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The Steady Beacon (IC Thread)


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token_1.png.451fa62d12c0f2185636025bbfd5d519.pngArlo Thistleknott

Kender Entertainer Arcane Trickster Rogue

AC: 16 (Studded Leather) | HP: 48/48 | Speed: 40 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 18, Insight 15, Investigation 16
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Kenderpseak, and Thieves' Cant

Arlo claps at Fairla's spell, but he uses his own hands to toast with her. He likes the way the ale splashes over the top of the mug and onto his hands. "That was the first spell I learned," he tells her proudly. "It was written in the spellbook that I found and gave to Par-Salian. Par-Salian likes to talk to me, but he hasn't taught me any spells yet. He told me that he didn't want to be responsible for any mischief a Kender wizard caused. He's very nice, but I don't think that was a nice thing for him to say."

He turns to Feyren. "My name is Arlo Thistleknott, and I've been studying magic for... years." The truth is that he hasn't kept count. Like most Kender, Arlo doesn't see the necessity of precision in dates. "I haven't taken the Test of High Sorcery yet, because the Mages won't let me. I'm afraid they're jealous that I might become a better wizard than they are. If I became the head of the Conclave of High Sorcery, I would let everyone take the Test. And I'd teach all the spells I know to all of the other Mages. Magic isn't fun if you can't share it!"

He looks at Feyren. "So you and Fairla both like Solinari? Why did you pick him? I don't think I'll take the White Robes when I finally pass my Test. No offense, Fairla, but it seems like they'd be too hard to keep clean. I don't want to be a member of the Dingy Robes, after all. And I wouldn't take the Black Robes, because Par-Salian told me that Nuitari doesn't like Kender. I would like to be able to see his moon, though. I don't know why he only lets the Black Robes see him. I guess that leaves Lunitari for me. I do like illusion spells, so I guess I'd be a good Red Robe. I wish there were Blue Robes, though. That's my favorite color. Do you think the Conclave would let me start a new order when I pass my Test?"

Arlo looks very seriously at Thistle as the goblin enters. "Why did no one tell me there was bacon?" he asks loudly. He looks at Thistle and asks her, "What is dimensional bacon? Does it taste different than regular bacon? Is it like turkey bacon?"


Arlo casts mage hand.

Taunt: 3/3
Spell Slots: 3/3 1st Level

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Thistle - Goblin (Aasimar) WizardThistle — Chronurgy Wizard 5


30 ft.







Combat Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies

Thistle shrugs at the kender's questions. "I wouldn't know. I hadn't even considered the prospect until I came in here. But trust me, I will find out."

She makes a gesture with her hand. The closest mug floats up from the bar, and down towards her face. She sniffs it, and makes a grimace. "Blargh! What kind of foul tea is this?" she mutters and sends it flying back. "Never mind, I came here for an entirely different reason."

She turns towards the various patrons and the innkeeper. "You!" she says and met the various glances, some significantly less friendly than others. Her eyes fall on back on the kender, the only one that seemed completely unbothered by her presence. "Tell me everything you know about the army. The enemy army. The one with a dragon. Or is it dragons?"



Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +8
Save DC: 16


  1. Light
  2. Mage Hand
  3. Guidance
  4. Prestidigitation
  5. Minor Illusion
  6. Mind Sliver
  7. Fire Bolt


4 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Shield
  2. [x] Absorb Elements
  3. [x] Mage Armoir
  4. [r] Detect Magic
  5. [_]
  6. [_]

3 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Misty Step
  2. [x] Invisibility

2 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Counterspell
  2. [x] Haste
  3. [r] Leomund's Tiny Hut

Stat Block

Goblin (Aasimar) Chronurgy 5 CG

AC 15 HP 37 Speed 30 ft Initiative +4

Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3)
Wis 10 (+0) Int 18 (+4) Cha 8 (-1)

Firebolt (120 ft) 1d20+8, 2d10 Fire
Mind Sliver (60 ft) Int save DC16, 2d6 Psychic

Wizard Features:
Arcane Recovery 4 spell levels
Chronal Shift Force reroll 2/LR

Strixhaven Initiate
War Caster


Gp: - Sp: - Cp: -


  1. School Uniform
  2. Money Pouch
  3. Component Pouch


  1. Arcane Grimoire
  2. Scholar's Pack
Edited by Ayeba
(Tense) (see edit history)
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Vigdan 'The Dog' Luchen

Variant Human Smuggler Scout Rogue


AC: 16 (Studded Leather, +4 Dex) | HP: 43/43 | Speed: 30 ft.

Senses: passive Perception 15, Insight 15, Investigation 12
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 12 (+1) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 14 (+2) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Solamnic and Thieves' Cant

Vigdan opens the door to The Steady Beacon and steps inside. He lowers the hood of his grey cloak, and wipes some moisture from his scalp. He wears simple waxed canvas clothing one might see on the local fisherfolk. Stomping his booted feet on some rushes laid in the doorway, he dislodges some mud from the walkways of Kalaman. He nods at Jesen behind the bar and a couple of off duty soldiers he recognizes. He scans the room and notices several faces that he's never seen here before. 'Odd bunch. A white wizard? An elven Knight? A Kender? And a goblin?!' Maybe there's an opportunity here...' Vigdan approaches the bar, "a dark ale and a bowl of the stew.", he says putting a couple of coins down on the bar. A few moments later, he maneuvers through the crowd with a bowl of hot stew in one hand and a mug of ale in the other and finds a spot at the bar near the strange folk. His eyes on his stew and ale, his ears listen to what the group is speaking about.

When the goblin asks about the Dragon Army, he drops his spoon into his stew bowl loudly, "What do you want to know about the Dragon Army?! I was there at Vogler.", he says with quiet intensity. "The whole city burned! People lost everything!" He turns back to his stew and takes a spoonful and a swallow of ale. 'You won't have to wait long for your answers. I'm sure they'll be here before very long."





Edited by RagallachMC (see edit history)
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Thistle portraitThistle — Chronurgy Wizard 5

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 16 (+3)

Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

AC: 15
HP: 37/37
Speed: 30 ft.


Thistle's eyes lights up at the newcomer. Perhaps literally; is there a light coming from her eyes? "Boy, do I have questions for you!"

She is in so much hurry to pull out her notebook, ink pen and inkwell that she sends several blots of ink flying. As soon as she finds the page with the underlined reminder Research dimensional bacon, she looks expectantly at the bald man.

"Is it one or more dragons? What are their approximate dimensions? Do they appear resistant to dimensional fluct..." She stops herself, "Scratch the last question; I'll figure that out later myself."

"Instead, how large is the army? Is it true that they include goblins?" One of the patrons lets out a loud cough, which she completely ignores. She is completely focused on the bald man, who so far haven't been given time to answer a single of her questions.

"Most importantly: Where can I sign up to help out against them? I mean, I don't want to man the walls; that's not really my thing. But I'm sure I can help out in other ways."

This time there is no doubt; her irises are definitely shining with silver. And eagerness.



Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +8
Save DC: 16


  1. Light
  2. Mage Hand
  3. Guidance
  4. Prestidigitation
  5. Minor Illusion
  6. Mind Sliver
  7. Fire Bolt


4 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Shield
  2. [x] Absorb Elements
  3. [x] Mage Armoir
  4. [r] Detect Magic
  5. [_]
  6. [_]

3 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Misty Step
  2. [x] Invisibility

2 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Counterspell
  2. [x] Haste
  3. [r] Leomund's Tiny Hut

Stat Block

Goblin (Aasimar) Chronurgy 5 CG

AC 15 HP 37 Speed 30 ft Initiative +4

Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3)
Wis 10 (+0) Int 18 (+4) Cha 8 (-1)

Firebolt (120 ft) 1d20+8, 2d10 Fire
Mind Sliver (60 ft) Int save DC16, 2d6 Psychic

Wizard Features:
Arcane Recovery 4 spell levels
Chronal Shift Force reroll 2/LR

Strixhaven Initiate
War Caster



Gp: - Sp: - Cp: -


  1. School Uniform
  2. Money Pouch
  3. Component Pouch


  1. Arcane Grimoire
  2. Scholar's Pack
Edited by Ayeba
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Fairla TokenFairla Sunnybank — Abjuration Wizard 5


30 ft.







Combat Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies

Steady Bacon... Isn't bacon steadiest after it's been cooked? First it's limp, then it wiggles in the frying pan, and finally it's nice and crispy. Mmmm...

Fairla, lost in thought, stares into space. Then it dawns on her that the goblin—how strange to see such a friendly goblin—was talking about an altogether different type of bacon. She tries to catch up with the conversation which she had missed; it was nearly lost on her that Thistle used a telekinetic power similar to her own. Just as she was about to object to her order's being labeled 'Dingy Robes,' a much more important topic arises: the fisherman's report on the dragon army.

"Excuse me, sir," she asks Vigdan with a concerned expression. "Did you say Vogler was destroyed? That's just terrible! I was there only a few weeks ago. Do you know, were there any other survivors?"

Fairla also eagerly awaits the man's answers to Thistle's on point questions.





Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +7
Save DC: 15


  1. Fire Bolt
  2. Light
  3. Mage Hand
  4. Mending
  5. Prestidigitation

4 Spell Slots

  1. ( ) Absorb Elements
  2. ( ) Alarm [R]
  3. (P) Comprehend Languages [R]
  4. ( ) Detect Magic [R]
  5. ( ) Feather Fall
  6. ( ) Floating Disk [R]
  7. (p) Grease
  8. ( ) Identify [R]
  9. ( ) Illusory Script [R]
  10. (p) Mage Armor
  11. (p) Magic Missile
  12. (P) Shield
  13. ( ) Unseen Servant [R]

3 Spell Slots

  1. (P) Aid
  2. (p) Detect Thoughts [c]
  3. (p) Hold Person [c]
  4. (p) Invisibility [c]
  5. (p) Misty Step

2 Spell Slots

  1. (p) Counterspell
  2. (p) Dispel Magic
  3. ( ) Tiny Hut [R]

Stat Block

Fairla Sunnybank
Human (Variant) Wizard 5 LG

AC 12 HP 32 Speed 30ft

Str 10 (0) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 8 (-1) Int 18 (4) Cha 12 (1)

Firebolt (120 ft.) +7 2d10 Fire
Quarterstaff (5 ft.) +3 1d6(8) Bludgeoning

Wizard Features:
Abjuration Savant
Arcane Recovery (3 levels/LR)
Arcane Ward (14 HP maximum)

Initiate of High Sorcery
Adept of the White Robes


Gp: 52 Sp: 4 Cp: 4


  1. Bag of Holding
  2. Clothes, Common
  3. Healer's Kit
  4. Orb
  5. Quarterstaff
  6. Robes
  7. Spellbook

Bag of Holding

  1. Abacus
  2. Backpack
  3. Ball Bearings (bag of 1000)
  4. Bedroll
  5. Bell
  6. Blanket
  7. Block and Tackle
  8. Book
  9. Bottle, Glass
  10. Bucket
  11. Candle
  12. Case, Map or Scroll
  13. Clothes, Fine
  14. Clothes, Traveler's
  15. Crowbar
  16. Flask
  17. Grappling Hook
  18. Hammer
  19. Hammer, Sledge
  20. Healer's Kit
  21. Hourglass
  22. Ink Pen
  23. Ink, Black
  24. Ink, Blue
  25. Lantern, Hooded
  26. Little Bag of Sand
  27. Magnifying Glass
  28. Manacles
  29. Mess Kit
  30. Oil (flask)
  31. Parchment (sheet)
  32. Perfume (vial)
  33. Pick, Miner's
  34. Piton
  35. Pouch
  36. Rations (1 day)
  37. Rope, Hempen (50 ft.)
  38. Rope, Silk (50 ft.)
  39. Sack
  40. Scale, Merchant's
  41. Sealing Wax
  42. Shovel
  43. Signal Whistle
  44. Small Knife
  45. Soap
  46. Spikes, Iron
  47. String (10 ft.)
  48. Tent, Two-Person
  49. Tinderbox
  50. Vial
  51. Waterskin
  52. Wine, Common (pitcher) + pitcher
  53. Wine, Fine (bottle)

Riding Horse

  1. Bit and Bridle
  2. Riding Saddle
  3. Saddlebags
  4. Feed (10 days)
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Vigdan 'The Dog' Luchen

Variant Human Smuggler Scout Rogue


AC: 16 (Studded Leather, +4 Dex) | HP: 43/43 | Speed: 30 ft.

Senses: passive Perception 15, Insight 15, Investigation 12
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 12 (+1) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 14 (+2) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Solamnic and Thieves' Cant

The color of Vigdan's face and scalp begins to turn red as the little goblin peppers him with questions. He turns to face them, "This isn't some story or puzzle for you to sort out. These were people! A whole city of them and they've lost everything!"

He takes a second before responding to Fairla, his tone softening, "Yes, Lady Wizard. Destroyed. There were other survivors. Not many, but some like myself were able to get on a boat and get away. I know some have trickled in over the last day that managed to escape into the countryside.

He turns back to the goblin, "I'm glad you want to help. I know you and these people, he says gesturing at the others, "Aren't from Kalaman, but this is my home. I have family here. Friends. I might be a river rat that the Knights would turn their nose up at, but I mean to protect my home however I can." He picks up his mug and takes a drink. "That's why I came here tonight. The owner of this place knows the Marshall. I was going to see what the latest word is and if I can do anything to help."





Edited by RagallachMC (see edit history)
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Feyren "Jinx" Silverbreeze

Silvanesti Mage of High Sorcery Moon Thief Rogue

AC: 16 (Studded leather+Dex) | HP: 38/38 (5d8+10) | Speed: 30 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 14, Insight 11, Investigation 18
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 19 (+4) | Wis: 12 (+1) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Draconic, and Solamnic

“My words,” Feyren said. | ‘My thoughts,’  Feyren thought. | My actions . . .

The elven woman looks to Fairla and Arlo and then back again. She finally says, "I didn't pick Solinari. I have faith in all three moons, to varying degrees. Nuitari can be...hard to see, at times. And not just in the sky, the pull of his magic is used more frequently than you realize. I can understand a pull toward glamours and trickery, though. Although, I would find it hard to commit myself to one order as I find them all attractive at different times. No doubt, the Mages of High Sorcery are not yet ready for all that a kender has to bring to magic. They may, indeed, give kender their own order."

As the newcomer arrives with news of Vogler, the Feyren frowns but offers no thoughts aloud. Instead, she contemplates how close the dragon armies finally are and perhaps it is time to extract revenge for whatever is left of her homeland after the dragon-men ran through them and scattered her people.



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Thistle portraitThistle — Chronurgy Wizard 5

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 16 (+3)

Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

AC: 15
HP: 37/37
PP: 9


The light from Thistle's eyes fades at the bald man's scolding. Her ears droops a little, and she looks rather bothered. A mix of embarrassment and unease from realizing she had made a big mistake.

"I... uhm... I'm sorry? I just didn't think of ... well, people. The people. The dead people. That's bad. Very bad. I... Sorry, I... uh... didn't mean..."

She struggles badly with explaining herself, stumbling over her own words in her attempt to get out of the situation. At the end she is just whimpering. It is clear she is mighty uncomfortable with the situation. She is suddenly bothered by the many eyes upon her, and looks around nervously with increasing levels of stress. After a quick gesture with her hands, and box suddenly appears around her, completely hiding her from sight. Even those with rudimentary knowledge of magic can tell this was a simple illusion. A soft whimper can be heard from the same place she just stood.

"Sorry," she mutters. "I'm sorry."


@RagallachMC I'm wondering if you could change the color of your dialogue. The light blue is really hard for me to read. A tad darker, if you wouldn't mind?



Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +8
Save DC: 16


  1. Light
  2. Mage Hand
  3. Guidance
  4. Prestidigitation
  5. Minor Illusion
  6. Mind Sliver
  7. Fire Bolt


4 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Shield (re)
  2. [x] Absorb Elements (re)
  3. [x] Feather Fall (re)
  4. [x] Mage Armor
  5. [x] Entangle (c)
  6. [r] Detect Magic (c)
  7. [r] Comprehend Languages
  8. [r] Find Familiar

3 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Misty Step
  2. [_] Vortex Warp
  3. [_] Invisibility (c)
  4. [x] Enhance Ability (c)

2 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Haste (c)
  2. [x] Fireball
  3. [r] Leomund's Tiny Hut

Stat Block

Goblin (Aasimar) Chronurgy 5 CG

AC 15 HP 37 Speed 30 ft Initiative +6

Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3)
Int 18 (+4) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 8 (-1)

Firebolt (120 ft) 1d20+8, 2d10 Fire
Mind Sliver (60 ft) Int save DC16, 2d6 Psychic

Racial Features:
Healing Hands: Restore 3d4 hp/LR
Radiant Soul: Fly 30, +3 radiant damage 1/round. 1 minute/LR

Wizard Features:
Spellcasting: 1d20+8 / DC 16
Arcane Recovery: 4 spell levels/LR
Chronal Shift: Force reroll twice/LR

Strixhaven Initiate
War Caster



Gp: 47 Sp: - Cp: -


  1. School Uniform
  2. Money Pouch
  3. Wand
  4. Dagger in its sheath
  5. Hair Ornament
  6. Bracelets


  1. Arcane Grimoire (+1)
  2. Scroll of Augury
  3. Scroll of Tenser's Floating Disk
  4. Cook's utensils
  5. Bottle of colored ink
  6. Ink Pen
  7. Abacus
  8. Book of arcane theory
  9. Explorer's Pack
    • Backpack
    • Bedroll
    • Mess Kit
    • Tinderbox
    • 10 torches
    • 10 days of rations
    • Waterskin
    • 50 ft of hempen rope


Edited by Ayeba
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Fairla TokenFairla Sunnybank — Abjuration Wizard 5


30 ft.







Combat Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies

Sharing magic with anyone and everyone... The very idea went against everything Fairla had been taught, yet Arlo's and Feyren's words echo in her mind. Fairla considers what she would do if she were in charge of administering the Test. "I suppose anyone who can use the power responsibly and is willing to dedicate themself wholeheartedly to the practice of magic ought to be allowed to take the Test," she muses. "I would certainly love to meet any kender—or any person at all—who meets those elements." As for a founding new Order, I can't even begin to imagine what that would take.

Fairla tries to see through Thistle's illusion, but she can't quite get the angle right. Instead, she tries to comfort the goblin with words alone, for she could clearly tell that Thistle's heart was in the right place. "Hello in there," she says softly. "You needn't feel ashamed. It's easy to be cavalier when you see things from afar. I wished to ask those same questions, admittedly, just not right now; it's a matter of good decorum."

She turns back to Vigdan. "I'm glad that there were some survivors, at least. Your keenness to protect your home is most admirable; I may not be from Kalaman, but I am Solamnian. If you find out a way to help defend this place, I would offer my assistance. My name's Fairla, Mage of the Order of White Robes."





Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +7
Save DC: 15


  1. Fire Bolt
  2. Light
  3. Mage Hand
  4. Mending
  5. Prestidigitation

4 Spell Slots

  1. ( ) Absorb Elements
  2. ( ) Alarm [R]
  3. (P) Comprehend Languages [R]
  4. ( ) Detect Magic [R]
  5. ( ) Feather Fall
  6. ( ) Floating Disk [R]
  7. (p) Grease
  8. (p) Mage Armor
  9. (p) Magic Missile
  10. (P) Shield
  11. ( ) Unseen Servant [R]

3 Spell Slots

  1. (p) Detect Thoughts [c]
  2. (p) Hold Person [c]
  3. (p) Invisibility [c]
  4. (P) Lesser Restoration
  5. (p) Misty Step

2 Spell Slots

  1. (p) Counterspell
  2. (p) Dispel Magic
  3. ( ) Tiny Hut [R]

Stat Block

Fairla Sunnybank
Human (Variant) Wizard 5 LG

AC 12 HP 32 Speed 30ft

Str 10 (0) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 8 (-1) Int 18 (4) Cha 12 (1)

Firebolt (120 ft.) +7 2d10 Fire
Quarterstaff (5 ft.) +3 1d6(8) Bludgeoning

Wizard Features:
Abjuration Savant
Arcane Recovery (3 levels/LR)
Arcane Ward (14 HP maximum)

Initiate of High Sorcery
Adept of the White Robes


Gp: 52 Sp: 4 Cp: 4


  1. Bag of Holding
  2. Clothes, Common
  3. Healer's Kit
  4. Orb
  5. Quarterstaff
  6. Robes
  7. Spellbook

Bag of Holding

  1. Abacus
  2. Backpack
  3. Ball Bearings (bag of 1000)
  4. Bedroll
  5. Bell
  6. Blanket
  7. Block and Tackle
  8. Book
  9. Bottle, Glass
  10. Bucket
  11. Candle
  12. Case, Map or Scroll
  13. Clothes, Fine
  14. Clothes, Traveler's
  15. Crowbar
  16. Fishing Tackle
  17. Flask
  18. Grappling Hook
  19. Hammer
  20. Hammer, Sledge
  21. Healer's Kit
  22. Ink Pen
  23. Ink, Black
  24. Ink, Blue
  25. Lantern, Hooded
  26. Little Bag of Sand
  27. Manacles
  28. Mess Kit
  29. Oil (flask)
  30. Parchment (sheet)
  31. Perfume (vial)
  32. Pick, Miner's
  33. Piton
  34. Pouch
  35. Rations (1 day)
  36. Rope, Hempen (50 ft.)
  37. Rope, Silk (50 ft.)
  38. Sack
  39. Scale, Merchant's
  40. Sealing Wax
  41. Shovel
  42. Signal Whistle
  43. Small Knife
  44. Soap
  45. Spikes, Iron
  46. String (10 ft.)
  47. Tent, Two-Person
  48. Tinderbox
  49. Vial
  50. Waterskin
  51. Wine, Common (pitcher) + pitcher
  52. Wine, Fine (bottle)

Riding Horse

  1. Bit and Bridle
  2. Riding Saddle
  3. Saddlebags
  4. Feed (10 days)
Edited by morgan_ (see edit history)
1d20+7 3
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Vigdan 'The Dog' Luchen

Variant Human Smuggler Scout Rogue


AC: 16 (Studded Leather, +4 Dex) | HP: 43/43 | Speed: 30 ft.

Senses: passive Perception 15, Insight 15, Investigation 12
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 12 (+1) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 14 (+2) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Solamnic and Thieves' Cant

Vigdan looks at the box and sighs, "I'm sorry, uh...Lady Goblin. I didn't mean to yell at you...I'm just, worried. Really worried. I knew people in Vogler and they're probably dead now. I don't want the same to happen here. If you come out of your box, maybe we can...I don't know...figure out a way to help stop them."

He turns to Fairla and half bows awkwardly, "It's nice to meet you Lady Wizard, I mean..Lady Fairla. My name is Vigdan, but most people around here call me 'The Dog'. I'm just a simple fisherman and trader."


@Ayeba I hope this blue is better.



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Thistle portraitThistle Chronurgy Wizard 5

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 16 (+3)

Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

AC: 15
HP: 37/37
PP: 9


The box fades, revealing a goblin with tearful eyes. She looks between the two tallfolks, still a bit wary. "I sometimes... forgot things," she says in a soft voice. "Not only things. Important facts, relevant details, such as... people suffering. Sorry, I didn't mean to be mean. I mean, I didn't want to... you know. Be a bad person."

She smiles a bit hesitantly. "Nice to meet you, Dog. Or is it 'The Dog'? Like, are there other unspecified dogs out there? I'm Thistle, by the way."

She looks at Fairla and whispers "What does Cavalier and Decorum mean? Is it something important?"


Two thumbs up on the color.



Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +8
Save DC: 16


  1. Light
  2. Mage Hand
  3. Guidance
  4. Prestidigitation
  5. Minor Illusion
  6. Mind Sliver
  7. Fire Bolt


4 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Shield (re)
  2. [x] Absorb Elements (re)
  3. [x] Feather Fall (re)
  4. [x] Mage Armor
  5. [x] Entangle (c)
  6. [r] Detect Magic (c)
  7. [r] Comprehend Languages
  8. [r] Find Familiar

3 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Misty Step
  2. [_] Vortex Warp
  3. [_] Invisibility (c)
  4. [x] Enhance Ability (c)

2 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Haste (c)
  2. [x] Fireball
  3. [r] Leomund's Tiny Hut

Stat Block

Goblin (Aasimar) Chronurgy Wizard 5
Small humanoid, Chaotic Good

AC 15 HP 37 Speed 30 ft Initiative +6

Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3)
Int 18 (+4) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 10 (+0)

Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +0

Skill proficiencies
Arcana +7, History +7, Investigation +7, Nature +3

Tool proficincies
Cooking utensils

Firebolt (120 ft) 1d20+8, 2d10 Fire
Mind Sliver (60 ft) Int save DC16, 2d6 Psychic

Racial Features:
Healing Hands: Restore 3d4 hp/LR
Radiant Soul: Fly 30, +3 radiant damage 1/round. 1 minute/LR

Wizard Features:
Spellcasting: 1d20+8 / DC 16
Arcane Recovery: 4 spell levels/LR
Chronal Shift: Force reroll twice/LR

Strixhaven Initiate, Telekinetic, War Caster

Common, Goblin, Celestial


Gp: 47 Sp: - Cp: -


  1. School Uniform
  2. Money Pouch
  3. Wand
  4. Dagger in its sheath
  5. Hair Ornament
  6. Bracelets


  1. Arcane Grimoire (+1)
  2. Scroll of Augury
  3. Scroll of Tenser's Floating Disk
  4. Cook's utensils
  5. Bottle of colored ink
  6. Ink Pen
  7. Abacus
  8. Book of arcane theory
  9. Explorer's Pack
    • Backpack
    • Bedroll
    • Mess Kit
    • Tinderbox
    • 10 torches
    • 10 days of rations
    • Waterskin
    • 50 ft of hempen rope
Edited by Ayeba
(Typos) (see edit history)
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fairla_token.png.279f5ddb2e2163225de804f73b974be4.pngFairla Sunnybank — Abjuration Wizard 5


30 ft.







Combat Proficiencies
Tool Proficiencies

Being prompted with an academic question sets Fairla off. "Well, Thistle, when I said 'cavalier' I meant it in the sense of being uncaring or nonchalant. It originally comes from a special word for knight, and I believe the pejorative meaning developed out of disdain for the knights—no offense to you, Sir Knight" she nods to Rakath "—but there are many who feel, and have felt historically, that the knights value their strict codes over doing what's right. Some even believe they allowed the Cataclysm to happen. It is only natural that a word for knight would come to mean uncaring."

She continues, "Decorum, on the other hand, essentially means correct conduct for a given situation. In this case..." Fairla realizes in that moment that her own decorum may be lacking. This is probably not the time and place for a lecture. "Excuse me. By good decorum I simply meant good manners."


I can only assume parallel etymologies exist in Solamnic or whatever language Fairla's speaking. Also, unlike Fairla I'm not a linguist, nor am I an expert in the DragonlanceThe Chronicles Trilogy has sat unread on my bedside table for months now, sadly. setting.



Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +7
Save DC: 15


  1. Fire Bolt
  2. Light
  3. Mage Hand
  4. Mending
  5. Prestidigitation

4 Spell Slots

  1. ( ) Absorb Elements
  2. ( ) Alarm [R]
  3. (P) Comprehend Languages [R]
  4. ( ) Detect Magic [R]
  5. ( ) Feather Fall
  6. ( ) Floating Disk [R]
  7. (p) Grease
  8. (p) Mage Armor
  9. (p) Magic Missile
  10. (P) Shield
  11. ( ) Unseen Servant [R]

3 Spell Slots

  1. (p) Detect Thoughts [c]
  2. (p) Hold Person [c]
  3. (p) Invisibility [c]
  4. (P) Lesser Restoration
  5. (p) Misty Step

2 Spell Slots

  1. (p) Counterspell
  2. (p) Dispel Magic
  3. ( ) Tiny Hut [R]

Stat Block

Fairla Sunnybank
Human (Variant) Wizard 5 LG

AC 12 HP 32 Speed 30ft

Str 10 (0) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 8 (-1) Int 18 (4) Cha 12 (1)

Firebolt (120 ft.) +7 2d10 Fire
Quarterstaff (5 ft.) +3 1d6(8) Bludgeoning

Wizard Features:
Abjuration Savant
Arcane Recovery (3 levels/LR)
Arcane Ward (14 HP maximum)

Initiate of High Sorcery
Adept of the White Robes


Gp: 52 Sp: 4 Cp: 4


  1. Bag of Holding
  2. Clothes, Common
  3. Healer's Kit
  4. Orb
  5. Quarterstaff
  6. Robes
  7. Spellbook

Bag of Holding

  1. Abacus
  2. Backpack
  3. Ball Bearings (bag of 1000)
  4. Bedroll
  5. Bell
  6. Blanket
  7. Block and Tackle
  8. Book
  9. Bottle, Glass
  10. Bucket
  11. Candle
  12. Case, Map or Scroll
  13. Clothes, Fine
  14. Clothes, Traveler's
  15. Crowbar
  16. Fishing Tackle
  17. Flask
  18. Grappling Hook
  19. Hammer
  20. Hammer, Sledge
  21. Healer's Kit
  22. Ink Pen
  23. Ink, Black
  24. Ink, Blue
  25. Lantern, Hooded
  26. Little Bag of Sand
  27. Manacles
  28. Mess Kit
  29. Oil (flask)
  30. Parchment (sheet)
  31. Perfume (vial)
  32. Pick, Miner's
  33. Piton
  34. Pouch
  35. Rations (1 day)
  36. Rope, Hempen (50 ft.)
  37. Rope, Silk (50 ft.)
  38. Sack
  39. Scale, Merchant's
  40. Sealing Wax
  41. Shovel
  42. Signal Whistle
  43. Small Knife
  44. Soap
  45. Spikes, Iron
  46. String (10 ft.)
  47. Tent, Two-Person
  48. Tinderbox
  49. Vial
  50. Waterskin
  51. Wine, Common (pitcher) + pitcher
  52. Wine, Fine (bottle)

Riding Horse

  1. Bit and Bridle
  2. Riding Saddle
  3. Saddlebags
  4. Feed (10 days)
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Thistle portraitThistle Chronurgy Wizard 5

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 16 (+3)

Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

AC: 15
HP: 37/37
PP: 9

Thistle listens intently to the explanation. The white-clad woman is thankfully a good teacher; Thistle doesn't even need to write it down to understand it. Etymology has never held much interest for her; her passion is for subjects like physics, geometry, time and space, as well as the calculations necessary to predict the results thereof.

"Well, in that case, I'm never cavalier," she decides, "I don't care about codes. As for the Decorum..." she trails off. Good manners, huh? Well, it's not like doesn't try, it's just so hard.

"I may not the best at Decorum," she admits and hangs her head, "I don't get why some people complain calculations are hard when they effortlessly handle all the social stuff. The formulas for social interactions still elude me."



Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +8
Save DC: 16


  1. Light
  2. Mage Hand
  3. Guidance
  4. Prestidigitation
  5. Minor Illusion
  6. Mind Sliver
  7. Fire Bolt


4 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Shield (re)
  2. [x] Absorb Elements (re)
  3. [x] Feather Fall (re)
  4. [x] Mage Armor
  5. [x] Entangle (c)
  6. [r] Detect Magic (c)
  7. [r] Comprehend Languages
  8. [r] Find Familiar

3 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Misty Step
  2. [_] Vortex Warp
  3. [_] Invisibility (c)
  4. [x] Enhance Ability (c)

2 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Haste (c)
  2. [x] Fireball
  3. [r] Leomund's Tiny Hut

Stat Block

Goblin (Aasimar) Chronurgy Wizard 5
Small humanoid, Chaotic Good

AC 15 HP 37 Speed 30 ft Initiative +6

Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3)
Int 18 (+4) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 10 (+0)

Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +0

Skill proficiencies
Arcana +7, History +7, Investigation +7, Nature +3

Tool proficincies
Cooking utensils

Firebolt (120 ft) 1d20+8, 2d10 Fire
Mind Sliver (60 ft) Int save DC16, 2d6 Psychic

Racial Features:
Healing Hands: Restore 3d4 hp/LR
Radiant Soul: Fly 30, +3 radiant damage 1/round. 1 minute/LR

Wizard Features:
Spellcasting: 1d20+8 / DC 16
Arcane Recovery: 4 spell levels/LR
Chronal Shift: Force reroll twice/LR

Strixhaven Initiate, Telekinetic, War Caster

Common, Goblin, Celestial


Gp: 47 Sp: - Cp: -


  1. School Uniform
  2. Money Pouch
  3. Wand
  4. Dagger in its sheath
  5. Hair Ornament
  6. Bracelets


  1. Arcane Grimoire (+1)
  2. Scroll of Augury
  3. Scroll of Tenser's Floating Disk
  4. Cook's utensils
  5. Bottle of colored ink
  6. Ink Pen
  7. Abacus
  8. Book of arcane theory
  9. Explorer's Pack
    • Backpack
    • Bedroll
    • Mess Kit
    • Tinderbox
    • 10 torches
    • 10 days of rations
    • Waterskin
    • 50 ft of hempen rope
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Vigdan 'The Dog' Luchen

Variant Human Smuggler Scout Rogue


AC: 16 (Studded Leather, +4 Dex) | HP: 43/43 | Speed: 30 ft.

Senses: passive Perception 15, Insight 15, Investigation 12
Str: 8 (-1) | Dex: 18 (+4) | Con: 12 (+1) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 14 (+2) | Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Solamnic and Thieves' Cant

"It's nice to meet you, Thistle. No, there aren't any other dogs out there", he says while laughing. "It's a joke of language. My family name is 'Luchen'. In Solamnic lu chien means 'The Hound' or 'The Dog'. People started calling me The Dog when I was younger and it stuck."

He listens to Fairla's explanation of 'Cavalier' and Decorum and Thistle's response, but doesn't comment.





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