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2 hours ago, Arbuthnott said:

With a few startled blinks, she shrugs and pulls up a chair opposite Dorian; in for a copper, I suppose. "Hey there, pretty boy. Tell me you're crewin' for the Swift Vengeance."


Dorian Hawkwind

Dorian smiles at the young woman opposite, and says: "Well hello there. I'm actually here to see about that very thing, although I have my sights set on something a little more exciting than deckhand. Which reminds me, I've probably spent long enough down here hob-nobbing with the crew. I really ought to go and introduce myself."

"My name's Dorian... Dorian Hawkwind. Are you looking to join the crew? You move with a grace and fluidity I've rarely seen. I think you'd be a good choice... though I'm afraid I don't yet hold any sway around here." 😊



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Corrected Situational Awareness

Status (as best I understand it); please correct if I missed something, since I've been a little out of it this past day. You have to check in with Garth and answer his question before you will get an interview. It doesn't matter at the moment whether you are upstairs, as long as you have checked in.

Upstairs Room (officer interviews)

  • Checked in

    • Althea

  • Not checked in, didn’t speak to Garth

    • Flavinia

    • Lothar

    • @Harding’s unidentified character

  • Spoke to Garth but not actually checked in

    • Bart

    • Thorvald (last time, I thought he checked in, but he hadn't)

  • Hraan has left for downstairs, having checked in with Garth

Downstairs, speaking to or near door guard

  • Lastanor

  • Adalmar (dog)

Downstairs Back Room (crew interviews)

  • Dorian at a table at the side of the room, has not been upstairs

  • Hraan, having checked in with Garth, sitting opposite Dorian


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Ħraan Evermeer

"Ah, you're aiming for an officer role? That's mighty impressive. Let's grab a few drinks and you can introduce me to your friends upstairs, if you're done mingling with us deckhands," she grins slyly before weaving her way through the crowd towards the bar and collecting five full pints, two of which she passes to Dorian while managing to balance the rest in her off-hand.

"Nice to meet you, Dorian. The name's Ħraan, and I'm sure we'll be seeing plenty of eachother aboard if things go nicely." Gesturing with her tankard, she adds "Lead on."


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Dorian Hawkwind

"Hraan? Hmmm... Hraaaaaan. An unusual name, but it has a nice ring to it." He accepts the tankards with a smile and gives the lady a bow before doing as bidden and leading the way upstairs. On the way he lingers for a short time by one of the other tables, seemingly admiring a woman seated there, and asking for her name "...in case we should be fortunate to meet again upon the ocean waves." ☺️ What a dick!

However, on the way upstairs, he turns his head and gives Hraan another of those smiles. "Sorry about that, back there. You must think me a complete cad. I just wanted to get her name because I think she's an Iverinan spy trying to infiltrate the crew. You never can tell who or what will turn up at these things!" 😀

Reaching the door to the upstairs room, they can hear the sounds of several people talking inside. "Sounds like we're not the first. Shall we go in and introduce ourselves, my lady?" He deftly transfers both tankards to one hand and opens the door to allow Hraan to go in first.



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Bart Môrbrennin 

Listening intently to Thorvald discussion of wrestling giant squids Bart laughs at his admittance of being bested.

"I bet it's a fine story! Haha if we get a chance you'll need to tell me the full tale. And I can tell you some of my own. Specially the one about Norina the most beautiful mermaid I had ever seen. I thought she was old Procan's daughter herself!"

Bart gives a sly wink.

"Turns out she was some sea hags "daughter" instead. She cursed me rotten for....well....let's just say trying to court her haha. She got me rotten." At the mention of the curse Bart looks sheepish and wiggles his little finger.

"Cost me a pretty few pieces to get that curse lifted haha!" Bart burts into a booming laughter.

Turning to check on Garth and noticing the chance to speak to him, Bart stands and gives a quick bow to the table. "Excuse me a moment."

Closing the space between himself and Garth in one or two strides due to his large build

*Time to check in. Bart Morbrennin or just Big Bart haha. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm big and strong, good enough for any ship. Master of the storms, my roars shall strike fear into anything we encounter out on the seas." Bart thumps his chest and gives a slight bow.

Returning to his chair once his check-in was complete, Bart turns to the others, taking the chance to speak to some potential new crew mates. His attention drawn to Lothar.

"You there! Storyteller, got any tales of your own that can beat giant squid wrestling?"


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Ħraan Evermeer

Ħraan observes Dorian's unabashed flirting with open amusement, although the smirk freezes on her face at the mention of an Ivernian Spy. "That's a dangerous gift there, if useful. You didn't think I was a spy, then? Not conniving enough for you, or too innocent?"

"Your should introduce yourself, for sure, but I doubt they need me butting in. I'll get us a seat." She clanks one of her ales to Dorian's and takes a hearty swig. "To your luck," and with a laugh, she skips through the open door back into the officer's anteroom, leaving Dorian to speak with Garth with a wink and a sway in her hips as she resumes her old seat. Sliding one of her ales over to Bart with a nod, she tunes back into the conversation at hand.


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1 hour ago, Slayer4399 said:


Bart Môrbrennin 

"You there! Storyteller, got any tales of your own that can beat giant squid wrestling?"



Lothar Heirutsson

image.png.6c757b1e762af7713bcf0c9c741bb280.pngAs Bart's gaze fell upon Lothar, the bard's eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. With a graceful flourish, Lothar strummed a few chords on his enchanted lyre, the ethereal melody weaving its way through the tavern like a gentle breeze, captivating all who listened.

"A tale, you say? Well then, gather 'round, my friends, and let me regale you with a story of the sea—a tale of bravery, cunning, and the triumph of the indomitable spirit."

With each word, Lothar's voice took on a melodic cadence, his fingers dancing effortlessly across the strings of his lyre, weaving a tapestry of sound that transported his audience to the rolling waves of the ocean.

"In the moon's silver embrace, we set sail, my companion and I, at the behest of the Queen's royal huntsman, tasked with a noble quest: to track and hunt the sea monsters that lurked beneath the depths. Armed with celestial knowledge and a heart filled with courage, we braved the treacherous waters, guided by the stars above."

"As we journeyed deeper into the abyssal realm, we encountered a dark and malevolent force—a horde of sahuagin, led by a kraken priest, sworn to wreak havoc upon the sea in the name of their dark deity, the Bitch Queen. Yet, undeterred by the looming shadow of danger, we faced our foes with resolve and determination."

Lothar's voice rose and fell like the ebb and flow of the tide, his fingers coaxing forth a haunting melody from the strings of his lyre, imbued with the magic of his soul.

"In the heart of the tempest, amidst the crashing waves and swirling mists, we clashed with our enemies, locked in a battle of wills and wits. With guile and cunning, and the aid of ancient magic, we turned the tide of battle in our favor, casting down our foes with righteous fury."

"And lo, as the final echoes of battle faded into the depths, we discovered a trove hidden beneath the waves—a chest of untold riches, guarded by the sea itself. And within its depths, I found my most prized possession—the enchanted lyre known as Dream Weaver, its music a testament to the power of the sea and the strength of the human spirit."

With a final flourish, Lothar's song came to an end, the haunting melody lingering in the air like a lingering echo of a distant dream. As the last note faded away, he met Bart's gaze with a knowing smile, the fire of adventure burning bright in his eyes. "So you see, my friend, the tales of the sea are as boundless as the ocean itself, filled with wonders and dangers beyond imagining. But it is in the telling of these stories that we find our truest selves, and the courage to face whatever trials may come our way."


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Lastanor Nightwater

SahuaginDDtransparent.png.25eb0739bea280163e7e1e369828781c.pngThe odd sound from the dog(?) caused the hooded figure, 'Lastanor', to turn and look at it, perhaps quizzically, before returning their attention to the human woman.
"Very well, I shall. Thank you for your assistance." they said (or he said, based on his deep voice), nodding his head before turning and making for the stairway, trailing an odd fishy smell as he went.

As Lastanor made his way up the stairs, his hood tilted at the sound of lyre music, and he arrived in time to hear most of Lothar's captivating tale.
He visibly twitched at the mention of sahuagin and their dark deity, but otherwise remained still for the rest of the performance, politely fluttering the arms of his robes together in a way that was probably clapping.
"An exceptional tale. I am glad to hear that you are brave enough to venture to the bottom of the ocean." he remarked, before his hood visibly lowered to gaze at Lothar's Dream Weaver, "I too seek treasure in the abyssal depths. Artifacts, remnants, old lore. That which has been lost and forgotten."




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Lothar Heirutsson


Lothar's eyes gleamed with curiosity as Lastanor's attention turned toward him, his interest piqued by the mention of seeking treasure in the depths of the ocean.

"Ah, a fellow seeker of lost treasures and forgotten lore," Lothar exclaimed, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "There are few pursuits more noble or perilous, my friend."

For a moment, he realized that the interlocutor was a sahuagin. At first, he was unsure if he was offended by the tale, but didn't seem to display any signs of it.

With a graceful motion, Lothar shifted the enchanted lyre, Dream Weaver, so that it caught the flickering light of the tavern, its silver-plated runes shimmering in the dim glow.

"As for artifacts and remnants, I am but a humble collector of stories and melodies," Lothar continued, his voice soft yet infused with a hint of reverence. "But perhaps you possess relics of a more tangible nature? Items of power and mystery that hold the echoes of ages past?"

He leaned forward, his eyes alight with curiosity, eager to hear of the wonders that Lastanor may have uncovered in his own journeys to the depths of the sea. After all, in the world of adventurers and seekers, tales of magic and mystery were as valuable as any treasure hoard.


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Althea is spellbound by the story. At its end, she softly claps and smiles for the storyteller, but her nerves are still playing a tune of their own, and she excuses herself to seek drink to calm them. Already making fast friends in this place, if only the elders could see her now.

"I'd love to hear more, but I need something to drink, excuse me."

She makes to exit the room to brave the din of chatting patrons and quench her thirst.


OOC: If another player on the first floor of the inn would like to chat, they may preempt Althea exiting if they wish to go upstairs, otherwise they can find her downstairs getting some wine.

for dalamb

The function is to give you examples of how our characters interact, right? I wanted to presume Garth would grab the details of everyone then cross reference their informal dossiers with the Captain's requirements, and the favorable PCs are selected for interviews because they match or because Garth took a shine, maybe wants to play a little joke on the Captain - if the "dog" is allowed through, I see the latter as almost certainly being the case for the woofer.

Continuing conversations without pause for interviews works best. This gives the advantage of prolific posters hanging around IC to engage applicants. So, more examples for you to read more quickly.

I didn't think we would be processed IC, I thought the examples of writing style were the gist of it, but I can adapt.

I'll answer publicly: I would edit that if it weren't retroactive, but the idea is that if the gods' fate doesn't unfold in any manner apparent to Althea by the time the Captain becomes bored of her because of x-y-z, or if she is not recruited, she would continue her sojourn on land, probably in Andaron to start with. She would seek to wander on land, where a god of nature could more readily commune with her. She might find herself in the Empire proper IF she got far afield from her land of birth.


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Thorvald Hrolfson

Thorvald Hrolfson: Stormlord of Procan


“Name?” the hadozee asks each person who enters. “And what skills might ye have that would suit a fine ship like the Swift Vengeance?” Garth finishes his current scribbles and looks up at Thorvald. “Thorvald. From Varshad. Does that mean there is a silent “H” before ‘Rolfson?’ I’m not especially familiar with the accent.”

"Actually, it's sort of a growl. Hhhrolfson. Our clan banner featured a winged lion. So all of our names either pushed an HR sound or rolled the R's. I know it's strange. My name, for example, is supposed to be pronounced Thorrrvald. But no one knows, so now it's just Thorvald. But I'm sure my family name isn't the full question." He bowed, "So, it's a pleasure to meet one of the jungle-folk. I can not wait to speak with this captain I've heard so much about!"

puffing chest out a bit, he began to tick off on his fingers, "On my previous vessel, I was called a Second Mate. My job was to lead the boarders over the side onto enemy ships. We hunted the leadership and casters. I was very good at my job" He leans back a bit, "as a faithful of the sea god, I am uniquely qualified to battle on the open water. I can heal, I've been trained as a saw bones, I can walk through a storm like it's a light fog and I've been known to help with morale." With a smile, he continued, "and, I can track an eagle on a cloudless day over an open sea." The boast caused him to fold his arms across his chest and stand straight and proud. "The Clan of the Winged Lion has been in the vanguard of a dozen battles in my lifetime. Your captain will find few better in a squall."

Lothar Heirutsson

"If you would be so kind, I would like to capture and share these stories. Especially the one of your struggle against the vile squid—you didn't win the grappling challenge against the creature, but did it meet is demise in the end? Could you spare more details of this particular tale, how it happened until the culmination ? I am certain it would make a most captivating song."

Bart: "I bet it's a fine story! Haha if we get a chance you'll need to tell me the full tale. And I can tell you some of my own. Specially the one about Norina the most beautiful mermaid I had ever seen. I thought she was old Procan's daughter herself!"

His smile took everyone in, he loved telling war stories, "Well, if she was, you'd still be there I'd bet!" He laughed and took a drink, "Well, the giant squid is a rather simple tale. The creature wasn't really bothering anyone. They tend to stay deep underwater, but a recent storm had driven much of its prey closer to the surface. Also, I was drunk ; which all of the best stories should include, of course. It involved a misplaced bet with a bastard of a Gnome, a stubborn Varshadian, and nearly twelve hours of underwater battle!" He paused for effect. Damn but he loved telling his stories. "In the end, the hero was exhausted, the animal was very confused as to why the hero had not drowned, and the spectators peppered the poor, confused animal with new piercings until it fled to the bottom of the ocean." He took a small drink and frowned, "I was cleaning ink from my ears for a week."



OOC: You work one 11 hour shift and the entire thread blows up. LOL


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Lastanor Nightwater

SahuaginDDtransparent.png.25eb0739bea280163e7e1e369828781c.png"Items of power? No..." Lastanor answered, his hooded head dipping slightly, before he reached inside his robe, and a visibly green, scaly hand came out clutching a small, bottle-like charm, with a little cloudy wisp inside it.
As soon as it was exposed to light, the wisp passed right through the bottle, swirling around Lastanor's hood, and drifting over to seemingly-examine Lothar, before slowly drifting back into the bottle in Lastanor's hand.

"Some manner of spirit...I found them waiting in an abandoned temple of Eadro, that had sunk beyond light's reach. I still do not know why they were there, but they have offered great aid in exploring the ocean's depths, and teaching me uncommon magic."
Tucking the bottle charm away again, Lastanor raised his head to look at Lothar again. "My name is Lastanor, by the way. Lastanor Nightwater, of Anterome. May I ask yours?"


Character Sheet

Spiritual Guide is a ranger ACF that replaces an animal companion; it provides a 'spirit companion' instead that slightly boosts several skills and allows a rapid casting of Commune With Nature 1/day.


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"Would Flavinia Caluto suffice?" Flavinia grins widely. "Most of my friends can't even say Flavinia right, so usually it's just Vinnie. I do have a bunch of other names, too, but it's rather a handful, and I never use any of those."

Flavinia found the timing of extricating herself from conversation while there were no line in front of the monkey. "I am quick with knives, know a fair bit of magic, mostly to either confound a foe or make myself and allies fight better, if some specialist is passed out from too much rum, I can probably figure out how to fill in passably well on the fly." With slight dramatic pause for emphasis. "I also can sing opera well enough to perform in front of the Queen, but I imagine this lot prefers bawdier songs for their entertainment".

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Dorian Hawkwind

Hraan moves into the room too quickly for him to reply to her question. Probably just as well, he thinks.

As he moves to enter the room he almost bumps into Althea on her way to the door. "Oops! Sorry ma'am," he says, instinctively, before taking in her unusual form. "Hey, sheep girl... cool... loving the horns!" 😀

"Are you heading for the bar? I have two drinks here. You are welcome to one of them if you'll stay and talk a while. I'd love to find out what brings a bariaur to seek a life of adventure on the ocean. I'm a farmboy myself, from Vern, and we have a few of the fey folk on the Isle." 😊

Moving further into the room, he glances around to see who else is there.

"Whoa! Land of the Giants! I feel quite small next to those guys," he says, in reference to the pair of really tall men sharing tales with a minstrel. "Lucky they come in different colours... so we can tell them apart without getting a neckache!"

"And what the hell..." he starts as he notices the sahuagin with a dog. "Is that a fishman? Aren't we at war with their kind? I'm all for diversity..." he gives Althea a sly wink 😉 "...but there are limits. Still, he must be here for some good reason if the giants haven't strung him up yet!" 😀

He notices the gorilla sitting at the desk and says "Aha, another unusual race. But this one looks like he's got some official business here. Is he the one taking names for the Captain? Better let him know I'm here."

Excusing himself momentarily, to give Althea the chance to have a drink, he quickly steps over to the desk and gives the gorilla a deep sweeping bow.

"Good day, sir. Dorian Hawkwind... at your service. I'm here seeking a life of adventure on the high seas, and where better than aboad The Swift Vengeance, eh?"

Assuming the standard question from Garth, he replies "I'm a fighting man, mostly, with around...oh... nine years seafaring experience. Decent knowledge of the waters around these kingdoms, and ways of their folk. I'm principally a boarding party leader, when it boils right down. Took an Iverinan warship almost single-handed, with just my sword, a few tricks I've learned, and my dazzling personality, of course!" 😀

Once he's registered he returns to Althea to continue their conversation and hopefully hear her tale. He spares a broad smile for the pretty girl who's just registered ahead of him as he turns to walk back. "Good evening ma'am." ☺️



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4 hours ago, Avaday Daydream said:


Lastanor Nightwater

SahuaginDDtransparent.png.25eb0739bea280163e7e1e369828781c.png"Items of power? No..." Lastanor answered, his hooded head dipping slightly, before he reached inside his robe, and a visibly green, scaly hand came out clutching a small, bottle-like charm, with a little cloudy wisp inside it.
As soon as it was exposed to light, the wisp passed right through the bottle, swirling around Lastanor's hood, and drifting over to seemingly-examine Lothar, before slowly drifting back into the bottle in Lastanor's hand.

"Some manner of spirit...I found them waiting in an abandoned temple of Eadro, that had sunk beyond light's reach. I still do not know why they were there, but they have offered great aid in exploring the ocean's depths, and teaching me uncommon magic."
Tucking the bottle charm away again, Lastanor raised his head to look at Lothar again. "My name is Lastanor, by the way. Lastanor Nightwater, of Anterome. May I ask yours?"


Character Sheet

Spiritual Guide is a ranger ACF that replaces an animal companion; it provides a 'spirit companion' instead that slightly boosts several skills and allows a rapid casting of Commune With Nature 1/day.


Lothar's eyes widened in fascination as Lastanor revealed the mysterious charm containing the ethereal wisp. He watched in awe as the wisp danced and swirled around Lastanor's hood before drifting toward him, its otherworldly presence palpable even from a distance.

"A spirit, you say?" Lothar murmured, his voice tinged with wonder. "Truly a remarkable discovery, Lastanor. To find such entities in the depths of the ocean, hidden within the ruins of a sunken temple... It speaks of ancient mysteries and untold secrets waiting to be unraveled."

As Lastanor tucked the bottle charm away, Lothar nodded in respect, his admiration for the mysterious figure growing with each passing moment.

"Lastanor Nightwater of Anterome," Lothar repeated, committing the name to memory. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lastanor. I am Lothar Heirutsson, known as Lothar the Dragonheart. A humble skald and seeker of stories, at your service."

He offered a friendly smile, his curiosity about Lastanor's otherworldly companion piqued, eager to learn more about the mysteries that lay hidden beneath the waves. After all, in the vast and unpredictable expanse of the ocean, one could never have too many allies or too much knowledge.

8 hours ago, TheBard101 said:


Thorvald Hrolfson

Thorvald Hrolfson: Stormlord of Procan

His smile took everyone in, he loved telling war stories, "Well, if she was, you'd still be there I'd bet!" He laughed and took a drink, "Well, the giant squid is a rather simple tale. The creature wasn't really bothering anyone. They tend to stay deep underwater, but a recent storm had driven much of its prey closer to the surface. Also, I was drunk ; which all of the best stories should include, of course. It involved a misplaced bet with a bastard of a Gnome, a stubborn Varshadian, and nearly twelve hours of underwater battle!" He paused for effect. Damn but he loved telling his stories. "In the end, the hero was exhausted, the animal was very confused as to why the hero had not drowned, and the spectators peppered the poor, confused animal with new piercings until it fled to the bottom of the ocean." He took a small drink and frowned, "I was cleaning ink from my ears for a week."




Lothar's eyes sparkled with amusement as he listened to the tale unfold, his lips curling into a mischievous grin. With a twinkle in his eye, he strummed a few chords on his lyre, the melody light and playful, improvised verses worthy of a drinking song that could be sang in taverns.

Oh, gather 'round, my friends, and hear a tale so grand,
Of a drunken escapade beneath the ocean's sand.
With a gnome and a Varshadian, bold and stout,
Our hero set out, with a boast and a shout! 

The giant squid, it lurked below,
Its tentacles swirling to and fro.
But our hero, he was not deterred,
For he had a plan, oh yes, he had heard! 

With ale on his breath and mischief in his eye,
He dove into the depths, prepared to defy.
Twelve hours they battled, beneath the waves,
As ink and laughter filled the briny caves.

And when the squid, confused and bemused,
Was pelted with piercings, thoroughly amused.
It fled in terror, back to the deep,
Leaving our hero, victorious, to keep.

So raise your tankards high, my friends,
To the hero of the deep, where adventure never ends!
And though he cleaned ink from his ears for a week,
'Twas a tale worth telling, for those who seek! 

With a final flourish, Lothar's song came to an end, the merry tune echoing throughout the tavern, accompanied by the raucous laughter of the patrons. As he settled back into his seat, a satisfied smile played at his lips, grateful for the joy that his music had brought to those around him.

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