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Hey, seems interesting concept and even the system is familiar with archetypes and stuff (but I can't remember the name of the other system), and I'd like to try it out but this would be my first go around at both system and game. Would it be too difficult to grasp?

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It will be my first go at the system as well. I am a little concerned at one aspect. My character is designed to be a countermeasures/defences kinda character and the basic security ranking seems like it might gloss over that.

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2 hours ago, Grudge said:

Hey, seems interesting concept and even the system is familiar with archetypes and stuff (but I can't remember the name of the other system), and I'd like to try it out but this would be my first go around at both system and game. Would it be too difficult to grasp?

The System itself is pretty simple to grasp and understand, as it's definitely one of the lighter Free League games with a more narrative focus as opposed to a lot of crunch. In a separate forum I've attached the Year Zero Engine SRD that goes over the base systems and rules for how a YZ game is structured at baseline, and a lot of other resources in the Game Mechanics forum. If you want something more in depth, you could ask or look through The Walking Dead Universe RPG core.

The closest I can think of regarding how similar this system might be is through some of Modiphius's games like Star Trek: Adventures or Fallout. Seems fair to say since at one point they both Modiphius and Free League were strong partners.

1 hour ago, Starhawk said:

It will be my first go at the system as well. I am a little concerned at one aspect. My character is designed to be a countermeasures/defences kinda character and the basic security ranking seems like it might gloss over that.

Not necessarily. The Haven has a base defense rating to give a sort of mechanical value to how your group establishes their security and sense of safety (and also serves to help assist with surviving swarms of certain sizes when they attack your Haven), but there's always going to be Challenges or Issues that I'll introduce that threatens to knock that down or to start projects to make improvements on. So having someone who's handy with maintenance is very valuable.

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I was reading SRD and checking archetypes, I noticed that you said we might make our own and I had an idea that is both realistic and ironic. And could be likely constructed by mixing 2 or 3 of existing archetypes. Doom Prepper. I mean they were really hip on reality TV several years ago and no doubt there are a bunch of those channels on YouTube. Irony coming from while they might be theoretically best prepared and likely even trained, it's doubtful they trained for Zombies. So a lot of their skills might not translate well, but they would still be one of more capable people when it comes to surviving societal breakdown.

I figure makes basis on The Outdoorsman and The Outcast since the first one is almost mandatory for Doom Preppers and the second comes from wider society tending to mock them so they keep that part to themselves. And with a light sprinkling of The Medic and The Scientist, not both but making a kinda holistic mix of two as the glue to hold the other two together. I would likely need help to put pieces in the blender and come out with a viable archetype.

Someone who was preparing for the breakdown of society for years but not really Zombies. So while having the know-how of The Outdoorsman to live off land it is mixed with distrust of Outcast and having basic of medicine and science, meaning he could make a tourniquet, fit in a dislodged joint, and make a splint but he doesn't know how to do surgery and is nor pro when it comes to knowing what medicine does what. Also, he might know how to fix an easy breakdown of equipment and knows some scientific knowledge he's hardly someone who will be able to do chemistry with household items or do complex scientific stuff.

I'd have to look more and maybe make a prototype first which would need to be fixed by someone better at the game.

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1 hour ago, Grudge said:

I was reading SRD and checking archetypes, I noticed that you said we might make our own and I had an idea that is both realistic and ironic. And could be likely constructed by mixing 2 or 3 of existing archetypes. Doom Prepper. I mean they were really hip on reality TV several years ago and no doubt there are a bunch of those channels on YouTube. Irony coming from while they might be theoretically best prepared and likely even trained, it's doubtful they trained for Zombies. So a lot of their skills might not translate well, but they would still be one of more capable people when it comes to surviving societal breakdown.

I figure makes basis on The Outdoorsman and The Outcast since the first one is almost mandatory for Doom Preppers and the second comes from wider society tending to mock them so they keep that part to themselves. And with a light sprinkling of The Medic and The Scientist, not both but making a kinda holistic mix of two as the glue to hold the other two together. I would likely need help to put pieces in the blender and come out with a viable archetype.

Someone who was preparing for the breakdown of society for years but not really Zombies. So while having the know-how of The Outdoorsman to live off land it is mixed with distrust of Outcast and having basic of medicine and science, meaning he could make a tourniquet, fit in a dislodged joint, and make a splint but he doesn't know how to do surgery and is nor pro when it comes to knowing what medicine does what. Also, he might know how to fix an easy breakdown of equipment and knows some scientific knowledge he's hardly someone who will be able to do chemistry with household items or do complex scientific stuff.

I'd have to look more and maybe make a prototype first which would need to be fixed by someone better at the game.

They most definitely wouldn't be trained for Zombies or undead, given that it's implied in universe (and explicitly stated by Robert Kirkman, the author of The Walking Dead comics) that the concept of Zombies or the Undead did not exist or was not a prevalent idea that was mainstream. But the idea of making a hybrid Archetype between two others is something that you can certainly pitch!

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14 hours ago, Essence said:

They most definitely wouldn't be trained for Zombies or undead, given that it's implied in universe (and explicitly stated by Robert Kirkman, the author of The Walking Dead comics) that the concept of Zombies or the Undead did not exist or was not a prevalent idea that was mainstream. But the idea of making a hybrid Archetype between two others is something that you can certainly pitch!

Yeah, I thought to base him more on real-life preppers (I hope they don't prep for Zombies) and while they do train in self-defense I doubt they would have skill of a soldier or second nature to hurt another human being as the criminal. Skillset would be more turned toward scavenging, repurposing things, probably knowledge about edible plants and say first aid. Physically they would be fairly fit in more triathlon runners than bodybuilders way, placing endurance first then speed and reflexes, strength would be after that, because the goal is NOT to fight if all possible. So Endurance, Speed, Stealth, Strangth. As weapons and tools go, a good knife is a must for all preppers since it is a useful weapon and a tool, If possible find one of those multitools I have. Handle made of stainless steel roughly the size of the larger folding knife (because it kind of is), in practice it is like a Swiss knife someone who owns a workshop would have. It has all basic tools in miniature ( steel file, wood saw, two different screwdrivers, wire cutters, and small knife) and can serve as a hammer when all is folded in one side of the steel handle. Naturally, since it is portable, none of those tools are designed for heavy-duty work, but they would be awesome for scavenging when you have to take parts off something and take it with you. Finally strong but now too large backpack. I don't think he'd wear a weapon designed for killing people so besides a knife some kind of hunting weapon. Scoped rifle, a bow, crossbow, or hunting shotgun. So that would be a kind of concept now I have to place it in game constraints.

Also, this has nothing to do with character but being a band of survivors going from the base on daily adventures that improve their base reminds me of that video game State of Decay (the first one at least, haven't played the sequel). There is something inherently interesting in going to the board and seeing you are short on penicillin, checking the map with houses you haven't raided yet, and going with 3 of your buddies to scavenge around hoping you will find penicillin but also a better weapon, building material, tools. Then you spot one zombie and decide it is safer to avoid it than risk noise and attracting more only for that day somehow end with Jack having a leg amputated because of a bite, still not having the penicillin but finding a bunch of 12 gauge shells, unfortunately, that was after you used your empty shotguns to block the door and slow down zombies. The only benefit from the day is that you raised your Str because you carried Jack and camp likes you more. Such things when the day starts regularly and through compounding bad luck end up like adventure where you killed the dragon is why I liked that game.

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  • Refined the example character sheet template to incorporate a table for a detailed backstory, if you choose to use it.
  • Added a section in Attributes and Skills for how Talents work and a list of General Talents for both inspiration and reference once your survivors gain Experience.
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1 hour ago, bramblefoot said:

can i be a co-gm? im good at the random encounters, like mad survivalists, and hobos with rat congregations

Sent you a DM! Let's talk

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Going to be overlooking applications for the final time and decisions in a few hours! If you have last minute changes or want to update your characters, or heaven's betsy submit one before that time comes, please do so!

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