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Character Creation Rules

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Basic Rules:

Here's a good link in addition to the free book: https://opend6project.org/chapter-1-character-basics/character-creation-information/.

Character creation is point based. It consists of assigning dice pools to a set of 13 attributes, assigning dice pools to skills associated with those attributes, and potentially picking flaws to get more build points, then adding in special powers that consist primarily of skill checks that 'set off' a specific mechanical effect.

How this will work -- you will assign your attributes, flaws, and skill points. Then, you will tell me the race/mutant animal species, 'class' concept, and equipment you want, and I'll create some appropriate abilities and equipment in this system for you. All you have to do is assign your ability scores and skills, and take any flaws. Please don't just do silly things like max out all ability scores -- this isn't a very complex system, and I'm sure it's easy to 'game' if you put your mind to it. It's mostly going to be a support to a largely narrative experience.



  • You have 13 attributes: Coordination, Endurance, Reflexes, Strength, Intellect, Knowledge, Magic, Mechanical, Perception, Confidence, Psionic Power, Technical, and Willpower.
  • You have 39d6 to assign among those attributes.
  • 2d6 is a standard human.
  • You can't go above 5d6+2.
  • You can't go below 1d6 on anything except Magic and Psionic, which can both be D0.
  • You don't roll these to make a stat number -- instead, the attribute is a pool of d6s you roll. I.e. -- if you have '2d6' for an attribute, then you roll 2d6 whenever you make a check with that attribute.
  • These pools can also have the modifiers +1, and +2. 1d6 is equivalent to a +3 -- cf. this to how an 'advantage' roll in 5e is equivalent to about a +2 bonus. You can break up 1d6 into a +1 and +2. The dice progression is D0, +1, +2, 1d6, 1d6+1, 1d6+2, 2d6, 2d6+1, 2d6+2, 3d6, 3d6+1, 3d6+2, 4d6, 4d6+1, 4d6+2, 5d6, 5d6+1, 5d6+2. Extremely powerful npcs may have larger pools. In the Star Wars version of this system, Wookie's have 6d6 for Strength.

You have 474 character points to further customize your character.

  • One (1) attribute die equals four creation points.
  • One (1) skill die equals one creation point.
  • Three (3) skill specialization dice equal one creation point.


  • There are a bunch of skills that 'sit' under each of these attributes -- cf. the way that skills are associated with a specific attribute in 5e and most other d20 fantasy games and GURPS. A base skill check is just a roll with the pool for the associated attribute. You can spend build points in character creation to add competence to a given skill -- i.e. add another 1d6 etc. to the pool you roll.


  • After you assign dice pools to your attributes and skills, you're done on your end -- just send me the species, the class concept, and the equipment you want.

    Note: The lists here may look long, but the majority of character creation is just assigning a D6 here and a D6 there -- there's very little to look up except for magic powers and equipment -- which I'm going to be helping you with.


All of the skills under your attribute use the dice pool of that attribute as the basic roll pool. You buy additional dice for skills from character points.




  • Confidence: Clowning, Jesting, Mime, Performance, Public Speaking
  • Perception: Cryptography, Electronic Counter-Measures (Jamming), Encryption, Flag Signaling, Laser, Microwave Communications, Optic Systems, Radar/Sonar Operation, Radio: Basic, Radio: Advanced, Radio: Expert, Radio: Deep Space, Radio: Scramblers: Basic, Radio: Scramblers: Advanced, Radio: Scramblers: Expert, Radio: Satellite Relay, Sign Language, Signal Codes, Surveillance Systems, Telephone Networks, T.V./Video: Basic, T.V./Video: Advanced, T.V./Video: Expert


  • Intellect: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Hacking, Computer Imaging, Computer Language, Computer Networks, Neural Interface & Networks, Supercomputers, VR/3D Systems
  • Technical: Computer Engineer, Computer Keyboarding, Computer Operations, Computer Programming, Computer Repair, Cyberjacking


  • Coordination: Breaking/Taming a Wild Horse, Roping, Trick Riding
  • Knowledge: Lore - Cattle/Animals, Lore - Indians
  • Perception: Branding, Herding Cattle
  • Reflexes: Horsemanship: Cowboy, Horsemanship: Exotic


  • Confidence: Acting, Advertising, Begging(T), Dance, Jesting, Juggling, Mime, Performance, Public Speaking
  • Intellect: Accounting, Architectural: Design/Engineer, Art, Chess, Economics, Editor, Game, Gaming (strategy), Go, Meditation, Meteorology, Mountaineering, Music - Composition, Music - Play Musical Instrument, Music - Sing, Painting: Oil/acrylic/watercolor, Philosophies(T), Poetry(Haiku), Recording Engineer, Sculpture, Weaving
  • Perception: Animal Husbandry, Bonsai, Breed Dogs, Business Management, Calligraphy, Calligraphic Forgery, Cook, Desert Survival, Drawing: Pencil/Ink/Chalk, Farming, Fishing, Flint Working, Floral Arrangement (Ikebana), Gardening, General Repair & Maintenance, Leatherworking, Lighting Technician, Live Engineer, Recycle, Sewing, Spelunking, Sports
  • Technical: Barbering, Blacksmith, Fasting(T)


  • Technical: Avionics, Basic Electronics, Advanced Electronics, Expert Electronics, Circuit Board Micro-Electronics, Glitter Boy Electronics, Mecha Electronics, Power Armor Electronics, Robot Electronics, Spacefold Electronics, Starship Electronics, Veritech Electronics


  • Intellect: Chemical Engineer, Genetics Engineer
  • Technical: Aeronautical & Aerospace Engineer, Civil Engineer, Industrial Engineer, Mechanical Engineer - Basic, Mechanical Engineer - Advanced, Mechanical Engineer - Expert, Mining Engineer, Nuclear Engineer, Power Armor Engineer, Robot Engineer, Safety Engineer, Sanitary Engineer, Spacefold Engineer: Basic, Spacefold Engineer: Advanced, Spacefold Engineer: Expert, Starship Engineer: Basic, Starship Engineer: Advanced, Starship Engineer: Expert, Weapons Engineer - Basic, Weapons Engineer - Advanced, Weapons Engineer - Expert


  • Confidence: BS Smooth Talking, Command, Disguise, Imitate Voice, Impersonation, Intelligence, Interrogation, Interrogation Techniques, Marxism/Leninism-Maoism, Palming, Safe-Cracking, Sniper, Urban Warfare
  • Perception: Binding, Concealment, Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Escape Artist, Fieldcraft, Forgery, Hojo-Jutsu, Jungle Survival, Land Navigation, Lip Reading, Microfilm/Microfiche/Microdot Technology, Perception, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Stalk/Capture, Tracking, Trap Construction, Trap/Mine Detection, Urban Survival, Wilderness Survival


  • Technical: Armor & Weapon Decoration, Blacksmithing/Metalworking, Carpentry, Cobblery, Construction, Fashion Tools and Weapons, Glass blowing, Logging, Masonry, Mining, Pilot Construction Vehicles, Plumbing


  • Technical: Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Armor and Weaponry, Aircraft Mechanics, Aircraft Mechanics: Basic, Aircraft Mechanics: Advanced, Aircraft Mechanics: Expert, Automotive Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics: Basic, Automotive Mechanics: Advanced, Automotive Mechanics: Expert, Basic Cybernetics, Basic Mechanics, Basic Mechanics (update), Advanced Mechanics, Expert Mechanics, Bioware Mechanics, Cross-Dimensional Trans-Location Device Mechanics, Cybernetic/Bionic Repair, Cyclone Repair, Design Engineering, Drive repair: chemical drive, Drive repair: fold drive, Drive repair: ion drive, Drive repair: plasma drive, Drive repair: traction drive, Drive repair: warp/gravity drive, Glitter Boy Mechanics, Hardsuit/Motoroid Mechanics, Helicopter Mechanics, Jet Aircraft Mechanics, Locksmith, Marine/Naval Engineer, Mecha Mechanics, Metallurgy, Mountain Bike Mechanics, Nuclear Engineer, Power Armor Mechanics, Radiation Technology - Industrial, Robot Mechanics, Satellite Systems, Ship Mechanics, Spaceship Mechanics, Starship Engineer, Submersible Vehicle Mechanics, Time Machine Mechanics, Veritech Mechanics, Weapons Engineer, Welding (Basic), Welding (Advanced), Welding (Expert)


  • Intellect: Bioengineering, Brewing, Criminal Sciences & Forensics, Dentist, Diagnostic, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), Entomological Medicine, First Aid, Field Expedient Surgery, Field Surgery, General Practitioner, Holistic Medicine, Medical Doctor, M.D. in Cybernetics, Medical - Juicer Technology, Medical Instruction, Nurse, Paramedic, Parapsychology, Pathology, Plastic Surgery, Psychiatry, Psychobiology, Psychology, Psycho-Therapy, Sea Holistic Medicine, Specialist, Surgeon, Radiation Technology - Medical, Toxicology, Veterinarian

Medieval Civilization Skills

  • Knowledge: Courtly Etiquette, Falconry, Field Armorer, Heraldry
  • Reflexes: Horsemanship, Horsemanship - General, Horsemanship - Knight, Horsemanship - Paladin


  • Confidence: Assassination Techniques, BS Smooth Talking, Camouflage, Combat Sniper, Command, Demolitions: Creating, Find Contraband, Weapons & Cybernetics, Interrogation Techniques, Military Etiquette, Military Instruction, Naval History, Naval Tactics, Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Warfare (NBC), Paired Weapons, Parachuting, Recognize Weapon Quality, Ship-to-Ship Combat, Siege Engineer, Strategy/Tactics, Torturing Tactics, Underwater Demolitions, Underwater Demolitions: Basic, Underwater Demolitions: Advanced, Underwater Demolitions Disposal: Basic, Underwater Demolitions Disposal: Advanced, Weapons Specialist
  • Technical: Armorer, Arsenal: Creating, Arsenal: Reloading, Defense Systems, Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal, Military Construction Engineer, Military Engineer, Naval/Marine Engineer, Radiation Technology - Military, Trap Construction


  • Endurance: Forced March, Marathon, Running, Skiing, Swimming - Basic, Swimming - Competitive, Swimming - Deep Sea, Swimming - S.C.U.B.A., Swimming - Snorkel, Track and Field
  • Reflexes: Acrobatics, Aerobics, Arm Wrestling, Athletics, Battle Bike Combat, Basketball, Blind-Fighting, Body Building, Boxing, Climbing, Deadball, Fencing, Gymnastics, Hand to Hand Combat, Juggling, Juicer Football, Kickboxing, Meditation, Movement: Zero Gravity, Murderthon, Oxygen Conservation, Pressure Point Control Tactics, Prowl, Tumbling, Vacuum Survival, Wrestling, Swimming & Fatigue Note
  • Strength: Hand to Hand Combat (including all subcategories like Aikido, Assassin, Basic, Commando, Expert, Judo, Jujitsu, Karate, Kendo, Magic, Martial Arts, Ninjutsu/Tai-Jutsu, Teng-jutsu, Wrestling, Zanji Shinjinken-Ryo, Zero Gravity Combat Advanced, Zero Gravity Combat Basic)

Pilot Skills (Air, Ground, Mecha, Sea, Space)

  • Coordination: Aircraft Mechanics, Aircraft Mechanics: Basic, Aircraft Mechanics: Advanced, Aircraft Mechanics: Expert, Automotive Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics: Basic, Automotive Mechanics: Advanced, Automotive Mechanics: Expert, Mecha Cyclone, Mecha Destroids, Mecha Veritech, Mecha Zentraedi Style Battle Pods, Pilot: Glitter Boy, Pilot Power Armor, Pilot Robots, Pilot: Underwater (Robots), Pilot: Underwater (Power Armor), Robots and Power Armor, Robot Combat Basic, Robot Combat Elite, Aerial Navigation, Instrument Rating, Radar/Sonar Operations, Read Sensory Equipment, Weapon Systems (Battloid), Weapon Systems (Battle Pod), Weapon Systems (Destroids), Weapons Systems (General), Weapon Systems (Glitter Boy), Weapon Systems (Power Armor), Weapon Systems (Robot), Weapon Systems (Veritech), Weapon System
  • Reflexes: Air-to-Air Combat, Fighter Combat "Basic" Training, Fighter Combat "Elite" Training, Flight System Combat, Mecha Combat (Rifts), Mecha Combat (Robotech), Combat Engineer Vehicles (CEV), Combat Pod, Contragravity Pack, Cross-Dimensional Piloting and Navigation, Extra-Vehiclar Activity EVA, Hardsuit/Motoroid, Solar Sail, Space Shuttle, Spacecraft, Spacecraft: Advanced, Space Fighter, Starship, Missed Piloting Skill Roll, Mecha Ground, Evasive Action, Stunts
  • Technical: Airplane, Helicopter, Helicopter (Military), Jet Aircraft, Jet Aircraft: Commercial (Large), Jet Fighters, Jet Packs, Jet Packs & Space Booster, Lighter-than-Air Vehicles, Small Jet, Small Single Engine Plane, Twin Engine, APC, Automobile, Bicycle, Commercial Vehicles, Construction Equipment, Construction Machinery, Dog Sled, Farm Equipment, Freight Hauler, Heavy Machinery, Hovercycle, HoverCraft (ground), Jump Bike Combat, Military Hover Vehicle, Motorcycle, Mountain Biking, Offensive Driving, Snowmobiles, Tank, Tanks and APCs, Time Machine, Titan Transport, Truck (Small), Truck (Large), Unicycle, Advanced Deep Sea Diving, Boat: Motor and Hydrofoils, Boat: Paddle Type, Boat: Sail Type, Boat: Ships, Boat: Warships/Patrol Boats, CVS & SLV, Freighter Ship, Hydrofoils, Sail Type, Sailing, Seamanship, Ships: Small, Ships: Small (Military), Ships: Large, Ships: Large (Military), Ships: Submersibles, Ships: Military Submersibles, Submarines, Underwater (Deep Sea), Underwater General, Underwater Robots & Power Armor, Water Scooters, Water Skiing & Surfing, Warship/Patrol Boats, Yacht, Astrogation (Navigation via Astronomy), Debris Ring Navigation, Interplanetary Navigation, Navigation, Navigation (Air), Navigation (Land), Navigation (Space), Navigation (Water), Navigation (Underwater), Starship Gunnery (Automated), Starship Gunnery (Manual), Orbital Navigation, Temporal Navigation/Time Detection Equipment

Rogue Skills

  • Confidence: Acting, Bargain/Bribe, BS Smooth Talking, Cardsharp, Con, False Divination, Gambling (Standard), Gambling (Dirty Tricks), Seduction, Shell Game, Streetwise, Streetwise - Con Games, Streetwise - Drugs, Streetwise - Gambling, Streetwise - Networks
  • Perception: Appraisal, Concealment, Contortionist, Dice Rolling, Find Contraband, Weapons & Cybernetics, Hide/Sneak, Locate Secret Compartments, Palming, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Pool Shark, Prowl, Safecracking, Search, Sleight of Hand, Use & Recognize Poison, Ventriloquism


  • Intellect: Anthropology, Archaeology, Aromatherpy, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Biology, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Botany, Cartography, Chemistry, Chemistry - Alchemical, Chemistry - Analytical, Chemistry - Chinese Alchemical, Chemistry - Pharmaceutical, Cosmology, Cross-Dimensional Physics, Cryptozoology, Ecology, Electrochemistry, Entomology, Ethology, Ethnology, Geochemistry, Geology, Geophysics, Hydrology, Horticulture, Interdimensional Theory, Marine Biology, Mathematics - Basic, Mathematics - Advanced, Mathematics - Accounting, Mathematics - Statistics, Meteorology, Microbiology, Nanotechnology, Nanomanufacturing, Nanorobotics, Nuclear Physics, Ocean Geographic Surveying, Oxygen Systems, Paleontology (including Dating rocks, fossils & artifacts), Parapsychology, Petrology, Physical Chemistry, Physics, Psychological Warfare, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Temporal Physics, Theology/Philosophy, Trans-Dimensional Physics, Undersea Farming, Xenology, Zoology


  • Perception: EVA, Jury-rig, Mining, Salvage


  • Technical: Advanced Fishing, Antiquarian, Art, Balloon Animal Making, Basic Construction, Basic Drafting, Bionics, Breed Dogs, Brewing, BS Writing, Bureaucracy, Candlemaking, Chinese Antiquarianism, Chinese Calligraphic Codes & Code Breaking, Chinese Classical Studies, Chinese Mythology - Buddhist, Chinese Mythology - Taoist, Cobbling, Construction Demolitions, Contacts, Deep Sea Fishing, Diplomacy, Entrepreneurship, Fashion Tools and Weapons, Gem Cutting, Gemology, General Repair/Maintenance, Glassworks. History, 20th Century, History, 19th Century, History, 18th Century, History, 16th & 17th Century, History, Renaissance, History, Medieval, History, Greco-Roman, History, Ancient Civilizations, History, Chinese, History, Middle-Eastern (Islamic), History, Oriental Cultures (general), History, Indian (Asia), History, West, History, Native American, History, Pre-Colonial Africa, History, Rifts Atlantean Era, History, Robotech or Macross Zentraedi, History, Palladium World. Historical Languages: Language-Classical Greek, Language-Latin, Language-Norman French, Language-Portuguese, Language-Colonial Spanish, Chinese Language & Literacy: Stage 1 - Thousand Character Literacy, Stage 2 - Chinese Literacy, Stage 3 - Advanced Chinese Literacy, Stage 4 - Classical Chinese Literacy. Invention, Investigative, Japanese Mythology, Journalism, Language, Language Dialects, Law, Law: CCW, Literacy, Lore - Alchemy, Lore - Alien, Lore - Animal, Lore - Astral, Lore - Cattle/Animals, Lore - Cetra, Lore - Chinese Mythology - Buddhist, Lore - Chinese Mythology - Taoist, Lore - Conspiracy, Lore - Cults and Sects, Lore - D-Bee, Lore - Dragon, Lore - Demons and Monsters, Lore - Dimensions, Lore - Dreamstream, Lore - Faerie, Lore - Farm, Lore - Folklore and Mythology, Lore - Galactic/Alien, Lore - Geomancy & Lines of Power, Lore - Ghosts, Lore - Indians, Lore - Japanese Mythology, Lore - Juicer, Lore - Magic, Lore - Megaverse, Lore - Nightbane, Lore - Nightlands, Lore - Omens and Superstition, Lore - Psychic, Lore - Read Aura, Lore - Religion, Lore - Science, Lore - Sea, Lore - Technology, Lore - Temporal, Lore - "Time of Man", Lore - UFOlogy, Lore - Undead, Lore - Vampires, Lore - Witches, Lore - Wormwood, Lore - Zentran & Meltran, Map Reading, Masonry, Milling, Mining, Operate Heavy Power Tools, Philosophy, Phonetics, Photography, Photography - Film, Photography - Video, Plumbing, Pottery, Prospecting, Pyrotechnics - Basic, Pyrotechnics - Advanced, Pyrotechnics - Expert, Regional Knowledge, Research, Right Brain Memory Techniques, Role-Playing Game Design, Rope Works, Sculpting & Whittling, Study, Surveying, Teaching, Undersea Salvage, Writing

Weapon Proficiencies (Ancient and Modern)

  • Reflexes: W.P. Archery and Targeting, W.P. Archery - Cross Bow, W.P. Archery - Long Bow, W.P. Archery - Short Bow, W.P. Barstool, W.P. Battle Axe, W.P. Blunt, W.P. Bola, W.P. Boomerang, W.P. Bow, W.P. Broken Bottle, W.P. Chain, W.P. Crossbow, W.P. Deadball, W.P. Forked, W.P. Grappling Hook, W.P. Improvisation, W.P. Knife, W.P. Mouth Weapons, W.P. Net, W.P. Paired Weapons, W.P. Polearm, W.P. Rune Weapon, W.P. Shield, W.P. Siege Weapons, W.P. Slingshot, W.P. Small Thrown Weapons, W.P. Spear, W.P. Staff, W.P. Sword, W.P. Trident, W.P. Whip, W.P. Artillery, W.P. Automatic Pistol, W.P. Automatic and Semi-automatic Rifles, W.P. Black Powder, W.P. Bolt Action Rifle, W.P. Cyclone Weapon Systems, W.P. Flame Thrower, W.P. Gallant H-90, W.P. Grenade, W.P. Grenade Launcher, W.P. Harpoon Gun, W.P. Heavy, W.P. Mortar, W.P. Revolver, W.P. Sub-Machinegun, W.P. Torpedo, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons, W.P. Sharpshooter, W.P. Study, Weapon Mastery, Weapon Proficiencies bonuses


  • Perception: Agriculture, Archery, Boat Building, Carpentry, Construction (Wood), Dowsing, Fashion Tools and Weapons, Horsemanship, Hunting, Identify Plants & Fruits, Land Navigation, Oceanic Survival, Preserve Food, Rope Works, Sculpting & Whittling, Sense of Direction, Skin and Prepare Animal Hides, Tame Animals, Track Animals, Track & Hunt Sea Animals, Trap Construction, Trap/Mine Detection, Undersea & Sea Survival, Underwater Navigation, Winter Survival


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Apologies if this isn't the right place for questions. I didn't see "Character Creation Questions" thread anywhere.

Will you be posting guidelines about playable animal species or are we free to use our imagination?

The setting is fascinating and complex, but can our created characters add to the setting, e.g. can we contribute to the world building. For example, could I propose a character whose origins derive from the indigenous peoples of Cuba (the Tiano and other groups) before the arrival of Columbus (or this alternative world's Columbus), creating an alternative history where the population was more successful at resisting colonial influence and extirpation of their culture?

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Heya Wiz!

I'm also curious about what is and isn't allowed / encouraged. I made a crocodile assassin for a TMNT Palladium game that died almost immediately, long long ago. I was hoping to actually get to explore his personality (escaped governmental test subject turned into a tool instead of a person; he desperately wants friends).

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Hey -- I just got back on. I work in healthcare and I just got back from a 13.5 hr overnight shift, but I see there's some new interest, so I'll be working on finishing up the build rules and replying to stuff -- give me a little to get caught up.

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On 2/10/2024 at 12:06 PM, Wizard of the Coat said:

Apologies if this isn't the right place for questions. I didn't see "Character Creation Questions" thread anywhere.

Will you be posting guidelines about playable animal species or are we free to use our imagination?

The setting is fascinating and complex, but can our created characters add to the setting, e.g. can we contribute to the world building. For example, could I propose a character whose origins derive from the indigenous peoples of Cuba (the Tiano and other groups) before the arrival of Columbus (or this alternative world's Columbus), creating an alternative history where the population was more successful at resisting colonial influence and extirpation of their culture?

You can certainly add to stuff -- I have some very general ideas about a lot of areas, and the relationship of the setting to 'real' history is very loose. All that sounds pretty interesting -- I was also imagining something like Witchhunter: The Hidden World where there was some kind of surviving Aztec culture as well, and the Spanish were only successful in part of their conquest -- or they ended up having something more like an accomodation between the indigenous and conquistador regimes rather than one completely overwhelming the other.

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On 2/10/2024 at 1:59 PM, Malkavian Grin said:

Heya Wiz!

I'm also curious about what is and isn't allowed / encouraged. I made a crocodile assassin for a TMNT Palladium game that died almost immediately, long long ago. I was hoping to actually get to explore his personality (escaped governmental test subject turned into a tool instead of a person; he desperately wants friends).

That sounds like a great character concept.

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The concept looks amazing! I'm thinking of portraying a vulpine scientist from the Dominions who is sort of an Indiana Jones character. Her mission - study the Fountain and destroy it if it risks falling into the hands of the enemy! I also have a secondary idea of a squirrel freedom fighter :)

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I have no idea how it will all come together, but my initial thought is something like a hermit crab hybrid. Soft and squishy without his armor, but able to go places others might not. Yet, in his armor, formidable.

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Your write-up is amazing. I wanted in on this game after the third paragraph, it was a marvelous read!


Character concept: a Japanese king/warlord who has lost his kingdom/lordship through betrayal/hostilities and has been living to survive for many years. Still ruminating on race.


What era should I base my character's history on? You only hinted at the Asian societies, so I wanted to see what you were thinking insofar as the parallels to our world go.

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hi -- I'm still getting this together. I'm trying to sort of crush a lot of the Palladium TMNT crunchiness into a slightly simpler system and it's still taking a bit to figure out exactly how to do that.

For the East, and this is still very provisional, that there's a region called 'Siam' which is similar to Sundaland -- Thailand/Cambodia, Laos, which is ruled by an elemental conclave, and area called 'Cathay' which is sort of Southern China and Vietnam, and is ruled by dragons, and 'Yamato', a peninsular version of Japan (it's connected to the mainland) as well as Korea. Yamato would have lots of stuff like Kitsune, red pandas, and similar mutant animals. I was imagining a situation similar to the Shogunate period in Japan where a military governor rules on behalf of the emperor, who is also the Shinto high priest.

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Okay -- I've worked on character creation some more and I'm ready for everyone to start -- your only task is to assign your 39d6 to attributes, then apply 474 build points. The vast majority of those will be spent purchasing additional pips for skills.

Then, you'll tell me the 'race', 'class concept', and equipment ideas you want, and I'll send you abilities and equipment for this system -- if you want you can give me a palladium or pathfinder class etc. you have in mind and I'll come up with some kind of conversion for you.

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Hey, if everyone who's intending to make a character could start a thread, as well as ask to 'join' the game in mythweavers, that'd be helpful for me to just figure out who's playing etc. I'm going to try to start putting up some sample npcs and monsters so you can see what the sheets will look like, as well as some more setting info.

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It looks pretty good. I'm not sure I was clear on this -- the 39d6 you get for your ability scores are separate from the build points -- you basically start with 3d6 on everything, then you can customize with build points.

All you have to do is the skills and attributes part -- then just tell me what mutant animal species you want to be, your 'class concept' and what kinds of equipment you want, and I'll do the rest. The example monster I edited the skill list down to what a animal level intelligence creature might have. I'll try to do an NPC over the next few days to show what a stat block would look like.


For the wound track, I'm still working out the 'standard' range of how many wounds different creatures should have in each part of this track -- it's part of figuring out the combat rules. There isn't really 1 combat system, there are a just a bunch of options your sort of pick and choose from.

I'm not sure how many wounds you'll get at each level (bruised) yet, I may have to do a practice combat before I know for sure--the issue is that some of this system is 'make up your own rpg' kind of level of options. I'm sort of trying to combine the wound tracks from exalted with the one from this system to make it a little more complex. Basically, everything is going to be a d6 roll, but I'm trying to marry a lot of options and abilities with what is otherwise just 'roll a d6 pool against a target number' for absolutely everything.

I also think I forgot to put this link: https://ogc.rpglibrary.org/index.php?title=OpenD6.

These are all the books for free. I'm mainly looking at the one with this cover: D6_System_cover.jpg.81227c187ea1a24e9780bf0ffadb16f2.jpg

I'm going to set up a Discord as well so we can chat in real time if there are questions.

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