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Side Quest: Darkness on the Ship


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"It could be the bubble 4th diminisional powers cant be used if the gods of world are limited magic they cant stop it here on ship. How can small machine stop magic? God i hate robots..."

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https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bc/b6/67/bcb667b1ff558edf52eb17bc78419f97.jpgSamuel gives for once a genuine chuckle "Something horrifying is probably happening somewhere because for once I find myself in agreement with you without caveats." He resumes leaving from where he was stopped by Captain's display. "I'll be back once the child is gorged and back to sleep, my surgical scars should be healed by then"

"Although concerning swelling cosmetic surgery leaves immediately after, I don't envy my prey tonight. I'll likely look grotesque. I already have in mind where I want to be sent, so when I return it will be with all my gear and ready to go. So if you remember any last-moment instruction that will be the last chance to say it." Sam opens the doors and unless stopped leaves to do last preparations.


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Almost 10 hours passes. Sam takes care of the last minute with his characteristic eye for detail when the job is in question. The same meticulousness that turns into venom when some things are afoot. For now, all is good. He checks vitals in a freshly activated pod with his child. Even now when the machine takes over he almost can see fresh blood inside. Two Humans he had to drop into the sea, well-armed, not vaulters. Does "unwashed masses" have some militia then, or Council have some soldiers basically hidden, he'll inform the Captain. Soon they will not be his issue. He checks the other pod and places his hand on it, he didn't call her by name either, seemed pointless "Excess food supply" or more accurately but less tactfully how the Captain called her "Bloodbag", "bloodsl*t" when he was in foul mood. In her dimension Humans didn't feel pain when fed on, it activated pleasure centers in their brain making many addicted to the "Kiss" that the "Kindred" Vampres there preferred to be called. She will need to be woken up relatively soon, atrophy already started in her limbs, a minor one for now But all things are minor at first. Unable to watch at the mirror he looked at the recording of the operation, stopping on the zoom of the face and tracing it over the screen. While maybe even conventionally handsome, it was foreign. He couldn't wait to revert back to normal. With the last check out of the way, he picked up his stuff. Got into the sleeve suit that was his armor and additional bulk to make him more imposing. Not thin and delicate 6'0" but more manly and muscular 6'1", odd how he disliked it more and more. Only his long-fingered surgeon's hands were his. Clothes made his change in status obvious, wearing what would noble of old would wear, cape included, with a fur draped around his shoulder, and a great deal amount more, in an ornamental sense, it even had a cute attempt at the armor that today's vibroblade would split as butter. Jake would have a field day with this. Especially his blonde hair dyed black. But he stepped into the elevator anyway.



Again Samuel did not bother to knock just entering, Duelist Blade made out of superb metal, almost seemed normal if it wasn't for a reinforced front potion of a real human skull sans the lower jaw used as the hand guard. Two blood-red rubies socketed into where the eyes were. It did not stop there, the revolver hung lower on his hip and was a work of art made to shoot charges of a special blend of cold and negative energy that passes harmlessly over the nonliving. A hell of a lot less harmlessly for those with a heartbeat. This one was of Sepulchre class and with only one more prestigious in the entire Corpse Fleet denoted someone who killed his way to the higher echelons. hence even more impressive that the entire thing was made from Human bone tendons and gristles. Beneath an opulent cloak in the under-the-arm holster from time to time on purpose peaked worn handle of another prized handgun, albeit this one in criminal circles, Scrapper Nanite gun. Made for, as the name suggests, for scrapping construction sites, very quickly converted to criminal use, actually as soon as the first crewman shot himself in the foot by accident.

It took exactly 5 seconds for the laughter of his crew for his incompetence to stop, turned into mayhem as the howls of the man being deconstructed by primitive nanites drowned all the else. It became the darling of every assassin and thug who wanted to send the message. And with tightened control on it. Those still in the wild were exceedingly hard to find, and ammo for it even harder. So Samuel was basically a walking billboard to his success. One very hard to ignore one way or the other, especially if he shut off his "asshole" button and began to "work" the crowd. The Captain noticed several hidden gadgets, far more common, but both hidden and lethal on purpose. What slightly surprised him was that Samuel took with him one thing, or a combo of things that could kill his kind on the spot, no hunting for the coffin. No finesse, just a victory in combat and a brutal ending of an even Higher Vampire like Samuel.

For always careful schemer, to indicate he'd place himself in the line of fire like that meant even an Evil Bastard like him understood the gravity of the situation. And after all "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." There was a little probability that his immortal puppet wouldn't ask for a reward equal to the risk. For now Samuel with the left hand on the pommel of the sword, opened the map and tapped the place "Here. And any last warnings now is the time."


Samuel In Full Armor Without Costume and with Improvised Helm


For the weird folk. Hard parts below the elbow and knees are attached at the same time as the helmet. Most of the armor without them follows the Human muscles under the skin pattern so it is easier to hide.


Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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