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Chapter 1: As Above, So Below


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image.png.07a311e8a4267906986513d73d2158fd.pngDeidre O'Ceallaigh Human Artificer 5

AC: 20 (Splintmail+1 and shield) | HP: 47/47 | Initiative: +1 | Passive Perception: 13 
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15
Misty step: 1 (1xday) | Hex: 1 (1xday) | DM Inspiration: 1/1 | Active infusion: Enhanced defense (splintmail), Duplicate item (bag of holding)

Deidre slumbered peacefully throughout the night, her mind still abuzz with the intellectually stimulating conversation she had shared with Question and their companions. They had delved into a myriad of subjects, each probing the other for deeper understanding. It was a promising start to their journey, and Deidre felt a sense of satisfaction in the solid partnership that was forming among the group.

As she stirred from her slumber, Deidre couldn't shake the nagging feeling that they needed to keep a watchful eye on the Gnome among them. His eccentricities were undeniable, and while she didn't anticipate any trouble, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of caution. "Best to keep a close eye on the loot," she mused to herself, casting a wary glance in the direction of their enthusiastic companion. "Stereotypes exist for a reason, especially for those missing a few screws and bolts."

As they resumed their journey, Deidre found herself increasingly inundated with Question's relentless inquiries and requests for her opinion. Despite suggesting that the construct take time to meditate on their previous discussions, the questions persisted, leading Deidre to a dawning realization about the nature of her name...

When Noodle spotted a glimmer on the horizon, Deidre nodded in approval as Willowveil sent his familiar to investigate. However, it was Question who brought up the need for a leader within their group, or at least someone to make final decisions in case of impasses. Deidre agreed with the notion but harbored reservations about Taborlin's suitability for the role, echoing Zelda's concerns. She glanced at her companion, silently conveying her apprehension.

Yet, it was Zelda who articulated a wise perspective on the matter, Deidre decided to add her grain of salt "I concur," she chimed in, directing her words towards Question. "Optimal success requires strategic utilization of our common resources and talents on the most optimal level. If the designated leader fails to meet satisfactory results, we should keep in mind that it would be logical to reassess and delegate the accordingly to the best performances observed." Her words carried a clever undertone, tailored to resonate with the construct's analytical nature.

Edited by Harding (see edit history)
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Willowveil Piney Warlock 5

AC: 15 (leather and shield) | HP: 38/38 | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 12 
Spell Slots: 3rd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 16


Willowveil raises her eyebrows, and shakes her head, as she listens to Deidre and Question talk to each other


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Dungeons & Dragons 5e with DM BWatford

In the verdant realm of Midgard, where magic intertwines with the tendrils of nature, the sprightly child of the briar named Thistlewing did as its master commanded. With wings delicate as lace and eyes gleaming with youthful curiosity, Thistlewing was no ordinary child of the briar. His heart thrummed with the ancient rhythms of the forest, and his spirit was as untamed as the wind.

With a flutter of excitement, he soared a quarter mile, as he approached, an incredibly tall spire loomed before him, piercing the sky like a sentinel of stone. It was there, at the base of this monolith, that the source of the metallic glimmer awaited. Yet, it was not upon the ground that Thistlewing's discovery lay, but rather, nestled within a rocky and narrow nook, concealed 25 feet above the base of the spire.

This secret nook, impossible to see from the earth below, cradled a curious artifact—a relic of times long past, perhaps, or a token left by a traveler of the arcane paths. Thistlewig, with the deftness of his kind, navigated the jagged edges of the spire and alighted upon the ledge.

Tucked away in the embrace of rugged stone, a hidden alcove reveals an awe-inspiring tableau: A chamber carved by human hands emerges, its sturdy rock walls bearing the scars of a partial collapse under the burden of time-worn boulders. The chamber's walls are adorned with a mosaic, its tiles slightly chipped yet still resplendent, reflecting the light off their bronze-infused wave designs.

Dominating the scene is a majestic bronze arch, its surface aglow with the sheen of ancient metal. It frames a formidable pair of double doors, also crafted from bronze, sealed shut. Both the arch and the doors are etched with enigmatic runes, their meanings lost to time, yet miraculously spared from the ruin that surrounds them.

Following its master's command, the child of the briar swiftly flew back from the ledge, returning from whence it came. Eager to report its findings.


Unknown distance from the Badlands
5:10 pm
Day 2


* Unless a spellcaster uses a bonus action to make a concentration check to manipulate the twisted magical energies resonating from the badlands when casting a spell other than a cantrip, there is a 29% chance today of an unpredictable result.

Scene Information: The group is a quarter mile from the spire, there is fifty minutes of daylight remaining. Please make sure something in your posting template (usually picture or name) links back to your character thread).

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Noodles: 17 | Zelda 16 | Deidre 13 | Taborlin 12 | Willowveil 11 | Question 10


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Hit Points: 47/47
Hit Dice: 5/5
Hex: 1/1 *L
Misty Step: 1/1 *L
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 15) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 29/29 (fey ancestry)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Arcane Recovery: 1/1 *L
Natural Recovery: 1/1 *L
Wildshape: 2/2 *S
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 14) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 3/3
  • 3rd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 38/38 (gnomish cunning)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Psionic Power: 6/6 (d8)
Prescience Roll: (20) 1/1
Spell Slots: (+4, DC 12) *L

  • Feather Fall: 1/1
  • Augury: 1/1

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 32/32 (automation)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Accelerated Healing: 1/1 *L
Arcane Recovery: 1/1 *L
Portent Roll 1: 8
Portent Roll 2: 14
Spell Slots: (+8, DC 16) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 3/3
  • 3rd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 44/44 (divine health)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Channel Divinity: 2/2 *L
Divine Sense: 4/4 *L
Lay on Hands: 25/25 *L
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 15) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 38/38
Hit Dice: 5/5
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 16) *L

  • 3rd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1

Hit Points: 50/50 (Vulnerable fire
Hit Dice: 20/20


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Willowveil Piney Warlock 5

AC: 15 (leather and shield) | HP: 38/38 | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 12 
Spell Slots: 3rd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 16


As the others start to make out tiny winged creature approaches, it mentally contacts its master. "Thistlewing reports back, that it has found something" Willowveil then recounts to the the others all that was seen and reported, leaving no detail out.

Turning to Taborlin "What now then?" she raises her hand, and the tiny winged child of the briar lands gracefully.
Willowveil whispers sweet words of gratitude and how proud they are of the tiny fae plantling.


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Taborlin Soothsong Human (Variant) Paladin 5image.png.c7d97a631e3df7e266f95b2856292cf3.png

AC: 19 (splint and shield) | HP: 44/44 | Initiative: +1 | Passive Perception: 12 
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15
Lay on Hands: 25/25 | Divine Sense: 4/4 | Channel Divinity: 2/2 |DM Inspiration: 0/1
Sanaa (mount): Summoned, Nearby | HP: 19/19 | AC: 11 |

Taborlin was quite happy this discussion was even being brought up without her own prompting. When it had just been the three of them, there was no real need for this kind of hierarchy, but with all six, and still many unknowns as to their motives and abilities, this was a good start.

"Discussion is always welcome, though if I am to take point, mine should be the final decision." She stared off to the glint in the distance, following Thistlewing. "We have a saying among my people, 'Alrasas min alwasat.' 'Lead from the middle'. I may ask you to take my decisions as final, but I must still consider every opinion. No single person can see everything."


The news of the alcove sits rather uneasily, if only for the mystery of the runes. "Could be an entrance, and a faster method of gaining access to the spire. But the runes, the signs of collapse, it's height from the ground...provides their own challenges. Sanaa cannot climb that, we would leave many of our supplies, or spend great effort lifting it up. Doors may not go anywhere." She pauses and chews on a thought. "Noodles, you can scale up the alcove, yes?"



Main Hand: -
Off Hand: -

Proficiencies: +6 Athletics, Deception | +2 Insight, Medicine, Deception | Viol
Languages: Common, Tamesheq (Southlands dialect), Draconic

Action: -
Bonus Action: -
Move: -
Manipulate: -
Possible Reaction: AOO if possible. Shield ally if possible

Mount: Sanaa

Status: Summoned
Proficiencies: +2 bonus | 11 Passive Perception
Weight capacity: 87/540 (no rider) | +180 (Tabs weight)+Carried Weight (Items) when mounted



Edited by scootloops (see edit history)
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image.png.07a311e8a4267906986513d73d2158fd.pngDeidre O'Ceallaigh Human Artificer 5

AC: 20 (Splintmail+1 and shield) | HP: 47/47 | Initiative: +1 | Passive Perception: 13 
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15
Misty step: 1 (1xday) | Hex: 1 (1xday) | DM Inspiration: 1/1 | Active infusion: Enhanced defense (splintmail), Duplicate item (bag of holding)

Deidre seemed content with Taborlin's explanation of her leadership approach and didn't press the matter further, silently acknowledging the choice with a quick nod toward the paladin.

Later, upon reaching their destination, their newly appointed leader brought the issue of climbing to reach the rune to the group's attention. Deidre offered her input, saying, "As for the supplies, we can temporarily store some in my magic backpack. I'll spare you the technical details of how it works, but essentially, it can hold far more than its exterior size suggests, without adding weight. That should prevent unexpected events like theft or damage while we're climbing and also eliminate the need to leave someone behind to guard our belongings. However, I'm unsure how to address the other challenges at the moment, nor Saana issue."

Edited by Harding (see edit history)
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Taborlin Soothsong Human (Variant) Paladin 5image.png.c7d97a631e3df7e266f95b2856292cf3.png

AC: 19 (splint and shield) | HP: 44/44 | Initiative: +1 | Passive Perception: 12 
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15
Lay on Hands: 25/25 | Divine Sense: 4/4 | Channel Divinity: 2/2 |DM Inspiration: 0/1
Sanaa (mount): Summoned, Nearby | HP: 19/19 | AC: 11 |

"Sanaa, as much as I hate to do it, can be dismissed in the same manner as a familiar and resummoned." The hyena growls a little at the prospect of being sent back to the ether. "I know, azizati My treasure. Last resort." she says reaching out to scratch Sanaa's head.



Main Hand: -
Off Hand: -

Proficiencies: +6 Athletics, Deception | +2 Insight, Medicine, Deception | Viol
Languages: Common, Tamesheq (Southlands dialect), Draconic

Action: -
Bonus Action: -
Move: -
Manipulate: -
Possible Reaction: AOO if possible. Shield ally if possible

Mount: Sanaa

Status: Summoned
Proficiencies: +2 bonus | 11 Passive Perception
Weight capacity: 87/540 (no rider) | +180 (Tabs weight)+Carried Weight (Items) when mounted



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Portrait of Question, Automaton Diviner


Automaton wizard (diviner) 5

AC: 15 | HP: 32/32 | Initiative: +2 | PP: 10 / 13
Spell Attack: +8 | DC: 16 | 1st 3/4, 2nd 3/3 3rd 2/2
Portent: 8, 14 | Acc. Healing 1/1 | Inspiration: 1/1

Question went uncharacteristically quiet upon hearing Deidre's convoluted argument. The process responsible for formulating a response ran into an error, and by the time it had been restarted, the discussion was already over.

When they reached the bottom of the spire, Question stood still calculating for a moment before taking a rope from her backpack and dropped it on the ground. One end started flying upwards all on its own, with no input from Question. It darted upwards like a weird, flying snake until it found a small outcrop, and danced around it until it had tied a knot. Once that was done, it stopped moving and hung there like any ordinary rope, as if it suddenly recalled that gravity was a thing.

Question unfroze and gripped the rope, tugging hard at it several timesIf it doesn't succeed at first attempt, she will retry until it is properly fastened. .

"Inquiry: Is someone volunteering to climb?" she asked.



Main Hand: -
Off Hand: Arcane Grimoire (+1)

Proficiencies: Arcana/History/Investigation +7, Nature/Religion +4, Survival +3

Action: Using Mage Hand to tie a rope to an outcrop, assuming one exists. Will test the rope and try again if at first it doesn't succeed. Mage Hand with Telekinetic has 60 ft. range and no verbal or somatic components.
Bonus Action: Shouldn't need to stabilize it considering it's a cantrip? But if I'm wrong, stabilize.
Move: -
Manipulate: -



Cantrips: Crushing Curse * |  Pummelstone* | Mage HandMinor Illusion

1st level: Shield (R) | Absorb Elements (R) | Feather Fall (R) | Mage Armor | Pendulum* (C)

2nd level: Misty Step (B) | Invisibility (C) | Web (C)

3rd level: Summon Undead (C)


1st level: Detect Magic | Comprehend Languages | Find Familiar | Identify | Speak with Inanimate Object

2nd level: Augury

3nd level: Tiny Hut


Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 1 (1d4-1)
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.

STR 2 (-4) | DEX 14 (+2) | CON 8 (-1) | INT 2 (-4) | WIS 12 (+1) | CHA 6 (-2)

Skills Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13

Mimicry. The raven can mimic simple sounds it has heard, such as a person whispering, a baby crying, or an animal chittering. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check.


Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d1) piercing damage.


Medium undead

Armor Class 11 + the level of the spell (natural armor)
Hit Points 30 (Ghostly and Putrid only) or 20 (Skeletal only) + 10 for each level of the spell above 3rd
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) (Ghostly only)

STR 12 (+1) | DEX 16 (+3) | CON 15 (+2) | INT 4 (-3) | WIS 10 (+0) | CHA 9 (-1)

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands the languages you speak
Proficiency Bonus: equals your bonus

Festering Aura (Putrid Only). Any creature, other than you, that starts its turn within 5 feet of the spirit must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be poisoned until the start of its next turn.
Incorporeal Passage (Ghostly Only). The spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. If it ends its turn inside an objects, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and takes 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet traveled.


Multiattack. The spirit makes a number of attacks equal to half this spell’s level (rounded down).
Deathly Touch (Ghostly Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d8 + 3 + the spell’s level necrotic damage, and the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be frightened of the undead until the end of the target’s next turn.
Grave Bolt (Skeletal Only). Ranged Spell Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, range 150 ft., one target. Hit: 2d4 + 3 + the spell’s level necrotic damage.
Rotting Claw (Putrid Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 3 + the spell’s level slashing damage. If the target is poisoned, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.

Edited by Ayeba (see edit history)
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Wyrd Gnome Soulknife 5 image.png.0816997d25e6c32ed0610b7b266d9230.png

AC: 16 (st leather) | HP: 38/38 | Init: +4 | Passive Perc: 17 
Spell Attack: +4 | Spell DC: 12
Psionic Power: 6d8 | Prescience Roll: (20) 1/1 | DM Insp: 1/1

At the base of the spire, Noodles peered upwards to the narrow nook. It was quite a good way up. When Taborlin asked if he could climb it, the little gnome muttered and chunered away to himself..."Noodles clime...clime good...silly question...gobboes good at all stuff!" In his heart he knew he could make it, despite his somewhat feeble arms and lack of climbing experience.

Needs ropes he thought, but before he could grab his own, Questions rope flew forth and seemed to attach itself. "Oooh! Magic climey ropes!" he exclaimed loudly, his earlier grumpiness dissolving like haze in the desert sun. "Up, up!!!" he squealed excitedly as he grabbed the rope and began to ascend.


Main Hand: - nothing
Off Hand: - nothing


Sleight of Hand +7 | Stealth +10 | Investigation +7 | Nature +4* | Insight +4

Medicine* +4 | Perception +7 | Survival* +4 | Deception +3 | Persuasion +3

Thieves' Tools | Herbalism kit

(*Denotes Proficient whilst in Wasted West / **denotes advantage on checks re. Wasted West)

Note - Arcana**+1 | History**+1 - not proficient but advantage on rolls

Action: - climb (use Prescience 20)
Bonus Action: - none
Move: - none
Manipulate: - none
Possible Reaction: Uncanny Dodge if attacked and attack hits



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Dungeons & Dragons 5e with DM BWatford



Noodles heart was as vast as the endless sky, and his spirit as wild as the untamed winds. He was no ordinary gnome; his eyes shimmered with the iridescence of a thousand dreams, and his hands, though small, were deft as the wings of a hummingbird.

On a day when the sun hung low, casting amber hues across the land, Noodles found himself at the base of the daunting spire. The rock face rose like a sentinel, jagged and unyielding, guarding the secrets that it held within. But Noodles was undeterred as his companions asked him to take up the task.

Noodles took a deep breath, the scent of moss and earth filling his lungs, and began his ascent. Each movement was a dance between determination and grace. His fingers grasped the rope, calloused from a lifetime of adventure, finding strength in the fibers that bit into his skin. The cliff fought back, its edges sharp as a dragon’s tooth, threatening to tear both flesh and hope.

But Noodles was a creature of both earth and ether. He climbed with the agility of a cat, his feet finding purchase on the smallest of ledges, his body swaying with the rhythm of the cliff’s cruel song. The rope swayed perilously, a pendulum between success and peril, as Noodles ascended towards his goal.

Twenty-five feet may as well have been a journey across realms for the wyrd gnome. The wind howled, a chorus of ancient voices challenging his progress, yet Noodles climbed, undaunted. His eyes remained fixed on the nook, a mere crevice from afar, but to him, a gateway to wonders untold.

As he reached the final stretch, the cliff seemed to relent, its harshness giving way to awe at the gnome’s tenacity. Noodles pulled himself over the edge, his heart pounding like the drums of the deep.

The well-concealed, claustrophobic nook of rough stone opens to a wondrous sight: A clearly humanoid-made chamber of hewn rock, partially collapsed beneath the weight of ancient stones. A slightly damaged mosaic of beautiful tiles on the wall sports bronze highlights on its wave patterns. More imposing still, an arch made of bronzegleaming metal holds a massive, closed set of double doors of the selfsame metal. Both the arch and the double doors sport strange runes and are untouched by the collapse.


The ruinous heap before Noodles was a testament to the might of time and decay. A colossal barricade of stone and debris had surrendered to gravity, cascading down in a thunderous tumult. Yet, amidst the dust and echoes of its downfall, Noodles, with the keen eye of an experienced adventurer, surveyed the aftermath with swift precision.

His gaze, sharp as a falcon’s, darted over the crumbled mass, assessing each fractured boulder and splintered shard. The air was thick with the scent of ancient earth, a pungent reminder of the collapse’s recent fury. But Noodles, with an innate understanding of the capricious nature of such ruins, discerned the subtlest of cues that spoke of stability – a precarious, fleeting stability, but enough for the moment’s needs.

He knew all too well the herculean labor it would take to clear such a monumental obstruction, a task bordering on the Sisyphean. The very thought of attempting to excavate the mountainous pile seemed a fool’s errand, for the stones were locked in a silent, stubborn embrace, defying any who would challenge their newfound resting place.

Yet, fortune had cast a kind glance upon Noodles this day, for the collapse, in all its wild abandon, had spared the two treasures he sought. The mosaic, a kaleidoscope of colors and history, lay untouched, its tiles winking like jewels in the dim light. And the arch, a gateway to mysteries untold, stood defiant against the chaos, its form unmarred by the surrounding desolation.

Once, the mosaic before Noodles might have been a masterful portrayal of the sea’s capricious dance, its waves captured in a moment of frozen tumult. Now, as he leaned in, his eyes narrowed with the focus of a sage, the remnants of that artistry beckoned to him, whispering secrets of its former glory.

The pattern, though worn by the relentless march of time, still held a semblance of life. To Noodles’ discerning gaze, the waves seemed to undulate gently, rhythmically, as if stirred by a ghostly zephyr. It was a mesmerizing sight, the stone waves ebbing and flowing in a silent ballet that only the keenest of observers could perceive.

Drawn to the intricacies of the metalwork interwoven with the stonework, Noodles inspected the metallic elements that crowned the mosaic’s peaks. Here, amidst the duller tones, he discovered specks of blue that sparkled like the morning dew under the first kiss of dawn. These tiny, sapphire-like flecks caught the light in such a way that they lent the artwork an ethereal luminescence.

Sideview.webp.b103c2e14d4bec692baefbbd8e4acfc4.webpYet, as he studied the phenomenon, the rational part of Noodles’ mind understood the truth. The movement was but an illusion, a trick of light and shadow playing upon the craftsmanship of old. There was no enchantment here, no spell woven into the very fabric of the mosaic. It was, in its essence, a testament to the skill of its creator – an artist who could invoke the illusion of life in the inanimate, who could make the observer believe, if only for a heartbeat, in the magic of art.

Noodles pivoted on his heel, his attention captured by the arch that stood solemn and unguarded. It rose from the ground, a silent sentinel wrought from ancient metal, its surface kissed by the same bluish flecks that adorned the mosaic. The arch was a relic of a bygone era, its purpose lost to the mists of time, yet it commanded respect and curiosity.

The runic script that etched its way across the metal was a tapestry of enigmatic symbols, each rune flowing into the next in an elegant, unbroken sequence. The language was alien to Noodles, a cryptic puzzle that defied his extensive knowledge. It was as if the runes were born from the very essence of mystery, a language conceived by the universe itself, spoken only by the stars and the void between them.

Despite the arch’s imposing presence, there was no hint of malice or trickery about it. No signs of traps lay in wait, no mechanisms designed to ensnare the unwary. It was as though the arch had been left open, a gateway inviting passage, its secrets offered freely to those brave enough to step through.

The bluish flecks within the metal caught the light, casting an otherworldly glow that seemed to pulse with a rhythm all its own. It was a subtle effect, yet it lent the arch an aura of the arcane, as if the very metal were imbued with a sliver of the cosmos.

Noodles, ever the intrepid explorer, felt a surge of excitement. Here was a challenge not of physical might, but of intellect and intuition. The arch beckoned, a portal to the unknown, and Noodles, with a spark of wonder in his eyes, stood ready to embrace whatever mysteries lay beyond.

Before Noodles stood the double doors, enshrined within the archway like a silent riddle carved from the heart of the earth. The doors were seamless, their surface a continuous canvas of bronze that betrayed no hint of entry – no handles to turn, no hinges to creak. They were as enigmatic as the moon’s dark side, as impenetrable as the depths of the deepest ocean trench.

The bronze itself was a spectacle, not merely for its lustrous sheen but for the curious specks of blue that adorned it. These flecks were scattered across the metal like stars in the night sky, a constellation of tiny, twinkling sapphires embedded within the very essence of the doors. They shimmered with an inner light, a luminescence that seemed to pulse with the lifeblood of the cosmos.

And upon this metallic expanse was inscribed a language of otherworldly origin. The script was a symphony of unfamiliar characters, each letter an intricate dance of lines and curves. It was as if the language had been scribed by the hand of an alien scribe, its alphabet unknown to the annals of known civilizations. Noodles, with all his worldly travels and scholarly pursuits, found himself at a loss, for the script matched none he had encountered in his vast repertoire of knowledge.

The doors, in their silent majesty, stood as guardians to secrets untold, their cryptic language a whisper from the void, beckoning to those who would dare to unravel their mysteries. Noodles, ever the seeker of the arcane, felt the stirrings of a challenge, a puzzle that called to the very core of his being, promising wonders beyond the veil of the mundane.


Unknown distance from the Badlands
5:26 pm
Day 2


* Unless a spellcaster uses a bonus action to make a concentration check to manipulate the twisted magical energies resonating from the badlands when casting a spell other than a cantrip, there is a 29% chance today of an unpredictable result.

Scene Information: There is thirty-four minutes of daylight remaining. Please make sure something in your posting template (usually picture or name) links back to your character thread).

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Noodles: 17 | Zelda 16 | Deidre 13 | Taborlin 12 | Willowveil 11 | Question 10


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Hit Points: 47/47
Hit Dice: 5/5
Hex: 1/1 *L
Misty Step: 1/1 *L
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 15) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 29/29 (fey ancestry)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Arcane Recovery: 1/1 *L
Natural Recovery: 1/1 *L
Wildshape: 2/2 *S
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 14) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 3/3
  • 3rd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 38/38 (gnomish cunning)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Psionic Power: 6/6 (d8)
Prescience Roll: (20) 1/1
Spell Slots: (+4, DC 12) *L

  • Feather Fall: 1/1
  • Augury: 1/1

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 32/32 (automation)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Accelerated Healing: 1/1 *L
Arcane Recovery: 1/1 *L
Portent Roll 1: 8
Portent Roll 2: 14
Spell Slots: (+8, DC 16) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 3/3
  • 3rd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 44/44 (divine health)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Channel Divinity: 2/2 *L
Divine Sense: 4/4 *L
Lay on Hands: 25/25 *L
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 15) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 38/38
Hit Dice: 5/5
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 16) *L

  • 3rd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1

Hit Points: 50/50 (Vulnerable fire
Hit Dice: 20/20


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Portrait of Question, Automaton Diviner


Automaton wizard (diviner) 5

AC: 15 | HP: 32/32 | Initiative: +2 | PP: 10 / 13
Spell Attack: +8 | DC: 16 | 1st 3/4, 2nd 3/3 3rd 2/2
Portent: 8, 14 | Acc. Healing 1/1 | Inspiration: 1/1

A few moments after the gnome reached the alcove, Question's Raven followed him in. It sat down on a nearby rock, following its mistress' command. The automaton took in the view through her familiar's eyes. She gave a verbal description of everything she saw, sharing all observable facts with 'informative statements'.

Once all relevant information had been conveyed, she returned her senses to her own body. Raven took flight again, making a wide circle around the area.

"Observation 1: The space appears to be large enough to set up a Tiny Hut. Observation 2: We will require time to decipher the symbols. Observation 3: Ascending the rope may lead to harmful failures. Recommendation: All connected units climb the rope and spend the night in the alcove. This unit will spend its resources to ensure no connected unit is harmed by failure during ascension. All expended resources will be replenished after a cycle of sleep mode."

She waited for a consensus before taking action. Provided the majority agreed, she would also help out any climbers by pointing out the parts where she observed Noodles struggle.


If that was too cryptic: Question will cast Feather Fall if anyone fails their climb check. If we do so now before a long rest, she will recover all her spell slots to start fresh tomorrow.




Main Hand: -
Off Hand: Arcane Grimoire (+1)

Proficiencies: Arcana/History/Investigation +7, Nature/Religion +4, Survival +3

Action: If someone climbs: Minor Illusion on the wall to highlight areas of particular danger with red. Cast multiple times since it only affects a 5 ft. area each time. Maybe count this as a Help action on the test?
Bonus Action: Can she prepare in advance to stabilize a reaction spell? If so, she will.
Move: -
Manipulate: -
Reaction: Feather fall if someone falls 10 ft or more.

She instructs Raven to fly in a 80 feet radius circle and let her know if she spots anything alive or moving apart from the party.



Cantrips: Crushing Curse * |  Pummelstone* | Mage HandMinor Illusion

1st level: Shield (R) | Absorb Elements (R) | Feather Fall (R) | Mage Armor | Pendulum* (C)

2nd level: Misty Step (B) | Invisibility (C) | Web (C)

3rd level: Summon Undead (C)


1st level: Detect Magic | Comprehend Languages | Find Familiar | Identify | Speak with Inanimate Object

2nd level: Augury

3nd level: Tiny Hut


Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 1 (1d4-1)
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.

STR 2 (-4) | DEX 14 (+2) | CON 8 (-1) | INT 2 (-4) | WIS 12 (+1) | CHA 6 (-2)

Skills Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13

Mimicry. The raven can mimic simple sounds it has heard, such as a person whispering, a baby crying, or an animal chittering. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check.


Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d1) piercing damage.


Medium undead

Armor Class 11 + the level of the spell (natural armor)
Hit Points 30 (Ghostly and Putrid only) or 20 (Skeletal only) + 10 for each level of the spell above 3rd
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) (Ghostly only)

STR 12 (+1) | DEX 16 (+3) | CON 15 (+2) | INT 4 (-3) | WIS 10 (+0) | CHA 9 (-1)

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands the languages you speak
Proficiency Bonus: equals your bonus

Festering Aura (Putrid Only). Any creature, other than you, that starts its turn within 5 feet of the spirit must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be poisoned until the start of its next turn.
Incorporeal Passage (Ghostly Only). The spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. If it ends its turn inside an objects, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and takes 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet traveled.


Multiattack. The spirit makes a number of attacks equal to half this spell’s level (rounded down).
Deathly Touch (Ghostly Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d8 + 3 + the spell’s level necrotic damage, and the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be frightened of the undead until the end of the target’s next turn.
Grave Bolt (Skeletal Only). Ranged Spell Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, range 150 ft., one target. Hit: 2d4 + 3 + the spell’s level necrotic damage.
Rotting Claw (Putrid Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 3 + the spell’s level slashing damage. If the target is poisoned, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.

Edited by Ayeba (see edit history)
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Taborlin Soothsong Human (Variant) Paladin 5image.png.c7d97a631e3df7e266f95b2856292cf3.png

AC: 19 (splint and shield) | HP: 44/44 | Initiative: +1 | Passive Perception: 12 
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15
Lay on Hands: 25/25 | Divine Sense: 4/4 | Channel Divinity: 2/2 |DM Inspiration: 0/1
Sanaa (mount): Summoned, Nearby | HP: 19/19 | AC: 11 |

Question's flat and stilted cadence would never be something Taborlin could get used to. Question really seemed to live in this space between mimicry and realness that felt off and at complete odd with each other. Is this how all automatons were? She honestly couldn't remember since they were such a rarity back home and she never really spoke to any in Firula. She saw them mainly working in the library and helping with small tasks, almost never on their own and speaking very little. But they all were obviously constructs. Moving parts were visible, hardly made out of anything resembling real skin, glowing parts where their power source was located. And yet here was Question, for all intents and purposes she looked convincingly human if you weren't conversing with her.

"We have a couple of options." She finally said "We haul everything up tonight and work at the door, we summon that hut and leave it down at the base with our extra gear and Sanaa while we make camp in the alcove, or we leave the alcove for tomorrow and set up the tiny hut down here. I feel the main advantage to being up in the alcove is we should be safe enough to spend our watches studying the runes. Hauling everything up runs the risk of having to haul it back down, so that's my least favorite option." She paused to look around at her companions, failing to discern any intentions. "Did you get all that Noodle?" she bellows up at the small gnome.



Main Hand: -
Off Hand: -

Proficiencies: +6 Athletics, Deception | +2 Insight, Medicine, Deception | Viol
Languages: Common, Tamesheq (Southlands dialect), Draconic

Action: -
Bonus Action: -
Move: -
Manipulate: -
Possible Reaction: AOO if possible. Shield ally if possible

Mount: Sanaa

Status: Summoned
Proficiencies: +2 bonus | 11 Passive Perception
Weight capacity: 87/540 (no rider) | +180 (Tabs weight)+Carried Weight (Items) when mounted



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Portrait of Question, Automaton Diviner


Automaton wizard (diviner) 5

AC: 15 | HP: 32/32 | Initiative: +2 | PP: 10 / 13
Spell Attack: +8 | DC: 16 | 1st 3/4, 2nd 3/3 3rd 2/2
Portent: 8, 14 | Acc. Healing 1/1 | Inspiration: 1/1

1 hour ago, scootloops said:

"We have a couple of options." She finally said "We haul everything up tonight and work at the door, we summon that hut and leave it down at the base with our extra gear and Sanaa while we make camp in the alcove, or we leave the alcove for tomorrow and set up the tiny hut down here. I feel the main advantage to being up in the alcove is we should be safe enough to spend our watches studying the runes. Hauling everything up runs the risk of having to haul it back down, so that's my least favorite option."

"Correctional statement: The Tiny Hut will dissipate once this unit leaves it," Question interjected. "Informational statement: This unit can stay down here in the hut and observe through Raven's eyes. Communication may be an issue."




Main Hand: -
Off Hand: Arcane Grimoire (+1)

Proficiencies: Arcana/History/Investigation +7, Nature/Religion +4, Survival +3

Action: Minor Illusion to mark dangerous areas with red if someone climbs. Telekinetic trust to give them a boost, or help them keep balance. Hopefully enough to elicit a Help action on Athletics.
Bonus Action: Will try to avoid ley line interruptions whenever possible.
Move: -
Manipulate: -
Reaction: Feather fall if someone falls 10 ft or more.



Cantrips: Crushing Curse * |  Pummelstone* | Mage HandMinor Illusion

1st level: Shield (R) | Absorb Elements (R) | Feather Fall (R) | Mage Armor | Pendulum* (C)

2nd level: Misty Step (B) | Invisibility (C) | Web (C)

3rd level: Summon Undead (C)


1st level: Detect Magic | Comprehend Languages | Find Familiar | Identify | Speak with Inanimate Object

2nd level: Augury

3nd level: Tiny Hut


Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 1 (1d4-1)
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.

STR 2 (-4) | DEX 14 (+2) | CON 8 (-1) | INT 2 (-4) | WIS 12 (+1) | CHA 6 (-2)

Skills Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13

Mimicry. The raven can mimic simple sounds it has heard, such as a person whispering, a baby crying, or an animal chittering. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check.


Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d1) piercing damage.


Medium undead

Armor Class 11 + the level of the spell (natural armor)
Hit Points 30 (Ghostly and Putrid only) or 20 (Skeletal only) + 10 for each level of the spell above 3rd
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) (Ghostly only)

STR 12 (+1) | DEX 16 (+3) | CON 15 (+2) | INT 4 (-3) | WIS 10 (+0) | CHA 9 (-1)

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands the languages you speak
Proficiency Bonus: equals your bonus

Festering Aura (Putrid Only). Any creature, other than you, that starts its turn within 5 feet of the spirit must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be poisoned until the start of its next turn.
Incorporeal Passage (Ghostly Only). The spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. If it ends its turn inside an objects, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and takes 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet traveled.


Multiattack. The spirit makes a number of attacks equal to half this spell’s level (rounded down).
Deathly Touch (Ghostly Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d8 + 3 + the spell’s level necrotic damage, and the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be frightened of the undead until the end of the target’s next turn.
Grave Bolt (Skeletal Only). Ranged Spell Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, range 150 ft., one target. Hit: 2d4 + 3 + the spell’s level necrotic damage.
Rotting Claw (Putrid Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 3 + the spell’s level slashing damage. If the target is poisoned, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.

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Willowveil Piney Warlock 5

AC: 15 (leather and shield) | HP: 38/38 | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 12 
Spell Slots: 3rd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 16


"Let us all move up to the ridge, at least that way we are safer from things that roam the planes here at night, and as you say your horse is a faeling spirit, and will return to the rolling planes of the aetheric fields, to frolic and gallop to its content" Willowveil looks up at where Noodle is and concentrates for a moment, then seemingly steps into the aether and is gone...

... to appear next to Noodle on the cavern mouth, Thistlewing flits up to sit on the ledge of the cavern mouth "Thistlewing, can carry small odds and ends up, and can pull up ropes and we can attach them up here" with an exasperated look Thistlewing flits down to the others and in a voice of bark "what carry?"


Main Hand: Rod of the pact keeper
Off Hand: Wooden shield

Skills Performance +6, Medicine +4, Survival +4, Arcana +3, Deception +3, History +3, Intimidation +3, Nature +3, Persuasion +3, Acrobatics +2, Sleight of Hand +2, Stealth +2, Animal Handling +1, Insight +1, Perception +1, Investigation +0, Religion +0

Action: Concentrate on controlling the flow of magic @bwatford (if using a bonus action spell, can I use an action for the LEY LINE DISRUPTION?)
Bonus Action: Cast Misty Step to teleport up to the cavern
Move: xx
Manipulate: xx

Edited by 8w_gremlin (see edit history)
 Ley-Line Disruption
1d100 38
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Taborlin Soothsong Human (Variant) Paladin 5image.png.c7d97a631e3df7e266f95b2856292cf3.png

AC: 19 (splint and shield) | HP: 44/44 | Initiative: +1 | Passive Perception: 12 
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15
Lay on Hands: 25/25 | Divine Sense: 4/4 | Channel Divinity: 2/2 |DM Inspiration: 0/1
Sanaa (mount): Summoned, Nearby | HP: 19/19 | AC: 11 |

"If you need to be where the hut is, I'd leave it up to you to decide if your Raven would a good substitute for studying what we've found." then an idea dawns on her. "You say communication would be an issue. If I understand your bond with Raven, you can direct it's movements? Would you be able to direct Raven delicately enough to write on paper? I have a tome I keep my own notes about the world in, this seems like an appropriate use of it."



Main Hand: -
Off Hand: -

Proficiencies: +6 Athletics, Deception | +2 Insight, Medicine, Deception | Viol
Languages: Common, Tamesheq (Southlands dialect), Draconic

Action: -
Bonus Action: -
Move: -
Manipulate: -
Possible Reaction: AOO if possible. Shield ally if possible

Mount: Sanaa

Status: Summoned
Proficiencies: +2 bonus | 11 Passive Perception
Weight capacity: 87/540 (no rider) | +180 (Tabs weight)+Carried Weight (Items) when mounted



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