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Massive Dungeon Crawl Classics and Mutant Crawl Classics Bundle

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Forty bucks for all the DCC and MCC content you will ever need. Includes the core rules for Dungeon Crawl Classics and Mutant Crawl Classics, as well as dozens of first and third-party adventures for both. Also includes two mega adventures: Crypt of the Devil Lich and The Music of the Spheres is Chaos. Those two alone are worth the price of the bundle.

Eighty items in all.

For those who don't know, DCC is a gonzo version of old-school D&D known for its wild magic system, hundreds of pages of spell-check and critical-hit tables, and some of the best short-form adventures in the hobby.

Mutant Crawl Classics is the Gamma-World-inspired, post apocalyptic version of the same game.

I've been running DCC for the last year here on the Weave, with two adventures complete and a third in progress. We've racked up one heck of a body count but it's been a good time.


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On 3/7/2024 at 11:18 PM, MrAndrewJ said:

It looks like the DCC core book is in the lowest $1 tier. Even though things are a little tough on my end, I'll find the dollar for that.

Definitely worth at least a buck if you can swing it. It's a weird system but I think it plays well to the oddness that it leans into. The magic system is both standard lists of spells but they also have such unique effects depending how well you cast and whether it has mercurial (I think that's the term) effects like accidentally healing everyone after you cast a fireball.

It's not for everyone; if you need balanced everything vs. everything else, this isn't for you. If you can roll with the punches of some bad rolls and then truly godly rolls... welcome.

@cailano I'd seen Gamma World in that big GM's Day sale. Never heard of it prior but it sounded pretty cool, like something I might run. But I'd already bought like 10 other things and money became tight.

Oh, you can get a physical copy of Mutant Crawl Classics for $15? That's pretty rad (no pun intended)! Dunno that I need a physical book tho. Cai (or anyone), you ever play that one? I assume it's basically the same core rules but with a post-apoc paintjob?

Edit: Wait, is MCC just Thundarr the Barbarian? XD

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3 minutes ago, Malkavian Grin said:

Definitely worth at least a buck if you can swing it. It's a weird system but I think it plays well to the oddness that it leans into.

I did, but only at the dollar level. Mutant Crawl Classics looks like it would be fun, too. And, I'll start reading the book when I get a chance.

I also enjoy odd systems more than a lot of players that I meet online. There's a great chance that DCC will be absolutely delightful to read. Thank you, too, for the advice!

Edited by MrAndrewJ
Thank Malkavian Grin (see edit history)
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One game I'm looking forward to from Goodman Games is the new version of X-Crawl. It's basically DCC meets The Running Man. The PCs are all would-be reality TV stars competing for prizes and corporate sponsorship in crazy dungeons engineered for maximum audience engagement and social media clicks. If that happens to involve murdering a few contestants with an insane trap or gigantic monster, well, that's a hazard of the trade.

Unfortunately, it's not part of the bundle because it isn't out yet, but I'll be waiting...

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That sounds so cool! What an awesome idea to RPGify. Now I'm trying to think of other movies that could be turned into a cool premise.

I went ahead and threw down $40 for everything plus the physical book. If MCC is anything like DCC, I think I'm going to be in love because it sounds like Thundarr the Barbarian the RPG 🤣 maybe a little John Carter of Mars? 🤔

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2 hours ago, Malkavian Grin said:

That sounds so cool! What an awesome idea to RPGify. Now I'm trying to think of other movies that could be turned into a cool premise.

I went ahead and threw down $40 for everything plus the physical book. If MCC is anything like DCC, I think I'm going to be in love because it sounds like Thundarr the Barbarian the RPG 🤣 maybe a little John Carter of Mars? 🤔

Whoa, check you out, big spender! Now I might have to get it. I have almost all those DCC modules except the third-party stuff, but the MCC material might be too good to pass up.

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3 hours ago, Morphling said:

I went ahead and bought the bundle too. I tried to run a MCC game a while back which failed, but with all the interest @cailano has mustered for DCC, I'm compelled to try again.

Don't read the adventures if you want to be in the campaign! Looking at you @Malkavian Grin ;)

*giggling into hands* okies! :3

I'd love to drum up more interest for MCC! Mutants are cool and I'm all for sci-fi stuff. Plus it's just an interesting system. Weird Fantasy is absolutely my jam!!

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If we're runnin DCC or MCC here on the weave -- count me in. Give me all the weird dice rolls and goofy adventures that end up with us all dying hilariously!

I have the hardcover for MCC! Love that thing. Still need to cop a physical for DCC, but this bundle will do fine for now.

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It can be fun! You just missed it. I've run three DCC modules over the last 14 months or so (Sailors on the Starless Sea, Doom of the Savage Kings, Web of All Torment), and it's been a lot of fun. The next one I have lined up, which won't start immediately, already has a group, but I will probably try to recruit a Wizard for that one.

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4 hours ago, Spacesong said:

dying hilariously

I'm usually the first to laugh when my characters die. Maybe the only one. My only hesitation toward losing characters is that it may negatively impact the rest of the table. It's important that everyone has fun.

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