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Chapter 1: As Above, So Below


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Wyrd Gnome Soulknife 5 image.png.0816997d25e6c32ed0610b7b266d9230.png

AC: 16 (st leather) | HP: 38/38 | Init: +4 | Passive Perc: 17 
Spell Attack: +4 | Spell DC: 12
Psionic Power: 6d8 | Prescience Roll: (20) 0/1 | DM Insp: 1/1

The climb went well, as Noodles knew it would, and at the top of the rope he took a deep breath and laughed out loud..."See...gobboes good at all stuff...told you!"

He took a long look around, at the mosaic, the arch and the doors, the beauty and craftsmanship not lost on the little wanderer. His eyes glistened appreciatively, as for a moment his gnomish nature came fully back to the fore of his mind before the goblin took over once more.

Leaning over the ledge he could see and hear the group as they debated whether to join him, but he didn't really follow all the arguments as he became distracted by the arrival of Question's raven and Willowveil's little twig friend.

He sat down, kicking his feet and whistling as if he didn't have a care in the world. When Taborlin shouted to him he grinned and stuck up his thumbs. "Is verrry nice up here!" he shouted, comfortable on his rocky perch.

However, he almost jumped out of his skin as Willowveil suddenly appeared. "Careful....careful...no surprise gobboes...gobboes bite!!" he squealed, his teeth bared and a blade of pure psychic power appearing in his hand.


Main Hand: - Psychic blade
Off Hand: - nothing


Sleight of Hand +7 | Stealth +10 | Investigation +7 | Nature +4* | Insight +4

Medicine* +4 | Perception +7 | Survival* +4 | Deception +3 | Persuasion +3

Thieves' Tools | Herbalism kit

(*Denotes Proficient whilst in Wasted West / **denotes advantage on checks re. Wasted West)

Note - Arcana**+1 | History**+1 - not proficient but advantage on rolls

Action: - call Psychic blade
Bonus Action: - none
Move: - none
Manipulate: - none
Possible Reaction: Uncanny Dodge if attacked and attack hits



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Willowveil Piney Warlock 5

AC: 15 (leather and shield) | HP: 38/38 | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 12 
Spell Slots: 3rd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 16


"There, there, you are a ferocious one aren't you" Willowveil held her hands up in a peaceful gesture "I will remember not to scare you as you bite, and have dangerous blades as well" she slowly lowered herself down on a comfortable area roughly where she thought the tiny hut would eventually appear and settled back to rest.

Gazing up at the door and the runes she pondered them for a while and leaned over to Noodles conspiratorially "Have you gleaned their meaning?"


Main Hand: Rod of the pact keeper
Off Hand: Wooden shield

Skills Performance +6, Medicine +4, Survival +4, Arcana +3, Deception +3, History +3, Intimidation +3, Nature +3, Persuasion +3, Acrobatics +2, Sleight of Hand +2, Stealth +2, Animal Handling +1, Insight +1, Perception +1, Investigation +0, Religion +0

Action: Arcana check on the runes @bwatford (Natural 20 for a 23 total)
Bonus Action: xxx
Move: xxx
Manipulate: xxx


Edited by 8w_gremlin (see edit history)
Arcana on Runes
1d20+3 20
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image.png.07a311e8a4267906986513d73d2158fd.pngDeidre O'Ceallaigh Human Artificer 5

AC: 20 (Splintmail+1 and shield) | HP: 47/47 | Initiative: +1 | Passive Perception: 13 
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15
Misty step: 1 (1xday) | Hex: 1 (1xday) | DM Inspiration: 1/1 | Active infusion: Enhanced defense (splintmail), Duplicate item (bag of holding)

Deidre watched Noodles' ascent with a mixture of awe and admiration. His determination and agility were nothing short of mesmerizing, each movement a testament to his skill and resilience. As he scaled the daunting spire, Deidre couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement, anticipation building within her with each passing moment.

When Noodles finally reached the nook at the summit, Deidre's curiosity peaked. What wonders awaited him there? Was he safe? Her concern lingered until Willowveil, with a mysterious flicker of ancient magic, appeared at Noodles' side in the cavern. His sudden arrival eased Deidre's worries, and she turned her attention to the task at hand.

As Willowveil proposed using his familiar to carry their supplies, Deidre nodded in agreement. She reached into her bag, a magical artifact of her own creation, and opened it wide. "Let's consolidate our supplies in here," she suggested to the group, "We'll only take what's absolutely necessary for climbing, ensuring we're not weighed down by unnecessary burdens." She glanced around, ensuring everyone understood the plan.

"It's important to note," she continued, "that my bag has its limits. We can't overload it. Let's aim for no more than 500 pounds." With a patient smile, she waited for everyone to finish gathering their essentials before offering her bag to Thistlewing, ready to embark on the next phase of their journey.


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Wyrd Gnome Soulknife 5 image.png.0816997d25e6c32ed0610b7b266d9230.png

AC: 16 (st leather) | HP: 38/38 | Init: +4 | Passive Perc: 17 
Spell Attack: +4 | Spell DC: 12
Psionic Power: 6d8 | Prescience Roll: (20) 0/1 | DM Insp: 1/1

Noodles was almost as surprised at Willowveil's response as he had been my her sudden appearance. The Piney certainly knew how to gain people's respect.

As she began to examine the runes, he strolled over and sat down by her, refocused on the task by his companions interest. The runes might be magical, and they were certainly ancient. He scratched his head, trying to recall if hed seen anything similar in his travels that might help "Hmmmmmmm!"


Main Hand: - nothing
Off Hand: - nothing


Sleight of Hand +7 | Stealth +10 | Investigation +7 | Nature +4* | Insight +4

Medicine* +4 | Perception +7 | Survival* +4 | Deception +3 | Persuasion +3

Thieves' Tools | Herbalism kit

(*Denotes Proficient whilst in Wasted West / **denotes advantage on checks re. Wasted West)

Note - Arcana**+1 | History**+1 - not proficient but advantage on rolls

Action: - History check
Bonus Action: - none
Move: - none
Manipulate: - none
Possible Reaction: Uncanny Dodge if attacked and attack hits



History (adv)
1d20+1 13
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Lynestra Zeldaruil Vorammas River Elf Druid 2/Wizard 3Zeldaruil1.jpg.1e931d03c582bf19677af59a5cdb6872.jpg

AC: 16 (mage armor, shield) | HP: 29/29 | Initiative: +1 | Passive Perception: 16 (darkvision 60 ft.)
Spell Slots: 1st 3/4, 2nd 3/3, 3rd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 14
Prepared Spells: entangle, faerie fire, goodberry, healing word, speak with animals; feather fall, mage armor, shield, silent image; invisibility, web
Wild Shape: 2/2 | Arcane Recovery: 1/1| Natural Recovery: 1/1 | DM Inspiration: 1/1

Zelda nodded her assent after everyone had their say about Taborlin's leadership. She really did seem to have the right approach for a leader, and their reservations had been noted.

She watch Noodles climbing to the nook, and took the opportunity to assess the climbing surface of the wall, considering whether it was time to take on one of her animal forms.

"I think we should bring everything up and make our camp in the nook. Even if the raven can write—which we should definitely try out!—it will be a slow form of communication. The only real trouble is Sanaa... Does anyone have any spells that could help here? Maybe a reduction spell? Perhaps we can form a harness and lift Sanaa up with ropes? Should we have to get back down, jumping down is an option—Question and I both have magic that should help us fall safely."

She left unspoken the rest of her thought: assuming the ley lines cooperate. Still, their odds were good, especially with two spellcasters, and checking out those runes and those doors was the most important thing.


Main Hand: Wand of the War Mage (arcane/druidic focus)
Off Hand: Shield

Proficiencies: +6 Arcana, Investigation, Nature, Perception | + 4 Stealth

Action: Inspect the wall to determine how hard it is to climb a) with the rope, or b) without rope, but in a form with a climb speed.
Bonus Action:



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Taborlin Soothsong Human (Variant) Paladin 5image.png.c7d97a631e3df7e266f95b2856292cf3.png

AC: 19 (splint and shield) | HP: 44/44 | Initiative: +1 | Passive Perception: 12 
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15
Lay on Hands: 25/25 | Divine Sense: 4/4 | Channel Divinity: 2/2 |DM Inspiration: 0/1
Sanaa (mount): Summoned, Nearby | HP: 19/19 | AC: 11 |

"500 pounds?? In that small bag?? Gods I could have used something like that back home, could have given my poor girl a break. Forgive me my ignorance, I feel the fool for not guessing you would have acquired such a thing. Yes, since you are offering, that would solve any trouble I have with bringing us all up there." she turned to Sanaa and frowned "We will have to leave you down here still unless you want desire a short vacation."

Sanaa lowered her ears and growled slightly, still unhappy with the idea of leaving Taborlin's side to go visit the fae realm. Taborlin knew time was weird there, so she could understand Sanaa's distaste at the unknown length of time it might feel like. "Noted." she replied to the hyena. "I will not be far, and you will keep a good watch, I know."

Taborlin began unpacking all the supplied that Sanaa had strapped around her. A lance, some of her javelins, lots of water and packages of rations, a large crowbar, the amount was almost comical if they hadn't been in such a desolate place that required the extra preparation. It was plain that Taborlin wasn't feigning stupidity or covering for an oversight as she watched with fascination as all the things that very surely shouldn't fit into any kind of carrying container just fit right in without any straining. For the lance especially it was like watching a sword swallower at a circus. Partway through Taborlin reached in hoping to pull out one of the javelins and was delighted that it just happened with the same level of ease.

"Amazing. Where has something like this been all my life."

When they were finished, she grabbed the grappling hook from her backpack and hurled it up in a perfect arc to catch a small sturdy rock not far from where Question had tied her own rope "Stay vigilant, azizati" she said. Sanaa huffed in affirmation, then lowered her large head and gave Taborlin a short boost up one of the ropes. "Come on then" she said to her companions.




Main Hand: -
Off Hand: -

Proficiencies: +6 Athletics, Deception | +2 Insight, Medicine, Deception | Viol
Languages: Common, Tamesheq (Southlands dialect), Draconic

Action: -
Bonus Action: -
Move: -
Manipulate: -
Possible Reaction: AOO if possible. Shield ally if possible

Mount: Sanaa

Status: Summoned
Proficiencies: +2 bonus | 11 Passive Perception
Weight capacity: 15/540 (pack saddle only) | +180 (Tabs weight)+Carried Weight (Items) when mounted



Edited by scootloops (see edit history)
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Portrait of Question, Automaton Diviner


Automaton wizard (diviner) 5

AC: 15 | HP: 32/32 | Initiative: +2 | PP: 10 / 13
Spell Attack: +8 | DC: 16 | 1st 3/4, 2nd 3/3 3rd 2/2
Portent: 8, 14 | Acc. Healing 1/1 | Inspiration: 1/1

Question stood at the bottom, helping everyone get up using their preferred methods. Once she was the only one left, she started the climb herself. While she could replicate the feat Willowveil pulled off, it was an unnecessary risk and expenditure of resources. Instead she used the accumulated data from observing the others' attempts and successes. After determining the optimal course, she started her own ascension. Every movement was precisely calculated to maximize the safety of the operation, leading to a slow, but methodical approach devoid of hesitation and probing. She reached the top with no trouble, save for dirtying her clothes. The task of cleaning it was filed into her task list.

As she had already seen the area through Raven's eyes, she didn't even hesitate for a moment before walking up to the inscriptions. "Informational statement: This unit will cast a spell to comprehend the language," she said, and promptly started the ritual.

The spell finished ten minutes later, but the only visible effect was that she appeared frozen for a good ten seconds. "Error: Language unrecognized." She was as stoic as usual, but internally was confused. It was a novel experience to find a language that the spell couldn't decipher. The confusion quickly gave way to interest; this could potentially provide new insight.

She moved to the center of the alcove. "This unit will manifest a Tiny Hut," she informed them. Since the others were familiar with the spell, they were aware that the dome was transparent from the inside, allowing them to study the inscriptions even while inside it. In addition, all the others could freely leave or enter the dome; only the caster was incapable of leaving it without ending the spell.

Eleven minutes later, the dome sprang into assistance. "Inquiry: Please provide sufficient light near the inscriptions," she asked the group in general. She sat down next to the wall, looking at the text through the transparent dome.


"Observation: Prominent illustration of water crashing against something at the bottom. Inquiry: Try pouring some water on it?"

Provided that didn't yield any results, she went on to observe the letters themselves.


Got a ley line interruption on Comprehend Languages, so ... hit me! us! Someone.

The resolution on the text is a bit low, @bwatford. Is it possible to get it any larger?

I'm trying to analyze the letters to determine how many of them there are and the frequency of each, but there are some that are extremely hard to determine. As an example, on the left door, third line, right-most word, is that an 'a'-like letter, or two letters, 'c' and 'i' close together?

I'd appreciate help in decrypting it. This is a task for us as players to solve, so it doesn't matter how smart your character is or isn't.




Main Hand: -
Off Hand: Arcane Grimoire (+1)

Proficiencies: Arcana/History/Investigation +7, Nature/Religion +4, Survival +3

Action: Ritually casting Comprehend Languages, then Tiny Hut.
Bonus Action: Stabilize all spells.
Move: -
Manipulate: -
Reaction: -



Cantrips: Crushing Curse * |  Pummelstone* | Mage HandMinor Illusion

1st level: Shield (R) | Absorb Elements (R) | Feather Fall (R) | Mage Armor | Pendulum* (C)

2nd level: Misty Step (B) | Invisibility (C) | Web (C)

3rd level: Summon Undead (C)


1st level: Detect Magic | Comprehend Languages | Find Familiar | Identify | Speak with Inanimate Object

2nd level: Augury

3nd level: Tiny Hut


Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 1 (1d4-1)
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.

STR 2 (-4) | DEX 14 (+2) | CON 8 (-1) | INT 2 (-4) | WIS 12 (+1) | CHA 6 (-2)

Skills Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13

Mimicry. The raven can mimic simple sounds it has heard, such as a person whispering, a baby crying, or an animal chittering. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check.


Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d1) piercing damage.


Medium undead

Armor Class 11 + the level of the spell (natural armor)
Hit Points 30 (Ghostly and Putrid only) or 20 (Skeletal only) + 10 for each level of the spell above 3rd
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) (Ghostly only)

STR 12 (+1) | DEX 16 (+3) | CON 15 (+2) | INT 4 (-3) | WIS 10 (+0) | CHA 9 (-1)

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands the languages you speak
Proficiency Bonus: equals your bonus

Festering Aura (Putrid Only). Any creature, other than you, that starts its turn within 5 feet of the spirit must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be poisoned until the start of its next turn.
Incorporeal Passage (Ghostly Only). The spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. If it ends its turn inside an objects, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and takes 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet traveled.


Multiattack. The spirit makes a number of attacks equal to half this spell’s level (rounded down).
Deathly Touch (Ghostly Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d8 + 3 + the spell’s level necrotic damage, and the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be frightened of the undead until the end of the target’s next turn.
Grave Bolt (Skeletal Only). Ranged Spell Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, range 150 ft., one target. Hit: 2d4 + 3 + the spell’s level necrotic damage.
Rotting Claw (Putrid Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 3 + the spell’s level slashing damage. If the target is poisoned, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.

Edited by Ayeba (see edit history)
Ley line interruption / Comprehend Languages
1d100 13
Ley line interruption / Tiny Hut
1d100 52
Leyline Disruption Effect
1d200 95
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Portrait of Question, Automaton Diviner


Automaton wizard (diviner) 5

AC: 15 | HP: 32/32 | Initiative: +2 | PP: 10 / 13
Spell Attack: +8 | DC: 16 | 1st 3/4, 2nd 3/3 3rd 2/2
Portent: 8, 14 | Acc. Healing 1/1 | Inspiration: 1/1

Question spent the next hour studying and memorizing the inscription. In her efforts to decipher it, she created an internal database on each specific letter and word and recorded the frequency of each of them. Despite dedicating considerable processing power to it, she could not reach any conclusion about the meaning of the sentences.

After a long while, she asked out loud.

"Request: Please put some water on the door and give it a gentle push.


Re-did the post based on the deciphering.




Main Hand: -
Off Hand: Arcane Grimoire (+1)

Proficiencies: Arcana/History/Investigation +7, Nature/Religion +4, Survival +3

Action: Ritually casting Speak with Inanimate Object.
Bonus Action: Stabilize the spell.
Move: -
Manipulate: -
Reaction: -



Cantrips: Crushing Curse * |  Pummelstone* | Mage HandMinor Illusion

1st level: Shield (R) | Absorb Elements (R) | Feather Fall (R) | Mage Armor | Pendulum* (C)

2nd level: Misty Step (B) | Invisibility (C) | Web (C)

3rd level: Summon Undead (C)


1st level: Detect Magic | Comprehend Languages | Find Familiar | Identify | Speak with Inanimate Object

2nd level: Augury

3nd level: Tiny Hut


Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 1 (1d4-1)
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.

STR 2 (-4) | DEX 14 (+2) | CON 8 (-1) | INT 2 (-4) | WIS 12 (+1) | CHA 6 (-2)

Skills Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13

Mimicry. The raven can mimic simple sounds it has heard, such as a person whispering, a baby crying, or an animal chittering. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check.


Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d1) piercing damage.


Medium undead

Armor Class 11 + the level of the spell (natural armor)
Hit Points 30 (Ghostly and Putrid only) or 20 (Skeletal only) + 10 for each level of the spell above 3rd
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) (Ghostly only)

STR 12 (+1) | DEX 16 (+3) | CON 15 (+2) | INT 4 (-3) | WIS 10 (+0) | CHA 9 (-1)

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands the languages you speak
Proficiency Bonus: equals your bonus

Festering Aura (Putrid Only). Any creature, other than you, that starts its turn within 5 feet of the spirit must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be poisoned until the start of its next turn.
Incorporeal Passage (Ghostly Only). The spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. If it ends its turn inside an objects, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and takes 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet traveled.


Multiattack. The spirit makes a number of attacks equal to half this spell’s level (rounded down).
Deathly Touch (Ghostly Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d8 + 3 + the spell’s level necrotic damage, and the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be frightened of the undead until the end of the target’s next turn.
Grave Bolt (Skeletal Only). Ranged Spell Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, range 150 ft., one target. Hit: 2d4 + 3 + the spell’s level necrotic damage.
Rotting Claw (Putrid Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 3 + the spell’s level slashing damage. If the target is poisoned, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.

Edited by Ayeba (see edit history)
Ley Line disruption
1d100 56
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image.png.07a311e8a4267906986513d73d2158fd.pngDeidre O'Ceallaigh Human Artificer 5

AC: 20 (Splintmail+1 and shield) | HP: 47/47 | Initiative: +1 | Passive Perception: 13 
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15
Misty step: 1 (1xday) | Hex: 1 (1xday) | DM Inspiration: 1/1 | Active infusion: Enhanced defense (splintmail), Duplicate item (bag of holding)

Deidre watched with keen interest as Question assisted the group in ascending the cliff. She admired the efficiency and precision in the automaton's movements, her methodical approach a stark contrast to Noodles' agile climb. When Question finally reached the top, dirty but otherwise unscathed, Deidre felt a sense of relief.

As the Tiny Hut materialized, Deidre found herself in awe of the magical structure. She had seen it before, but its utility never ceased to amaze her. Question's request for more light near the inscriptions was met with quick action.

Watching closely, she noted the ritual casting of the spell to comprehend languages. When it failed, Deidre felt a pang of disappointment but also intrigue. "A language even magic can't decipher," she mused aloud. "This just keeps getting more interesting."

"The illustrations are quite prominent," she commented, examining the depiction of water crashing against something. "It might be symbolic. Let's follow Question's suggestion."

As Question began studying the inscriptions, Deidre couldn't help but be impressed by her thoroughness. She observed the meticulous recording and analysis with fascination, knowing that such detailed work was beyond her own capabilities. When Question finally spoke, requesting water to be poured on the door, Deidre immediately rummaged through her supplies.

Deidre took her tinderbox and lighted a torch, placing it on the ground. Then she drew a waterskin from her magic bag.

"Let's see if it reveals anything." she said as she is pouring water from her waterskin on the door.

She watched eagerly as water was poured on the illustration. If this didn't yield results, she was ready to suggest other possible interpretations of the symbols.

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Dungeons & Dragons 5e with DM BWatford

Having devoted their available hours to deciphering the archaic tongue inscribed upon the portals, they arrayed their findings openly before them, presenting the fruits of their labor for all to behold with clarity.

Double Doors Translation

Axes and swords
Will not help you through
___ it and a little push will do
Some in the ____ would have ______ and soon died
Were it not _____ at hand to let them inside


Arch Translation

______ ___ ____
sheltered by ___ stride
______ the thirst
She __ the guide.

Our Mistress __ ___ _____
_________ ___ ___ _____
________ __ ______ ___ _____
____ ___ ______ __ ___ ______.

We obey your will sublime
throughout all ___ _____ __ ____.


After the assembly had exhausted their efforts in deciphering the cryptic script for the night, the concluding ritual involved Deidre drizzling water upon the ancient doors and nudging them gently. Yet, when this act bore no fruit, the collective resigned themselves to the embrace of the evening, anticipating the dawn’s early illumination.

However, the awaited dawn tarried unusually, with the sun’s ascent over the horizon delayed until nearly nine o’clock, a full three hours past its customary rise. It begged the question—did the very flow of time falter in this strange realm?

Moreover, the disturbance in the ley lines surged to an extraordinary zenith, so potent that one might glimpse the spectral dance of colors across the heavens, as if the firmament itself was under siege by arcane forces. With such a surge, they were reminded to tread lightly with their enchantments on this day.


Unknown distance from the Badlands
8:57 am
Day 3


* Unless a spellcaster uses a bonus action to make a concentration check to manipulate the twisted magical energies resonating from the badlands when casting a spell other than a cantrip, there is a 84% chance today of an unpredictable result.

Scene Information: We are starting the 3rd day at sunrise.

Active Maps

Not in Use!!



Noodles: 17 | Zelda 16 | Deidre 13 | Taborlin 12 | Willowveil 11 | Question 10


Not in Use!!


Not in Use!!


Not in Use!!


Not in Use!!


Hit Points: 47/47
Hit Dice: 5/5
Hex: 1/1 *L
Misty Step: 1/1 *L
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 15) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 29/29 (fey ancestry)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Arcane Recovery: 1/1 *L
Natural Recovery: 1/1 *L
Wildshape: 2/2 *S
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 14) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 3/3
  • 3rd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 38/38 (gnomish cunning)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Psionic Power: 6/6 (d8)
Prescience Roll: (20) 1/1
Spell Slots: (+4, DC 12) *L

  • Feather Fall: 1/1
  • Augury: 1/1

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 32/32 (automation)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Accelerated Healing: 1/1 *L
Arcane Recovery: 1/1 *L
Portent Roll 1: 8
Portent Roll 2: 14
Spell Slots: (+8, DC 16) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 3/3
  • 3rd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 44/44 (divine health)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Channel Divinity: 2/2 *L
Divine Sense: 4/4 *L
Lay on Hands: 25/25 *L
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 15) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 38/38
Hit Dice: 5/5
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 16) *L

  • 3rd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1

Hit Points: 50/50 (Vulnerable fire
Hit Dice: 20/20


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Willowveil Piney Warlock 5

AC: 15 (leather and shield) | HP: 38/38 | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 12 (darkvision)
Spell Slots: 3rd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 16


Willowveil, unburdened by the need for prayer or the study of spellbooks, approached the ancient doors with a quiet reverence. She traced her fingers over the carved letters, feeling each indentation as if trying to absorb their secrets through touch.

Seated beside Thistlewing, they exchanged quiet, cryptic murmurs, their conversation a mixture of eerie chitters and whispers. After a moment of contemplation, Willowveil turned her attention to the group and spoke, "Could this be the meaning? 'Axes and swords will not help you through, yet it and a little push will do, some in the fort would have fought and soon died, were it not close at hand to let them inside.'" She gazed intently towards Question.

"A riddle to unlock the door, then? Entrusting its opening to the wit of any passerby hardly seems secure, like handing out the key to anyone who happens by" she mused aloud, her tone tinged with scepticism.

Willowveil moved closer to Question, her expression softened by a newfound respect. "Thank you, your efforts in deciphering this were crucial," she said, a note of genuine appreciation in her voice. It was a significant moment for Willowveil, marking a step forward in her journey to recognize Question as more than a mere construct, perhaps as something akin to a sentient being.


Main Hand: Rod of the pact keeper
Off Hand: Wooden shield

Skills Performance +6, Medicine +4, Survival +4, Arcana +3, Deception +3, History +3, Intimidation +3, Nature +3, Persuasion +3, Acrobatics +2, Sleight of Hand +2, Stealth +2, Animal Handling +1, Insight +1, Perception +1, Investigation +0, Religion +0

Action: xxx
Bonus Action: xxx
Move: xxx
Manipulate: xxx


Edited by 8w_gremlin (see edit history)
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Taborlin Soothsong Human (Variant) Paladin 5image.png.c7d97a631e3df7e266f95b2856292cf3.png

AC: 19 (splint and shield) | HP: 44/44 | Initiative: +1 | Passive Perception: 12 
Spell Slots: 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/2 | Spell Attack: +7 | Spell DC: 15
Lay on Hands: 25/25 | Divine Sense: 4/4 | Channel Divinity: 2/2 |DM Inspiration: 0/1
Sanaa (mount): Summoned, Nearby | HP: 19/19 | AC: 11 |

Taborlin mulled over Willoeveil's words for a moment. ...axe and swords won't work...yet '"it" and a little push will do...is "it" the same items?...no...probably a key... "We cannot cut the door open, 'it' and a little push probably reference a key or lever of some kind. Those who fought and died, it is telling us there was a key up at the fort, wherever that is, or that the key is here, 'close at hand'". Taborlin just took a hand and pressed it against the doors, positive they wouldn't just open. As she touched the cold door another thought passed by. "Sword and Axe won't help you through, maybe that refers to the passage behind the door, and not the door itself."

She finally took a few steps back and asked Deirdre to let her pull something out of the bag. She reached in and grabbed her travel journal and a bottle of ink and sat down on the ground, sketching out the full picture of where they were. She was sure her colleagues had their own ways of recording this moment, more accurate too, but she wasn't recording this for scientific work, she wanted to show her daughter what she saw when she told her the story of this adventure. If she managed to find a clue the others missed, all the better.

No sooner does she sit down though, and the doors rumble open and she jumped up, ready to fight anything that should come out of the void behind the ornate gateway. When nothing comes, she relaxes and picked up her things. "Huh. Did any of you do that?" She inquires.


Main Hand: -
Off Hand: -

Proficiencies: +6 Athletics, Deception | +2 Insight, Medicine, Deception | Viol
Languages: Common, Tamesheq (Southlands dialect), Draconic

Action: - Sketching the wall
Bonus Action: -
Move: -
Manipulate: -
Possible Reaction: AOO if possible. Shield ally if possible

Mount: Sanaa

Status: Summoned
Proficiencies: +2 bonus | 11 Passive Perception
Weight capacity: 15/540 (pack saddle only) | +180 (Tabs weight)+Carried Weight (Items) when mounted



Edited by scootloops
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Dungeons & Dragons 5e with DM BWatford

"A riddle to unlock the door, then? Entrusting its opening to the wit of any passerby hardly seems secure, like handing out the key to anyone who happens by" Willowveil mused aloud, her tone tinged with skepticism.

Her words were still dancing in the air when a profound tremor emanated from behind the threshold. The dormant cogs of yore awakened with a groan, setting the massive doors in motion. They creaked open with deliberate slowness, shedding years of accumulated dust and rubble from their weathered facade.

Dungeons of Rultmoork

What lay beyond was a short span that led into the spire and toward a rand staircase of venerable stone, each step a twenty-foot wide span leading into an abyss shrouded in ghostly vapors. A descent into the veiled depths, where the mists were so dense, they defied the keenest sight of elvenkind. The stair’s edges, cloaked in the undisturbed dust of eons, bore no trace of recent passage, as if time itself had forgotten this place.

Until now....





Unknown distance from the Badlands
8:59 am
Day 3


* Unless a spellcaster uses a bonus action to make a concentration check to manipulate the twisted magical energies resonating from the badlands when casting a spell other than a cantrip, there is a 84% chance today of an unpredictable result.

Scene Information: The image above depicts what it is like beyond the doors. You will need light sources (if you don't have darkvision) and vision will be limited to ten feet even with. The stairs are twenty feet wide so you can walk four abreast if you like. I will need a formation if the group plans to descend.

Active Maps

Not in Use!!



Noodles: 17 | Zelda 16 | Deidre 13 | Taborlin 12 | Willowveil 11 | Question 10


Not in Use!!


Not in Use!!


Not in Use!!


Not in Use!!


Hit Points: 47/47
Hit Dice: 5/5
Hex: 1/1 *L
Misty Step: 1/1 *L
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 15) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 29/29 (fey ancestry)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Arcane Recovery: 1/1 *L
Natural Recovery: 1/1 *L
Wildshape: 2/2 *S
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 14) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 3/3
  • 3rd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 38/38 (gnomish cunning)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Psionic Power: 6/6 (d8)
Prescience Roll: (20) 1/1
Spell Slots: (+4, DC 12) *L

  • Feather Fall: 1/1
  • Augury: 1/1

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 32/32 (automation)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Accelerated Healing: 1/1 *L
Arcane Recovery: 1/1 *L
Portent Roll 1: 8
Portent Roll 2: 14
Spell Slots: (+8, DC 16) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 3/3
  • 3rd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 44/44 (divine health)
Hit Dice: 5/5
Channel Divinity: 2/2 *L
Divine Sense: 4/4 *L
Lay on Hands: 25/25 *L
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 15) *L

  • 1st Level: 4/4
  • 2nd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1


Hit Points: 38/38
Hit Dice: 5/5
Spell Slots: (+7, DC 16) *L

  • 3rd Level: 2/2

DM Inspiration: 1/1

Hit Points: 50/50 (Vulnerable fire
Hit Dice: 20/20


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Question, Automaton wizard (Diviner) 5Portrait of Question, Automaton Diviner

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 18 Wis 10 Cha 10
AC 15 HP 32/32 Init +2 PPPassive Perception 10Question / 13Raven
Spell Attack +8 DC 16 1st 4/4 2nd 3/3 3rd 2/2
Portent - Acc. Healing 1/1 Whisperium 1/1 Inspiration 1/1

Question froze upon hearing Willowveil's full translation. Comparing what she said to the cipher she had translated made her realize several mistakes she had made, and immediately set out to correct them in her database for future references.

Once the process was completed, she rose to her feet and walked over to Willowveil. "Informative statement: This unit acknowledges the superiority of your mental faculties."

It was a compliment, but also an expression of a feeling Question was not used to; jealousy. She had spent almost all her existence alone or in the company of Anastasia Eronodius, and there had never been a reason to be jealous of her mistress. Now, several of her processes were returning unexpected or sometimes illegal values, a sign of how upset she was. She logged all deviating data for future reference. It would be used to evaluate her performance and perform adjustments on her algorithms.

After a few seconds, broke off the stare to peer into the tunnel inside. Her visual sensors were insufficient for this task. She swiftly brought out and lit a torch to alleviate the problem. It left her hand to fly ahead of her into the tunnel, revealing only stairs before the walls obfuscated her sight.

The feeling of jealousy gradually gave way to a curiosity about his place. This was unexplored territory, which increased the chance of learning significant new information. She considered the possibility that it was connected to her origins to be extremely slim at less than 0.3%, but she wasn't exclusively interested in that.

"Informative statement: This unit is unsuited for taking point," she announced, "Please lead the way."

Her raven, no more able to see in the darkness than her, flew over and landed on Question's shoulder.



Main Hand: -
Off Hand: Arcane Grimoire (+1)

Proficiencies: Arcana/History/Investigation +7, Nature/Religion +4, Survival +3

Action: Mage Hand to levitate the torch. Will keep the torch as far ahead as the walls will allow, about 8 feet above ground, less if the ceiling is lower.
Bonus Action: -
Move: -
Manipulate: -
Reaction: -



Cantrips: Crushing Curse * |  Pummelstone* | Mage HandMinor Illusion

1st level: Shield (R) | Absorb Elements (R) | Feather Fall (R) | Mage Armor | Pendulum* (C)

2nd level: Misty Step (B) | Invisibility (C) | Web (C)

3rd level: Summon Undead (C)


1st level: Detect Magic | Comprehend Languages | Find Familiar | Identify | Speak with Inanimate Object

2nd level: Augury

3nd level: Tiny Hut


Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 1 (1d4-1)
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.

STR 2 (-4) | DEX 14 (+2) | CON 8 (-1) | INT 2 (-4) | WIS 12 (+1) | CHA 6 (-2)

Skills Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13

Mimicry. The raven can mimic simple sounds it has heard, such as a person whispering, a baby crying, or an animal chittering. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check.


Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d1) piercing damage.


Medium undead

Armor Class 11 + the level of the spell (natural armor)
Hit Points 30 (Ghostly and Putrid only) or 20 (Skeletal only) + 10 for each level of the spell above 3rd
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) (Ghostly only)

STR 12 (+1) | DEX 16 (+3) | CON 15 (+2) | INT 4 (-3) | WIS 10 (+0) | CHA 9 (-1)

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands the languages you speak
Proficiency Bonus: equals your bonus

Festering Aura (Putrid Only). Any creature, other than you, that starts its turn within 5 feet of the spirit must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be poisoned until the start of its next turn.
Incorporeal Passage (Ghostly Only). The spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. If it ends its turn inside an objects, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and takes 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet traveled.


Multiattack. The spirit makes a number of attacks equal to half this spell’s level (rounded down).
Deathly Touch (Ghostly Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d8 + 3 + the spell’s level necrotic damage, and the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be frightened of the undead until the end of the target’s next turn.
Grave Bolt (Skeletal Only). Ranged Spell Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, range 150 ft., one target. Hit: 2d4 + 3 + the spell’s level necrotic damage.
Rotting Claw (Putrid Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 3 + the spell’s level slashing damage. If the target is poisoned, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.

Edited by Ayeba (see edit history)
Portent 1
1d20 10
Portent 2
1d20 6
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Wyrd Gnome Soulknife 5 image.png.0816997d25e6c32ed0610b7b266d9230.png

AC: 16 (st leather) | HP: 38/38 | Init: +4 | Passive Perc: 17 
Spell Attack: +4 | Spell DC: 12
Psionic Power: 6d8 | Prescience Roll: (8) 1/1 | DM Insp: 1/1

Noodles was impressed! He had sat and stared and scratched his head (and his butt), yet he had been getting nowhere with the strange language. Even in his dreaming the letters had made no sense. Question and Willowveil, on the other hand, had quickly deciphered the meaning and within a short space of time the doors stood open before them.

Worried that they might slam shut again, the little "goblin-gnome" urged the group forwards. "On, on...in, in...down, down...quick, quick" he called out in a sing-song voice, giggling and slobbering as he cheerfully took the lead, his eyes quickly becoming accustomed to the gloom as they twitched this way and that, ever on the lookout for danger.


Main Hand: - nothing
Off Hand: - nothing


Sleight of Hand +7 | Stealth +10 | Investigation +7 | Nature +4* | Insight +4

Medicine* +4 | Perception +7 | Survival* +4 | Deception +3 | Persuasion +3

Thieves' Tools | Herbalism kit

(*Denotes Proficient whilst in Wasted West / **denotes advantage on checks re. Wasted West)

Note - Arcana**+1 | History**+1 - not proficient but advantage on rolls

Action: - looking for traps
Bonus Action: - none
Move: - down staircase
Manipulate: - none
Possible Reaction: Uncanny Dodge if attacked and attack hits



Edited by MysteriousMiller (see edit history)
Prescience Roll
1d20 8
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