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About This Game

Mashup of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Deadlands, Rifts, Nightbane, World of Darkness, Dusk to Dawn, and other 'Weird West' properties. Mutant animals in 1800s Mexico with occult 2000s level-tech with a retro aesthetic. Open D6 rules.

Game System




Detailed Description

It's the year 1850 -- the War for the West has commenced in earnest.

It's difficult to understand quite how terrible the coming war for the open plains of Northern Laurasia will be without a bit of historical context. You see, the strange world of Ehrth is both like and unlike our own world...

In the distant past, during the Devonian Period (419-359 million years ago), the world was ruled by a highly advanced 'Silurian' civilization of reptoids that, it is believed by modern archeologists who have studied their legacy, traveled to other worlds and dimensions. Some researchers even believe the Silurians to have originated on Mars.

Alongside the Silurians, the remains of a prehistoric civilization of intelligent and highly advanced synapsids (a clade of prehistoric vertebrates that combined mammalian and reptilian features, the most well known representative of which was the sail-backed Dimetrodon) have also been discovered in the extensive network of tunnels which lie deep beneath the Antarctic -- these creatures apparently referred to themselves as the Khor (also spelled Khorr/Khoor/Khar/Khaur/Khaar), and they may have journeyed to Ehrth from the Sun.

Whatever the truth, the vast and long-lived civilizations of the Silurians and Khor fell in great disasters, but their legacy was taken up by the Empire of Atlantis in the 'time before history'. The Atlanteans colonized every corner of the globe, and also pioneered the use of gene-editing alchemy to create the first mutant animals -- walking, talking fauna that lived alongside, and sometimes in conflict with, their human creators.

The Atlantean legacy was revived by the ancient Greeks, who handed on this legacy to the Romans, and then to subsequent civilizations. As a consequence, the world of Ehrth has consistently enjoyed a comparative level of technology roughly three centuries advanced beyond that of our own Earth, though this technology has an occult flavor based on the Silurian and Khor legacy upon which it was established -- alchemical processes and 'philosopher stone' engines, black Vril-energy machines, ethererum-powered ornithopters, and so forth.

Nothing seems to have gone quite right in the world of Ehrth since the Gotterdammerung, a 1 teraton Ethereum Nuke, was detonated over the Princely States of Germania, specifically the Rattenreich 'throne city' of Kroenigsburg, at the close of the 30 Years War. The perpetrators of this dreadful deed remain unknown, but its effects are undeniable. The Central Plain of Europa was transformed into a polluted wasteland of blast-riven cities populated by mutants and the living dead. The mutated Kommandants of the Rattenreich of Prussien now command vast legions of zombies and mutants as they strive against their fellow warlords and the other powers of Europa for mastery of the lands of their once flourishing empire.

At the same time the Gotterdammerung was detonated, the lands of Ehrth,from distant Nippon to the Dominions of New England, endured a strange phenomenon known as the Three Days of Darkness, where the sun failed to rise for a fearful 72 hours. Mysteriously, some portions of the globe experienced this event as Seven Days of Darkness. Since that day, the world has been plagued by increased demonic activities. Reports of encounters with ancient cryptids and supernatural terrors have also become more frequent.

Alongside the Three Days of Darkness, the despoiling of Central Europa, and the re-emergence of the leylines, a mysterious illness killed off 99.9% of the human population. The world now belongs to the mutant animals, and has for roughly two and a half centuries. These four great cataclysms -- the bomb, the rifts, and the days of darkness, and the great plague, were also followed by the opening of the 'gates' -- the openings in the continental icewall that surrounds the central territories of Ehrth into the Outer Seas. Atlantis and Atilla, along with other lost continents such as Mu, Thule, Hyperboria, and Lemuria, were all rediscovered or re-arisen.

Now, the malign forces of Hades and Dyval, two infernal dimensions with designs upon Ehrth, both seek to make new inroads in this age. The 'Dominions of New England', a confederacy of mutant animals which dominates the Northeastern and central Atlantic coast of Northern Laurentia, is, in particular, riven by the influence of these two infernal powers...

Got that? Let's return to the 1850s -- several centuries of mutant animal rule have done little to alleviate the warlike tendencies of civilization. Tensions between the Glimmering Confederacy of the Golden Triangle, a vicious compact of slaving city-states and their dependencies, and the technologically-inclined Dominions of New England are quickly escalating. A war between these two powers of Eastern Laurasia is expected in the next 1-2 decades. The Capetian Dominions, still united closely with the Napoleonic Empire of New France, wait patiently on the sidelines for their opportunity to take advantage of the conflict. To the West, tribes of the Great Plains seek to fend off advances from the Republics of Monte Rey, Guadalajara, Oaxaca, Baha, and Houston to the south, and the 'Mormonite' colonists of the Great Salt Basin. The quickly-multiplying tendrils of the seemingly endless rail tracks laid the great Locomotive Guilds of the Dominions of New England throughout the Western plains of Northern Laurasia threaten to consume the heretofore pristine lands of the Great Prairie...

Ah -- the Glimmering Confederacy of the Golden Triangle, also known as the Empire of Agony. This cruel, avaricious realm, whose power was built up upon the whip-stricken backs of its legions of enslaved magic-users and elementals, is now facing a surprisingly tenacious revolt within its Mesoamerican territories. Rumors abound that the ancient powers of Aztlan -- the blood-soaked realm of the camazotzt, the mutant animal vampire-bats who once ruled this region -- seek to take advantage of the new disunity and reassert their power, rising from their places of refuge in the deep earth. Other reports herald that the fabled Fountain of Youth has been located -- the brightest jewel of Moctezuma's lost treasury held in the fabled glistening city of El Dorado. If either the sanguinomancers of Aztlan, or the psionic slavers of the Golden Circle were to locate the Fountain, the fallout could lead to the conquest of the entire continent by one of these baneful powers.

Enterprising heroes with a talent for subterfuge are needed to infiltrate the mysteries of the Valley of Mexico, rendezvous with the sore-beset cells of the revolution, and keep the power of the fabled lost city from the hands of evil doers.

Greetings fellow mythweavers. I'd like to try to run a game I had in mind for the Palladium system in a slightly simpler rpg engine -- the open d6 system: https://ogc.rpglibrary.org/index.php?title=OpenD6. All the rules are completely free. I listed the game as 'mini D6' because open d6 was not an option.

The basic game mechanism is relatively simple -- you have a pool of d6s and you roll them against a target number. One dice in the pool is a 'wild dice' which can have additional effects like in Savage Worlds. The dice can explode. There are attributes and skills and powers, but no classes. Progression is essentially getting more dice for the pools. There is a lot of room for homebrewing/customization in this system. I'd imagine having a long list of abilities and skills and access to a number of powers to try to model the diversity of character options in other systems. However, even if the character sheets are long, the underlying system is extremely simple and it actually shouldn't take a long time to make a character -- mostly just assigning 3D, 4D, 5D to ability and skill pools and picking some equipment and powers out of the magic book. I'll come up with the full details if there's enough interest. The characters would be mutant animals.


  1. What's new in this game
  2. James Pond, Mutant Otter Superspy Coordination 5D+2 Endurance 5D+1 Reflexes 5D+2 Strength 4D+1 Intellect 4D Knowledge 2D Magic 0D Mechanical 2D Perception 5D+2 Confidence 5D+2 Psionic 0D Technical 4D+2 Willpower 4D 40 points Communications (20) · Confidence- · Perception- Cryptography 2D, Electronic Countermeasures 2D, Encryption 2D, Radio: Basic 2D, Radio: Advanced 2D, Radio Scramblers: Basic 2D, Radio Scramblers: Advanced 2D, Signal Codes 2D (MI6? 3D), Surveillance Systems 3D, Telephone Networks 2D Computer (10) · Intellect- Computer Hacking 3D, Computer Networks 2D · Technical- Computer Operations 2D, Cyberjacking 3D Cowboy (8) · Coordination – Roping 2D, Trick Riding 3D · Reflexes- Horsemanship: Cowboy 3D Cultural/Domestic (37) · Confidence- Acting 2D, Dancing 3D, Juggling 2D · Intellect- Art 2D, Chess 3D, Meditation 3D, Gaming 2D, Meditation 2D, Mountaineering 3D · Perception- Cook 2D, Desert Survival 3D, Fishing 2D, General Repair & Maintenance 2D, Spelunking 3D, Sports 2D Electrical (6) · Technical- Avionics 2D, Basic Electronics 2D, Advanced Electronics 2D Engineering (6) · Technical- Weapons Engineer: Basic 3D, Weapons Engineer: Advanced 3D Espionage (81) · Confidence- BS Smooth Talking 3D, Command 3D, Disguise 2D, Intelligence 3D, Interrogation 3D, Interrogation Techniques 3D, Palming 3D, Safe Cracking 3D, Sniper 3D, Urban Warfare 3D · Perception- Concealment 3D, Detect Ambush 3D, Detect Concealment 3D, Escape Artist 3D, Fieldcraft 3D, Hojo-Jutsu 3D, Jungle Survival 3D, Land Navigation 3D, Lip Reading 2D, Microfilm Tech 2D, Pick Locks 3D, Pick Pockets 3D, Stalk/Capture 3D, Tracking 3D, Trap Construction 3D, Trap/Mine Detection 3D, Urban Survival 3D, Wilderness Survival 3D Mechanical (17) · Technical- Aircraft Mechanics: Basic 2D, Automotive Mechanics: Basic 2D, Automotive Mechanics: Advanced 2D, Basic Mechanics 2D, Cybernetic/Bionic Repair 1D, Drive Repair: Chemical 2D, Locksmith 3D, Weapons Engineer 3D Medical (6) · Intellect- Criminal Science & Forensics 3D, First Aid 3D Military (29) · Confidence- Assassination Techniques 3D, Camouflage 3D, Demolitions: Creating 3D, Military Etiquette 2D, Parachuting 3D, Recognize Weapon Quality 3D, Underwater Demolitions 3D, Weapons Specialist 3D · Technical- Demolitions 3D, Demolitions Disposal 3D Physical (39) · Endurance- Forced March 2D, Running 2D, Skiing 3D, Swimming-Basic 3D, Swimming- Deep Sea 2D, Swimming- SCUBA 3D · Reflexes- Athletics 3D, Blind Fighting 2D, Boxing 2D, Climbing 3D, Fencing 2D, Hand to Hand Combat 3D, Prowl 3D, Wrestling 2D · Strength- Hand to Hand Combat 3D (Krav Maga 3D) Pilot Skills (16) · Reflexes- Air to Air Combat 2D, Fighter Combat Basic Training 2D · Technical- Airplane 2D, Helicopter 2D, Jet Aircraft 2D, Automobile 3D, Motorcycle 3D Rogue Skills (32) · Confidence- Bargain/Bribe 3D, Cardsharp 3D, Con 2D, Gambling (Standard) 3D, Gambling (Dirty Tricks) 2D, Seduction 3D, Streetwise 3D, · Perception- Appraisal 2D, Dice Rolling 2D, Hide/Sneak 3D, Locate Secret Compartments 3D, Use & Recognize Poison 3D Spatial (2) · Perception- Jury-Rig 2D Weapon Proficiencies (38) · Reflexes- WP Bow 2D, WP Blunt 2D, WP Improvisation 2D, WP Knife 3D, WP Small Thrown Weapons 2D, WP Staff 2D, WP Sword 2D, WP Automatic Pistols 3D, WP Auto & Semi Auto Rifles 3D, WP Bolt Action Rifle 2D, WP Grenade 2D, WP Grenade Launcher 2D, WP Sub Machinegun 3D, WP Energy Pistol 3D, WP Energy Rifle 2D, WP Sharpshooter 3D Wilderness (13) · Perception- Archery 2D, Hunting 3D, Oceanic Survival 2D, Rope Works 2D, Sense of Direction 3D, Winter Survival 3D Special Abilities · Accelerated Healing 3 · Ambidextrous 2 · Combat Sense 3 · Endurance 1 · Fast Reactions 3 · Hardiness 1 · Iron Will 2 · Quick Study 3 · Sense of Direction 2 · Silence 3 419 of 474 points spent
  3. I've played around enough to have a better idea of what I am doing - once I see the NPC, I'll refine based on that example :-)
  4. Chiaki Name: Chiaki (thousand light) Shirakawa (white river) [chee-AH-kee shee-ra-KA-wa] Type: Siberian Tiger (white) Occupation: Nobility, Deposed Tozama Daimyo Environment: Southwestern Nippon (parallel to Earth's Korea Strait) of the Shirakawa (sic) Prefecture Description: Chiaki weighs 160 kg and stands at 180 cm tall. She has white fur with black stripes and her eyes are a deep blue. Her voice has a deeper timbre than other females of her species and she speaks with authority. History: History (WIP) Abridged: Chiaki was born to parents who only had daughters but needed a son, so when Chiaki was born, they gave her an androgynous name and raised her as a boy. She learned the art of combat and warfare. The secret was kept into adulthood as she took over as Daimyo of the family prefecture. While leading her armies on a skirmish against an invading army, she was betrayed and has been in exile ever since. Attributes: Coordination: 3D Endurance: 3D Reflexes: 3D Strength: 3D Intellect: 3D Knowledge: 3D Magic: 3D Mechanical: 3D Perception: 3D Confidence: 3D Psionic Power: 3D Technical: 3D Willpower: 3D Skills: (474 CP) Communications: Computer: Cowboy: Cultural/Domestic: Electrical: Engineering: Espionage: Industrial: Mechanical: Medical: Medieval Civilization Skills: Military: Physical: Pilot Skills: Rogue Skills: Science: Spatial: Technical: Weapon Proficiencies: Wilderness:
  5. I'm basically intending for people to use them on skills and a couple of ability bumps. There are lists of special abilities in each of the game lines like Scifi, Fantasy, and Adventure you could also use the cp for. The magic system is you have a spell and you roll a check against a difficulty number, it's very simple. You'll just have a list of spells you can cast.
  6. Sounds good! I spent the 39d6, then a bunch of CP. So far, I still have roughly 252 left, though I'll want to check the math again. I think Mercy could be, in Pathfinder terms, like an Alchemist, Investigator, Arcane Trickster, Sorcerer (Seeker), or Wizard, depending on how much magical power she'd have. Help spending the remaining CP would be welcome! Feel free to use me as a teaching example for other prospective players.
  7. reserved Mormon Temples of the Covenant of the White Serpent and the Font of Wisdom Iberian Manticore standing at watch in the garden of an ancestral ecomienda villa.
  8. It looks pretty good. I'm not sure I was clear on this -- the 39d6 you get for your ability scores are separate from the build points -- you basically start with 3d6 on everything, then you can customize with build points. All you have to do is the skills and attributes part -- then just tell me what mutant animal species you want to be, your 'class concept' and what kinds of equipment you want, and I'll do the rest. The example monster I edited the skill list down to what a animal level intelligence creature might have. I'll try to do an NPC over the next few days to show what a stat block would look like. For the wound track, I'm still working out the 'standard' range of how many wounds different creatures should have in each part of this track -- it's part of figuring out the combat rules. There isn't really 1 combat system, there are a just a bunch of options your sort of pick and choose from. I'm not sure how many wounds you'll get at each level (bruised) yet, I may have to do a practice combat before I know for sure--the issue is that some of this system is 'make up your own rpg' kind of level of options. I'm sort of trying to combine the wound tracks from exalted with the one from this system to make it a little more complex. Basically, everything is going to be a d6 roll, but I'm trying to marry a lot of options and abilities with what is otherwise just 'roll a d6 pool against a target number' for absolutely everything. I also think I forgot to put this link: These are all the books for free. I'm mainly looking at the one with this cover: I'm going to set up a Discord as well so we can chat in real time if there are questions.
  9. Combat Rules: Continuous Combat Continuous combat uses intervals of one second, although one complete combat round consists of rive seconds. Like when running intiative rounds, all characters (player and gamemaster) make Reflexes rolls at the beginning of each round. This time, however, refer to the Continuous Combat Intiative Determination to determine on which second (out of the five-second round) each character takes their action. Now call out the first second of the round by saying "one." At this point every character may make one-firth of his movement (his total movement divided by five), and any characters who are allowde to make their action on the first second of the round may either do something or hold hteir actions until the next second. One all the characters whose Reflexes rolls were 26 or better perform their actions (i.e., those allowed ot take their actions in the first second of the round), call out the next second by saying "two." All character may move one-fifth of their movement again, and any characters who generated a Reflexes roll of 21-25 may take their actions (as well as any characters who rolled a 26 or better but held their action). Continue this sequence until you complete the firth second of the five-second round, and then start over. If more than one character takes an action at the same time (in the same combat second), treat the exchange like a simultaneous combat. Boht may take their actions regardless of whether one or the other is killed. A character who dies, hoever, may not take any actions after this second. 1. Roll Initiative: All gamemaster and player characters make a Reflexes roll (modified by contextual factors and weapon speed) 2. The gamemaster calls out the current second of the round (starting at one) 3. All characters may move one-fifth of their movement. 4. Characters who may take an action in this second do so now. Every character has 4 actions per round. Subtract 1D from every action pool for every additional action taken. Attacks Attack: Attack -- roll appropriate skill (weapon, etc.) against difficulty (base 10). Reaction: Defender can dodge, parry. Dodge is an opposed skill roll. Parry is an opposed skill roll. Failed dodges and parries potentially lower attack difficulty (result replaces existing attack difficulty). Damage: If hit, roll against against hit location to see area effected and result. Then roll damage against an opposed endurance check roll to see how many wounds are caused. 5. Add one to the current second and then go back to step 2 (after five seconds, the round ends) Hit Locations (Roll 1d46) Head Cranial Region (Upper Head) Facial Region (Lower Head) Frontal Region (Forehead) Orbital/Ocular Region (Eyes) Buccal Region (Cheeks) Auricle/Otic Region (Ears) Nasal Region (Nose) Oral Region (Mouth) Mental Region (Chin) Cervical Region (Neck) Trunk Thoracic Region (Chest) Mammary Region (Breasts) Sternal Region (Sternum) Abdominal Region (Stomach Area) Umbilical Region (Navel) Coxal Region (Hips) Pubic Region (Above Genitals) Pelvis and Legs Inguinal Region (Groin) Femoral Region (Thighs) Patellar Region (Knee Front) Crural Region (Lower Leg) Fibular Region (Outside Lower Leg) Tarsal Region (Ankle) Pedal Region (Foot) Digital/Phalangeal Region (Toes) Hallux (Great Toe) Upper Limbs Axillary Region (Armpit) Brachial Region (Upper Arm) Antecubital Region (Elbow Front) Antebrachial Region (Forearm) Carpal Region (Wrist) Palmar Region (Palm) Digital/Phalangeal Region (Fingers) Pollex (Thumb) Posterior View Scapular Region (Shoulder Blade Area) Dorsal Region (Upper Back) Lumbar Region (Lower Back) Sacral Region (Base of Spine) Acromial Region (Shoulder) Olecranal Region (Back of Elbow) Manual/Manus Region (Back of Hand) Posterior Regions of Legs Gluteal Region (Buttocks) Popliteal Region (Back of Knee) Sural Region (Calf) Calcaneal Region (Heel) Plantar Region (Sole of Foot) Head Cranial Region (Upper Head): -2D to Intellect and Knowledge checks; concussion checks for impacts. Facial Region (Lower Head): -1D to social skills; vision impairment checks for swelling/blood. Frontal Region (Forehead): Stamina checks to avoid stun; -1 to sight-based Perception checks. Orbital/Ocular Region (Eyes): Blindness checks for direct hits; -2D to sight-requiring actions. Buccal Region (Cheeks): -1D to Communication due to swelling/pain; infection risk checks. Auricle/Otic Region (Ears): Hearing checks for noises/punctures; -1D to balance skills. Nasal Region (Nose): Breathing checks for blockages; -1 to exertion actions due to airflow issues. Oral Region (Mouth): Eating/speaking difficulty checks; -1D to vocal skills. Mental Region (Chin): Jaw movement checks for fractures; -1D to Communication if impaired. Cervical Region (Neck): Breathing/blood flow checks for constrictions; critical damage can incapacitate. Trunk Thoracic Region (Chest): Stamina checks for lung function; -2D to physical actions for breathing issues/internal bleeding. Mammary Region (Breasts): Pain checks for impacts; social penalties for distress. Sternal Region (Sternum): Organ damage checks for heavy blows; -1D to upper body strength actions. Abdominal Region (Stomach Area): Internal bleeding/organ damage checks; -2D to physical actions. Umbilical Region (Navel): Infection checks for wounds; -1D to core movement Agility/Stamina. Coxal Region (Hips): Mobility/stance checks; -1D to stable/ agile movement actions. Pubic Region (Above Genitals): Pain checks for trauma; reproductive system assessments for significant damage. Pelvis and Legs Inguinal Region (Groin): Severe pain/incapacitation checks; -2D to leg movement actions. Femoral Region (Thighs): Blood loss checks for deep wounds; -1D to movement actions. Patellar Region (Knee Front): Function/stability checks; -2D to knee-flexing actions. Crural Region (Lower Leg): Walking/running checks for injuries; -1D to lower leg actions. Fibular Region (Outside Lower Leg): Lateral movement difficulty checks; -1 to balance actions. Tarsal Region (Ankle): Movement hindrance/swelling checks; -2D to foot flexibility actions. Pedal Region (Foot): Walking/balance/agility checks; -1D to stealth/movement actions. Digital/Phalangeal Region (Toes): Balance/walking pain checks; -1 to precise footwork actions. Hallux (Great Toe): Balance/gait checks; -1D to stable footing actions. Upper Limbs Axillary Region (Armpit): Movement checks for arm injuries; -1D to affected arm actions. Brachial Region (Upper Arm): Strength/movement checks; -2D to upper arm strength actions. Antecubital Region (Elbow Front): Stiffness/pain checks; -1D to elbow flexing actions. Antebrachial Region (Forearm): Grip/wrist movement checks; -1D to grip strength actions. Posterior View Scapular Region (Shoulder Blade Area): Movement checks for shoulder injuries; -1D to arm movement actions. Dorsal Region (Upper Back): Back pain/stiffness checks; -1D to torso movement actions. Lumbar Region (Lower Back): Chronic pain/mobility checks; paralysis risk for severe injuries. Sacral Region (Base of Spine): Lower body function checks; severe pain checks for trauma. Acromial Region (Shoulder): Lifting/carrying ability checks; -1D to arm lifting actions. Olecranal Region (Back of Elbow): Arm straightening restriction checks; -1D to straightening actions. Manual/Manus Region (Back of Hand): Hand function/pain checks; -1D to grip strength actions. Posterior Regions of Legs Gluteal Region (Buttocks): Sitting/lower body movement pain checks; -1D to sitting/movement actions. Popliteal Region (Back of Knee): Flexion/stability/mobility checks; -1D to knee flexing actions. Sural Region (Calf): Walking/running pain checks; -1D to calf-involved actions. Calcaneal Region (Heel): Walking pain checks; -1D to stance/walking actions. Plantar Region (Sole of Foot): Standing/walking/mobility checks; -1D to standing actions. Wound Levels Unharmed: -0. No penalties; the character is in optimal condition. Full mobility and access to all abilities and skills without restriction. Bruised: -1. Minor cosmetic damage only. Slight discomfort affecting performance, leading to a -1 penalty on all actions requiring fine motor skills or detailed precision. Scratched: -2. Noticeable discomfort; minor hindrance to actions. -1 to all concentration and precision-based tasks due to persistent pain, and a -2 penalty on all actions involving physical exertion. Hurt: -1D6. Variable penalty reflecting the unpredictable severity of injuries. -1D to all action dice pools. No movement penalties, but a -1D penalty on all skill checks involving physical strength. Battered: -1D6+1. -1D to all action dice pools. Minor discomfort causes -1 to all physical actions requiring strenuous effort, and characters must make a stamina check for actions that require sustained physical activity. Injured: -1D6+2. -1D to all actions requiring agility or quick movement due to slight impairment. Characters have a -1D penalty on defense rolls due to decreased mobility. Wounded: -2D6. Movement limited to walking and jogging. -2 to all actions requiring agility or quick movement, and characters suffer a -1 level on initiative rolls due to slower reaction times. Lacerated: -2D6+1. -2 to all actions due to frequent sharp pains that limit agility and reflexes. Characters must pass a concentration check to perform any action that requires focus or precision. Mauled: -2D6+2. Significant movement impairment, requiring a -2D to any action involving movement beyond a slow pace. Characters also have a -2D penalty on all survival checks due to decreased resilience. Broken: -3D6. Acute pain causes -3D to any actions if movement is attempted without support. Characters cannot use any abilities that require standing or significant physical movement without passing a difficult stamina check. Crippled: -3D6+1. Movement nearly impossible. -4D to any action involving physical movement, even with assistance. Characters also automatically fail any agility-based checks. Crushed: -3D6+2. Even with assistance, attempting any physical action incurs a -4D penalty due to intense pain. Characters are also at a -2D disadvantage on all willpower checks due to diminished morale. Severely Crippled: -4D6. Life-threatening injuries with a wide range of potential impacts. Characters suffer a -4D penalty on all action dice pools and must make a critical willpower check to perform any action. Near Death: -4D6+1. Injuries so severe that survival is in question. Characters can only make passive actions and require a successful critical care check for stabilization. Critical Condition: -4D6+2. Characters are on the brink of death, with all actions requiring assistance. Automatic failure on all physical actions and a critical care check required each round to remain conscious. Incapacitated: -5D6. Unable to perform any actions or move; characters are unconscious and cannot respond to external stimuli. Immediate medical intervention is required to prevent death. Comatose: -5D6+1. Beyond normal incapacitation; characters are unresponsive and require advanced medical intervention to sustain life. Survival depends on external care, and recovery is uncertain. Lifeless: -5D6+2. Characters are in a state suggesting imminent death. Only magical or advanced technological intervention can sustain life, with no guarantee of recovery. Expired: -6D6. The character has succumbed to their injuries. No standard actions or rolls are possible, and revival can only be achieved through extraordinary means.
  10. Monster Stat Block Template for the d6 RPG System Name: [Monster Name] Type: [Creature Type - e.g., Beast, Undead, Elemental] Environment: [Preferred Habitat or Origin] Description: [Brief physical and behavioral description] Attributes: Coordination: 3D Endurance: 5D+2 Reflexes: 2d+1 Strength: 6D+2 Intellect: 2D Knowledge: 1D+2 Magic: 4D Mechanical: 1D Perception: 3D+1 Confidence: 4D Psionic Power: 3D Technical: 1D Willpower: 4D+2 Skills: Communications Confidence Public Speaking: 2D+2 (For intimidation, commands, or animalistic "speech") Cowboy Coordination Breaking/Taming a Wild Horse: 3D (If the creature interacts with other animals in this way) Perception Herding Cattle: 3D+1 (For predatory or protective behaviors in a pack) Cultural/Domestic Perception Animal Husbandry: 3D+1 (Understanding dynamics within a group of animals) Farming: 2D+1 (For animals that might assist in farming tasks or have an understanding of crop cycles, like some birds) Fishing: 3D+1 (For aquatic or semi-aquatic animals) Espionage Perception Detect Ambush: 3D+1 (Natural instinct for detecting threats) Tracking: 3D+1 (For hunting or trailing) Physical Endurance Forced March: 5D+2 (Enduring long distances) Swimming - Basic: 5D+2 (For aquatic animals) Reflexes Climbing: 2D+1 (For arboreal animals) Prowl: 2D+1 (Stealth movements) Wilderness Perception Agriculture: 2D (Understanding of natural food sources) Hunting: 3D+1 (Tracking and capturing prey) Land Navigation: 3D+1 (Navigating territories or migration paths) Preserve Food: 2D+2 (Instinctual food storage behaviors) Sense of Direction: 3D+1 (Innate or learned navigation) Track Animals: 3D+1 (Tracking prey or members of the same species) Winter Survival: 3D+1 (Surviving in cold environments) Special Abilities: (Describe any unique abilities, magical powers, or special attacks) Mighty Roar: Unleashes a deafening roar that can stun enemies. Mechanic: Enemies within 30 meters must make a Willpower check of 20 or be stunned for 2 rounds. Saber Fangs: Utilizes its enormous tusks to deliver a devastating bite. Mechanic: Bite attack deals 6D+2 damage. Thick Fur: Provides natural armor against the elements and attacks. Mechanic: +2D to resist cold damage and +1D to resist physical damage. Thunderous Stomp: Causes the ground to tremble, potentially knocking foes off balance. Mechanic: Enemies within 15 meters must make a Strength check of 15 or be knocked prone. Tail Swipe: Can use its muscular tail to strike multiple enemies. Mechanic: Tail attack deals 5D damage in a 180-degree arc up to 5 meters away. Intimidating Presence: Instills fear in lesser creatures. Mechanic: Creatures with a lower Willpower automatically retreat unless they pass a Willpower check of 25. Charge: Can perform a powerful charge attack. Mechanic: When charging, it deals an additional 2D damage and can move up to 20 meters in a straight line towards a target. Primal Senses: Has heightened senses that detect movement and scent. Mechanic: +2D to Perception checks involving smell or detecting movement. Enduring Stamina: Can travel long distances without tiring. Mechanic: Can force march for an additional 10 hours beyond normal limits. Territorial Dominance: Can mark and defend its territory fiercely. Mechanic: Within its territory, gains +1D to all combat skill checks. Primal Healing: Recovers from wounds quickly due to its robust vitality. Mechanic: Heals 1D health points every two days naturally. Elemental Fury: Can call upon the forces of nature to attack its enemies. Mechanic: Once per day, can cast a spell-like ability that deals 4D elemental damage (fire, ice, wind, etc.) to all enemies within a 10-meter radius. Weaknesses: (List any vulnerabilities or weaknesses) Sensitivity to High Frequencies: The creature's acute hearing makes it especially sensitive to high-pitched sounds or sonic attacks. Mechanic: When exposed to high-frequency sounds or sonic abilities, the creature must make a Willpower check with a difficulty of 20. Failure results in disorientation and a -2D penalty to all actions for the next 2 rounds. Underbelly Vulnerability: The creature's underbelly is not as well-protected as the rest of its body, making it a prime target for attacks. Mechanic: Attacks specifically aimed at the underbelly that succeed on a called shot with a -1D penalty to the attacker's skill roll, bypass the creature's natural armor, dealing an additional +1D damage on a successful hit. Overheating: The dense muscle mass and heavy fur of the creature contribute to a vulnerability to overheating during extended exertion, especially in warmer climates or intense battles. Mechanic: After three consecutive rounds of strenuous activity (like combat or running), the creature must make an Endurance check against a difficulty of 15. Failure results in fatigue, imposing a -1D penalty to all physical actions until a full round of rest is taken. Combat Tactics: [Brief description of typical combat behaviors, strategies, and preferences] Loot: (Optional - Describe any typical items, materials, or valuables that can be obtained from the monster) [Item/Material]: [Description or Value] [Item/Material]: [Description or Value] (Add or remove items as necessary) Difficulty Level: [Suggested overall challenge rating or difficulty level for encounters] Wound Levels: -0 (x1)/-1 (x1)/-2 (x1)/-1d6(x1)/-1d6+1(x1)/-1d6+2(x1)/-2d6(x1)/-2d6+1(x1)/-2d6+2(x1)/3d6(x2)/-3d6+1(x2)/-3d6+2(x2)/-4d6(x3)/-4d6+1(x3)/-4d6+2(x3)/-5d6(x4)/-5d6+1(x4)/-5d6+2(x4)/-6d6(x5)
  11. Hey, if everyone who's intending to make a character could start a thread, as well as ask to 'join' the game in mythweavers, that'd be helpful for me to just figure out who's playing etc. I'm going to try to start putting up some sample npcs and monsters so you can see what the sheets will look like, as well as some more setting info.
  12. Mercy Name: Mercy Lykos Type: Lupine Occupation: Occult Explorer Environment: Dominions of New England Description: Mercy is a intrepid archaeologist from the Dominions of New England. A prodigy, she is often either on a field mission or planning one. When the Centralized Intelligence Office recruited her to find the Fountain of Youth and threw resources behind the offer, she was skeptical. She knew other explorers who had devoted their careers, even lives, to that chimera. Given her overt and progressive politics, a leftover from her study days, the Office has not always been a steady or reliable ally. However, whether the Fountain is real, the resources of the Office are immense, and this is an opportunity to make new discoveries.The mission is simple: locate the Fountain, study it as much as possible, and, if it is in danger of falling into non-Dominion hands, destroy it using a CIO bomb disguised as a pocket watch (what is it with the CIO and their weird gear?). Attributes: Coordination: 3D+2: Endurance: 3D+1 Reflexes: 3D+2 Strength: 2D Intellect: 5D+1 Knowledge: 5D+2 Magic: 5D+2 Mechanical: 3D Perception: 4D+1 Confidence: 4D+2 Psionic Power: Technical: 3D+2 Willpower: 3D CP spent = 12x4=48 Skills: (List specific skills and their corresponding dice values) Communications (9) Confidence: Public Speaking 2D (Class Lectures 3D) Perception: Radio: Basic 3D, Radio: Expert 3D Computer (13) Intellect: Computer Hacking 3D, Computer Language 3D Technical: Computer Engineer 2D, Computer Programming 2D, Computer Repair 3D Cowboy (10) Coordination: Breaking/Taming a Wild Horse 3D, Roping 2D Knowledge: Lore - Indians 3D Reflexes: Horsemanship: Cowboy 2D Cultural/Domestic (17) Intellect: Architectural 3D (Ruins 3D), Economics 3D, Sculpture 3D (Ancient 3D) Perception: Cook 1D, Drawing Pencil/Ink/Chalk 1D, Fishing 2D, Spelunking 2D Espionage (28) Confidence: Intelligence 2D, Communism 2D Perception: Detect Ambush 3D [Jungle 3D], Detect Concealment 3D, Fieldcraft 2D, Jungle Survival 2D, Land Navigation 3D, Perception 3D, Track 2D, Trap/Mine Detection 3D, Wilderness Survival 2D Medical (19) Intellect: Diagnostic 2D, First Aid 3D, Field Surgery 3D, Medical Doctor 3D, Nurse 3D, Paramedic 3D, Veterinarian 1D Physical (5) Endurance: Swimming - Basic 3D, Swimming - S.C.U.B.A 2D Rogue (11) Perception: Concealment 2D, Dice Rolling 1D, Hide/Sneak 2D, Locate Secret Compartments 3D, Pick Locks 3D Science (35) Intellect: Anthropology 3D, Archaeology 3D, Astronomy 2D, Biology 2D, Botany 2D, Cartography 2D, Chemistry 2D, Chemistry - Alchemical 3D, Ecology 2D, Geology 2D, Mathematics (all 4) 2D, Paleontology 2D, Xenology 1D, Zoology 1D Technical (35) Technical: Antiquarian 3D, Chinese Antiquarianism 2D, Chinese Calligraphic Codes and Code Breaking 2D, Chinese Classical Studies 1D, General Repair/Maintenance 3D, History - Ancient Civilizations 2D, History - Native American 3D Intellect: Language Latin 3D, Advanced Chinese 3D, Lore - Alchemy 3D, Lore - Demons and Lines of Power 2D, Lore - Folklore and Mythology 1D, Lore - Geomancy and Lines of Power 3D, Lore - Technology 2D, Philosophy 2D Weapon Proficiencies (11) Reflexes - W.P. Claws 3D, W.P. Sword 3D [Machete 3D], W.P. Bolt Action Rifle 3D [Hunting Rifle 3D] Wilderness (14) Perception - Hunting 3D, Identify Plants & Fruits 2D, Rope Works 3D, Sense of Direction 2D, Skin and Prepare Animal Hides 1D, Tame Animals 1D, Trap Construction 1D, Winter Survival 1D Magic (see d6 Magic) (33) Conjuration 3D+2, Alteration 3D+2, Divination 3D+2, Apportation 3D All four have a specialization: Technomancy +3D+2 (except Apportation is only +3D) Spells All Technomancy and Wizardry (d6 Magic) Countermagic (see d6 Fantasy, p. 99) (DC 19) Special Abilities: (Describe any unique abilities, magical powers, or special attacks) : [Description of what it does, any dice rolls needed, effects, and limitations] Weaknesses: (List any vulnerabilities or weaknesses) : [Description of the weakness and how it can be exploited] Equipment: To be assigned [Item/Material]: [Description or Value] Wound Levels: -0 (x1)/-1 (x1)/-2(x1)/-1d6(x1)/-1d6+1(x1)/-1d6+2(x1)/-2d6(x1)/-2d6+1(x1)/-2d6+2(x1)/3d6(x2)/-3d6+1(x2)/-3d6+2(x2)/-4d6(x3)/-4d6+1(x3)/-4d6+2(x3)/-5d6(x4)/-5d6+1(x4)/-5d6+2(x4)/-6d6(x5) Remaining Character Points Quick Study (3) Enhanced Sense (12): Smell +6, Hearing +4 Extra Body Part (Tail) (0) Natural Armor (Fur) (6): 2D armor Natural HTH Weapon (Claw) (6): STR+3D Hypermovement (Fleet) (2): +2 m/s speed Environmental Resistance (Fur) (1): +3D vs heat and cold Skill Minimum (Old World Occultist) (4): Conjuration, Alternation, Divination Skill Minimum (Loremaster) (4): Lore: Alchemy, Lore: Magic, Antiquarian Skill Bonus (Archaeologist) (3): +3 to Anthropology Archaeology, History - Ancient Civilizations Skill Bonus (Explorer) (3): +3 to Land Navigation, Trap/Mine Detection, Architecture 474 - 48 (attributes) - 207 (skills) - 33 (magic) - 42 (remaining deductions) = 142 Design Notes/Facts: * Intrepid archaeologist * Brilliant prodigy * Old World Occultist * Allied with Dominions of New England * Seeker of the Fountain of Youth Troubles * Scientific curiosity (Quirk - must study artifacts) * Rival scientists (Enemy) * Political views (Minor Stigma) * Cultural Allergy - esp. slave courts * Has her own agenda (Devotion R3) - needs more of a writeup * Prejudice? (wolf) * "For the greater good" * Proud (Achilles Heel - failure as a scientist)
  13. Okay -- I've worked on character creation some more and I'm ready for everyone to start -- your only task is to assign your 39d6 to attributes, then apply 474 build points. The vast majority of those will be spent purchasing additional pips for skills. Then, you'll tell me the 'race', 'class concept', and equipment ideas you want, and I'll send you abilities and equipment for this system -- if you want you can give me a palladium or pathfinder class etc. you have in mind and I'll come up with some kind of conversion for you.
  14. hi -- I'm still getting this together. I'm trying to sort of crush a lot of the Palladium TMNT crunchiness into a slightly simpler system and it's still taking a bit to figure out exactly how to do that. For the East, and this is still very provisional, that there's a region called 'Siam' which is similar to Sundaland -- Thailand/Cambodia, Laos, which is ruled by an elemental conclave, and area called 'Cathay' which is sort of Southern China and Vietnam, and is ruled by dragons, and 'Yamato', a peninsular version of Japan (it's connected to the mainland) as well as Korea. Yamato would have lots of stuff like Kitsune, red pandas, and similar mutant animals. I was imagining a situation similar to the Shogunate period in Japan where a military governor rules on behalf of the emperor, who is also the Shinto high priest.
  15. Your write-up is amazing. I wanted in on this game after the third paragraph, it was a marvelous read! Character concept: a Japanese king/warlord who has lost his kingdom/lordship through betrayal/hostilities and has been living to survive for many years. Still ruminating on race. What era should I base my character's history on? You only hinted at the Asian societies, so I wanted to see what you were thinking insofar as the parallels to our world go.
  16. I have no idea how it will all come together, but my initial thought is something like a hermit crab hybrid. Soft and squishy without his armor, but able to go places others might not. Yet, in his armor, formidable.
  17. The concept looks amazing! I'm thinking of portraying a vulpine scientist from the Dominions who is sort of an Indiana Jones character. Her mission - study the Fountain and destroy it if it risks falling into the hands of the enemy! I also have a secondary idea of a squirrel freedom fighter :)
  18. Great! So, what kind of approximate year would this be stimulating? I know it's an alternate history deal, but it seems like perhaps there might not be enough technology around for governmental genetic experimentation?
  19. You can certainly add to stuff -- I have some very general ideas about a lot of areas, and the relationship of the setting to 'real' history is very loose. All that sounds pretty interesting -- I was also imagining something like Witchhunter: The Hidden World where there was some kind of surviving Aztec culture as well, and the Spanish were only successful in part of their conquest -- or they ended up having something more like an accomodation between the indigenous and conquistador regimes rather than one completely overwhelming the other.
  20. Hey -- I just got back on. I work in healthcare and I just got back from a 13.5 hr overnight shift, but I see there's some new interest, so I'll be working on finishing up the build rules and replying to stuff -- give me a little to get caught up.
  21. Heya Wiz! I'm also curious about what is and isn't allowed / encouraged. I made a crocodile assassin for a TMNT Palladium game that died almost immediately, long long ago. I was hoping to actually get to explore his personality (escaped governmental test subject turned into a tool instead of a person; he desperately wants friends).
  22. Apologies if this isn't the right place for questions. I didn't see "Character Creation Questions" thread anywhere. Will you be posting guidelines about playable animal species or are we free to use our imagination? The setting is fascinating and complex, but can our created characters add to the setting, e.g. can we contribute to the world building. For example, could I propose a character whose origins derive from the indigenous peoples of Cuba (the Tiano and other groups) before the arrival of Columbus (or this alternative world's Columbus), creating an alternative history where the population was more successful at resisting colonial influence and extirpation of their culture?
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