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Chapter One: Starfall

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On 4/26/2024 at 12:57 AM, Harding said:

"What are the details of our insertion? And what opposition should we anticipate encountering on the moon's surface?"

"You are to make planetfall via drop pod. Preliminary surface scans show the orks bear a significant aerial superiority over the Magos' compound; drop pod insertion will be the safest method, as well as allowing us to take the orks by surprise. As a secondary objective, you should find a way to clear the skies to make extraction safer. This section of the moon is reported to be the territory of one of Thogzulk's officers, by the name of Big Mek Krakkadakka."

On 4/26/2024 at 3:31 AM, Ayeba said:

"I understand the mission is time critical and will not waste our time. If I may just pose one question: Does the Emperor desire the artifact retrieved or destroyed?"

"Retrieved, if possible. If not, it is preferable to deny the device to our foe."

On 4/26/2024 at 5:15 AM, luctius said:

"Am I correct in assuming that this is a single mission, or are we expected to perform several missions before extraction to the Imperator Somnium?"

"This will be a single mission; recover the data, and potentially the Magos, and return to base. From whence future missions for your squad will depart, I cannot say with any certainty, but the Imperator Somnium will likely be needed elsewhere."

On 4/26/2024 at 5:15 AM, luctius said:

"Additionally, if we uncover actionable information regarding the artifact, are we to prioritize its retrieval over the safety of the Magos?"

"Absolutely. Your primary objective is recovering any data on the artefact. Anything else is a lesser priority."

On 4/26/2024 at 5:15 AM, luctius said:

"Second, what are the resupply or extraction options?"

"Resupply will be difficult, but not impossible. That said, be aware of your remaining supplies, try to conserve ammo and use the environment to your advantage. Extraction will depend on the developing ground situation, but if your squad can eliminate the enemy's air superiority, extraction will be carried out via Stormbird."

On 4/26/2024 at 5:15 AM, luctius said:

"Finally, what is the expectation on enemy voidship activity around the moon? Is the Imperator Somnium expected to stay on station continuously during the length of the mission?"

"The Imperator Somnium will need to move on roughly five hours post-drop. Enemy orbital presence is negligible compared to our own firepower, though the ground and atmosphere are crawling with greenskins."

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f69bacb801cf472cbc9890ad9d6d0aae.jpeg.fbe32688bc9a625abbf13c4b207d11f6.jpegElyas Zelman - Dark Angel

WS 42 ♦ BS 57 ♦ S 63 ♦ T 47 ♦ A 48 ♦ I 55 ♦ P 45 ♦ W 47 ♦ F 40

Movement 5/10/15/30 ♦ Carry/Lift/Push 900/1800/3600

Armor Body 9, All Other 7 ♦ Wounds 23/23 ♦ Fate 3/3 ♦ Pain Suppressor Doses 6/6

Awareness 50 ♦ Scrutiny 22 ♦ Command 50


Elyas had been quiet during most of the exchange with the revered Horus so far, instead taking the time to study his soon-to-be-brothers-in-arms. He had no doubts that they were brave and competent soldiers - they were the astartes, after all - but he also knew many of the other legions conducted their warfare in their own specific ways, including his own. It was interesting to see them act, to see what questions they asked and what intelligence they seemed to value. The mission itself seemed to be straightforward enough, and resistance sounded as expected. Which itself was quite expected, as you don´t put an inexperienced squad - and that was what they were, despite their individual prowess - on complex and overwhelmingly difficult missions. No, he expected that this mission was merely a trial, an opportunity to see if a squad like this could form and work together. If they could, they would be a fearsome force indeed, being able to draw on the experience and tactical knowledge form all legions in the most efficient way possible - in the field.

Sensing the briefing was coming to a close, he turned his eyes towards Horus, nodding softly in understanding, and then took a quick look out across the rest of the gathered soldiers. "I guess the only remaining questions then are: How long until we make planetfall, and which way to the armory?"

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Madoc Mannaw

Characteristics: WS:71 (+7) | BS:38 (+3) | S:51 (+12) | T:52 (+10) | A:44 (+4) | I:34 (+3) | P:42 (+4) | WP:38 (+3) | F:36 (+3)


Movement: 5/10/15/30 | Armor: Body 9, Rest 7


Wounds: 21/21 | Fate Points: 3/3


Madoc listened with to the mission briefing with his signature stoicism, his grim expression unchanging save for a nearly imperceptible frown at the chatter of his new squad mates. Such prater he found disrespectful in the presence of a primarch, but if Horus would not scold them for their well justified eagerness, then neither would he. The Master of the XVI was an affable man, capable of inspiring even an old curmudgeon like himself. Madoc could not deny the stir of excitement within him; it had been a long time indeed since he had taken to the field.

To Madoc, it mattered not who delivered these orders. Whether they came from Horus, the Emperor, or even his own gene-father, the veteran swordsman had a mission, and he would carry out his orders to the utmost of his ability, and ensure that his charges would do the same. He was the most senior among them, both in age and experience, and so he would take it upon himself to guide these young astartes to victory, even if he did not seek the burden of leadership himself.

The mission goals were simple enough: above all, recover the artifact, and following that, rescue the Magos and establish air superiority...and to his own desire, slaughter the foul xenos that stand against them. Madoc felt a twitch in his sword hand at the name of greenskin lieutenant, and selfishly he hoped for a chance to test his mettle against it.

As Horus' briefing drew to a close, Madoc bowed his head more deeply, and crossed an arm across his chest, ceramite gauntlet thumped against his breastplate. "Aye, Lord Lupercal. As you command, so shall it be. Thy will be done."

2 hours ago, DarthAnthrax said:

"I guess the only remaining questions then are: How long until we make planetfall, and which way to the armory?"

Madoc nearly permitted himself a grin at the Dark Angel's words. Eager he was, but weren't they all? It was a sentiment he could agree with.

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Vorticar Seraddon

Characteristic Bonuses: Str +10, Tgh +8, Ag +3, Int +4, Per +3, Will +4, Fel +5

Wounds: 22/22

Movement: 4/8/12/24

Armour: Body - 10 (Front)/6 (Back), Arms - 7 (Front)/6 (Back), Other Locations - 9 (Front)/6 (Back)

Pain Suppressant Doses: 8/8

Current Ammunition: N/A

Fate Points: 3/3

As the Lupercal expands on the mission's finer details, mention of insertion via drop pod peaks Vorticar's interest.

"If I may my lord, have the details of our orbital drop been finalized? Strike procedures such as these are something of a specialty of mine, and I would be remiss not to offer my insight where it may be best utilized."

With that stood at attention before his gene-father, awaiting dismissal to begin the preparations for the work ahead.


Figure I could put that Tactics skill to good use here.

Edited by Maester1216 (see edit history)
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Zorael portrait

Zorael Eludian, Sanguinary Priest

WS 43 (+4) BS 39 (+3) S 40 (+10)
T 46 (+8) A 44 (+4) I 50 (+5)
P 44 (+4) WP 47 (+4) F 42 (+4)

Movement: 5/10/15/30 Armor: Body 9, Rest 7

Wounds 19/19 Fate Points: 3/3 Pain Suppressant Doses: 6/6


Zorael listened intently, memorizing all important information. He found the greenskin names very strange, but didn't let that distract him.

Truth to be told, he was feeling a bit anxious. This would be the first time he went to the frontlines in a good while. The duties of a Sanguinary Priest were many, and he had spent comparatively little time fighting personally lately. This was truly an honor, but it was also undeniably a dangerous mission. He would put down his life if required by the Empire in a heartbeat, but he'd much prefer to put his enemies down instead. Just like he preached to his brethren, he wanted to live and serve the Empire for a long time, not die in glorious battle.

Edited by Ayeba (see edit history)
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Degei Bajan (Stormseer)

Characteristic Bonuses: WS 45, BS 41, Str 438, Tgh 428, Ag 53, Int 41, Per 48, Will 55, Fel 39, Psy 3degei_bajam_portrait.png.f84c51bc9623a77330c51204b339f53b.png

Movement: 5/10/15/30, Awareness: 58(Sound,Sight)/48, Wounds: 20/20, Fate Points: 4/4


Degei absorbed Lord Horus's responses to the squad's questions, nodding in acknowledgment as the briefing unfolded. While much of the information aligned with expectations, a subtle detail caught his attention. The Primarch consistently referred to location data rather than directly mentioning the artifact itself, implying, perhaps, that its whereabouts might extend beyond the moon's surface. This nuance intrigued Degei, sparking contemplation about the true scope of their mission and the potential implications of retrieving information from the Magos. Not that it mattered much; they would get the actual information from the Magos, and that would influence their further actions.

As his comrades prepared to conclude the briefing, Degei mirrored their gestures of gratitude towards the Primarch, recognizing the wealth of information provided. Though he harbored a desire to delve deeper into strategic discussions for another hour, he understood the necessity of brevity. With most critical points presumably covered, he felt confident in the squad's readiness to embark on the mission ahead.


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Edryc "Shadow" Morrigan

Characteristics: WS 50 (+5), BS 44 (+4), S 35 (+8), T 38 (+6), Ag 49 (+5), Int 36 (+3), Per 44 (+4), WP 44 (+4), Fel 39 (+3)

Movement: 14/28/42/84 | Armor: Body 9, Rest 8

Wounds: 20/20 | Fate Points: 3/3 | Pain Suppressant Doses: 6/6


"Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—"



"If I may my lord, have the details of our orbital drop been finalized? Strike procedures such as these are something of a specialty of mine, and I would be remiss not to offer my insight where it may be best utilized."

"I am in agreement with Battle-Brother Vorticar." To get to the surface of the moon, Morrigan was willing to defer the orbital drop procedures to Vorticar's expertise, and Emperor-willing, avoid a repeat of Lux Majoris.

Once on the surface, however, the Raven Guard was quite adamant cooler heads prevail, lest they all walk blindly into the open maw of the ork infestation. "Indeed. Best to utilize all our skills as the needs arise." Morrigan cocked his head in the direction of Degei; his black-eyed gaze lingered uncomfortably long on the Stormseer. "For instance, Stormbird extraction requires the elimination of the enemy's significant air superiority surrounding the Magos' compound. I know of a Raven Guard Attack Pattern to exploit a foe’s weaknesses which may prove applicable."

Morrigan turned his attention back to the towering Primarch. Throughout the Great Crusade, Corvus Corax's talents for planning and sabotage were of great effect for delivering potent, strategic blows to the enemies of the Imperium. And the Raven Guard, fighting frequently under the orders of Horus Lupercal, became renowned for an unmatched ability with covert ops, infiltration and lightning strikes. But the pair never saw eye-to-eye. Having now met Horus, Morrigan begun to formulate his own answer as to why. "Afterall, what good is retrieving our objectives if we cannot extract ourselves?" The rhetorical question was asked with dispassion so as to be nonaccusatory. Left unspoken, however, was Morrigan's understanding of Horus' haunting words that recovering the data on the artefact was the primary objective and anything else, to include the life of the Magos and potentially their own, was of a lesser priority. Data, of course, could always be transmitted with or without securing their physical extraction. Darkly, Shadow wondered if Horus' assembled squad of elite troops was nothing more than an expendable task force on the verge of a suicide mission.


Edited by IndyKophen (see edit history)
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Edryc "Shadow" Morrigan

Characteristics: WS 50 (+5), BS 44 (+4), S 35 (+8), T 38 (+6), Ag 49 (+5), Int 36 (+3), Per 44 (+4), WP 44 (+4), Fel 39 (+3)

Movement: 14/28/42/84 | Armor: Body 9, Rest 8

Wounds: 20/20 | Fate Points: 3/3 | Pain Suppressant Doses: 6/6


"Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—"



Mission briefed. Objectives identified and prioritized...

Once formally dismissed, Morrigan wandered the Gothic halls of the Imperator Somnium. Far from wandering aimlessly, the Raven Guard moved with purpose in an attempt to orient himself within the massive vessel. Contrary to popular belief that the Mechanicum of Mars held the monopoly on all technical knowledge in the Imperium, the Imperator Somnium was not constructed on The Red Planet, but rather on Terra. The Command Carrier was constructed with the advanced secrets from Terra's Dark Age of Technology, the zenith of mankind's scientific knowledge and technological power, simultaneously wonderous and terrible. It was a unique, golden vessel of immense size, dwarfing even the largest Imperial battleships, and its size was on par with that of the Orbital Plates of Terra. 

Remarkable, thought Morrigan. A magnificence to rival the Black Tower. The Ravenspire, the Fortress-Monastery of the XIXth Legion, was the only comparable frame of reference known to Morrigan. The Ravenspire was a place of great significance to the sons of Corax and to the people of Deliverance and Kiavahr; a place Edryc Morrigan knew all too well. Conversely, unfamiliar with the flagship's layout and more than slightly intimidated by its daunting size, Morrigan had no choice but to admit defeat. Facing failure so soon, Morrigan chuckled darkly to himself. Definitely a suicide mission.

Outstretching a gauntleted hand, he stopped a passing midshipman in his tracks, and demanded to be taken to the Armoury. Struck dumbfounded, the midshipman stared at the massive, gauntleted hand, which was easily double, if not triple, the size of his head, whilst processing his sudden predicament. The genetically modified, psycho-conditioned Space Marine must have stood as foreign and imposing to the human, as Horus was to Morrigan upon first meeting, which, while only moments ago, felt like days. Unhelmed, the Raven Guard's extreme pale complexion certainly added to the human's crippling paralysis, like some ghostly haunt, made flesh, emerging from the shadows and now lording over him.

"The Armoury," barked Morrigan. "Now!" While not intended to be unkind, the Assault Marine nonetheless spoke in a booming, commanding voice which jolted the naval officer out of his stupor. Fearful of the consequences should he delay, the midshipman darted off in the direction of the nearest Armoury. On power armoured legs, Morrigan effortlessly followed his newly acquired guide and impromptu attendant.

Edited by IndyKophen (see edit history)
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Vorticar Seraddon

Characteristic Bonuses: Str +10, Tgh +8, Ag +3, Int +4, Per +3, Will +4, Fel +5

Wounds: 22/22

Movement: 4/8/12/24

Armour: Body - 10 (Front)/6 (Back), Arms - 7 (Front)/6 (Back), Other Locations - 9 (Front)/6 (Back)

Pain Suppressant Doses: 8/8

Current Ammunition: N/A

Fate Points: 2/3

Excusing himself from the presence of his Primarch by forming the Aquila with his hands in salute, Vorticar has one of the junior deck officers guide him to the commander center for the Somnium. When planning an assault such as this it was his style to approach the battlefield holistically - only by examining the full scope of the conflict at hand could one hope to best maximize a given asset's potential to the fullest. In the case of the Astartes that might finding a location to maximize the yields on their shock tactics (while still keeping the objective within arm's length).

Unfortunately, it seems that Vorticar's hunger for glory occluded his judgement in his proposed deployment. Wiser heads will hopefully prevail and a sounder orbital drop strategy will be implemented, but Seraddon takes at least having his voice heard as a small victory. A fool may become great after all, but the unknown are unknown for a reason.

His piece said, Vorticar withdraws and begins making his way down to the Armoury to begin preparations...


Okay, gonna take a crack at that Tactics roll. Difficulty's +0 so the TN's at 49.

You know what? I'm gonna spend a Fate Point for a Re-Roll there.

....worth a shot.

Edited by Maester1216 (see edit history)
Tactics (Orbital Drop Procedures): TN 49
1d100 89
Tactics (Orbital Drop Procedures) Re-Roll: TN 49
1d100 90
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Zorael portrait

Zorael Eludian, Sanguinary Priest

WS 43 (+4) BS 39 (+3) S 40 (+10)
T 46 (+8) A 44 (+4) I 50 (+5)
P 44 (+4) WP 47 (+4) F 42 (+4)

Movement: 5/10/15/30 Armor: Body 9, Rest 7

Wounds 19/19 Fate Points: 3/3 Pain Suppressant Doses: 6/6


Zoreal wasted no time in making his way to the armory. They didn't know exactly how time critical the mission was, but he wanted to hurry in case the minutes made a difference. While walking, he mentally wrote a sermon that he intended to share with his brethren once he returned, sharing with them the meeting with the Primarch and his impressive display.

Once he reached the armory, he was absolutely floored with all the options available. With his lack of frontline experience, he lacked the experience to help guide him. His inherited memories didn't offer a lot of clues, as almost all his predecessors had fought with what they were assigned, most of them preferring the chain sword. He trusted his sword to help him in melee, but he needed something with a bit more range.

They were up against hordes of greenskins, weren't they? Maybe he ought to take a weapon that could cull their numbers, while he trusted new brethren to take care of the toughest ones. He asked the armory personnel for a recommendation, and was handed a weapon he was completely unfamiliar with; a Phosphex Incinerator Cannon. Its design left little doubt about its purpose; this was a weapon designed to terrorize Xenos and teach them fear, if they even survived the first blast. It was heavy and unwieldy, not something to rely on once the enemies got close. But against numbers of greenskins, this sounded like a great option.

With the weapon secured, he requisitioned some other items that would aid him and his brethren.


Do I have any clue if Greenskins use toxins? Are there any special tactics I know of that they might employ? Rolling Forbidden Lore (Xenos), if that affects the outcome. I have Int 50 and rolled a 40, so that's one degree of success?


Edited by Ayeba (see edit history)
Forbidden Lore (Xenos)
1d100 40
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Edryc "Shadow" Morrigan

Characteristics: WS 50 (+5), BS 44 (+4), S 35 (+8), T 38 (+6), Ag 49 (+5), Int 36 (+3), Per 44 (+4), WP 44 (+4), Fel 39 (+3)

Movement: 14/28/42/84 | Armor: Body 9, Rest 8

Wounds: 20/20 | Fate Points: 3/3 | Pain Suppressant Doses: 6/6


"Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—"



As Morrigan had come to expect, the Armoury was as impressive and grandiose as the rest of the vessel. Assailed from every corner of the galaxy by every manner of foe, the Imperium required an arsenal mighty enough to hold back this abominable tide. The Armoury aboard the Imperator Somnium included some of the finest weapons and armour beheld by Mankind, curated over thousands of years at war.

Morrigan strode past the servitor standing motionless at the entrance. Set to standby until activated, the mindless, cybernetic drone created from a fusion of human flesh and robotic technology belonged to the Techmarine residing over the Armoury. Also known as the Master of the Forge, it was his knowledge of the arcane sciences and technology which guaranteed the wargear in this Armoury far exceed those of any individual Legion.

Protocol dictated submitting a requisition form to the attending servitor, who would then process the request dutifully and without emotion, in the cold and sterile sequential order in which the request was received. War was rarely cold. Or sterile. As time was of the essence, Morrigan felt justified in bypassing protocol. If the Master of the Forge takes issue, Morrigan thought, he can route his complaint directly to Horus.

The Assault Marine perused the infinite racks of wargear, and every so often, grabbed items of interest and tossed them to the midshipman trailing behind him. Akin to a shark attracting a school of remoras, Morrigan had acquired the human companion. It was indeed a symbiotic relationship. The Raven Guard needed someone who knew their way around the Command Carrier, and inversely, in accompanying one of the Emperor's Angels of Death, the officer was instantly elevated in status, at least until Morrigan deployed. The officer responded to the name, Meuler.

Stalker rounds. Red-Dot Laser Sight. Multikey. Cartograph. Morrigan stacked each item onto Meuler's outstretched arms, building an ever-wobbling tower of gear, which soon surpassed Meuler's eyeline. "Don't drop anything," warned Morrigan. The human comically struggled to maintain balance while keeping stride with the Raven Guard.



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Degei Bajan (Stormseer)

Characteristic Bonuses: WS 45, BS 41, Str 438, Tgh 428, Ag 53, Int 41, Per 48, Will 55, Fel 39, Psy 3degei_bajam_portrait.png.f84c51bc9623a77330c51204b339f53b.png

Movement: 5/10/15/30, Awareness: 58(Sound,Sight)/48, Wounds: 20/20, Fate Points: 4/4

Degei navigated the labyrinthine halls of the Imperator Somnium, his form still cloaked in the traditional garb of his people, the deel, a stark contrast to the imposing ceramite armor of his Astartes brethren. Despite the unfamiliarity of the vessel's layout, he sought out the armory with determined strides, pausing only briefly to request directions from passing crew members.

Upon reaching the armory's threshold, Degei engaged in a brief exchange with an attending clerk, his request for his personal armor met with efficient acknowledgment. As a team of serfs set about to adorn him his Armour according to the Rites of Armouring.

I accept these burdens, as the Imperium bleeds.
I accept these burdens, knowing no fear.
I accept these burdens, as an Angel of the Emperor.
I sheathe my form in this second skin.
This veil of machine muscle and false nerves.
I stand firm against the alien.
The mutant.
I grant no mercy.
I give no ground.
With humility, I bear the Imperialis, the symbol of loyalty unbroken.
With reverence, I receive actuation, awakening the armor’s spirit.
With pride, I wear the symbol of my Chapter, and join my brothers in war.
I am Iron.
I am Wrath.
I. Am. Doom.

With his armor finally donned, Degei turned his attention to the vast array of wargear displayed before him. With swift precision, he conveyed his requisitions to another clerk, ensuring he was equipped with the tools necessary to face the challenges ahead.

Equipped with his chosen arsenal, Degei rejoined his fellow Astartes, his voice resonating with authority despite its raspy timbre. "Brothers," he began, "before we embark on our mission, I propose we consult the Emperor's Tarot for guidance. It may offer insight and aid in our preparations." The ancient ritual of divination held the potential to unveil insights that could prove invaluable in their preparations. Turning to Vorticar, Degei extended a silent invitation for cooperation in this sacred practice, "Vorticar, would you be willing to serve as the focal point for this ritual. Together we may peer into the veiled tapestry of fate and gain a glimpse of what us on our first mission?"


Edited by luctius (see edit history)
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Vorticar Seraddon

Characteristic Bonuses: Str +10, Tgh +8, Ag +3, Int +4, Per +3, Will +4, Fel +5

Wounds: 22/22

Movement: 4/8/12/24

Armour: Body - 10 (Front)/6 (Back), Arms - 7 (Front)/6 (Back), Other Locations - 9 (Front)/6 (Back)

Pain Suppressant Doses: 8/8

Current Ammunition: N/A

Fate Points: 2/3

With weapons of war chosen Vorticar re-joined the others in the final preparations before their drop. Matters of command still needed to be settled - whether by banter or blade - and the taking of an oath that would guide them through the trial ahead. As Vorticar tested his axe with a few impassive swings, he takes the measure of his kinsmen to see who if any would challenge him should he move to assume command.

Degei's request elicits a chortle of laughter. "I would sooner make my own destiny Bajan, facing whatever the universe sets before me with a bared blade and blood boiling. Then again, I would rather not meander about in search of great foes to fell; anything that narrows our focus can only help us in that regard. Tell me what must be done."



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Degei Bajan (Stormseer)

Characteristics: WS 45, BS 41, Str 4310, Tgh 428, Ag 53, Int 41, Per 48, Will 55, Fel 39, Psy 3spacer.png
Armour: 9/7+10TB, Movement: 12/18/36/72, Awareness: 68(Sound,Sight)/48
Wounds: 20/20, Fate Points: 4/4, Pain Suppressant: 6/6, Mode: Solo

Active Weapons: -
Ammunitions: Pistol: 14/14 @ 3, Bolter: 28/28 @ 3, Frag: 3/3, Krak: 3/3

Special: Fear (1), Fear (+1) Against Orks, Fear +1 in Melee

Degei's movements were deliberate as he set up the ritual space, arranging the Tarot Deck, candles, and pots of dirt with meticulous care. With a solemn air, he gestured for Vorticar to join him, kneeling beside the spread-out items. As he glanced about, his gaze invited any interested brothers to draw near and participate in the sacred practice.

"We must formulate a question," Degei began, his voice carrying the weight of reverence. He regarded Vorticar, waiting for his input before proceeding. "For instance," he suggested with a small hit of a smile adorning his lips, "we might inquire: 'What will be the greatest foe I can vanquish in the Glory of the Emperor?'"

He paused, allowing Vorticar a moment to consider before continuing. "What question would you pose to the Emperor's Tarot, Brother Vorticar?"


Edited by luctius (see edit history)
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Madoc Mannaw

Characteristics: WS:71 (+7) | BS:38 (+3) | S:51 (+12) | T:52 (+10) | A:44 (+4) | I:34 (+3) | P:42 (+4) | WP:38 (+3) | F:36 (+3)


Movement: 5/10/15/30 | Armor: Body 9, Rest 7


Wounds: 21/21 | Fate Points: 3/3


With the briefing concluded, Madoc bowed his head in respectful salute to the primarch once more before departing, taking his own path and pace. The halls of Imperator Somnium were unfamiliar to him, but uncannily so. This was not the first time he had walked aboard the Emperor's flagship, although it was only the comparatively humble Bucephelus back then, a terrific battle-barge on its own right. Centuries ago, when Madoc was still glory-bound, armed in crimson, and belonged to a legion that answered only to the Emperor Himself. He couldn't have been much older than these young astartes he now accompanied, an irony not lost on him.

Ignoring the countless crew that manned this mighty voidship, Madoc followed his instincts to the armory as he reflected on days past, the slow rhythmic thump of ceramite boots finally coming to a halt as he found himself staring at racks of highly advanced weaponry. To be expected, the Emperor's own voidship did not lack in quality nor quantity, but with so many options to choose from, he'd have to consider what he could best provide to the mission.

Orks...damnable orks: tough, fat, and ugly. Hmm...Need something that'll shave some meat off the bone. A good chainsword would do the trick, bite hard and cut deep. Nice and bloody like... His unpainted gauntlet reached for a sword on display, double-rowed adamantine teeth glittered too cleanly, almost begging to be used, but he hesitated. No. You're not what I need...not quite.

Urlakk Urg. Thogzulk Skullrippa. Big Mek Krakkadakka. More names for his kill list. If there was one thing Madoc had learned from his many deployments against the greentide, it was the bigger the ork, the harder their armor. A chainsword would struggle to cut into the thick steel plates a nob was likely to clad himself in, let alone a Big Mek. He needed something that could pierce or crush the crude armor of his enemies. Madoc's wizened eyes glanced around the armory once more, before narrowing on venerable, more powerful weaponry, and the old marine permitted himself a smile.

He had learned the art of the blade before he ever called himself a space marine, and as such, always felt most comfortable with them. After grabbing a power sword from the rack, one that looked of particularly quality, the Death Guard reflexively dropped into a fencer's stance to test the weapon's weight and balance. Good heft. A keen edge. Sharp slash or wicked thrust, a sword like this could make short work of even the toughest armor, light in the hand while still being strong enough to parry the most savage of blow. Aye...you'll do just fine.

Satisfied with his selection, Madoc chose an equally fine sidearm for his off-hand, a Volkite Serpenta with a motion predictor attachment. His marksmanship was never the finest, but he didn't plan on being far enough away for it to matter for long, and close-range thermal blast of a volkite gun would just as effective against armor as it was against flesh. With his trusty jump pack already fitted to his armor, the old sergeant saw need for little else, save for some combat webbing and a pair of quality magnoculars--a useful tool for any forward scout.

Lastly, a personal touch, the only two tokens he ever kept for himself: a small glasscrete vial, and a worn, ancient timepiece. The former was a small trinket, no longer than a standard human palm, but contained a storied collection of Madoc's own history. Packed primarily with soil, collected from Albia where the Emperor once stood, mixed some water from Terra's last, dying ocean and a few drops of his own blood. A scraping of soot from Madoc's old hivespire, and finally, a bone fragment of a Legiones Cataegis, felled by his own hand. 'Mud, blood, ash and bone', or as he called it: his piece of home.

The chrono strapped inside his left wrist was even more storied than Madoc, an heirloom relic that survived had survived the Old Night passed down generation to generation. Unlike his birth father, Madoc was a space marine, and would have no sons to pass on this legacy. Accurate to long-forgotten Terran standard, the timepiece was rather redundant; an astartes' helmet could provide that and more. As such, it was his memento mori, a reminder of death, that someday too his time would come...but it had not come yet.

After fitting himself and checking out his equipment with the master of arms, Madoc returned to where his new brothers were gathered, and found his curiosity garnered by the Stormseer's ritual. As far as the Death Guard was concerned, divination was still sorcery, thus worthy of skepticism, but at least the Tarot was endorsed by the Emperor Himself. Keeping a respectful distance but a wary eye, Madoc crossed his arms and quietly watched the proceedings unfold.

Edited by 8bitWizard (see edit history)
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