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Gavin Hopsalot Feylost Harengon Ranger

darlis moonbeam

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Basic Information

Name: Gavin Hopsalot
Age: 22
Race: Harengon
Class: Ranger
Background: Feylost
Level: 1


Traits: Like a nomad, I can't settle down in one place for very long.

Ideals: Friendship. I never leave a friend behind. (Good)

Bonds: I'm drawn to the Feywild and long to return there, ifonly for a short while.

Flaws: I easily lose track of time. My poor sense of time means I'm always late.







Lost Item

Hush now...That is a secret.




While Gavin was not born in the Feywild, his parents were from there and they wanted him to grow up in the Feywild, and it left its mark on him. When he lost his place there, it left him nomadic, hoping to find his way back. He still felt a connection to the place in his dreams as he was always contacted by a unicorn there named Belara.

It seemed that she always came to him when he was at his lowest point and would raise his spirits with images of the Feywild and advice on what he should do.

It was her that told him of the carnival and that it could help lead him back to where he belonged. As he followed stories and whispers of where it was located, he began to get an odd feeling of loss that he could not really explain. When he finally found the place he felt a certain sense of deja vu as if he had seen this place before but could not place the memory. The sense of loss also got worse and that is when he found others that also seemed to feel that sense of loss and could not explain it, could that be coincidence or was this fate that drew them together?

Stat Block

This is where your link to your character sheet and your stat block goes.





Edited by darlis moonbeam (see edit history)
First array
repeat(drop(4d6,lowest),6) 6,2,4,4,5,6,6,3,3,2,1,4,4,6,2,5,1,2,3,5,4,4,6,3
Second array
repeat(drop(4d6,lowest),6) 6,6,2,3,6,1,1,3,2,2,4,3,3,4,5,3,1,1,6,5,2,6,4,3
Third array
repeat(drop(4d6,lowest),6) 4,2,3,1,6,3,2,3,2,5,5,2,6,1,4,5,3,1,4,3,2,2,3,4
Lost Things
1d8 3
Feywild Trinket 1
1d100 85
Feywild Trinket 2
1d100 78
Feywild Trinket 3
1d100 13
Fey Mark
1d8 8
Feywild visitor
1d8 8
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3 minutes ago, darlis moonbeam said:

If there was supposed to be private text to me in last post then something went wrong.

Sorry about that. Apparently Autocorrect is messing with my writing again, and changed darlis to 'darts'. And it just tried to change the first part of your username to darks! -_-"

That has been corrected now.

Edited by Guardian Angel Haruki (see edit history)
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