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The Hearing


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Town Hall's courtroom is packed with onlookers. Melma Ann Sendari sits at the judge's bench. Arionne and Calmont are seated at one of the counsel tables, while Voz and her lawyer, Jordyn Posandi, sit at the other.

Melma heaves a little sigh, then bangs her gavel on the desk. "This hearing is now in session."

"Calmont Trenault and Voz Lirayne, you stand accused of various crimes. The purpose of this hearing is to determine who did what, and why. No verdict will be handed down today, but it's quite likely that your verdicts will be influenced by what we learn today."

"This is highly unorthodox," growls Mr. Posandi.

"Unorthodox times call for unorthodox measures," says Melma. "Let's begin. Last week, during the Call for Heroes, two fire elementals were summoned, and two people died in the resulting fire - one of which was Councilor Jorsk Hinterclaw." Calmont droops his head.

"Witnesses saw Mr. Trenault fleeing the scene, and those same witnesses found two spell scrolls - scribed by Ms. Lirayne."

"He stole those from me," spits Voz.

Melma grimaces. "You'll get your turn to speak, Ms. Lirayne - but first, let's hear Mr. Trenault's side of the story. Ms. Amata, you have the floor."

(As you can see, I'm an Ace Attorney enjoyer, so we can play this out in full if you want - or you can just post a summary of what you say, what testimonies you call for, etc.)

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Arionne Amata - Itinerant Scholarimage.png.6158122ad895e3badf8c1e1661802be9.png

(20) | health-normal.svg HP: 56/56 |halloween_outline-23-512.png Fortitude: +12 | sprint.svg Reflex: +9 | calm, peace, yoga, serene, serenity, mind, meditate, meditation, peaceful Will: +9 | awareness.svg Perception: +6

Arionne felt vulnerable and exposed without her scales, but it would hardly do to have summoned them here. People would ask questions, and she did not want to leave that sort of cloud behind her.

"Thank you, Councilors."

She said with a deep bow.

"There is no question that Mr. Trenault here set the fire, he has already confessed to the act. No torture was employed in extracting his confession, he offered it willingly. He was desperate, and in that desperation, he was stupid."

Her amber eyes turned to regard the Halfling.

"I'm sorry Mr. Trenault, I'm not trying to be rude, but in your desperation you made a choice that led to the death of two innocent people."

She turned back to the councilors.

"No, today I've no interest in trying to prove that Mr. Trenault didn't set the fire, today I will prove conclusively why he set the fire. You see, Mr. Trenault had uncovered a dark secret. Before you today, we will prove conclusively that among your citizens is a Cultist dedicated to the Red Mantis God Achaekek, a necromancer of considerable skill. She'd left a trail of bodies behind her already, but the tale of it was so fantastic, Mr. Trenault failed in his efforts to convince anyone of the truth. Threatened with not just death, but eternal enslavement, he sought to protect this town the only way he could. In a manner, he succeeded, for the fire he set put us on the trail that eventually led to the Cultist being exposed and captured. But it was not without a terrible, terrible cost. In seeking to save this town, his rash actions led to the death of two more innocent souls. Yet he saved many more too, and risked his life many times to aid the Wardens in stopping this existential threat.

She turned her gaze to eye Voz coldly.

"Mister Lavendill, would you be so kind as to tell the Council what exactly we found when we investigated the private quarters of Miss Lirayne?"


Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty
Conditions: Channel Elements, Armor in Earth,

Action 1:

Action 2:

Action 3:

IMPULSES - DC 20, +10
  • Channel Elements spacer.png raise aura, can combine with 1 action stance or 1 action elemental blast
  • Base Kinesis spacer.png 30' light bulk, generate, move or suppress
  • Elemental Blasts spacer.png or spacer.png 30' bludgeoning or piercing d8, 60' fire d6
  • Flying Flame spacer.png 30' line of 2d6 fire damage. Basic Reflex
  • Weapon Infusion image.png.4807a787a4171fe706d255ca10a57a7f.png shape blasts into a weapon, add a trait
  • Armor in Earth spacer.png raise AC to 21
  • Burning Jet spacer.png stride 40' and ignore difficult terrain
  • Thermal Nimbus spacer.png resistance 4 and damage 2 within aura  


Edited by TheRaconteur (see edit history)
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Syhlas Yaeder (Character sheet) Human Rogue 5
HP: 63/63 | AC: 23 | Perc +9 | Fort +12 | Ref +13 | Will +13 | Speed: 30 ft.
Abilities: Deny advantage, Incredible Initiative, Charmed Life, Nimble Dodge, Distracting Feint, Cat Fall
Active Conditions:

Syhlas sits next to Calmont as co-counsel to Arionne. He doesn't know much about legal rituals and procedures but since Isger has had a similar influence from Cheliax as Kintargo he knows enough. Arionne has given him a speed lesson as well and since she will do most of the talking that should be fine.

He leans in towards Calmont to whisper a few comforting words to him in Halfling. "You shouldn't need to worry really. There are a lot of people here that will speak up for you. Voz's own anger and hatred will sink her." 

Then he sits back in his chair and looks over at Voz and her lawyer with a contented smile on his lips. He tries to fix eye contact with Voz to try to aggravate her just by smiling and looking at her.

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spacer.pngVoz is stone-faced, but her lawyer looks annoyed. "Ms. Amata, are you really bringing up Ms. Lirayne's religion as a point against her? You ought to know better."

Wilford Lavendill takes the witness stand and clears his throat. "If I may, the problem is not who she worships, but how she worships. Achaekek asks much of his followers, and Ms. Lirayne needed funding. When we searched the Reliant Book Company, we found evidence that she was making some sort of business deal with a Katapesh-based organization called the Scarlet Triad."

Melma looks shocked. "Katapesh? That's quite far away... what would they want with Breachill?"

Jordyn Posandi huffs. "Making a business deal is not illegal."

Wilford narrows his eyes. "Illegal or not, Ms. Lirayne had secrets and used lethal force to guard them. She set a trap that wounded Mr. Yaeder, and she hired the Bloody Blade mercenaries, who are wanted for murder in Andoran. Their leader is in custody and has agreed to testify today."

From there, Dmiri Yoltosha is brought to the stand.

"Yes, Miss Voz hired me," she admits. "Stop anyone who tries to get through Guardian's Way, she told me. Kill them if you have to."

At that, the people in the gallery begin to chatter loudly. Melma sighs and calls for order.

"...Alright, is there anything else?" she says once the noise has died down. "Any other evidence against Ms. Lirayne?"

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Syhlas Yaeder (Character sheet) Human Rogue 5
HP: 63/63 | AC: 23 | Perc +9 | Fort +12 | Ref +13 | Will +13 | Speed: 30 ft.
Abilities: Deny advantage, Incredible Initiative, Charmed Life, Nimble Dodge, Distracting Feint, Cat Fall
Active Conditions:

"Yes that was a nasty piece. That trap in the backroom. Elegantly built though." Syhlas gives Voz a smile and a nod when Wilford mentions him.

When Melma asks if there is any other evidence against Ms. Lirayne, the Kintargan looks at Arionne to get her approval that it's time for him to call his witness. Then he stands up and addresses the judge.

"Ms. Sendari, I'm calling Roxie Denn as witness. As you know she is the proprietor of the Pickled Ear and she has a few things to tell about Voz' nefarious activities."

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Posted (edited)

spacer.png"You're supposed to call me 'Your Honor' while I'm up here," Melma says, though she's clearly being a bit playful about it. "But alright. Roxie Denn, take the stand."

"Really? Is this witness really reliable?" Jordyn Posandi scoffs.

Melma nods. "She's helped us catch criminals before."

Roxie steps up and proceeds to tell the court about the things Voz told her while drunk: that she practices necromancy, that she wanted to claim the citadel for herself, and that she views the people of Breachill as "idiots who worship a charlatan". That last one gets another big reaction from the crowd.

"Order!" Melma calls out. "...now, let's hear from Ms. Lirayne herself. Do you have anything to say?" She peers at Voz.

Voz stands up. "Your Honor, I made an amazing discovery, and they stole it from me!" She glares at Arionne and Syhlas. "They and Calmont, they're partners in crime. Everything I've done has been to defend what's rightfully mine!"

"Even the necromancy?" Melma asks, and Voz sputters, unable to think of a response. After a long pause, Melma nods. "Well, I think I've heard enough. What happened, and why, is much clearer now."

"Before I adjourn, are there any closing statements?" She looks to both counsel tables.

Edited by Eagleheart (see edit history)
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Arionne Amata - Itinerant Scholarimage.png.6158122ad895e3badf8c1e1661802be9.png

(20) | health-normal.svg HP: 56/56 |halloween_outline-23-512.png Fortitude: +12 | sprint.svg Reflex: +9 | calm, peace, yoga, serene, serenity, mind, meditate, meditation, peaceful Will: +9 | awareness.svg Perception: +6

"Thank you, your Honor."

Arionna stood straight as a lightning rod.

"Mister Lavendill put it best. Miss Lirayne is free to worship whatever deity she sees fit, provided said devotion remained contained to her own heart, her own thoughts, or at the very least her own room. If some follower of the Pallid Princess wished to construct for themselves a dark room in which they could feast on beef and venison until their belly swelled near to bursting, none here would have any legal standing to take action against them. If instead that same devotee wished to unleash plague after plague upon the countryside, or perhaps to feast on the flesh of Humans, Dwarves, and Halflings? I think the people of this town might have reason to be concerned."

She eyed the senior members of Breachill.

"Miss Lirayne intended to release a plague of assassins upon you all. She hired mercenaries to kill any who interfered with her plans, and even raised a mighty undead dragon from the grave as a final safeguard. Mister Trenault tried to stop her through legal channels, and when that failed, sought only to draw the eye of the law onto her. He succeeded, but at a terrible price. He owes a debt for that price, absolutely, but so too is he owed for saving Breachill from the Assassins of the Mantis God. Thank you."

It was all that she could do


Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty
Conditions: Channel Elements, Armor in Earth,

Action 1:

Action 2:

Action 3:

IMPULSES - DC 20, +10
  • Channel Elements spacer.png raise aura, can combine with 1 action stance or 1 action elemental blast
  • Base Kinesis spacer.png 30' light bulk, generate, move or suppress
  • Elemental Blasts spacer.png or spacer.png 30' bludgeoning or piercing d8, 60' fire d6
  • Flying Flame spacer.png 30' line of 2d6 fire damage. Basic Reflex
  • Weapon Infusion image.png.4807a787a4171fe706d255ca10a57a7f.png shape blasts into a weapon, add a trait
  • Armor in Earth spacer.png raise AC to 21
  • Burning Jet spacer.png stride 40' and ignore difficult terrain
  • Thermal Nimbus spacer.png resistance 4 and damage 2 within aura  


Edited by TheRaconteur (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)

spacer.png"Ms. Amata seems to have a personal vendetta against my client," Mr. Posandi huffs. "There's clearly an unfair bias here—"

Melma gives him a look. "If you have any witnesses who can vouch for Ms. Lirayne, I'd love to hear what they have to say."

"...I do not have any witnesses."

"Well, I think that speaks for itself." Melma shakes her head. "...Thank you all for coming here today and clearing things up. This hearing is adjourned."

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