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Stop the Necromancer


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The Story

Early the next morning, the Scarabs rise. Quickly they prepare to leave the temple, and enter the necropolis in search of a necromancer.



@Starhawk @Steel Warrior @dhemon @Eborne1 @Terran

Anyone that had less than 3 hero pts received another hero point.

Is the party heading towards the secret tunnel into the necropolis?


Party Status

Ramad: hero pts: 3; / hp

Anhotep: hero pts: 3; 33/33 hp :

Raisin: hero pts 3;  / hp

Dros: Hero pts 3; 33/33 hp

Pearl: Hero pts 3; hp


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MadameZeldaPearlBerdot.jpg.3b4510a5b78e1498fb9d35ff884478ae.jpgMadame Zelda "Pearl" Mordeaux Lv. 5 Goblin Shadowcaster Wizard

Madame Mordeaux was up early to utilize the power in the fading shadows of dawn in her spell preparation for the day.

Sitting by candlelight, she familiarized herself with the magical aura of the new wand she recently acquired, tracing her fingers over the twisted wood, smelling the trace remnants of its scent.

She stowed all her necessities in her new magical haversack, relishing in the lightness of it.

Her outfit for the day consists of another long dress, but today it is a rich dark blue with burgundy accents and a cream lace. She wears an assortment of silver and onyx bracelets. Her earrings are silver crescent moons bedazzled in trace amounts of ground cryptstone mixed with jade. She wears a large opal broach high near her collarbone.

"So it's back to the dopey ruffian's secret tunnel then is it?" Pearl asks, from her desk, seated atop the stack of books where she looks up from making a few final touches to her last scroll. "Was that what was decided for how we will proceed to destroying this bothersome necromancer?" she asks, with the utmost confidence in her voice as though they might have been heading to pick up eggs.



Quick Stats

Madame Zelda "Pearl" Mordeaux

Lv. 5 Goblin Shadowcaster Wizard

Caster Level: 5 / Speed: 30 / Initiative: 3 / Perception: 5 (darkvision 60ft)


AC: 15 Touch: 15 Flat Footed: 12

HP: 32/32





STR: 9 DEX: 16 CON: 12 INT: 18 WIS: 12 CHA: 10

BAB: 2 CMB: +0 CMD: 13


Combat Actions






Edited by Eborne1 (see edit history)
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spacer.pngAnhotep, Blossoming Light Cleric of Khepri

AC 14 HP 12/27NL Init +2 Fort 5 Ref 3 WillChannels 10/11 Copycat 5/6 

Male NG Aasimar Cleric (Blossoming Light), 

Level 4, Init 2, HP 27/27, Speed 30'

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 17 Cha 18

AC 14, Bracers of Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1 Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, CMD 13, Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 7, 

CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3

* Longspear +2 (1d8-1, x3) Reach, Brace (+1 dam 1st hit)

No Armor, No shield (+2 Dex)

* Channels 11/11 day 30'r burst DC17 Will save for half 5d6 (5d6+7 vs undead) no channel resistance. Worshippers of CE Gods, CE Outsiders, Evil Creatures with Light Sensitivity count as undead.

* Copycat (Move Action) 6/6 5rnd duration single mirror image

Orisons Stabilize, Detect Magic, Light, Enhanced Diplomacy

1st level spells  Weapons against Evil, Invisibility to Undead 1, Blessing of the Watch 1, Sanctuary 1, Pearl 1

2nd level spells (3) Drunkard's Breath 1, Protection from Evil (Communal), Ironskin

3rd level spells (2) Invisibility to Undead (Greater) 2

SLA Daylight

Wand of Protection from Evil 38

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 45

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 18

Wand of Lesser Restoration 10

Wand of Shield 5 Now +2 to use

Wand of Vanish 8 Now +2 to use

Wand of Grease 7

Pearl of Power 1st level

Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18

Condition DR5 vs acid, cold and electricity, Darkvision 60'

Anhotep rests for as long as needed to be fresh, then he is up to pray, changing his prayer load out for one. When prayers are concluded he takes to pacing around. He swallows his nervous anticipation and strides with confidence he doesn't feel to the meeting place.

Dressed in his usual long flowing robe, the colour of sand with a blue scarab motif, he nods affirmation at Zelda's question. "We then seek out the Xotl and their leader, Unwrapped Harmony."




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Raze Nae' Aire, Unchained Tiefling Rogue

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=23, Touch=14, FF=19 / HP=38/38 / Init=4 / Saves: Fort=5, Reflex=11, Will=5


Raze had used the short time off to do a bit of shopping in the town, accompanied by her friends lest there be trouble between the locals and the Tiefling, whom some viewed her as abstractly demonic in nature.

Following a purchase of a handful of fancy potions and oils, Raisin and her companions head to the fletcher to pick out a plethora of unique arrows which she can carry now that the rogue has a new extra-dimensional pack.

After refilling her fancy potion belt and quiver with some new items, the rogue carefully packs the rest of her equipment, potions, items and weapons into her haversack in preparation for the Necromancer hunt on the morrow and gets a well-deserved good night's sleep.

Rising early the next day, Raisin reunites with her colleagues and listens carefully as preliminary plans are discussed in connection with the new mission from the Temple. Throwing her two coppers into the conversation, the Tiefling burglar adds, "Agreed, we should use the secret tunnel to maintain our stealth for as long as possible to postpone the enemy from learning that we are coming for them."



Standard Action:

Swift Action:


Move Action:

Free Action:


Continuing Effects: None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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Ramad Khajeel

As5nYC0.jpg.2fdf22b0607fb439fb54e01059a28772.jpgRamad Khajeel Inquisitor 4/Warpriest 1, HP: 42/42   Saves: Fort 6, Ref 2, Will 7 
AC: 24, 11(touch), 23(flat-footed) Speed: 30 Perception: +11 Initiative: +14

Ramad had joined in the shopping, managing to find an suitable enchanted shield to enhanced his defenses. Upon returning to rest, the ifrit spent the night polishing his armor, trying to refit it properly, adjusting the leather straps beneath the plate. He practiced most of the night trying to lessen his footsteps, as stealth wasn't his strong point, he at least wanted to get better. Through trial and error, he found the best way he could to step lightly in hopes he wouldn't be a detriment to his companions should stealth be required.

As he finished up the adjustments, Ramad removed the armor and slept for the night. Upon early morning, he meditated in prayer and prepared to fight the undead and anything else that may bring harm to the group. Meeting the others in the morning, he silently nods that he is prepared to leave.



[URL=/sheets/?id=2803959][B][SIZE=+1]Ramad Khajeel[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M Neutral Lavasoul (Magma Ifrit) Inquisitor 4, Warpriest 1, [B]Level[/B] 5, [B]Init[/B] 14, [B]HP[/B] 42/42, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 24, [B]Touch[/B] 11, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 23, [B]CMD[/b] 17, [B]Fort[/B] 7, [B]Ref[/B] 3, [B]Will[/B] 8, [B]CMB[/B] +6, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] +3 [B] +1 Longsword [/B] +8 (1d8+4, 19-20/x2) [B]silver MW Dagger [/B] +7 (1d4+3, 18-20/x2) [B] +1 Full Plate[/B], [B] +1 Heavy Steel Shield[/B] (+10 Armor, +3 Shield, +1 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10 [B]Condition[/B] [B]Skills:[/B] Climb 2, Diplomacy 2, Heal 7, Intimidate 7, Arcana 4, History 5, Nature 4, Planes 4, Religion 4, Perception 11, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 4, Stealth +4, Survival 10, Swim 2 [B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Ingan, Necril [B]Traits:[/B] [B]Campaign: [/B][ooc="Undead Crusader"]You have dedicated your life to eradicating the scourge of the undead from Golarion. You have spent countless hours studying the different types of undead and have trained endlessly to learn the best ways to defeat them. If any undead creatures come out of the tombs of Wati’s necropolis, you’ll be ready for them! You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against undead creatures. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you.[/ooc], [B]Combat:[/B] [ooc="Reactionary"]Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.[/ooc], [B]Magic:[/B] [ooc="Gifted Adept"]Your interest in magic was inspired by witnessing a spell being cast in a particularly dramatic method, perhaps even one that affected you physically or spiritually. This early exposure to magic has made it easier for you to work similar magic on your own. [B]Benefit: [/B]Pick one spell when you choose this trait—from this point on, whenever you cast that spell, its effects manifest at +1 caster level.[/ooc] (burning hands), [B]Social:[/B] [ooc="Wanderlust"]Benefit(s): Treat your base land speed as 10 feet higher when determining your overland speed.[/ooc] [B]Drawback:[/B] [ooc="Foul Brand"][B]Effect:[/B] You have the symbol of an evil deity burned into your flesh. If the symbol is on your hand, you take a –1 penalty on Disable Device, Disguise, and Sleight of Hand checks. If the symbol is on your face, you take a –2 penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Disguise checks. This does not count as a holy symbol for the purposes of a divine focus for spellcasting.[/ooc] (face) [B]Feats: 1st[/B] Additional Traits [B]3rd:[/B] Improved Initiative [B]5th:[/B] Furious Focus [B]Racial Features:[/B] Darkvision 60', [ooc="Wildfire Heart"]Ifrits with this trait are as swift and dangerous as a blazing wildfire. They gain a +4 racial bonus on initiative checks. This racial trait replaces energy resistance.[/ooc], [ooc="Efreeti Magic"]Some ifrits inherit an efreeti ancestor’s ability to magically change a creature’s size. They can cast either enlarge person or reduce person (the ifrit chooses when using this ability) once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equals the ifrit’s level). The ifrit can use this ability to affect other ifrits as though they were humanoid creatures. [/ooc], [ooc="Magma Affinity"]Ifrit sorcerers with the efreeti bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Ifrit spellcasters with the Ash subdomain use their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.[/ooc] [B]Inquisitor Class Abilities:[/B] [B]1st:[/B] Domain: Ash Subdomain, Judgement 1/day, [ooc="Monster Lore"]The inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures.[/ooc], Orisons, [ooc="Stern Gaze (Ex)"]Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1).[/ooc], [ooc=Cunning Initiative (Ex)]At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on initiative checks, in addition to her Dexterity modifier.[/ooc], [ooc=Detect Alignment (Sp)]At 2nd level, at will, an inquisitor can use detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, or detect law. She can only use one of these at any given time.[/ooc] [B]2nd:[/B] [ooc=Track (Ex)]At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds half her level on Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.[/ooc] [B]3rd:[/B] [ooc=Solo Tactics (Ex)]At 3rd level, all of the inquisitor’s allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the inquisitor to receive the listed bonus.[/ooc], [ooc=Teamwork Feat]At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, the inquisitor gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. The inquisitor must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat. As a standard action, the inquisitor can choose to learn a new bonus teamwork feat in place of the most recent bonus teamwork feat she has already learned. In effect, the inquisitor loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. She can only change the most recent teamwork feat gained. Whenever she gains a new teamwork feat, the previous teamwork feat becomes set and cannot be changed again. An inquisitor can change her most recent teamwork feat a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier.[/ooc] [ooc="Shielded Caster"][B]Benefit:[/B] Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you receive a +4 competence bonus on concentration checks. • If your ally is wielding a buckler or a light shield, this bonus increases by +1. • If your ally is wielding a heavy shield or a tower shield, this bonus increases by +2. • Finally, if an enemy threatening you and your ally has the Disruptive feat, or another ability that increases the DC of concentration checks, the amount of the increase is halved.[/ooc] [B]Warpriest Class Abilities: 1st:[/B] [ooc="Aura (Ex)"]A warpriest of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura (as a cleric) corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see detect evil).[/ooc]Neutral, [ooc=Blessings (Su)]A warpriest’s deity influences his alignment, what magic he can perform, his values, and how others see him. Each warpriest can select two blessings from among those granted by his deity (each deity grants the blessings tied to its domains). A warpriest can select an alignment blessing (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if his alignment matches that domain. If a warpriest isn’t devoted to a particular deity, he still selects two blessings to represent his spiritual inclinations and abilities, subject to GM approval. The restriction on alignment domains still applies. Each blessing grants a minor power at 1st level and a major power at 10th level. A warpriest can call upon the power of his blessings a number of times per day (in any combination) equal to 3 + 1/2 his warpriest level (to a maximum of 13 times per day at 20th level). Each time he calls upon any one of his blessings, it counts against his daily limit. The save DC for these blessings is equal to 10 + 1/2 the warpriest’s level + the warpriest’s Wisdom modifier. If a warpriest also has levels in a class that grants cleric domains, the blessings chosen must match the domains selected by that class. Subject to GM discretion, the warpriest can change his former blessings or domains to make them conform.[/ooc] 4/day [ooc=Fire]Fire Strike (minor): At 1st level, you can touch one weapon and enhance it with the grandeur of fire. For 1 minute, this weapon glows red-hot and deals an additional 1d4 points of fire damage with each hit. This additional damage doesn’t stack with the additional damage from the flaming or flaming burst weapon special abilities.[/ooc], [ooc=War][B]War Mind (minor):[/B] At 1st level, you can touch an ally and grant it a tactical advantage for 1 minute. At the start of its turn each round, it can select one of the following bonuses: +10 feet to base land speed, +1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 insight bonus on attack rolls, or a +1 luck bonus on saving throws. Each bonus selected lasts for 1 round.[/ooc] [spoiler=Judgements]Starting at 1st level, an inquisitor can pronounce judgment upon her foes as a swift action. Starting when the judgment is made, the inquisitor receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of judgment made. • [B]Destruction:[/B] The inquisitor is filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. • [B]Healing:[/B] The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases by 1 point for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. • [B]Immolation:[/B] The immolator channels purifying flame to consume her enemies. When dealing fire damage to an opponent, she treats the target’s fire resistance as 5 lower than normal (minimum 0). At 6th level, she treats the target’s resistance as 10 lower than normal, 15 lower than normal at 11th level, and 20 lower than normal at 16th level. • [B]Justice:[/B] This judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, granting a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled on all attack rolls made to confirm critical hits. • [B]Piercing:[/B] This judgment gives the inquisitor great focus and makes her spells more potent. This benefit grants a +1 sacred bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks made to overcome a target’s spell resistance. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. • [B]Protection:[/B] The inquisitor is surrounded by a protective aura, granting a +1 sacred bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled against attack rolls made to confirm critical hits against the inquisitor. • [B]Purity:[/B] The inquisitor is protected from the vile taint of her foes, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, the bonus is doubled against curses, diseases, and poisons. • [B]Resiliency:[/B] This judgment makes the inquisitor resistant to harm, granting DR 1/magic. This DR increases by 1 for every five levels she possesses. At 10th level, this DR changes from magic to an alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) that is opposite the inquisitor’s. If she is neutral, the inquisitor does not receive this increase. • [B]Resistance:[/B] The inquisitor is shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) chosen when the judgment is declared. The protection increases by 2 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Inquisitor Spells][B]Known: 0:[/B] 6, [B]1st:[/B] 4 [B]2nd:[/B] 2 [B]Spells Per day:[/B] [B]1st:[/B] 4 [B]2nd:[/B] 2 [B]0-lvl:[/B] Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Light, Read Magic [B]1st:[/B] Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Wrath [B]2nd:[/B] Flames of the Faithful, Spiritual Weapon[/spoiler] [spoiler=Warpriest Spells][B]Spells Per Day:[/B] [B]0:[/B] 3, [B]1st:[/B] 2 [B]0:[/B] Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Spark [B]1st:[/B] Cure Light Wounds, Hedghing Weapons[/spoiler][spoiler=Inventory]+1 Full Plate 2,650 Gp MW Heavy Shield 170 Gp +1 longsword 2,315 Gp Silver Dagger, Masterwork 322 gp Total: 5457 Gp backpack bedroll belt pouch caltrops chalk (10) flint and steel grappling hook iron pot mess kit mirror pitons (10) rope soap torches (10) trail rations (5 days) waterskin. [/spoiler]
Ramad Khajeel
M Neutral Lavasoul (Magma Ifrit) Inquisitor 4, Warpriest 1, Level 5, Init 14, HP 42/42, Speed 30
AC 24, Touch 11, Flat-footed 23, CMD 17, Fort 7, Ref 3, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus +3
+1 Longsword +8 (1d8+4, 19-20/x2)
silver MW Dagger +7 (1d4+3, 18-20/x2)
+1 Full Plate, +1 Heavy Steel Shield (+10 Armor, +3 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition Skills: Climb 2, Diplomacy 2, Heal 7, Intimidate 7, Arcana 4, History 5, Nature 4, Planes 4, Religion 4, Perception 11, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 4, Stealth +4, Survival 10, Swim 2
Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Ingan, Necril
Traits: Campaign: Undead CrusaderYou have dedicated your life to eradicating the scourge of the undead from Golarion. You have spent countless hours studying the different types of undead and have trained endlessly to learn the best ways to defeat them. If any undead creatures come out of the tombs of Wati’s necropolis, you’ll be ready for them! You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against undead creatures. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you., Combat: ReactionaryBenefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks., Magic: Gifted AdeptYour interest in magic was inspired by witnessing a spell being cast in a particularly dramatic method, perhaps even one that affected you physically or spiritually. This early exposure to magic has made it easier for you to work similar magic on your own.
Benefit: Pick one spell when you choose this trait—from this point on, whenever you cast that spell, its effects manifest at +1 caster level.
(burning hands), Social: WanderlustBenefit(s): Treat your base land speed as 10 feet higher when determining your overland speed.
Drawback: Foul BrandEffect: You have the symbol of an evil deity burned into your flesh. If the symbol is on your hand, you take a –1 penalty on Disable Device, Disguise, and Sleight of Hand checks. If the symbol is on your face, you take a –2 penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Disguise checks.

This does not count as a holy symbol for the purposes of a divine focus for spellcasting.
Feats: 1st Additional Traits 3rd: Improved Initiative 5th: Furious Focus
Racial Features: Darkvision 60', Wildfire HeartIfrits with this trait are as swift and dangerous as a blazing wildfire. They gain a +4 racial bonus on initiative checks. This racial trait replaces energy resistance., Efreeti MagicSome ifrits inherit an efreeti ancestor’s ability to magically change a creature’s size. They can cast either enlarge person or reduce person (the ifrit chooses when using this ability) once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equals the ifrit’s level). The ifrit can use this ability to affect other ifrits as though they were humanoid creatures. , Magma AffinityIfrit sorcerers with the efreeti bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Ifrit spellcasters with the Ash subdomain use their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.
Inquisitor Class Abilities: 1st: Domain: Ash Subdomain, Judgement 1/day, Monster LoreThe inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures., Orisons, Stern Gaze (Ex)Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1)., Cunning Initiative (Ex)At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on initiative checks, in addition to her Dexterity modifier., Detect Alignment (Sp)At 2nd level, at will, an inquisitor can use detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, or detect law. She can only use one of these at any given time. 2nd: Track (Ex)At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds half her level on Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks. 3rd: Solo Tactics (Ex)At 3rd level, all of the inquisitor’s allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the inquisitor to receive the listed bonus., Teamwork FeatAt 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, the inquisitor gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. The inquisitor must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat.

As a standard action, the inquisitor can choose to learn a new bonus teamwork feat in place of the most recent bonus teamwork feat she has already learned. In effect, the inquisitor loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. She can only change the most recent teamwork feat gained. Whenever she gains a new teamwork feat, the previous teamwork feat becomes set and cannot be changed again. An inquisitor can change her most recent teamwork feat a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier.
Shielded CasterBenefit: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you receive a +4 competence bonus on concentration checks.
• If your ally is wielding a buckler or a light shield, this bonus increases by +1.
• If your ally is wielding a heavy shield or a tower shield, this bonus increases by +2.
• Finally, if an enemy threatening you and your ally has the Disruptive feat, or another ability that increases the DC of concentration checks, the amount of the increase is halved.

Warpriest Class Abilities: 1st: Aura (Ex)A warpriest of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura (as a cleric) corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see detect evil).Neutral, Blessings (Su)A warpriest’s deity influences his alignment, what magic he can perform, his values, and how others see him. Each warpriest can select two blessings from among those granted by his deity (each deity grants the blessings tied to its domains). A warpriest can select an alignment blessing (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if his alignment matches that domain. If a warpriest isn’t devoted to a particular deity, he still selects two blessings to represent his spiritual inclinations and abilities, subject to GM approval. The restriction on alignment domains still applies.

Each blessing grants a minor power at 1st level and a major power at 10th level. A warpriest can call upon the power of his blessings a number of times per day (in any combination) equal to 3 + 1/2 his warpriest level (to a maximum of 13 times per day at 20th level). Each time he calls upon any one of his blessings, it counts against his daily limit. The save DC for these blessings is equal to 10 + 1/2 the warpriest’s level + the warpriest’s Wisdom modifier.

If a warpriest also has levels in a class that grants cleric domains, the blessings chosen must match the domains selected by that class. Subject to GM discretion, the warpriest can change his former blessings or domains to make them conform.
4/day FireFire Strike (minor): At 1st level, you can touch one weapon and enhance it with the grandeur of fire. For 1 minute, this weapon glows red-hot and deals an additional 1d4 points of fire damage with each hit. This additional damage doesn’t stack with the additional damage from the flaming or flaming burst weapon special abilities., WarWar Mind (minor): At 1st level, you can touch an ally and grant it a tactical advantage for 1 minute. At the start of its turn each round, it can select one of the following bonuses: +10 feet to base land speed, +1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 insight bonus on attack rolls, or a +1 luck bonus on saving throws. Each bonus selected lasts for 1 round.


Starting at 1st level, an inquisitor can pronounce judgment upon her foes as a swift action. Starting when the judgment is made, the inquisitor receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of judgment made.
Destruction: The inquisitor is filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Healing: The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases by 1 point for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Immolation: The immolator channels purifying flame to consume her enemies. When dealing fire damage to an opponent, she treats the target’s fire resistance as 5 lower than normal (minimum 0). At 6th level, she treats the target’s resistance as 10 lower than normal, 15 lower than normal at 11th level, and 20 lower than normal at 16th level.
Justice: This judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, granting a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled on all attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.
Piercing: This judgment gives the inquisitor great focus and makes her spells more potent. This benefit grants a +1 sacred bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks made to overcome a target’s spell resistance. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Protection: The inquisitor is surrounded by a protective aura, granting a +1 sacred bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled against attack rolls made to confirm critical hits against the inquisitor.
Purity: The inquisitor is protected from the vile taint of her foes, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, the bonus is doubled against curses, diseases, and poisons.
Resiliency: This judgment makes the inquisitor resistant to harm, granting DR 1/magic. This DR increases by 1 for every five levels she possesses. At 10th level, this DR changes from magic to an alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) that is opposite the inquisitor’s. If she is neutral, the inquisitor does not receive this increase.
Resistance: The inquisitor is shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) chosen when the judgment is declared. The protection increases by 2 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.


Inquisitor Spells

Known: 0: 6, 1st: 4 2nd: 2 Spells Per day: 1st: 4 2nd: 2
0-lvl: Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Light, Read Magic
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Wrath
2nd: Flames of the Faithful, Spiritual Weapon


Warpriest Spells

Spells Per Day: 0: 3, 1st: 2
0: Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Spark
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Hedghing Weapons


+1 Full Plate 2,650 Gp
MW Heavy Shield 170 Gp
+1 longsword 2,315 Gp
Silver Dagger, Masterwork 322 gp
Total: 5457 Gp

belt pouch
chalk (10)
flint and steel
grappling hook
iron pot
mess kit
pitons (10)
torches (10)
trail rations (5 days)



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The Story: 7:45am day 1

The Scarabs head back to the secret lair of the Silver Chains. They find the complex empty of living or undead. Enter the cramp tunnel, the Scarabs follow. Heavy musty air, and constantly wet walls, floor and ceiling indicate that the group is passing under one of the waterways. Over 100 yards later, the group finds a door with a heavy bar across.

Opening the door, the scarabs discover that the other side of the door is made to look like stone to conceal it. On the other side of the door is a collapsed portion of the tunnel's stonework. The sky can be seen above this opening. The now exposed tunnel leads to a subterranean chamber partially filled with debris from floor/ceiling that collapsed from above it. Among the stone debris a jumbles of bronze springs, and copper plates. These metal items still radiate very minor magic from their lingering enchantments.

Look at your map, you realize that the party is at location of one of the elegiac compasses.



@Starhawk @Steel Warrior @dhemon @Eborne1 @Terran

Group is at location 1: https://www.myth-weavers.com/index.php?/topic/6210-maps-of-osirion-and-wati/&do=findComment&comment=293635


Party Status

Ramad: hero pts: 3; / hp

Anhotep: hero pts: 3; 33/33 hp :

Raisin: hero pts 3;  / hp

Dros: Hero pts 3; 33/33 hp

Pearl: Hero pts 3; hp


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spacer.pngAnhotep, Blossoming Light Cleric of Khepri

AC 14 HP 12/27NL Init +2 Fort 5 Ref 3 WillChannels 11/11 Copycat 6/6 

Male NG Aasimar Cleric (Blossoming Light), 

Level 4, Init 2, HP 27/27, Speed 30'

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 17 Cha 18

AC 14, Bracers of Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1 Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, CMD 13, Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 7, 

CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3

* Longspear +2 (1d8-1, x3) Reach, Brace (+1 dam 1st hit)

No Armor, No shield (+2 Dex)

* Channels 11/11 day 30'r burst DC17 Will save for half 5d6 (5d6+7 vs undead) no channel resistance. Worshippers of CE Gods, CE Outsiders, Evil Creatures with Light Sensitivity count as undead.

* Copycat (Move Action) 6/6 5rnd duration single mirror image

Orisons Stabilize, Detect Magic, Light, Enhanced Diplomacy

1st level spells  Weapons against Evil, Invisibility to Undead 1, Blessing of the Watch 1, Sanctuary 1, Pearl 1

2nd level spells (3) Drunkard's Breath 1, Protection from Evil (Communal), Ironskin

3rd level spells (2) Invisibility to Undead (Greater) 2

SLA Daylight

Wand of Protection from Evil 38

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 45

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 18

Wand of Lesser Restoration 10

Wand of Shield 5 Now +2 to use

Wand of Vanish 8 Now +2 to use

Wand of Grease 7

Pearl of Power 1st level

Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18

Condition DR5 vs acid, cold and electricity, Darkvision 60'

Anhotep regards the spring and plates device. "Could that be the compass we're looking for?", he asks, not looking at anyone in particular. At the same time he ponders how far they are from the location of the Xotl, which the High Priestess had given him. It occurred to him that a compass would point in the direction of the artifact and that they might get away with visiting only two sites.

"We need to head south to find the Dark Folk, wonder who we'll come across along the way?"





Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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MadameZeldaPearlBerdot.jpg.3b4510a5b78e1498fb9d35ff884478ae.jpgMadame Zelda "Pearl" Mordeaux Lv. 5 Goblin Shadowcaster Wizard

"Mmm.... Does look like one of those contraptions you mentioned the priest describing. Should someone poke their head up and see what's above us? Or shall we continue in the delicious dark?"

Pearl reaches in her new magical pack and is delighted when her hand falls directly on the thing she wants.

She draws the wand and bestows on herself a nimbus of invisible protection.

"Anyone else like a blast? Anhotep?"

Pearl looks over the rubble for the magical or non magical auras of any potentially valuable bits and pieces.


Cast Mage Armor from Wand - 1 hour

Perception 11 (or 15 if taking 10)

Detect Magic

Quick Stats

Madame Zelda "Pearl" Mordeaux

Lv. 5 Goblin Shadowcaster Wizard

Caster Level: 5 / Speed: 30 / Initiative: 3 / Perception: 5 (darkvision 60ft)


AC: 15 [19] Touch: 15 Flat Footed: 12

HP: 32/32





STR: 9 DEX: 16 CON: 12 INT: 18 WIS: 12 CHA: 10

BAB: 2 CMB: +0 CMD: 13


Combat Actions






Edited by Eborne1 (see edit history)
d20+5 6
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spacer.pngHP:  33/33 | AC: 25 - FF: 22 - Touch: 13 | Fort: 7 Ref: 6 Will: 7

Spell Slots  | Mental Focus | Active Effects

"Lovely place, this."
Seemingly both mildly amused and impressed by the tunnel and its concealment at the end, Dros nevertheless soon turned his attention to what seemed to be the compass. Lacking the ability to directly perceive magical auras, he glanced over at the other casters in the group.
"So, is this thing broken?"





@Terran Raisin got 2 more Node of Blasting arrows last night


1d20+10 15
Knowledge (Arcana/Religion) - Same Bonus
1d20+11 4
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Ramad Khajeel

As5nYC0.jpg.2fdf22b0607fb439fb54e01059a28772.jpgRamad Khajeel Inquisitor 4/Warpriest 1, HP: 42/42   Saves: Fort 6, Ref 2, Will 7 
AC: 24, 11(touch), 23(flat-footed) Speed: 30 Perception: +11 Initiative: +14

"I am unfamiliar with the machinations of the compass." says Ramad, "Do you believe it should be fairly simple to activate?"
Ramad allowed the others to inspect the device and seemed to simply take observation of the surroundings, should there be a hidden enemy or even ambush trap.


[URL=/sheets/?id=2803959][B][SIZE=+1]Ramad Khajeel[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M Neutral Lavasoul (Magma Ifrit) Inquisitor 4, Warpriest 1, [B]Level[/B] 5, [B]Init[/B] 14, [B]HP[/B] 42/42, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 24, [B]Touch[/B] 11, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 23, [B]CMD[/b] 17, [B]Fort[/B] 7, [B]Ref[/B] 3, [B]Will[/B] 8, [B]CMB[/B] +6, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] +3 [B] +1 Longsword [/B] +8 (1d8+4, 19-20/x2) [B]silver MW Dagger [/B] +7 (1d4+3, 18-20/x2) [B] +1 Full Plate[/B], [B] +1 Heavy Steel Shield[/B] (+10 Armor, +3 Shield, +1 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10 [B]Condition[/B] [B]Skills:[/B] Climb 2, Diplomacy 2, Heal 7, Intimidate 7, Arcana 4, History 5, Nature 4, Planes 4, Religion 4, Perception 11, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 4, Stealth +4, Survival 10, Swim 2 [B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Ingan, Necril [B]Traits:[/B] [B]Campaign: [/B][ooc="Undead Crusader"]You have dedicated your life to eradicating the scourge of the undead from Golarion. You have spent countless hours studying the different types of undead and have trained endlessly to learn the best ways to defeat them. If any undead creatures come out of the tombs of Wati’s necropolis, you’ll be ready for them! You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against undead creatures. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you.[/ooc], [B]Combat:[/B] [ooc="Reactionary"]Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.[/ooc], [B]Magic:[/B] [ooc="Gifted Adept"]Your interest in magic was inspired by witnessing a spell being cast in a particularly dramatic method, perhaps even one that affected you physically or spiritually. This early exposure to magic has made it easier for you to work similar magic on your own. [B]Benefit: [/B]Pick one spell when you choose this trait—from this point on, whenever you cast that spell, its effects manifest at +1 caster level.[/ooc] (burning hands), [B]Social:[/B] [ooc="Wanderlust"]Benefit(s): Treat your base land speed as 10 feet higher when determining your overland speed.[/ooc] [B]Drawback:[/B] [ooc="Foul Brand"][B]Effect:[/B] You have the symbol of an evil deity burned into your flesh. If the symbol is on your hand, you take a –1 penalty on Disable Device, Disguise, and Sleight of Hand checks. If the symbol is on your face, you take a –2 penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Disguise checks. This does not count as a holy symbol for the purposes of a divine focus for spellcasting.[/ooc] (face) [B]Feats: 1st[/B] Additional Traits [B]3rd:[/B] Improved Initiative [B]5th:[/B] Furious Focus [B]Racial Features:[/B] Darkvision 60', [ooc="Wildfire Heart"]Ifrits with this trait are as swift and dangerous as a blazing wildfire. They gain a +4 racial bonus on initiative checks. This racial trait replaces energy resistance.[/ooc], [ooc="Efreeti Magic"]Some ifrits inherit an efreeti ancestor’s ability to magically change a creature’s size. They can cast either enlarge person or reduce person (the ifrit chooses when using this ability) once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equals the ifrit’s level). The ifrit can use this ability to affect other ifrits as though they were humanoid creatures. [/ooc], [ooc="Magma Affinity"]Ifrit sorcerers with the efreeti bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Ifrit spellcasters with the Ash subdomain use their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.[/ooc] [B]Inquisitor Class Abilities:[/B] [B]1st:[/B] Domain: Ash Subdomain, Judgement 1/day, [ooc="Monster Lore"]The inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures.[/ooc], Orisons, [ooc="Stern Gaze (Ex)"]Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1).[/ooc], [ooc=Cunning Initiative (Ex)]At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on initiative checks, in addition to her Dexterity modifier.[/ooc], [ooc=Detect Alignment (Sp)]At 2nd level, at will, an inquisitor can use detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, or detect law. She can only use one of these at any given time.[/ooc] [B]2nd:[/B] [ooc=Track (Ex)]At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds half her level on Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.[/ooc] [B]3rd:[/B] [ooc=Solo Tactics (Ex)]At 3rd level, all of the inquisitor’s allies are treated as if they possessed the same teamwork feats as the inquisitor for the purpose of determining whether the inquisitor receives a bonus from her teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually possess the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the inquisitor to receive the listed bonus.[/ooc], [ooc=Teamwork Feat]At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, the inquisitor gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as teamwork feats. The inquisitor must meet the prerequisites of the selected bonus feat. As a standard action, the inquisitor can choose to learn a new bonus teamwork feat in place of the most recent bonus teamwork feat she has already learned. In effect, the inquisitor loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. She can only change the most recent teamwork feat gained. Whenever she gains a new teamwork feat, the previous teamwork feat becomes set and cannot be changed again. An inquisitor can change her most recent teamwork feat a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier.[/ooc] [ooc="Shielded Caster"][B]Benefit:[/B] Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you receive a +4 competence bonus on concentration checks. • If your ally is wielding a buckler or a light shield, this bonus increases by +1. • If your ally is wielding a heavy shield or a tower shield, this bonus increases by +2. • Finally, if an enemy threatening you and your ally has the Disruptive feat, or another ability that increases the DC of concentration checks, the amount of the increase is halved.[/ooc] [B]Warpriest Class Abilities: 1st:[/B] [ooc="Aura (Ex)"]A warpriest of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura (as a cleric) corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see detect evil).[/ooc]Neutral, [ooc=Blessings (Su)]A warpriest’s deity influences his alignment, what magic he can perform, his values, and how others see him. Each warpriest can select two blessings from among those granted by his deity (each deity grants the blessings tied to its domains). A warpriest can select an alignment blessing (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if his alignment matches that domain. If a warpriest isn’t devoted to a particular deity, he still selects two blessings to represent his spiritual inclinations and abilities, subject to GM approval. The restriction on alignment domains still applies. Each blessing grants a minor power at 1st level and a major power at 10th level. A warpriest can call upon the power of his blessings a number of times per day (in any combination) equal to 3 + 1/2 his warpriest level (to a maximum of 13 times per day at 20th level). Each time he calls upon any one of his blessings, it counts against his daily limit. The save DC for these blessings is equal to 10 + 1/2 the warpriest’s level + the warpriest’s Wisdom modifier. If a warpriest also has levels in a class that grants cleric domains, the blessings chosen must match the domains selected by that class. Subject to GM discretion, the warpriest can change his former blessings or domains to make them conform.[/ooc] 4/day [ooc=Fire]Fire Strike (minor): At 1st level, you can touch one weapon and enhance it with the grandeur of fire. For 1 minute, this weapon glows red-hot and deals an additional 1d4 points of fire damage with each hit. This additional damage doesn’t stack with the additional damage from the flaming or flaming burst weapon special abilities.[/ooc], [ooc=War][B]War Mind (minor):[/B] At 1st level, you can touch an ally and grant it a tactical advantage for 1 minute. At the start of its turn each round, it can select one of the following bonuses: +10 feet to base land speed, +1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 insight bonus on attack rolls, or a +1 luck bonus on saving throws. Each bonus selected lasts for 1 round.[/ooc] [spoiler=Judgements]Starting at 1st level, an inquisitor can pronounce judgment upon her foes as a swift action. Starting when the judgment is made, the inquisitor receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of judgment made. • [B]Destruction:[/B] The inquisitor is filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. • [B]Healing:[/B] The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases by 1 point for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. • [B]Immolation:[/B] The immolator channels purifying flame to consume her enemies. When dealing fire damage to an opponent, she treats the target’s fire resistance as 5 lower than normal (minimum 0). At 6th level, she treats the target’s resistance as 10 lower than normal, 15 lower than normal at 11th level, and 20 lower than normal at 16th level. • [B]Justice:[/B] This judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, granting a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled on all attack rolls made to confirm critical hits. • [B]Piercing:[/B] This judgment gives the inquisitor great focus and makes her spells more potent. This benefit grants a +1 sacred bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks made to overcome a target’s spell resistance. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses. • [B]Protection:[/B] The inquisitor is surrounded by a protective aura, granting a +1 sacred bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled against attack rolls made to confirm critical hits against the inquisitor. • [B]Purity:[/B] The inquisitor is protected from the vile taint of her foes, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, the bonus is doubled against curses, diseases, and poisons. • [B]Resiliency:[/B] This judgment makes the inquisitor resistant to harm, granting DR 1/magic. This DR increases by 1 for every five levels she possesses. At 10th level, this DR changes from magic to an alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) that is opposite the inquisitor’s. If she is neutral, the inquisitor does not receive this increase. • [B]Resistance:[/B] The inquisitor is shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) chosen when the judgment is declared. The protection increases by 2 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Inquisitor Spells][B]Known: 0:[/B] 6, [B]1st:[/B] 4 [B]2nd:[/B] 2 [B]Spells Per day:[/B] [B]1st:[/B] 4 [B]2nd:[/B] 2 [B]0-lvl:[/B] Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Light, Read Magic [B]1st:[/B] Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Wrath [B]2nd:[/B] Flames of the Faithful, Spiritual Weapon[/spoiler] [spoiler=Warpriest Spells][B]Spells Per Day:[/B] [B]0:[/B] 3, [B]1st:[/B] 2 [B]0:[/B] Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Spark [B]1st:[/B] Cure Light Wounds, Hedghing Weapons[/spoiler][spoiler=Inventory]+1 Full Plate 2,650 Gp MW Heavy Shield 170 Gp +1 longsword 2,315 Gp Silver Dagger, Masterwork 322 gp Total: 5457 Gp backpack bedroll belt pouch caltrops chalk (10) flint and steel grappling hook iron pot mess kit mirror pitons (10) rope soap torches (10) trail rations (5 days) waterskin. [/spoiler]
Ramad Khajeel
M Neutral Lavasoul (Magma Ifrit) Inquisitor 4, Warpriest 1, Level 5, Init 14, HP 42/42, Speed 30
AC 24, Touch 11, Flat-footed 23, CMD 17, Fort 7, Ref 3, Will 8, CMB +6, Base Attack Bonus +3
+1 Longsword +8 (1d8+4, 19-20/x2)
silver MW Dagger +7 (1d4+3, 18-20/x2)
+1 Full Plate, +1 Heavy Steel Shield (+10 Armor, +3 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Condition Skills: Climb 2, Diplomacy 2, Heal 7, Intimidate 7, Arcana 4, History 5, Nature 4, Planes 4, Religion 4, Perception 11, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 4, Stealth +4, Survival 10, Swim 2
Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Ingan, Necril
Traits: Campaign: Undead Crusader, Combat: Reactionary, Magic: Gifted Adept (burning hands), Social: Wanderlust
Drawback: Foul Brand (face)
Feats: 1st Additional Traits 3rd: Improved Initiative 5th: Furious Focus
Racial Features: Darkvision 60', Wildfire Heart, Efreeti Magic, Magma Affinity
Inquisitor Class Abilities: 1st: Domain: Ash Subdomain, Judgement 1/day, Monster Lore, Orisons, Stern Gaze (Ex), Cunning Initiative (Ex), Detect Alignment (Sp) 2nd: Track (Ex) 3rd: Solo Tactics (Ex), Teamwork Feat Shielded Caster
Warpriest Class Abilities: 1st: Aura (Ex)Neutral, Blessings (Su) 4/day Fire, War


Starting at 1st level, an inquisitor can pronounce judgment upon her foes as a swift action. Starting when the judgment is made, the inquisitor receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of judgment made.
• Destruction: The inquisitor is filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
• Healing: The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases by 1 point for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
• Immolation: The immolator channels purifying flame to consume her enemies. When dealing fire damage to an opponent, she treats the target’s fire resistance as 5 lower than normal (minimum 0). At 6th level, she treats the target’s resistance as 10 lower than normal, 15 lower than normal at 11th level, and 20 lower than normal at 16th level.
• Justice: This judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, granting a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled on all attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.
• Piercing: This judgment gives the inquisitor great focus and makes her spells more potent. This benefit grants a +1 sacred bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks made to overcome a target’s spell resistance. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
• Protection: The inquisitor is surrounded by a protective aura, granting a +1 sacred bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled against attack rolls made to confirm critical hits against the inquisitor.
• Purity: The inquisitor is protected from the vile taint of her foes, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, the bonus is doubled against curses, diseases, and poisons.
• Resiliency: This judgment makes the inquisitor resistant to harm, granting DR 1/magic. This DR increases by 1 for every five levels she possesses. At 10th level, this DR changes from magic to an alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) that is opposite the inquisitor’s. If she is neutral, the inquisitor does not receive this increase.
• Resistance: The inquisitor is shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) chosen when the judgment is declared. The protection increases by 2 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.


Inquisitor Spells

Known: 0: 6, 1st: 4 2nd: 2 Spells Per day: 1st: 4 2nd: 2
0-lvl: Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Light, Read Magic
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Wrath
2nd: Flames of the Faithful, Spiritual Weapon


Warpriest Spells

Spells Per Day: 0: 3, 1st: 2
0: Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Spark
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Hedghing Weapons


+1 Full Plate 2,650 Gp
MW Heavy Shield 170 Gp
+1 longsword 2,315 Gp
Silver Dagger, Masterwork 322 gp
Total: 5457 Gp

belt pouch
chalk (10)
flint and steel
grappling hook
iron pot
mess kit
pitons (10)
torches (10)
trail rations (5 days)



1d20+11 9
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spacer.pngAnhotep, Blossoming Light Cleric of Khepri

AC 14 (17) HP 33/33 Init +2 Fort 5 Ref 3 WillChannels 11/11 Copycat 6/6 

Male NG Aasimar Cleric (Blossoming Light), 

Level 4, Init 2, HP 27/27, Speed 30'

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 17 Cha 18

AC 14, Bracers of Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1 Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, CMD 13, Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 7, 

CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3

* Longspear +2 (1d8-1, x3) Reach, Brace (+1 dam 1st hit)

No Armor, No shield (+2 Dex)

* Channels 11/11 day 30'r burst DC17 Will save for half 5d6 (5d6+7 vs undead) no channel resistance. Worshippers of CE Gods, CE Outsiders, Evil Creatures with Light Sensitivity count as undead.

* Copycat (Move Action) 6/6 5rnd duration single mirror image

Orisons Stabilize, Detect Magic, Light, Enhanced Diplomacy

1st level spells  Weapons against Evil 1, Invisibility to Undead 1, Ray of Exhaustion 1, Sanctuary 1, Pearl 1

2nd level spells (3) Drunkard's Breath 1, Protection from Evil (Communal), Ironskin

3rd level spells (2) Invisibility to Undead (Greater) 2

SLA Daylight

Wand of Protection from Evil 38

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 45

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 18

Wand of Lesser Restoration 10

Wand of Shield 5 Now +2 to use

Wand of Vanish 8 Now +2 to use

Wand of Grease 7

Pearl of Power 1st level

Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18

Condition DR5 vs acid, cold and electricity, Darkvision 60'

"Yes, please.. if you would.", replies Anhhotep in courtly fashion to the offer of Mage Armor. He then looks around to find an exit, so he can take a peek at the surrounding area.




Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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The Story: 7:46am day 1

The compass parts are covered in heavy dust that was accumulated over years being here. It doesn't take much studying to realize that it is beyond repair. Most of the magical enchantment has leaked out of it. That leaves four compasses remaining in the necropolis.

A scan of this underground chamber doesn't reveal any additional tunnels. Before the building started collapsing , there was probably a stairs that went from the basement to the ground level of building. Any stairs long ago were destroyed, but there is plenty of rubble and debris that can be climbed up to the ground level.


@Starhawk @Steel Warrior @dhemon @Eborne1 @Terran

Where to? The map has markings for the dark folk and the other 4 compasses. How will the party be traveling (e.g. marching down the middle of the street, keeping to the shadows)?

Group is at location 1: https://www.myth-weavers.com/index.php?/topic/6210-maps-of-osirion-and-wati/&do=findComment&comment=293635


Party Status

Ramad: hero pts: 3; / hp

Anhotep: hero pts: 3; 33/33 hp :

Raisin: hero pts 3;  / hp

Dros: Hero pts 3; 33/33 hp

Pearl: Hero pts 3; hp


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Raze Nae' Aire, Unchained Tiefling Rogue

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=23, Touch=14, FF=19 / HP=38/38 / Init=4 / Saves: Fort=5, Reflex=11, Will=5


After all of the members of the Scarab Company safely make it through the hidden door leading to the lair of the SIlver Chains, Raze will ensure that the portal can be opened from this side before carefully closing the secret door so it can't easily be found.

Thereafter, Raze maks the exact spot of the hidden portal on the party's map of the Necropolis and then uses a piece of chalk to make a pair of tiny nearly invisible marks on the wall at floor level, with both marks being exactly forty paces on each side of the secret door.

Quickly realizing the broken parts are likely one of the compasses as referenced on the map, Raisin instead searches the basement chamber for any other secrets.  However, once the group is ready to move along, the Tiefling whispers, "Best to try and be quiet until we are discovered."

"I'll go and check out the pathway from here and then either wave you forward, have you hold or will retreat back to this position," the burglar adds before silently moving forward, staying in the shadows with her bow in hand, watching and listening for the sight or sound of movement or anything unusual in the immediate area with her dark vision and keen Tiefling hearing.



Standard Action:

Swift Action:


Move Action:

Free Action:


Continuing Effects: None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Perception to Investigate Secret Door Access
1d20+12 15
Stealth moving Forward
1d20+14 17
1d20+12 10
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The Story: 7:50am day 1

Raisin sneaks up to the ground and looks around. The streets are narrow in this section of the necropolis as the buildings are packed in tight. Most of the stone buildings once had a 3 or 4 floors. Ages ago this would have been a residential area with small shops on the ground floor. She doesn't see any undead when she looks up or down the street.



@Starhawk @Steel Warrior @dhemon @Eborne1 @Terran

Going to the dark folk location?

Group is at location 1: https://www.myth-weavers.com/index.php?/topic/6210-maps-of-osirion-and-wati/&do=findComment&comment=293635


Party Status

Ramad: hero pts: 3; / hp

Anhotep: hero pts: 3; 33/33 hp :

Raisin: hero pts 3;  / hp

Dros: Hero pts 3; 33/33 hp

Pearl: Hero pts 3; hp


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spacer.pngAnhotep, Blossoming Light Cleric of Khepri

AC 14 (17) HP 33/33 Init +2 Fort 5 Ref 3 WillChannels 11/11 Copycat 6/6 

Male NG Aasimar Cleric (Blossoming Light), 

Level 4, Init 2, HP 27/27, Speed 30'

Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 17 Cha 18

AC 14, Bracers of Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1 Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, CMD 13, Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 7, 

CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 3

* Longspear +2 (1d8-1, x3) Reach, Brace (+1 dam 1st hit)

No Armor, No shield (+2 Dex)

* Channels 11/11 day 30'r burst DC17 Will save for half 5d6 (5d6+7 vs undead) no channel resistance. Worshippers of CE Gods, CE Outsiders, Evil Creatures with Light Sensitivity count as undead.

* Copycat (Move Action) 6/6 5rnd duration single mirror image

Orisons Stabilize, Detect Magic, Light, Enhanced Diplomacy

1st level spells  Weapons against Evil 1, Invisibility to Undead 1 (used), Ray of Exhaustion 1, Sanctuary 1, Pearl 1

2nd level spells (3) Drunkard's Breath 1, Protection from Evil (Communal), Ironskin

3rd level spells (2) Invisibility to Undead (Greater) 2

SLA Daylight

Wand of Protection from Evil 38

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 45

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 18

Wand of Lesser Restoration 10

Wand of Shield 5 Now +2 to use

Wand of Vanish 8 Now +2 to use

Wand of Grease 7

Pearl of Power 1st level

Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18

Condition DR5 vs acid, cold and electricity, Darkvision 60'

Anhotep casts hide from undead, the spell strong enough to affect the entire party, where it wouldn't have been before this day. This is the lesser version of the blessing, something he explains to the others.. "Unintelligent undead can't see us, intelligent undead might well see us. If any one of us interacts with undead, in any way.. then the spell ends for all of us.", he murmurs.

Then, after suggesting a path that closely parallels the wall, Anhotep casts detect magic and follows Raizin towards where the dark folk might be found.

Stealth (take 10) for 16.

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
1d20+10 16
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