or so feet, however. Triage hears the sound of the rifles and moves to where she thinks she hears the whistling paintball only to get hit in the shoulder. "Grr, damn it!" As she is momentarily taken aback. Triage notices a pile of debris in such a way that the sound could easily have been confused.

Making her way across the finish line, Triage looks at the paint splatter on her shoulder and sighs. "All things considered. This could have been worse."

Up and Over: 8 and 11

No Mercy: 20 and 6

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Finally at the last stage, oddly Angel doesnt rush to be the first and instead take her time, when Fixer mention a kiss she join Triage, replying right after her "maybe if you get the highest score..." teasing him

The cia officer is a bit young for her tastes, but he's a charmer and she does not like bodybuilders... Emma wouldnt be surprised to see him chased by young women.

Once it's her turn, she get to the entry point , staring at low-light on the other side.

She wait for precious moments, idle, staring at the sniper with her captivating eyes, green and red.

Angel play mind games with the sniper, what is he thinking? is she mad? scared? taunting him? the possibi...

A movement, almost imperceptible toward her left and suddenly a dodge to the right, as she does so low-light has fired his shot, the sudden movement having tricked the sniper into pulling the trigger, but it was a feint, angel is not in the trajectory of the paintball that splat against the glass protecting Decaf.

Fast, she move fast, running in a straight line toward Low-light while the sniper try to refocus his aim and when he has her in his sight, Emma perform a slide that would make the local baseball fans cheer, reaching the end before the marksman has a chance to fire a second shot.

Edited by Rudra (see edit history)
keep(2d20,highest,1)+1d4 9,11,2
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oldmanwanderer_female_soldier_high_tech_short_red_hair_bob_hair_f6f92a28-5de6-4539-ab89-5722676f887f.webp.50b367d365b0a6c8fc75b2bb74f8beb5-removebg-preview.png.79c5ef25c7f626fd130ac8a84821a6b5.pngDeCaf | Vanguard(Heavy Ordnance)

Health: 3 |  Movement: 30 | Toughness: 14 |  Evasion: 13 |  Cleverness: 13 |  Willpower: 15

DeCaf kisses her index and middle fingers and going onto tippy toes press them to Fixer's forehead and tries to push him back.

When it's her turn she takes a breath goes through the gates and before starting she decides to rib the senior Joe. "I miss the beard!". With that she remembers her basic training and scrambles from cover to cover.




Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty


Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



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Posted (edited)

image.jpeg.cc99c1e2686771499bf1513b14c66d07.jpegCrossing the finish line, the group would see Slaughter returning. There were also two others waiting there. One a man, with a Hollywood handsome smile stood and took the clipboard over from the Sarge. He flipped over a few pages before looking back at the group as they started to cross. Behind him was water and other drinks. Some high protein MREs, fruits and some small snacks. image.jpeg.1918393672ccaa88a4422802aeb653a3.jpeg

The other was a woman. She had several medical kits set up on a table behind her. Oxygen tanks were also set up in the chance that someone was having trouble breathing after the final stretch. Triage would vaguely recognize the other woman from when they had set her up to do the physicals for the others. Last name was Greer? Green?

The man nodded to Sarge again and turned towards the group. He flashed a smile as he tossed a bottle of water in Decaf's direction as she crossed the line last.

Nicely done recruits. Name's "Falcon". You survived the Meatgrinder. Well at least most of you. Sadly, Juice will be out since things didnt work out very well from the start. He's got some of the best care here with "Bones". Got him getting transported to Langley for a few more checks. He'll get his chance again if he wants it. Rest of you take a breather. Get some water. Put some fuel back in the tank. If you have any pains, trouble breathing, anything feels off... Let us know. Don't need you getting this far to find out something popped outta' socket and we don't get it fixed.



Edited by ArcaneDesperado (see edit history)
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spacer.pngAngel pass the offer of water and food, she is fine, got an orange and some juice during the puzzle game.

But she does take a rest, while not exhausted she could use a break.

Add a bath and new clothing and she'll be happy.

"i'm fine" she then wait to hear whats the next stage, or if they have finished.



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oldmanwanderer_female_soldier_high_tech_short_red_hair_bob_hair_f6f92a28-5de6-4539-ab89-5722676f887f.webp.50b367d365b0a6c8fc75b2bb74f8beb5-removebg-preview.png.79c5ef25c7f626fd130ac8a84821a6b5.pngDeCaf | Vanguard(Heavy Ordnance)

Health: 3 |  Movement: 30 | Toughness: 14 |  Evasion: 13 |  Cleverness: 13 |  Willpower: 15

DeCaf bounds over to the waiting table and elder Joes the young Sapper can't help but let out an appreciative whistle. "Move over Sonny." She whispers to one in particular as she gets into formation for Falcon's speech.

The knowledge that she is officially a Joe spikes DeCaf's adrenaline and as the group breaks.up she can't help but to pump her fist and bounce in place a few times. "Oh my God, YES!!!"

After a few minutes of thoroughly embarrassing herself, Decaf walks to the table and looks at the collection of small snacks and drinks. "Wait, no coffee? What kinda unit doesn't have coffee?" She starts to look under the tables thinking that maybe someone forgot to put the mermite on the table.




Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty


Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



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Tap rotates his shoulder after standing and waves off Bones' ministrations. "I should be good." He stands next to DeCaf. "Well I was hoping for whiskey so we're both out of luck. Might be a good reason they want us to consume these natural energy providers."

He takes an orange and water and begins peeling. "So what's next? I could at least go for a shower."



Influence: SpecialistAdventurer

Origin: Intelligence (US Marshals)

Role: Ranger | Focus: Predator - Urban

Languages: English, Spanish, French, Cantonese, Arabic, Cheyenne

Health: 3 | Movement: 30 | Toughness: 12| Evasion: 14 | Cleverness: 16 | Willpower: 13



Athletics : -
Brawn : -
Conditioning : +1
Intimidation : D2
Might : -
Acrobatics : -
Driving : D2
Finesse : -
Infiltration : D4
Initiative : D2
Targeting : D2
Alertness : D4
· Perception (S)
Culture : D2
Science : -
Survival : D2
Technology : D2
Animal Handling : -
Deceptive : -
Performance : -
Persuasion : D2
Streetwise : D4


Might melee & thrown weapons
Close combat heavy blade
Assault Rifle
Tactical Armor (standard)
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Posted (edited)

image.jpeg.cc99c1e2686771499bf1513b14c66d07.jpegFalcon chuckled lightly.

Don't worry. Plenty of time for celebratory drinks later tonight. Be it coffee or whiskey. Hell, mix 'em both. Just want to make sure everyone is in one piece before moving on.

He pointed with his thumb over his shoulder.

Got locker rooms for you all to clean up. We'll have the clothes laundered. Got some temporary P.T. gear for you in the mean time. Showers. Bones will be on call if anyone has any issues you find once the water hits you. Now that you're through this, we can give you a bit more detail on what we're dealing with that Hawk wasnt able to earlier. Then you can meet some more of the team. Get a tour of the pit.

He put the clipboard under his arm.

After that, we'll look into letting you crack that bottle. In the meantime, like I said. Refuel. Clean up. I'll catch up with you all when you're done. Any questions in the meantime?



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Triage (Michelle Carver)4zkaE16A0lKrtJESaxCm--1--xcsuo.webp.cda062f27de629b463aa7ad3b07471b8.webp
Infantry: Medic: 1

HEALTH: 3/3 MOVE: 30, Perks Hang-Ups Bonds Training Scientist

Stats and Skills
Toughness: 12 Evasion: 15 Willpower: 18 Cleverness: 11

Languages: English, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, German, French, Italian, Chinese (Mandarin) 

Stress Damage: 0/2 Strength; 3/5 Speed; 1/8 Smarts; 0/1 Social

Coming into the last portion of the meatgrinder Triage simply nods to the doctor, recalling her name after a moment. "Oh, Dr. Gre..uhm Bones. Good to see you." Triage does get a bottle of water and drinks it. As Angel says she is fine then DeCafe not seeing any coffee. "You may cramp up if you don't hydrate. Thirst means you are already dehydrated after all." Triage offers to the ladies.

Finding out there is a hot shower in her near future brings relief to Triage. It's not a bath, but she can just daydream the water is a magnificent hot springs waterfall of Kamuiwakka in Hokkaido.



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Health: 2 | Movement: 35 | Toughness: 11 | Evasion: 11 | Cleverness: 16 | Willpower: 18

"In Superman II, what was the deal with that cellophane S Superman rips off his chest and throws at Terrence Stamp and his goons?" In the absence of a serious question for Falcon, Fixer could only muster a flippant one as he rubbed at the knee Low-Light had hit. A little stiff and sore aye, but nothing to write home about. Especially in light of the win today; he could be a mess of cracks and sprains and that still wouldn't have wiped off the smirk on his face.

Hobbling over to the craft services table Fixer pops open a bottle of water and starts sifting through the various confections at hand, settling on a stray Tiger's Milk bar. In between bits he shoots a disarming glance towards Bones. "So, come here often?"



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