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Downtime Events


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spacer.pngEach PC can participate in one event per day. Some events will include a number of tasks that need to be done. Most events have no time limit and will persist until they're finished. You can play these out in as much or as little detail as you want.

Events for Day 0:

Repair Huntergate (2 tasks)

Before you can use Huntergate, you must repair it, both physically and magically. The magical part is just an Arcana check, but for the physical part, you'll need a stonemason. There are two stonemasons in Breachill:

:OneAction:Rorsk Axebane of Tuskhead Stoneworking - reputation unknown. He is relatively new to town.

:OneAction:Amera Lang of Posandi Bros. - they have a generally good reputation, but the Posandi family and their associates are known to have strong ties with Cheliax.

Decide which one to hire, then roll a skill check to influence them. I would suggest Diplomacy, Society, or an applicable Lore (Loremaster Lore is not applicable here, sorry) but I'm willing to accept other ideas.

Clear Out the Citadel (8 tasks)

To begin work on Citadel Altaerein, you must first deal with the creatures that have been squatting here in the Hellknights' absence. You can attempt to deal with one of these creatures by rolling a skill check or an attack roll against its DC. You can try a peaceful solution (Nature for unintelligent animals, Diplomacy or Intimidation for anything else) or you can use force (Athletics or an attack roll). I will also consider any alternative solutions you might propose. The creatures and their DCs are listed below:

Spider Swarm (DC 14) - Dozens upon dozens of spiders have claimed a room as their lair, and will attack anyone who intrudes.

Goblin Dog (DC 15) - One of the Bumblebrashers' pets has gone stray. Goblin dogs hate anyone who isn't a goblin, but this one is extremely hungry and could probably be pacified with food.

Imp (DC 15) - The Hellknights would often summon devils and fight them just to keep themselves sharp. This imp must have escaped and remained in hiding until the Hellknights left.

Graveshell (DC 15) - This is the "giant turtle" you avoided last time. It's actually capable of speaking Common, but it's unlikely to be interested in talking.

Giant Opossum (DC 16) - A big guy with a big appetite.

Giant Bat (DC 16) - Territorial, but mostly harmless.

Ghost (DC 18) - When the Hellknights abandoned the citadel, they left a prisoner behind. He died hungry, confused, and angry. His spirit lingers here, attacking anyone who enters.

Papa Warg (DC 18) - His daughters want you to kill him. They claim he killed their mother for failing to give him male offspring.

Puppy Problems

Among the citadel's current 'residents' are a pair of 1-month-old warg puppies. Their father has taught them that might makes right, and that lives do not have value - not even their own - but they're young enough that perhaps you can help them see things differently.

To influence the young wargs, you must make a DC 16 Diplomacy check. You need 5 successes (a critical success counts as 2) before they will fully trust you. If you deal with their father (see above) that counts as 2 successes in this event.

Note: only one PC per day can participate in this event. Other PCs can still visit the puppies, but they might get irritated if you bother them too much.

Welcome Neighbors

The Bumblebrasher goblins and the kobolds, Pib and Zarf, have offered themselves to your cause, so long as you let them stay in the Citadel. You can roll Diplomacy to assure them that they'll still be welcome. Or, if you're a jerk, you can just evict them. :p

Escort Alak

Armiger Alak Stagram wants to search the Citadel for some items that were left behind by his family. One of you should probably go with him to make sure he doesn't kill any of the goblins or kobolds. No skill roll is needed here, but you can roll Diplomacy if you want to influence Alak.

Case Preparation

A hearing will be held on Day 4 to discuss the actions of Voz and Calmont. In the meantime, you can gather evidence and speak to people involved in the case. Skill checks will vary depending on what you're doing or to whom you're speaking.

Edited by Eagleheart (see edit history)
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spacer.pngEvents for Day 1:

Book Deposit / Escort Alak

Alak Stagram wants the Infernal book - he says it should not be in non-Hellknight hands. He is even offering to pay you 20 gold for it. Arionne has the book, but she can hand it off to someone else and have them give it to Alak... or you can try to convince him to let you keep it.

Alak also wants to search the Citadel for some items that were left behind by his family. One of you should probably go with him to make sure he doesn't kill any of the goblins or kobolds.

Repair Huntergate (1 task)

Rorsk Axebane has offered to repair Huntergate for 20 gp. You can attempt a DC 20 Diplomacy check to talk him down to 15 gp. In either case, deduct the gold and he'll have it done by Day 2.

Clear Out the Citadel (6 tasks)

To begin work on Citadel Altaerein, you must first deal with the creatures that have been squatting here in the Hellknights' absence. You can attempt to deal with one of these creatures by rolling a skill check or an attack roll against its DC. You can try a peaceful solution (Nature for unintelligent animals, Diplomacy or Intimidation for anything else) or you can use force (Athletics or an attack roll). I will also consider any alternative solutions you might propose. The creatures and their DCs are listed below:

Spider Swarm (DC 14) - Taken care of by Matilde

Goblin Dog (DC 15) - Taken care of by the Bumblebrashers

Imp (DC 15) - The Hellknights would often summon devils and fight them just to keep themselves sharp. This imp must have escaped and remained in hiding until the Hellknights left.

Graveshell (DC 15) - This is the "giant turtle" you avoided last time. It's actually capable of speaking Common, but it's unlikely to be interested in talking.

Giant Opossum (DC 16) - A big guy with a big appetite.

Giant Bat (DC 16) - Territorial, but mostly harmless.

Ghost (DC 18) - When the Hellknights abandoned the citadel, they left a prisoner behind. He died hungry, confused, and angry. His spirit lingers here, attacking anyone who enters.

Papa Warg (DC 18) - His daughters want you to kill him. They claim he killed their mother for failing to give him male offspring.

Puppy Problems

Among the citadel's current 'residents' are a pair of 1-month-old warg puppies. Their father has taught them that might makes right, and that lives do not have value - not even their own - but they're young enough that perhaps you can help them see things differently.

To influence the young wargs, you must make a DC 16 Diplomacy check. You need 4 more successes (a critical success counts as 2) before they will fully trust you. If you deal with their father (see above) that counts as 2 successes in this event.

Note: only one PC per day can participate in this event. Other PCs can still visit the puppies, but they might get irritated if you bother them too much.

Case Preparation

A hearing will be held on Day 4 to discuss the actions of Voz and Calmont. In the meantime, you can gather evidence and speak to people involved in the case. Skill checks will vary depending on what you're doing or to whom you're speaking.

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spacer.pngEvents for Day 2:

Tomorrow is a Mystery

The kobolds, Pib and Zarf, have caught wind of the stone slab you found with Draconic writing on it. They want to study it - Pib thinks he might be able to analyze the handwriting and deduce what sort of person (or dragon) might have made it.

Local Politics

Councilman Quentino Posandi has been considering retirement for several years now, but he's always been reluctant to actually step down. The three female Council members want you to convince him that Breachill won't fall apart without him.

Read a Book

You have three books: one about the Dragon Plaguea dragon-related disaster that struck Taldor, one about Iomedae and her crusade against Tar-Baphon, and one about Rovagug and his spawn. If you take the time to read them, you might be rewarded.

Clear Out the Citadel (4 tasks)

To begin work on Citadel Altaerein, you must first deal with the creatures that have been squatting here in the Hellknights' absence. You can attempt to deal with one of these creatures by rolling a skill check or an attack roll against its DC. You can try a peaceful solution (Nature for unintelligent animals, Diplomacy or Intimidation for anything else) or you can use force (Athletics or an attack roll). I will also consider any alternative solutions you might propose. The creatures and their DCs are listed below:

Spider Swarm (DC 14)

Goblin Dog (DC 15)

Imp (DC 15) - The Hellknights would often summon devils and fight them just to keep themselves sharp. This imp must have escaped and remained in hiding until the Hellknights left.

Graveshell (DC 15) - This is the "giant turtle" you avoided last time. It's actually capable of speaking Common, but it's unlikely to be interested in talking.

Giant Opossum (DC 16) - A big guy with a big appetite.

Giant Bat (DC 16) - Territorial, but mostly harmless.

Ghost (DC 18)

Papa Warg (DC 18)

Case Preparation

A hearing will be held on Day 4 to discuss the actions of Voz and Calmont. In the meantime, you can gather evidence and speak to people involved in the case. Skill checks will vary depending on what you're doing or to whom you're speaking.

Dmiri Yoltosha has told you what she knows and has agreed to testify at the hearing. Wilford Lavendillhead of the town guard and Roxie Dennowner of the Pickled Ear tavern might also have useful information for you.

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Posted (edited)

Events for Day 4:

The Hearing

This event is for @TheRaconteur (and anyone else who wants to attend)

The hearing is a big event, so it gets its own thread. Here's a link


Guard Training

This event is for @VennDygrem (and anyone else who wants to attend)

When you arrive, you see a group of guardsmen standing in formation. A young lieutenant greets you with an enthusiastic salute. "Sir! I'm afraid Mr. Lavendill is busy at the hearing, sir, but the boys and I are ready to learn from the best."

Please make a Warfare Lore roll for Baldric. For the purposes of this event, you may roll it as if you're Trained in it. (1d20+8)

Anyone else who wants to participate can roll Athletics, Diplomacy, Intimidation, etc.

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