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Chapter One: Starfall

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Edryc "Shadow" Morrigan

Characteristics: WS 50 (+5), BS 44 (+4), S 35 (+8), T 38 (+6), Ag 49 (+5), Int 36 (+3), Per 44 (+4), WP 44 (+4), Fel 39 (+3)

Movement: 14/28/42/84 | Armor: Body 9, Rest 8

Wounds: 20/20 | Fate Points: 3/3 | Pain Suppressant Doses: 6/6


"Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—"



As The Lupercal entered, Morrigan bowed his head in respect, a purely automatic response when in the presence of an Emperor's son. Horus Lupercal was an imposing figure and Morrigan could not help but be in awe at the sight. As one of his Legion's chosen elites, Morrigan had fought alongside his own Primarch on several occasions, but only now could he compare the two brothers. On this, Horus was clearly a half meter taller and proportionately bulkier than Corvus Corax.

"A squad of elite troops operating deep behind enemy lines with little to no assistance, conducting surgical strikes to cripple the enemy's war effort," Morrigan repeated back the lines to demonstrate he understood both the assignment and the gravity of the situation. "Standard practice for the Raven Guard. Applying precise military pressure to vulnerable sectors is a doctrine favoured by the Raven Lord to achieve assured victory." Of all the alternative reasons to be summoned to the Imperator Somnium, Morrigan found this charge most agreeable.

"Your will be done."


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Zorael portrait

Zoreal EludianSanguinary Priest
WS 43 (+4) BS 39 (+3) S 40 (+10)
T 46 (+8) A 44 (+4) I 50 (+5)
P 44 (+4) WP 47 (+4) F: 42 (+4)

Movement: 5/10/15/30 | Armor: Body 9, Rest 7

Wounds 19/19 | Fate Points: 3/3 | Pain Suppressant Doses: 6/6


Zorael looks thoughtful after the rebuttal by his fellow Astartes on the topic of bravery. Though he had the memories of his predecessors to draw upon, their experiences were cautionary tales. After all, they were all dead now. He would learn from their mistakes, but there were plenty of other mistakes he could make himself. Each lesson from the surviving veterans were immensely valuable; they could literally be the difference between his life and death.

The entrance of the primarch makes Zorael almost gasp. Horus Lupercal, his own father Sanguinius' best friend, in the flesh. A true hero, and worthy of immense respect. Of all the people in the universe, only the Emperor and Sanguinius himself stands above him, in Zorael's opinion.

"We are extremely honored to be chosen for this mission," he speaks with sincerity, "Your trust in us is not misplaced. I will do my outmost to ensure the survival of my brethren, and, if the worst should come to pass, make sure that their gene-seeds are preserved."

The grim task of harvesting the gene-seed is something he exclusively can accomplish, but it will hopefully not be necessary. In fact, he'll do his outmost to ensure that won't not happen.

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Degei Bajan (Stormseer)

Characteristic Bonuses: WS 45, BS 41, Str 438, Tgh 428, Ag 53, Int 41, Per 48, Will 55, Fel 39, Psy 3degei_bajam_portrait.png.f84c51bc9623a77330c51204b339f53b.png

Movement: 5/10/15/30, Awareness: 58(Sound,Sight)/48, Wounds: 20/20, Fate Points: 4/4

Degei's gaze traversed the chamber, lingering on each Astartes as they shared their insights and experiences battling the Greenskins.

As Horus Lupercal, entered the chamber, Degei's heart quickened with a mixture of awe and determination. Here stood a living legend, a beacon of hope for all who served the Imperium. He had once seen his Khan practicing zo, a Chogorian martial arts. As far as Degei had been able to determine, he had been flawless, a testament to the unmatched prowess of the Primarchs.

When the Horus revealed the true purpose of their summons, Degei's attention sharpened. The gravity of the situation was not lost on him, and he listened intently to the Primarch's words. His loyalty to the Emperor and his determination to serve the Imperium burned brightly within him, and he felt a surge of pride at being chosen for such a crucial mission.

Yet despite that gravity, Degei suppressed a chuckle.

It dawned on the Stormseer that he would miss the Main Crusade, again, and instead be part of a Kharash, an almost ad-hoc formation created for a diversionary or shock attack. While joining a Kharash was voluntary, it was popular, both for clearing any (perceived) sin, and advancement through the honour of surviving. As Degei looked around at his Astartes Brothers, he could clearly see the similarity. It was something Degei was intimately familiar with.

"We are truly honored, Lord," Degei spoke with a reverence that bordered on awe, yet beneath that lay a steely resolve. "To be chosen for such a vital task is a testament to the trust you place in us, and we shall endeavor to prove ourselves worthy of it. Together, we shall be a lance, striking into the Horde's Achilles Heel so fast and with such righteous zeal, it will leave them reeling in our wake."


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f69bacb801cf472cbc9890ad9d6d0aae.jpeg.fbe32688bc9a625abbf13c4b207d11f6.jpegElyas Zelman - Dark Angel

WS 42 ♦ BS 57 ♦ S 63 ♦ T 47 ♦ A 48 ♦ I 55 ♦ P 45 ♦ W 47 ♦ F 40

Movement 5/10/15/30 ♦ Carry/Lift/Push 900/1800/3600

Armor Body 9, All Other 7 ♦ Wounds 23/23 ♦ Fate 3/3 ♦ Pain Suppressor Doses 6/6

Awareness 50 ♦ Scrutiny 22 ♦ Command 50


Elyas almost lowered his head in shame when he heard the others begin to talk about accolades and honors. Such talk was exactly why he had always felt most at home among his own kin in the first legion. Deeds and recognition was secondary to duty and service and no matter who or what was behind an operation, the only name that mattered was the name in which they all carried out their orders - the name of the Emperor. He was about to open his mouth about his opinions, but as he heard the doors open he reflexively snapped into a position of attention.

As the imposing figure walked into the room, he offered a small nod of the head as a sign of recognition. He knew who the man was, of course, and he had the utmost respect for the Lupercals prowess as a warrior, a thing that was matched by very few. While many of the other legions and their primarchs had maintained a certain distance to the Dark Angels, Horus had never forgot them. And now, he had brought together a force of astartes form across all the legions, to serve a greater cause.

He looked down at the crest on his pauldron - the spread wings crowned by a flame - and smiled to himself. While many of the other assembled seemed to have various understandings of what they were asked to do - especially the Luna Wolf seemed to be describing the exact opposite of what their assignment would entail - he understood very well the task ahead of them. After all, such operations had been his life for almost as long as he could remember.

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Madoc Mannaw

Characteristics: WS:71 (+7) | BS:38 (+3) | S:51 (+12) | T:52 (+10) | A:44 (+4) | I:34 (+3) | P:42 (+4) | WP:38 (+3) | F:36 (+3)


Movement: 5/10/15/30 | Armor: Body 9, Rest 7


Wounds: 21/21 | Fate Points: 3/3


The arrival of Horus quickly shifted the gathered Astartes away from tales of past glories, quieting down and sharpening focus on the towering primarch.

Madoc was impressed, although he did not show it. While he had hoped for his old eyes to witness the Emperor once again, he was not disappointed to see His premier son in His stead. A command from Horus was second only to the Emperor Himself, and Madoc wasn't about to refuse any such orders.

To no surprise of his own, Madoc's presumption of their purpose was close enough. As far as High Command was concerned, all of them were among the best their respective Legions, each had some skill or talent to offer. Together, they would sever the vital arteries of the alien horde and help bring a swifter end to this grand campaign.

Where other marines chimed in, adding their eager voices to the chorus of excitement for the mission to come, Madoc tempered his expectations, giving the Lupercal a firm, deferential nod. Such a mission might be considered an honor, but the greater the glory, the greater the danger, and considered his presence here was to mitigate that risk. There was little he needed to say that the other marines hadn't already. So the Death Guard stood still and silent, ready to receive his orders and execute them without hesitation.

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Vulker Grievius

image.png.e41bed5b2059f0ace541e5d0524ac2c8.pngSalamander Tech Marine Rank 1

Wounds: 20/20 | Fate: 3/3 |SB: 8 (+10 in armor) |TB: 10 (+2 to head, legs, arms)

BS WS S T Ag Int Per Wp Fel
49 42 66 50 43 53 44 43 39

Damage resistance:

Body: 10 + 10 from armor (-1 armor if injured/dirty) Head: 12 + 8 from armor (-1 armor if injured/dirty)

Arms: 12 + 8 from armor (-1 armor if injured/dirty) Legs: 12 + 8 from armor (-1 armor if injured/dirty)

Before Vulker could make much progress on repairing the wall, the imposing figure of Horus, the first son of the Emperor himself, entered the room. It required a true test of willpower for Vulker to set aside his task and fully focus on the Primarch's presence. The powerful aura of Horus subdued Vulker's Salamander obstinacy, and he prepared himself, saluting the Primarch with a slight bow and his arm over his chest.

"My lord," Vulker said simply, acknowledging Horus as he awaited the Primarch's instructions for their diverse and unconventional group of warriors from different Legions. Horus's briefing resonated with Vulker; they had been chosen for their exceptional determination and readiness to see a mission through to its conclusion. While surgical strikes were not his specialty, Vulker anticipated learning from experts like Edryc to refine his skills.

As Lord Horus concluded his explanation, Vulker nodded in acknowledgment and responded with unwavering resolve. "Understood. I am prepared to defend humanity with my life, as I'm sure everyone here is eager to do. There is no greater honor than serving and fighting for the Imperium of mankind! Long live the Emperor!" Vulker's voice carried an uncommon passion, his fist raised high in a show of fervor that contrasted with his typical stoic demeanor.

The commanding presence of the illustrious Horus ignited a profound sense of purpose within Vulker, stirring his Astartes spirit a, a sensation that was dulled by the 30 years he passed on Mars. His fighting spirit was awakening, and it was exhilarating from toes to the fiber optic of his eye.






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Edryc "Shadow" Morrigan

Characteristics: WS 50 (+5), BS 44 (+4), S 35 (+8), T 38 (+6), Ag 49 (+5), Int 36 (+3), Per 44 (+4), WP 44 (+4), Fel 39 (+3)

Movement: 14/28/42/84 | Armor: Body 9, Rest 8

Wounds: 20/20 | Fate Points: 3/3 | Pain Suppressant Doses: 6/6


"Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—"



"Your trust in us is not misplaced. I will do my utmost to ensure the survival of my brethren, and, if the worst should come to pass, make sure that their gene-seeds are preserved."

Morrigan moved up behind the Sanguinary Priest. "Well-spoken, Brother. Though, let us hope it does not come to that." The Assault Marine once more clutched the collection of recovered Corvia at his belt.

The skulls of the Corvia, small avians native to the forests of Kiavahr, were worn as potent totems which hung from chains from a Raven Guard's belt or battle-plate. These fetishes represented an individual warrior's honour, and when one fell in battle, a fellow Battle-Brother would recover the Corvia from their fallen brethren and continue to carry it in battle, and thus, carry their fallen brethren's honour until such time that they could return to Kiavahr to bury the small avian skull in the soil of their Legion's homeworld. "I did not survive the counterinsurgency operation on Lux Majoris only to then be laid low by foul, filth-covered xenos scum."

For the Raven Guard, the claiming of a fallen warrior's Corvia went hand in hand with stripping the deceased of all equipment, Legion trappings, and the harvesting of the all-important gene-seed. "While I recognize the import of your role, Zorael, I, for one, hope your medicae services are not needed." He clapped the Blood Angel heartedly on the back. "May you be crippled by boredom and your reductor rust from disuse."

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Edryc "Shadow" Morrigan

Characteristics: WS 50 (+5), BS 44 (+4), S 35 (+8), T 38 (+6), Ag 49 (+5), Int 36 (+3), Per 44 (+4), WP 44 (+4), Fel 39 (+3)

Movement: 14/28/42/84 | Armor: Body 9, Rest 8

Wounds: 20/20 | Fate Points: 3/3 | Pain Suppressant Doses: 6/6


"Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—"



The words rung hallow as soon as they were uttered. Contrary to his bravado, the Marine had no more control of his fate than did the previous owners of the many Corvia he carried. Indeed, Morrigan did not survive Lux Majoris through any cunning ingenuity on his part. Rather, he was fortunate enough to not be outright obliterated by artillery fire with the rest of his team within seconds after they dropped into that heavily contested warzone. Every single Battle-Brother was killed in the hail of fire, save one. Whether his miraculous survival was due to blind luck or divine intervention, the Deliverance-born remained uncertain.

Regardless, Morrigan shrewdly refrained from sharing the particulars of that doomed mission, whilst on the cusp of embarking on another.

"Apologies, my Lord," he addressed the Primarch directly. "Levity is not one of my strengths. Quite the opposite, a Raven Guard is arguably best..." he whispered the final words to hammer home his point, "when silent."

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Vorticar Seraddon

Characteristic Bonuses: Str +10, Tgh +8, Ag +3, Int +4, Per +3, Will +4, Fel +5

Wounds: 22/22

Movement: 4/8/12/24

Armour: Body - 10 (Front)/6 (Back), Arms - 7 (Front)/6 (Back), Other Locations - 9 (Front)/6 (Back)

Pain Suppressant Doses: 8/8

Current Ammunition: N/A

Fate Points: 3/3

Affording himself a momentary chuckle at the exchange between Edryc and Zorael, Vorticar - remaining kneeled - refocuses upon his gene-father.

"My lord if I may, what resources are we to have for this work? I presume we shall not be operating from aboard the Somnium, nor a common ship of the Imperial Fleet. That in mind, a ship of the Sixteenth Legion seems only fitting; perhaps the Raksha or Cthonic Blood? The Fourfold Wolf would be a fine vessel as well, though speed and stealth would be of paramount importance in any ship we use."

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The primarch chuckles lightly, seeing right through Vorticar’s attempts to secure more prestige for their legion by way of having their own vessels involved in the operation. “The Imperator Somnium features a fully-stocked armoury, and drop pod capabilities, which is all your impromptu squad is expected to require.”

Taking a step towards a nearby console, he brings up a holographic display of an enormous ork in mega-armour, the scrap metal from several Imperial tanks bolted or welded directly onto his body in a messy patchwork of reinforced plating. “The ork known as ‘Thogzulk Skullrippa’ has been noted as one of the most dangerous orks of the Ullanor Empire. Previously a warboss of dread renown in his own right, he has since attached himself to Urlakk Urg’s empire, styling himself as ‘Unda-Boss’. He retains a considerable following of greenskins under his command, and a degree of autonomy, which he seems to have put towards trying to find a powerful xenos artefact. The Emperor has reason to believe this artefact would be unacceptably dangerous if it fell into the hands of the orks.”

The holographic display changes to the image of a grey-green gas giant; orbiting around it are three large moons, but one features a visual ping to denote its importance. “The orks call this gas giant ‘Mork’s Eye’. Of the moons in its orbit, only one has previously featured human inhabitants, primarily a Mechanicum research station. We received a message from the techpriest in charge, a Magos Valenthius, claiming to have secured information on the location of this artefact. Around the same time, a distress call was sent from the facility. You will deploy via drop pod to the surface of this moon; your first priority should be to recover the information, and secondarily, to rescue the magos.”

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Vulker Grievius

image.png.e41bed5b2059f0ace541e5d0524ac2c8.pngSalamander Tech Marine Rank 1

Wounds: 20/20 | Fate: 3/3 |SB: 8 (+10 in armor) |TB: 10 (+2 to head, legs, arms)

BS WS S T Ag Int Per Wp Fel
49 42 66 50 43 53 44 43 39

Damage resistance:

Body: 10 + 10 from armor (-1 armor if injured/dirty) Head: 12 + 8 from armor (-1 armor if injured/dirty)

Arms: 12 + 8 from armor (-1 armor if injured/dirty) Legs: 12 + 8 from armor (-1 armor if injured/dirty)

Vulker maintained his composure, unaffected by the banter among the other marines. Instead, he regarded them with a hint of pride and approval, acknowledging the growing camaraderie within their special task force unit of Legionnaires. However, Vorticar's request for prestigious ships from his Legion over the one proviced puzzled Vulker, who silently questioned the true importance of such requests. To him, the comparison of technical data and actual deeds of the crew should hold more weight than prestige, regardless of the vessel's origin. He admired Horus's wisdom in his selection process.

Following Lord Horus's briefing, Vulker absorbed the holographic display showcasing the formidable Ork known as Thogzulk Skullrippa. The mention of the elusive xenos artifact sought by the Orks heightened Vulker's resolve, realizing the grave threat it posed if it fell into enemy hands. It wasn't just his duty to the Imperium but also to the Mechanicus to retrieve such advanced technology and prevent its misuse by the brutish Xenos. The consequences of allowing the Orks access to such powerful artifacts could imperil not just the Empire but the entire galaxy.

As the display shifted to the gas giant Mork's Eye and its crucial moon, Vulker's attention sharpened further. The mention of Magos Valenthius and the distress call from the Mechanicum research station underscored the urgency and peril of their upcoming mission. Deploying to recover vital information and rescue the Magos became their immediate objectives.

Stepping forward with purpose, Vulker's red eye gleamed with determination beneath the Mechadendrite-enhanced hood of his Techmarine armor. "Acknowledged, Lord Horus," Vulker responded firmly, his voice resonating with readiness. "Recovering the artifact and securing Magos Valenthius will be our primary focus. We will ensure that the mission is executed swiftly and effectively."

Turning his attention back to Horus, Vulker inquired with a tactical mindset, "What are the details of our insertion? And what opposition should we anticipate encountering on the moon's surface?" His inquiry reflected his strategic approach, seeking critical intelligence to ensure the success of their objectives.




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Zorael portrait

Zorael Eludian, Sanguinary Priest

WS 43 (+4) BS 39 (+3) S 40 (+10)
T 46 (+8) A 44 (+4) I 50 (+5)
P 44 (+4) WP 47 (+4) F 42 (+4)

Movement: 5/10/15/30 Armor: Body 9, Rest 7

Wounds 19/19 Fate Points: 3/3 Pain Suppressant Doses: 6/6



On 4/23/2024 at 5:19 AM, IndyKophen said:

"While I recognize the import of your role, Zorael, I, for one, hope your medicae services are not needed." He clapped the Blood Angel heartedly on the back. "May you be crippled by boredom and your reductor rust from disuse."

Zorael merely nodded, unwilling to retort in the primarch's presence. But in his mind, he wholeheartedly agreed. Nothing would be better than to rack up kills and fulfill their duties while no one even got hurt.

He listened to Horus' explanation about the upcoming mission. The explanation left a lot of questions, but he did not believe the primarch would withhold information from them. Rather, the Empire was itself lacked information on the subject, and they'd just have to make do with what little they had.

"I understand the mission is time critical and will not waste our time. If I may just pose one question: Does the Emperor desire the artifact retrieved or destroyed?"

Provided they made it in time, Magos Valenthius should be able to provide more details on the artifact itself. If they knew in advance that the Emperor wanted it destroyed, they could ask the Magos some relevant questions, such as how big a melta bomb they would need.

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Degei Bajan (Stormseer)

Characteristic Bonuses: WS 45, BS 41, Str 438, Tgh 428, Ag 53, Int 41, Per 48, Will 55, Fel 39, Psy 3degei_bajam_portrait.png.f84c51bc9623a77330c51204b339f53b.png

Movement: 5/10/15/30, Awareness: 58(Sound,Sight)/48, Wounds: 20/20, Fate Points: 4/4

A smile graced Degei's lips as he observed the banter between the Marines. While he often carried a serious demeanor, witnessing Shadow's attempt at levity brought a welcomed sense of camaraderie among them.
As Lord Lupercal delved into the details of their mission, a momentary surprise flickered across Degei's face. He had anticipated the usual formalities followed by a briefing from an officer, but the direct address from the Primarch caught him off guard. The White Scar recovered himself quickly enough, and moved to the holographic display to observe the mission parameters.
Degei's mind raced with questions as he absorbed the gravity of their mission, his gaze flickering between the holographic display and the imposing figure of Lord Lupercal. The revelation of facing such a formidable foe as Thogzulk Skullrippa, coupled with the urgency of retrieving the xenos artefact, intensified the weight of their task.
With a respectful nod towards the Primarch, Degei stepped forward, his guttural voice firm as he addressed Lord Horus. "My Lord, in addition to the excellent questions of my brothers, if I may ask a few questions regarding the operation." He waiting a moment to the the Primarch the option to refuse, before continuing, "Am I correct in assuming that this is a single mission, or are we expected to perform several missions before extraction to the Imperator Somnium?" Degei's inquiry aimed to clarify the scope and duration of their assignment, ensuring they were prepared for any eventuality that may arise during their deployment. "Additionally, if we uncover actionable information regarding the artifact, are we to prioritize its retrieval over the safety of the Magos?"

"Second, what are the resupply or extraction options?" This was an extension to his first question, since the initial briefing implied to Degei that they were expected to be cut-off from resupply or extraction during these operations, but the mission's briefing suggested otherwise, thus he requested clarification.

"Finally, what is the expectation on enemy voidship activity around the moon? Is the Imperator Somnium expected to stay on station continuously during the length of the mission?" This could enable observatory support from the voidship, and, if there was significant activity, it might be an indication that preparation for an extended stay on the surface was in order, regardless of intentions of the mission planners.
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Vorticar Seraddon

Characteristic Bonuses: Str +10, Tgh +8, Ag +3, Int +4, Per +3, Will +4, Fel +5

Wounds: 22/22

Movement: 4/8/12/24

Armour: Body - 10 (Front)/6 (Back), Arms - 7 (Front)/6 (Back), Other Locations - 9 (Front)/6 (Back)

Pain Suppressant Doses: 8/8

Current Ammunition: N/A

Fate Points: 3/3

So they are to serve aboard the Somnium then? Interesting. The ship certainly had the resources to operate as a mobile command centre, and he could not deny having such a powerful vessel at their disposal would be useful. No complaint from him, for such was a golden opportunity...

At last rising to his feet, Vorticar's attention is fixed upon the display as Horus speaks. A standard retrieval mission, albeit with the added prospect of an Ork presence to wade through. A good challenge to whet his blade against in this campaign. Besides, even Vorticar could appreciate having such a high ranking member of the Mechanicum in his debt should they manage to save the Magos.

"No questions my lord; the course is clear, and I am eager to cut a bloody swathe through the damned Orks that stand between us and Valenthius."

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Edryc "Shadow" Morrigan

Characteristics: WS 50 (+5), BS 44 (+4), S 35 (+8), T 38 (+6), Ag 49 (+5), Int 36 (+3), Per 44 (+4), WP 44 (+4), Fel 39 (+3)

Movement: 14/28/42/84 | Armor: Body 9, Rest 8

Wounds: 20/20 | Fate Points: 3/3 | Pain Suppressant Doses: 6/6


"Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—"



Back to form, Morrigan silently observed his fellow Astartes' immediate reactions after receiving orders. To the Raven Guard, the orders and priority of those orders were clear: first, recover information on the location of the artefact; and second, rescue the Magos. Interestingly, the resulting responses were as varied as those assembled.

Vulker lumped recovering the artefact and securing the Magos together as a single primary objective. The Techmarine's words revealed he held equal regard for both the agent of the Mechanicum and the mysterious xenos artefact. With Edryc's deep-seated mistrust of Tech-Guilds, he secretly questioned Vulker's loyalties.

By contrast, Zorael introduced the possibility of destroying the artefact. Sound logic. If the artefact could be used as a weapon in the hands of the orks, then best to destroy it, and deny the enemy the opportunity. Rightfully so, the Sanguinary Priest obviously considered life of far more importance than any artefact.

Morrigan was most impressed with Degei's response, as one that best mirrored his own. The Stormseer understood that uncovering information on the artefact was the first and foremost objective. Degei's interests in the extraction process indicated a desire to get in and get out quickly, preferably before being inevitably mobbed by orks. Despite the White Scar's rugged outward appearance, Degei possessed a strategic mind which the Raven Guard found welcoming.

Ever eager, Vorticar had no questions, trusting his Primarch-Progenitor had disclosed all pertinent information, and instead focused on bloodying the enemy. The Luna Wolf's thirst for glory, whether for his own or for his Legion's, was evident. From Madoc's and Elyas' previous warnings about underestimating the fury of the orks, Morrigan wondering if even engaging the enemy was wise. In this situation, recon and stealth might be the more prudent course of action.

Morrigan was, however, keening aware should he, as a Raven Guard, offer recon and stealth as the best option, he would likely be ridiculed for favouring his Legion's strengths above all others. Instead, he remained quiet, patiently biding his time. Shadow's cold and calculating black-eyed gaze observed all, signifying nothing.

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