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I would request a Size 10 Bonus approval for:

Path's Expression: The Faithful come in all types and know how best to showcase the abilities and talents of a Soul's Expression nation using specialists tailored to the audience.

+1 to Impress actions (Mil, Eco, Fai)

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Hey! I hadn’t realized that Arcologies could provide battle bonuses. I read in the opener that one provided a +1 to offensive ground battles, so would it be acceptable to change mine from +1 to sacks to +1 to allied leader loss?


I think the fluff for super durable, valuable and non-mass producible metal being fit to armor only the leaders checks out

Edited by Zayuz (see edit history)
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On 3/11/2024 at 2:39 PM, SerakHawk said:

I would request a Size 10 Bonus approval for:

Path's Expression: The Faithful come in all types and know how best to showcase the abilities and talents of a Soul's Expression nation using specialists tailored to the audience.

+1 to Impress actions (Mil, Eco, Fai)

Actually belay that, +1 to Sway.

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Finally getting around to selecting my Faith size bonus. How about this:

"Economic Mentats": The Kinfolk of UNNCLE have long history of mathematical expertise as part of developing their Paragon nature. This makes them perceptive and proficient in tracking and estimating the economics of trade goods in areas where they are settled. Effect: +1 to trading post buyouts in regions where there is at least a minority of Paragonism.

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These are for next round:

Faith Size 10 - +1 to Convert. Should be fine, given I already have a TacDoc for converting and Cult of Avva has been aggressively expanding.


Tier 1 Military Technology:

Popmaize Cluster Bombs
Requires: Arcane Amplification, Sun-Kissed Maize
Slot: Man-Portable Weapons
Effect: +1 to battle (due to slot, ground only)
Fluff: A critical mass of metal-plated maize kernels is loaded into a tiny, circular plastic compartment. The wielder uses easily learned arcane energy to drastically increase the temperature of their hands just prior to use. The bomb is designed to be thrown toward enemy lines before violently erupting as the plastic melts, scattering the covered kernels down upon the foes. Due to the immense heat and continual arcane connection between the soldier and the bomb supplying additional heat, the kernels will pop just above the enemy's lines if timed correctly. This results in a rain of high-velocity shards of extraordinarily hot metal bursting in all directions from the pop with enough force to pierce protective suits. If done properly, the heat would be high enough that the shards will catch fire, additionally causing these piercing pieces to act as flaming shards of metal that would burn the opponents' bodies after impact. The sheer volume of maize placed into the compartment causes a massive scatter, covering entire lines of opposing soldiers with just a few cluster bombs.

(Note: My approved region write-up explicitly states that this maize can be popped and Agbadans regularly use fire magic.)

Edited by MadMapManPK (see edit history)
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Writeup ready for approval!

 Uhra (Region 18)


Unlike their patron capital of Anjahar, Uhra is not built as a singular, massive structure with interlocking parts. Instead, the layout is more in-line with that of the Bironian Crosspaths or the North Way Cluster--a series of interdependent aerostats that surround a larger administrative district at the core of the formation. Civilian centers are closest to this central hub, followed by industrial complexes and military depots that line the outer perimeter. Nearly each of the smaller vessels is a corporate entity unto themselves. Citizens of Uhra largely rely on small, highly competitive shuttle companies to commute between the varying aerostats--an industry which remains heavily regulated, even in spite of certain cut corners during the Bironian Civil War.

Of note, there are at least two aerostats that are newer in architecture. The Pallisade is primarily a Bironian settlement--so segregated due to the constant influx of Biron piped through the ventilation systems in order to maintain a healthy population. It is still not uncommon to see Bironians live among the other vessels--but living amidst the Pallisade grants a certain amount of freedom that cuts down on the consumption of personal tanks of noble gasses.

The second aerostat, known as New Chela, is an addition by the Eucrus Alliance to house kanmarran immigrants and officials. Recognizing that a structure similar to their own would be an industrial nightmare--and likely decades in the making to simulate--the kanmarra have adapted a medium-sized aerostat and added it into the existing infrastructure. Amusingly, given their semi-aquatic leanings, the aerostat could be described as an entire beachside city. The land is geographically arranged so that the artificial ocean is never far away--and insulated machinery at the bottom of the aerostat provides an artificial tide to simulate natural growth of marine flora and fauna, while tidal barrages located in strategic points provide auxiliary power to ease the energy burden. Lastly, recognizing a strange tourist appeal, there is a small section of the city that allows for hotels, entertainment, and a showcase of kanmarran cuisine that relies more on traditional recipes instead of the more recent commoditization of cloned meat.


The population of Uhra has undergone a radical shift over the last several generations. Once predominantly human, strategic interventions by both the Bironian Bulwark and the Eucrus Alliance have muddied the waters—leading to a more diverse population of humans, Bironian knights, and kanmarra. 

Integration has been a slow process. The aerostat would not support an architectural model similar to that of Anjahar, which has led to some unintentional segregation between Alliance personnel and the Uhrayan natives. 

Culturally, most of Uhra’s traditions have been left intact. The people of Uhra center much of their entertainment around local sports, athletic competitions, and adrenaline-soaked displays of daring-do—while leaving little room for the one-size-fits-all entertainment of the Basu-Rahman Group. While there is no easier place to keep up with galactic news, many Uhrayans see fit to leave their daily consumption of BRG media at a minimum. Instead, local journalists keep track of all of the most pressing events of their citizenry--creating a sort of feedback loop of local pride in the community.

The Bironian front has been more challenging. Legislative efforts have curbed the most predatory economic practices, and the rise of Xiitism as a budding religion has left a bad taste in the mouths of Alliance ambassadors. However, there is no widespread prejudice against Syndicate members or Bironian expatriates despite their more centralized population within the Pallisade. Vexingly, some of them have even taken to the Uhrayan's penchant for physical contests and displays of ability.

Further, there has been something of a clash between Bironian and Kanmarran values--particularly the focus on noble gasses as a sign of opulence--but a clan and caste system is nothing unfamiliar to the Alliance. Of all the bits of culture shock that have come with assimilating the Uhrayan society, this is common ground. The kanmarra can work with this. 


Uhra is something of a thought experiment for the Alliance--and a prototype for future territories. Catering to the unique needs of its populace, the nation is led by a small council of democratically elected leaders. These lawmakers have standing privileges to make legislation for the betterment of Uhra without the express permission of Anjahar.

For larger matters, the civilian assembly has added two new seats to its governing body for each "clan" of the new territory (or more accurately, a new seat per species). This is a momentous occurrence in Alliance history, and marks the first time that the legislative body has been expanded since the Compact was formed.


For much of its history, Uhra has been one of the least active nations in all of Badalian airspace. No ambassadors were sent to diplomatic envoys, no sanctions given toward unapologetic raiders--nothing. At one point, the site had even become a popular children's tale. A ghost ship, filled with cannibals or zombies. Or angry, irradiated wretches from the War of Eternal Bombardments. The truth was far less fantastical. Uhra was simply full of humans. Unassuming civilians whom had commandeered an aerostat and endeavored to live a quiet life. This did not come from a place of hatred or suspicion--but pure, unadulterated apathy toward their neighbors among the sulfurous skies. It was not until recent generations that Uhra began to become relevant at all--in no small part thanks to the Bironian Bulwark. In fact, it was the Neon Syndicate that made the first, indelible mark on Uhrayan civilization.

In their neighbors, the Syndicate saw an untapped market. Uhrayan designs focused on modular capabilities--meaning that with the right base chassis, there wasn't much of a practical difference between industrial shuttles and armored personnel carriers. An ambassador from one of the Syndicate's wealthy families offered lucrative defense contracts to the largest manufactories. Aspiring young adults could also sign up for a position in the Bironian fleet and secure a hefty pension. For a time, this vassalage appealed to Uhra. Prosperity for the mere price of servitude? What sane man would not jump on the chance to secure their family's future?

This gave rise to one of Uhra's most famous heroes--the legendary Janov. Janov was a star athlete, all-Uhrayan man, and pillar of the local community. Inspired by the generosity of their Bironian lords, Janov joined the Uhrayan Auxillary Corps and acted as something of a recruiting tool for more impressionable youths. In short time, the man's face was practically plastered everywhere as the poster child for civil service and a job well done. Unfortunately, any rising star must some day fade--and the young pilot was killed in action during a skirmish. Incomprehensibly, his death at the hand of the Bulwark's enemies has led to the meteoric rise of an entire religion dedicated to his memory--that of Janovism (see below).

Where the Syndicate had first exposed Uhra to Badalian politic, the death of Archknight Hiana and the subsequent war of succession have opened the proverbial floodgates. For the last several years, the Neon Syndicate has ramped up the demand on aerospace manufacturers--to better fund their war against the Houses of Argon, Lithium, and Sodium. Bironian refugees and defectors began to pour into their neighboring aerostat to seek shelter from the storm of aggression, straining an economy that was stretched to its absolute limit. The kanmarran invasion, though unorthodox, was a much needed tipping point. The worst elements of the Syndicate were weeded out, while members of the rebel forces were offered amnesty and succor for their wounded. In the last several years, some of the economic damage has been undone, and Kanmarran officials have not been quick to repeat the offer of the Bironians--exempting Uhrayan citizens from mandatory service for the time being as a condition of their annexation.


Janovism (Majority)

A cult of personality that ascended against all odds into a fully-formed religious sect some time over the last hundred years. The religion is named for a mythologized version of its central figure: An ace pilot, martyr, and local athlete by the name of Janov. Janov was a figure of middling importance who became larger than life after local journalists caught wind of his death in service of their neighboring aerostat, the Bulwark, some years ago. In the face of his sacrifice, his athletic feats have been near deified by friends, family, and the local community--to say nothing of a fluff piece put out by the Basu-Rahman Group after his death. While some suspect the family paid out a dragon's hoard to the Board to solidify his 'legend', it has certainly been effective.

Despite its questionable beginnings or integrity, Janovism has done a surprising amount of good within Uhra. Proponents of the faith place a large focus on athleticism and personal glory, and much of Uhra's local economy comes from tourism during the myriad of festivals and local sporting events. In addition, Janov's legacy has created a large sense of goodwill and internal loyalty to one's community to better mirror His sacrifice.

However, this is not without criticism. In a world of actual magic and near-miracles, more cynical critics have questioned the shift of an entire culture from worshipping deities to worshipping a man in his golden years--but this has done nothing to stop the spread of Janov's enthusiastic worshippers.

Xiitism (Minority)

Xiitism, on the other hand, is a more recent development couched in the arrival and patronage of the Neon Syndicate. Xiitism is centered around the pursuit of wealth, prosperity, and material success--with these goals being seen as a centerpiece to human existence. Shrewdness, resourcefulness, and ambition not only feed the soul, but nourish one's community as well. Residual profits can trickle down upon the local economy like rains upon a blighted, arid desert. In this way, whatever must be offered in noble sacrifice upon the altar of entrepreneurship is ultimately repaid. Time has proven again and again that money is power, and even the ears of the divine can be bent with enough tribute.


Uhrayan Aircraft - Planetary Vehicles / Weapons, Armor, and Munitions
Uhrayan Aircraft are part of the lifeblood of Uhra, allowing for the transport of people, goods, and cargo in a fraction of the time it would take to go by more conventional shuttles. Most Uhrayan craft (accounting somewhat for intended function) are lightweight, made of semi-durable material--with a focus on short bursts of uptime to keep operating costs low. The largest benefit of Uhrayan ships are their flexibility. Since space is ever-limited on an aerostat, Uhrayan engineers made their ships highly modular--able to be refit, repaired, or repurposed with minimal downtime so long as there are no catastrophic systems failures.

With the apparent first death of the Bironian scion, the Neon Syndicate ramped up production in local aerospace plants--with an inherent focus on re-engineering civilian transports into weapons of war. These hastily made prefab ships are paper-thin, fast, and pack a hell of a punch--everything that a war-profiteer could ask for. To meet demand, manufacturing plants have begun to skimp on safety regulations in favor of mass production--an aim the Alliance intends to halt in its tracks.

Desired Import: Ores and Alloys
Unfortunately, both the massive spike in productivity and the Alliance's more strict policy against cutting corners has left Uhra dangerously low in the way of raw materials. Without a new, abundant source of metals soon, investors will start to pull out and the industrial complex will start to bleed profits.


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I'd like to put up a civic tech for consideration and approval.


Smart Space Colonizer Suits (Tier 1):

  • Requirements: Vacuum Adaptation technology, any Conductors and Circuitry category resource, any Fabrics and Textile Products category resource (may be the same resource)
  • Effect: This tech takes effect when exploring a region in another orbit or a zero-G region in the same orbit as your capital, if the region doesn't have any significant sophont population. A successful roll against TN 12 reveals the full details of the region and you reveal any sites of archeological interest or similar unique features in the region that might otherwise be hidden. You get a +1 bonus to the Colonize action taken in the region in the following round. On a great success (TN 18), you may attempt to colonize the region as a non-action on the following round.
  • When this technology is used, it must be noted in the details of the action, so that the GM knows and is made aware of the effects on that particular action.
  • The Colonize as a non-action on the following round means it's not automatic, but it still holds to the same level of action tax as a populated region would where you would get a Support or Trading Post.

Spacesuits are made of fabrics and other products to function as a suit for survival. Attached to these suits you have various devices that can help the cosmonaut by scanning stuff, communication with other cosmonauts, etc.

The way these new suits are made is with a deeper integration of those devices into the suit and by extension into the cosmonaut themselves directly. They become one with the suit and one with their tools, effectively. This allows those tools to function as an extension of them. It lets them fine-tune their scanning to locate archaeological sites and good sites for colonization efforts. It allows them to survive longer stretches in space to make that colonization happen. It allows them to spend more time on the exploring and colonizing by eschewing all the countless seconds spent on menial tasks that are now automated by them becoming one with their suit.

This is all aided by the rather fantastical nature of the resources typically employed to make the suits and integrate them for their users (although the processing techniques can be adapted to resources that are different, so it's not limited to just Crystal Weave), and it cannot be applied to just anyone, they need to have some adaptation to living in space already for their bodies to not reject the process.

"Just as the Emperor and Ophon are one, so a llort flightmaster and their suit are one."


EDIT 1: I have heard from another player that an automatic success on Colonize won't be allowed, so I have amended the tech accordingly. (:

EDIT 2: Edited the fluff based on feedback.

Edited by EmBark (see edit history)
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Region 8 - Ophion, The Homeocrown


A people isolated from the world, talking exclusively to them through cameras and tvs and the interplanet. It is a society that was barely functioning even before with a surprisingly high population count, but exposure to the outside has caused this count to fall quite a bit. Fall and fall and fall, dropping down in merely the several years since conquering to under half its population before. Which really it was overpopulated before and people didn't quite have healthy lifestyles, but it's still a bit of a disaster that has accelerated the issues provided. Within their isolated bubbles and delusions of grandeur, these people have a significant difficulty dealing with the literal and figurative popping of their bubble for outsiders to stride inside.



Lots and LOTS of bubbles. So much, like you wouldn't believe. It fills the air and the sky with every inch, and in each one lives more people than you'd have expected out of a region. The groundwork is artificial with Cubic Masonry, and even further beyond that it is rounded out. Ships traverse and round out, it slightly circles but always remains in this specific sector of Badal. The usually filthy air is purified to an unreasonable degree on the inside, for some types of creatures it almost hurts to breathe in. The natural denizens are used to it, of course. It's actually something of a problem now that the region is opened up enough to let outsiders in, and there's even cases of people that have died from the lack of properly held oxygen in their lungs.



Lizzers. Lizzers and humies. In normal speak, humans and lizardfolk. The lizards are more elite, and the humans are lower class, but there's variety in both. It's a bit of a splash of society, insular, almost monarch like. There is a deliberate 'I'm the best' mythos presented here, and the humans play along and adopt characteristics of the shorter lizard folk. Famous lizards once upon a time even invented technologies, different things that reach out and splash everywhere, and their culture involves proving oneself through measures and metrics.

It's not a super rigorous procedure though, self congratulatory natures of everything along with mandated religions make it shockingly easy to keep people compliant. They do enjoy their festivities though, and despite everything being silo'd, entertainment finds a way, making basic internet and television a central part of the culture. To the point where Snaking Snews and Basu-Rahaman and even the Heliotrope Broadcast, find their way into the lingo of the people here.



Mimes. Mimes. All the mimes. So many mimes. It makes up the government, ever since people learned how to communicate through symbols and tvs and automated things the religion of Homeostasis has taken over, making motion minimal. There is no specific reason it seems that things have turned into mimes, or why this is a central part of the government, but that's how it is. They sure like their black and white makeup, and that is a rare thing that breaks through the quarantine measures.

The rest of the governmental natives are the lizards, who insist that they are the best. They're the ones who invented the sun, after all. The emperor is secretly one of them, but nobody bothers with proving that, they just take the propaganda as self evident. Their central locations are nuclear silos, old factories that made it the old fashioned way, which have been refurbished for people to live within. They're some of the biggest areas that don't have walls infesting their designs splitting things into subrooms, allowing many of them to gather and talk about how great their culture and media is.

Maybe the mimes have it right. Maybe they shouldn't be talking.



Universal Homeostasis

The religion of nullification. Pausing. Emptiness. The dominant force within the region, and part of the reason that things aren't as bad as they could be, but that they also aren't as good as they could be either. Freezing and inaction provide many different benefits, and with this religion it is an actual art form. Mimes are quite a good cultural thing here, and they even hold some positions of government.

Force fields and walls are the specialty, and Cubic Masonry is a technology that these people have developed quite early on. This has advanced into spacecraft too, although with said spacecraft they have remained insular. Durable like a nintendo gameboy, though, which is really the best way to describe most of their construction.

Universal Apootosis

The religion of cell death. Everything must progress towards implosion, which avoids the greatest evil known as 'cancer'. It's something to avoid, along with the outside intoxicants. Somewhat of a cult that causes people to die after a set period of time, and one that has seen an uptick in recent years due to the traumas. As well as a weird belief that because of more people coming in to help with labor shortages, the people must even out the population.

Of course, there are positives to this religion too, such as a focus on enjoying life as you have it and peace. An exceptional set of care for people at the end of life and ability to enjoy things in the time they have left. A lack of needing to pay for social security because of said lack of aging issues. A set of cells and minor bit of magic involving the literal splitting of 'atoms', which helps power things such as the scrubbers, making nuclear batteries quite a treat for these people.

There's also Paragonism, which is about being a good person and reaching your ideals or whatever. But they're such a minority so nobody cares about their little cult.



Resource: Atmospheric Scrubbers [Spacecraft / N/A]

Scrub scrub scrub the force fields near the edges of the colony. These planes are real good at that, and practically able to go into space themselves with the right measure. They have to constantly scrub around the bubbles of the area to let sufficient sunlight in to power some of the cells, and this has been done so much that there's a surplus of planes to go around, to sell, to give to whatever people. Which in large part is currently the literal Psycho Capitalists. It pays well and at least on an economic level has everything going squeaky clean.

Desired Import: Labor

The quarantines have always made it hard for people to go outside and do work, and the recent collapse and downturn of population have made it even more so. More than ever, people to do basic functions of society are necessary, the ins and outs of living and delivery. It's a mass thing, not quality but quantity, plus, somebody's gotta handle all of the filth and disease of everything.


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Region writeup for Region 90:



Mel-Tori lies nestled in the midst of Mekhala, unremarkable except for its architecture and commerce. The aging space stations that make up the Meltorian Collective are designed in the shape of wheels. Once they would have spun to provide gravity for their inhabitants, but now they move in more erratic patterns, their station-keeping thrusters damaged or missing due to the ravages of time. There are a few dozen of these stations, and they tend to be in poor repair, as the Meltorian industrial base is relatively low. Living conditions are frequently less than ideal.


The Meltorians are humans. They are usually pallid, tall, and slender, and both sexes tend to go bald early in life due to mild exposure to toxins and radioactivity in their decaying habitats. Having hair later in life is seen as a status symbol.

The Meltorians have short lifespans and so take an attitude of living life to the fullest; even small events can trigger large celebrations including dancing and drinking. Combined with poor lighting supplemented by phosphorescent chemicals, this sometimes gives Meltorian stations a rave-like feel, and their cramped corridors are frequently bustling with activity.


The Meltorian Collective is not much of a government per se, forming more of a loose confederation of the various stations which operate more or less as city-states. Each station is governed, at least nominally, by a Mayor, and although the methods for election vary from station to station, some form of democratic process is observed. In most, only the owners of habitat space are allowed to vote. The Mayors in some stations are powerful autocrats, while in others, they have little real power, with true control collecting in gangs and criminal organizations


Before the War of Eternal Bombardments, a group of humans constructed a series of toroidal habitats in the area that would become Mel-Tori. The war caused heavy damage to these settlements, destroying most of their infrastructure and capability to rebuild. As a result, the stations fell into decline and disrepair, with the knowledge of how to complete repairs eventually falling out of memory.
The continued existence of the Meltorian civilization is a testament to the perseverance and dedication of those early survivors, who did everything in their power to preserve the lives of those aboard.


Meltorian Ale is brewed from hydroponically grown algae and fungus, and serves a double purpose in Meltorian society. First of all, the ale serves as the premier recreational beverage for the many Meltorians; secondly, the brewing process removes many of the contaminants caused by faulty water reclamation systems, and is more potable than normal drinking water as a result. This causes a large amount of ale to be brewed in different potencies - and it's not always clearly labeled which is which.
The Meltorians require Conductors and Circuitry in order to work on maintenance and repair of their failing systems.


Olosom is a word that means, roughly, "It is what it is." This is a common philosophy among the Meltorians; that not every problem can be fixed, and some things just need to be accepted. Meltorians who espouse Olosom focus on celebrating and preserving the things they have, without longing for what they do not and especially what they cannot have.
The arrival of the Dwarves has fragmented the Meltorian community, as many things which were formerly unattainable are now possible due to investment in the region's breweries and infrastructure. Some Meltorians are abandoning Olosom for a more materialistic worldview.


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Within are wells of Honeyed Words carefully curated to be more likely to contain memories of both insight and joy, though it's an imperfect process. In the very center, there is a small amount of our most precious resource, Royal Jelly. Sufficient quantities arrest biological aging, mend wounds, and unify the mind with those of the past. In this amount, it may heal, it will give great insight, and we suspect it would likely give a human being somewhere around an extra month of life, though that is impossible to measure with the available sample sizes nor to translate across biologies."

a waxen box with the usual Arkhival gift of Honeyed Words and a touch of royal jelly. "It took 10,000 bees 25 years to make this honey, which we offer as a token.

A Hinged Box of Wax (with Hexagonal Decoration): a number of closed honeycomb cells, each about an ounce in capacity. Inside each are Honeyed Words, and in one a quarter of the size of the others, bounded by thick walls directly in the center of the box, a tiny globule of Royal Jelly.

Edited by Lumaeus (see edit history)
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On 3/14/2024 at 2:14 PM, Stygian said:

Writeup ready for approval!

 Uhra (Region 18)


Unlike their patron capital of Anjahar, Uhra is not built as a singular, massive structure with interlocking parts. Instead, the layout is more in-line with that of the Bironian Crosspaths or the North Way Cluster--a series of interdependent aerostats that surround a larger administrative district at the core of the formation. Civilian centers are closest to this central hub, followed by industrial complexes and military depots that line the outer perimeter. Nearly each of the smaller vessels is a corporate entity unto themselves. Citizens of Uhra largely rely on small, highly competitive shuttle companies to commute between the varying aerostats--an industry which remains heavily regulated, even in spite of certain cut corners during the Bironian Civil War.

Of note, there are at least two aerostats that are newer in architecture. The Pallisade is primarily a Bironian settlement--so segregated due to the constant influx of Biron piped through the ventilation systems in order to maintain a healthy population. It is still not uncommon to see Bironians live among the other vessels--but living amidst the Pallisade grants a certain amount of freedom that cuts down on the consumption of personal tanks of noble gasses.

The second aerostat, known as New Chela, is an addition by the Eucrus Alliance to house kanmarran immigrants and officials. Recognizing that a structure similar to their own would be an industrial nightmare--and likely decades in the making to simulate--the kanmarra have adapted a medium-sized aerostat and added it into the existing infrastructure. Amusingly, given their semi-aquatic leanings, the aerostat could be described as an entire beachside city. The land is geographically arranged so that the artificial ocean is never far away--and insulated machinery at the bottom of the aerostat provides an artificial tide to simulate natural growth of marine flora and fauna, while tidal barrages located in strategic points provide auxiliary power to ease the energy burden. Lastly, recognizing a strange tourist appeal, there is a small section of the city that allows for hotels, entertainment, and a showcase of kanmarran cuisine that relies more on traditional recipes instead of the more recent commoditization of cloned meat.


The population of Uhra has undergone a radical shift over the last several generations. Once predominantly human, strategic interventions by both the Bironian Bulwark and the Eucrus Alliance have muddied the waters—leading to a more diverse population of humans, Bironian knights, and kanmarra. 

Integration has been a slow process. The aerostat would not support an architectural model similar to that of Anjahar, which has led to some unintentional segregation between Alliance personnel and the Uhrayan natives. 

Culturally, most of Uhra’s traditions have been left intact. The people of Uhra center much of their entertainment around local sports, athletic competitions, and adrenaline-soaked displays of daring-do—while leaving little room for the one-size-fits-all entertainment of the Basu-Rahman Group. While there is no easier place to keep up with galactic news, many Uhrayans see fit to leave their daily consumption of BRG media at a minimum. Instead, local journalists keep track of all of the most pressing events of their citizenry--creating a sort of feedback loop of local pride in the community.

The Bironian front has been more challenging. Legislative efforts have curbed the most predatory economic practices, and the rise of Xiitism as a budding religion has left a bad taste in the mouths of Alliance ambassadors. However, there is no widespread prejudice against Syndicate members or Bironian expatriates despite their more centralized population within the Pallisade. Vexingly, some of them have even taken to the Uhrayan's penchant for physical contests and displays of ability.

Further, there has been something of a clash between Bironian and Kanmarran values--particularly the focus on noble gasses as a sign of opulence--but a clan and caste system is nothing unfamiliar to the Alliance. Of all the bits of culture shock that have come with assimilating the Uhrayan society, this is common ground. The kanmarra can work with this. 


Uhra is something of a thought experiment for the Alliance--and a prototype for future territories. Catering to the unique needs of its populace, the nation is led by a small council of democratically elected leaders. These lawmakers have standing privileges to make legislation for the betterment of Uhra without the express permission of Anjahar.

For larger matters, the civilian assembly has added two new seats to its governing body for each "clan" of the new territory (or more accurately, a new seat per species). This is a momentous occurrence in Alliance history, and marks the first time that the legislative body has been expanded since the Compact was formed.


For much of its history, Uhra has been one of the least active nations in all of Badalian airspace. No ambassadors were sent to diplomatic envoys, no sanctions given toward unapologetic raiders--nothing. At one point, the site had even become a popular children's tale. A ghost ship, filled with cannibals or zombies. Or angry, irradiated wretches from the War of Eternal Bombardments. The truth was far less fantastical. Uhra was simply full of humans. Unassuming civilians whom had commandeered an aerostat and endeavored to live a quiet life. This did not come from a place of hatred or suspicion--but pure, unadulterated apathy toward their neighbors among the sulfurous skies. It was not until recent generations that Uhra began to become relevant at all--in no small part thanks to the Bironian Bulwark. In fact, it was the Neon Syndicate that made the first, indelible mark on Uhrayan civilization.

In their neighbors, the Syndicate saw an untapped market. Uhrayan designs focused on modular capabilities--meaning that with the right base chassis, there wasn't much of a practical difference between industrial shuttles and armored personnel carriers. An ambassador from one of the Syndicate's wealthy families offered lucrative defense contracts to the largest manufactories. Aspiring young adults could also sign up for a position in the Bironian fleet and secure a hefty pension. For a time, this vassalage appealed to Uhra. Prosperity for the mere price of servitude? What sane man would not jump on the chance to secure their family's future?

This gave rise to one of Uhra's most famous heroes--the legendary Janov. Janov was a star athlete, all-Uhrayan man, and pillar of the local community. Inspired by the generosity of their Bironian lords, Janov joined the Uhrayan Auxillary Corps and acted as something of a recruiting tool for more impressionable youths. In short time, the man's face was practically plastered everywhere as the poster child for civil service and a job well done. Unfortunately, any rising star must some day fade--and the young pilot was killed in action during a skirmish. Incomprehensibly, his death at the hand of the Bulwark's enemies has led to the meteoric rise of an entire religion dedicated to his memory--that of Janovism (see below).

Where the Syndicate had first exposed Uhra to Badalian politic, the death of Archknight Hiana and the subsequent war of succession have opened the proverbial floodgates. For the last several years, the Neon Syndicate has ramped up the demand on aerospace manufacturers--to better fund their war against the Houses of Argon, Lithium, and Sodium. Bironian refugees and defectors began to pour into their neighboring aerostat to seek shelter from the storm of aggression, straining an economy that was stretched to its absolute limit. The kanmarran invasion, though unorthodox, was a much needed tipping point. The worst elements of the Syndicate were weeded out, while members of the rebel forces were offered amnesty and succor for their wounded. In the last several years, some of the economic damage has been undone, and Kanmarran officials have not been quick to repeat the offer of the Bironians--exempting Uhrayan citizens from mandatory service for the time being as a condition of their annexation.


Janovism (Majority)

A cult of personality that ascended against all odds into a fully-formed religious sect some time over the last hundred years. The religion is named for a mythologized version of its central figure: An ace pilot, martyr, and local athlete by the name of Janov. Janov was a figure of middling importance who became larger than life after local journalists caught wind of his death in service of their neighboring aerostat, the Bulwark, some years ago. In the face of his sacrifice, his athletic feats have been near deified by friends, family, and the local community--to say nothing of a fluff piece put out by the Basu-Rahman Group after his death. While some suspect the family paid out a dragon's hoard to the Board to solidify his 'legend', it has certainly been effective.

Despite its questionable beginnings or integrity, Janovism has done a surprising amount of good within Uhra. Proponents of the faith place a large focus on athleticism and personal glory, and much of Uhra's local economy comes from tourism during the myriad of festivals and local sporting events. In addition, Janov's legacy has created a large sense of goodwill and internal loyalty to one's community to better mirror His sacrifice.

However, this is not without criticism. In a world of actual magic and near-miracles, more cynical critics have questioned the shift of an entire culture from worshipping deities to worshipping a man in his golden years--but this has done nothing to stop the spread of Janov's enthusiastic worshippers.

Xiitism (Minority)

Xiitism, on the other hand, is a more recent development couched in the arrival and patronage of the Neon Syndicate. Xiitism is centered around the pursuit of wealth, prosperity, and material success--with these goals being seen as a centerpiece to human existence. Shrewdness, resourcefulness, and ambition not only feed the soul, but nourish one's community as well. Residual profits can trickle down upon the local economy like rains upon a blighted, arid desert. In this way, whatever must be offered in noble sacrifice upon the altar of entrepreneurship is ultimately repaid. Time has proven again and again that money is power, and even the ears of the divine can be bent with enough tribute.


Uhrayan Aircraft - Planetary Vehicles / Weapons, Armor, and Munitions
Uhrayan Aircraft are part of the lifeblood of Uhra, allowing for the transport of people, goods, and cargo in a fraction of the time it would take to go by more conventional shuttles. Most Uhrayan craft (accounting somewhat for intended function) are lightweight, made of semi-durable material--with a focus on short bursts of uptime to keep operating costs low. The largest benefit of Uhrayan ships are their flexibility. Since space is ever-limited on an aerostat, Uhrayan engineers made their ships highly modular--able to be refit, repaired, or repurposed with minimal downtime so long as there are no catastrophic systems failures.

With the apparent first death of the Bironian scion, the Neon Syndicate ramped up production in local aerospace plants--with an inherent focus on re-engineering civilian transports into weapons of war. These hastily made prefab ships are paper-thin, fast, and pack a hell of a punch--everything that a war-profiteer could ask for. To meet demand, manufacturing plants have begun to skimp on safety regulations in favor of mass production--an aim the Alliance intends to halt in its tracks.

Desired Import: Ores and Alloys
Unfortunately, both the massive spike in productivity and the Alliance's more strict policy against cutting corners has left Uhra dangerously low in the way of raw materials. Without a new, abundant source of metals soon, investors will start to pull out and the industrial complex will start to bleed profits.


Love the connections to recent events. Approved.


On 3/17/2024 at 4:57 AM, Rocket Relm said:

Region 8 - Ophion, The Homeocrown


A people isolated from the world, talking exclusively to them through cameras and tvs and the interplanet. It is a society that was barely functioning even before with a surprisingly high population count, but exposure to the outside has caused this count to fall quite a bit. Fall and fall and fall, dropping down in merely the several years since conquering to under half its population before. Which really it was overpopulated before and people didn't quite have healthy lifestyles, but it's still a bit of a disaster that has accelerated the issues provided. Within their isolated bubbles and delusions of grandeur, these people have a significant difficulty dealing with the literal and figurative popping of their bubble for outsiders to stride inside.



Lots and LOTS of bubbles. So much, like you wouldn't believe. It fills the air and the sky with every inch, and in each one lives more people than you'd have expected out of a region. The groundwork is artificial with Cubic Masonry, and even further beyond that it is rounded out. Ships traverse and round out, it slightly circles but always remains in this specific sector of Badal. The usually filthy air is purified to an unreasonable degree on the inside, for some types of creatures it almost hurts to breathe in. The natural denizens are used to it, of course. It's actually something of a problem now that the region is opened up enough to let outsiders in, and there's even cases of people that have died from the lack of properly held oxygen in their lungs.



Lizzers. Lizzers and humies. In normal speak, humans and lizardfolk. The lizards are more elite, and the humans are lower class, but there's variety in both. It's a bit of a splash of society, insular, almost monarch like. There is a deliberate 'I'm the best' mythos presented here, and the humans play along and adopt characteristics of the shorter lizard folk. Famous lizards once upon a time even invented technologies, different things that reach out and splash everywhere, and their culture involves proving oneself through measures and metrics.

It's not a super rigorous procedure though, self congratulatory natures of everything along with mandated religions make it shockingly easy to keep people compliant. They do enjoy their festivities though, and despite everything being silo'd, entertainment finds a way, making basic internet and television a central part of the culture. To the point where Snaking Snews and Basu-Rahaman and even the Heliotrope Broadcast, find their way into the lingo of the people here.



Mimes. Mimes. All the mimes. So many mimes. It makes up the government, ever since people learned how to communicate through symbols and tvs and automated things the religion of Homeostasis has taken over, making motion minimal. There is no specific reason it seems that things have turned into mimes, or why this is a central part of the government, but that's how it is. They sure like their black and white makeup, and that is a rare thing that breaks through the quarantine measures.

The rest of the governmental natives are the lizards, who insist that they are the best. They're the ones who invented the sun, after all. The emperor is secretly one of them, but nobody bothers with proving that, they just take the propaganda as self evident. Their central locations are nuclear silos, old factories that made it the old fashioned way, which have been refurbished for people to live within. They're some of the biggest areas that don't have walls infesting their designs splitting things into subrooms, allowing many of them to gather and talk about how great their culture and media is.

Maybe the mimes have it right. Maybe they shouldn't be talking.



Universal Homeostasis

The religion of nullification. Pausing. Emptiness. The dominant force within the region, and part of the reason that things aren't as bad as they could be, but that they also aren't as good as they could be either. Freezing and inaction provide many different benefits, and with this religion it is an actual art form. Mimes are quite a good cultural thing here, and they even hold some positions of government.

Force fields and walls are the specialty, and Cubic Masonry is a technology that these people have developed quite early on. This has advanced into spacecraft too, although with said spacecraft they have remained insular. Durable like a nintendo gameboy, though, which is really the best way to describe most of their construction.

Universal Apootosis

The religion of cell death. Everything must progress towards implosion, which avoids the greatest evil known as 'cancer'. It's something to avoid, along with the outside intoxicants. Somewhat of a cult that causes people to die after a set period of time, and one that has seen an uptick in recent years due to the traumas. As well as a weird belief that because of more people coming in to help with labor shortages, the people must even out the population.

Of course, there are positives to this religion too, such as a focus on enjoying life as you have it and peace. An exceptional set of care for people at the end of life and ability to enjoy things in the time they have left. A lack of needing to pay for social security because of said lack of aging issues. A set of cells and minor bit of magic involving the literal splitting of 'atoms', which helps power things such as the scrubbers, making nuclear batteries quite a treat for these people.

There's also Paragonism, which is about being a good person and reaching your ideals or whatever. But they're such a minority so nobody cares about their little cult.



Resource: Atmospheric Scrubbers [Spacecraft / N/A]

Scrub scrub scrub the force fields near the edges of the colony. These planes are real good at that, and practically able to go into space themselves with the right measure. They have to constantly scrub around the bubbles of the area to let sufficient sunlight in to power some of the cells, and this has been done so much that there's a surplus of planes to go around, to sell, to give to whatever people. Which in large part is currently the literal Psycho Capitalists. It pays well and at least on an economic level has everything going squeaky clean.

Desired Import: Labor

The quarantines have always made it hard for people to go outside and do work, and the recent collapse and downturn of population have made it even more so. More than ever, people to do basic functions of society are necessary, the ins and outs of living and delivery. It's a mass thing, not quality but quantity, plus, somebody's gotta handle all of the filth and disease of everything.


While I don't have problems with any of the concepts presented, I can't really visualize this region. I think it could use a clarity pass, especially in your geography and history/government sections. I would also ask that the region name be changed for clarity purposes.


On 3/18/2024 at 6:42 PM, bc_56 said:

Region writeup for Region 90:



Mel-Tori lies nestled in the midst of Mekhala, unremarkable except for its architecture and commerce. The aging space stations that make up the Meltorian Collective are designed in the shape of wheels. Once they would have spun to provide gravity for their inhabitants, but now they move in more erratic patterns, their station-keeping thrusters damaged or missing due to the ravages of time. There are a few dozen of these stations, and they tend to be in poor repair, as the Meltorian industrial base is relatively low. Living conditions are frequently less than ideal.


The Meltorians are humans. They are usually pallid, tall, and slender, and both sexes tend to go bald early in life due to mild exposure to toxins and radioactivity in their decaying habitats. Having hair later in life is seen as a status symbol.

The Meltorians have short lifespans and so take an attitude of living life to the fullest; even small events can trigger large celebrations including dancing and drinking. Combined with poor lighting supplemented by phosphorescent chemicals, this sometimes gives Meltorian stations a rave-like feel, and their cramped corridors are frequently bustling with activity.


The Meltorian Collective is not much of a government per se, forming more of a loose confederation of the various stations which operate more or less as city-states. Each station is governed, at least nominally, by a Mayor, and although the methods for election vary from station to station, some form of democratic process is observed. In most, only the owners of habitat space are allowed to vote. The Mayors in some stations are powerful autocrats, while in others, they have little real power, with true control collecting in gangs and criminal organizations


Before the War of Eternal Bombardments, a group of humans constructed a series of toroidal habitats in the area that would become Mel-Tori. The war caused heavy damage to these settlements, destroying most of their infrastructure and capability to rebuild. As a result, the stations fell into decline and disrepair, with the knowledge of how to complete repairs eventually falling out of memory.
The continued existence of the Meltorian civilization is a testament to the perseverance and dedication of those early survivors, who did everything in their power to preserve the lives of those aboard.


Meltorian Ale is brewed from hydroponically grown algae and fungus, and serves a double purpose in Meltorian society. First of all, the ale serves as the premier recreational beverage for the many Meltorians; secondly, the brewing process removes many of the contaminants caused by faulty water reclamation systems, and is more potable than normal drinking water as a result. This causes a large amount of ale to be brewed in different potencies - and it's not always clearly labeled which is which.
The Meltorians require Conductors and Circuitry in order to work on maintenance and repair of their failing systems.


Olosom is a word that means, roughly, "It is what it is." This is a common philosophy among the Meltorians; that not every problem can be fixed, and some things just need to be accepted. Meltorians who espouse Olosom focus on celebrating and preserving the things they have, without longing for what they do not and especially what they cannot have.
The arrival of the Dwarves has fragmented the Meltorian community, as many things which were formerly unattainable are now possible due to investment in the region's breweries and infrastructure. Some Meltorians are abandoning Olosom for a more materialistic worldview.


Short and sweet. Approved.

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Region Submission: Utattou (Region 28)


The majority of the hill country of Utattou is covered in a thick forest canopy, which has made surveys via satellite imagery generally unproductive until recently. The bamboo forests sprawl across rolling hills, with smaller vegetation providing ground cover and variety. Numerous shallow lakes fill the lower valleys, with hundreds of acres of fresh water often no more than a meter deep. These are often traversed on foot or in small watercraft designed to easily navigate among the towering bamboos.

Mostly a peninsula, Utattou is connected to the continent of Erebuus only by a narrow stretch of land. A few small communities live nearby, with a somewhat militant outlook on watching for outsiders (a long-conjectured but often vague threat). Most population centers are further north in the two wider parts of the landmass, where cultivation of the forests provides shelter against weather and intrusion. The capital of the region is a sprawling city named Yilutre built between and over several of the lakes. Forest growth is present throughout the city, and the population tends to spread wide as well as build tall, with many multi-storied buildings supported between sturdier stands of coalesced trees. Yilutre has seen a great deal of recent change in just a few years with the arrival and negotiations of outsiders, with new technologies and amenities being introduced.


The Kyenrait people are human, with skin tones varying from pale (though most tan) to dark. For any educated in the sciences of genetics, it is clear their ancestors came from widely diverse parts of Sansar (and perhaps even other worlds in Tekhum). Little is known about their history since the War of Eternal Bombardments (even internally; externally even less has yet been shared). 

While borders have opened following the confederation with Caipe Ushere, there is a small group of administrators who work with outsiders on international matters and the updating of infrastructure that was part of the agreements. In most cases, these administrators present an attitude ranging from grudging cooperation to taciturn silence. Even Todds, their technical expertise welcomed, find difficulty socializing much so far. Sociologists predict it will probably be a generation or more before people begin to feel comfortable with outsiders on anything more than an outlier.

Observing the people’s interactions with each other is a stark contrast from their interactions with any outsider. The Kyenrait are friendly, preferring large family groups, and a good deal of public socializing is based around family homes. A casual family gathering may easily include thirty or more people. An important holiday or event could draw hundreds, with families tracking out to fourth and fifth cousins. 

Kyenrait often enjoy outdoor activities, with several different developed sports that are played competitively between cities. Hiking, climbing, and gardening are also popular pastimes. 


Bamboo (Flora, Construction Materials)
Bamboo are a type of rapidly growing grasses, larger specimens of which can tower into trees up to approximately 50 meters in height. These are some of the fastest-growing plants on Sansar, with the fastest strains able to achieve several meters of growth within a single day in optimal conditions. This makes for a significantly replenishable resource with even minimal maintenance and replanting efforts, and the Utattou people have developed a regular harvesting cycle to maximize this production.

In addition to the sturdiness and general use for tools and construction, with certain enzymes applied to their surface, separate bamboo plants will fuse together with multiple pieces becoming a single intergrown surface. With the proper sculpting and sealant, the wood has become the primary material in the region for building homes, vehicle bodies, and even armor.

Bamboo flowers are also often used as decoration.

Desired Import

With the recent opening to their neighbors, and the realizations of the opportunities for technological improvement, there is suddenly a significant demand for subject matter experts to lead the way in both implementation and education on more modern lifestyles.


Militant Xenophobia

The Utattou people, until recently, have been devout isolationists. The Rain of Fire brought about the end of the Old Ways, and was brought upon them by the folly of outsiders. For two thousand years, the Kyenrait have forsworn any interest or involvement in the outside world, lest they invite the wrath of the skies once again. A large vocal set of the population still predicts disaster from accepting the invitation to join Caipe Ushere. The potential for advancement, and the lack of devastation (along with the warnings being two millennia old) has contributed to what exposure they allow.

Still, most people are constantly harried by these fears in any outsider dealings, and will require more convincing interaction before they are willing to open themselves to welcoming foreign synergy.

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