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  • 6 months later...

I'm in the process of recovering from Covids which started 9 days ago, but I'm feeling much better.

I'm available to participate fully, but will take me a little time to put together hard material.

So far, just a list of things I need to include in the concept, such as the Creation Concept, Effect of Death upon the Soul, Origin of Holy Site, Origin of Faith, Origin of Religion, Rise in Power, Stagnation and Decline, and what some consider to be a Faith Renaissance while others consider it blasphemous or heresy.

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I would like to work on my character this coming weekend.

Do we have this information yet:

1. Final ability scores based on all player rolls?

2. Total wealth at 3rd level?

3. I'm assuming full hit points through 3 levels since we are heroes, correct?

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7 hours ago, Terran said:

I would like to work on my character this coming weekend.

Do we have this information yet:

1. Final ability scores based on all player rolls?

2. Total wealth at 3rd level?

3. I'm assuming full hit points through 3 levels since we are heroes, correct?


I believe the only one left to roll is @Gregorotto, and they have a big work thing today so they said they'd be pretty much offline until tomorrow. I doubt they will get a better roll than MG did so you can probably assume what I said earlier in the creation discussions thread is accurate for your add on points.


I am going to hand out a generous amount of gear to each of you based on you having gone on previous adventures and acquired loot. I was going to give everyone 300 gold in additional coinage, too. Feel free to spend that as your starting currency but I will be giving you a pack from the Adventurer's Backpack book to cover basic gear and some fun little magic items based on conversation we will have in the discussion thread starting tomorrow after I put work to bed for the week.


Full hit points at level 1. Use the method described in the discussion thread over in The Cast for levels above. Not exactly max HP for further levels but a nice buffer against getting 1 HP.

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What is game weather like in terms of general seasons?

Hot and relatively dry? Cold and icy? Wet and clammy? Etc.

PC Sheet done except for the Information on the "Adventurer's Pack" and what's in it.

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I think weather depends on how big we expect our world to be. If our section of the map is only a small slice, then it ought to mostly be the same. But if those are a large swath of land (say an entire or most of a continent) then we could be looking at including a desert and an icy region, so we kind of have the full gamut of effects at our disposal.

Personally, I vote for combining Maps B and C, side-by-side as they are shown (B on the left, C on the right). Maybe there's a huge desert wasteland to the south or a treacherous mountain range of jagged peaks which prevents most folk from exploring that way?

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Going with the idea of the combination map, there is a good amount of ground to cover in terms of climate. I have not incorporated any cold/hot weather gear into your packs so I'd imagine where we begin is temperate and mild given that you've had to travel there. We can run the gamut of climates on the map if people want to have come from a place that is cold or have a desert area in the map. I'd like people to be able to put their own stamp on things in terms of what local areas are like and geographical features that exist. For now, I'll just say anything is open for discussion as we populate the map.

In terms of distance, I want to keep travel times and distances loose. Since you are going to have to travel around to deal with each impossible quest (I don't imagine they'll all focus on the same place) I don't want to get bogged down in miles and meters and such. In general, I'd expect the group to travel at the speed of plot. Character abilities that focus on speeding or easing the difficulty of travel will, of course, apply to making your voyages easier.

Edited by DoNotFearToTread (see edit history)
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Maybe just a general sense of scale rather than any specific measurement? The old Earthdawn box set made the point of saying that the visible map was equal to 40 days non-stop as a horse rides, edge to edge, which is suggestive without being particularly granular. I always liked that as it gave the map a scale that you could about travel across in a season if you pressed but also space to get lost, wander and make long distance travel just dangerous and time consuming enough that it wasn't accomplished easily. Made it very clear that it wasn't the entire world but a big enough stomping ground that there was room enough for things to be secret or lost in the corners of the landscape.

Edited by Cirlot (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Cirlot said:

Maybe just a general sense of scale rather than any specific measurement? The old Earthdawn box set made the point of saying that the visible map was equal to 40 days non-stop as a horse rides, edge to edge, which is suggestive without being particularly granular. I always liked that as it gave the map a scale that you could about travel across in a season if you pressed but also space to get lost, wander and make long distance travel just dangerous and time consuming enough that it wasn't accomplished easily. Made it very clear that it wasn't the entire world but a big enough stomping ground that there was room enough for things to be secret or lost in the corners of the landscape.

This sounds rather interesting. I like the idea that going from edge to edge could cost us a whole season!

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  • 4 weeks later...

As a note to everyone, I am flying across the country to attend a writing conference in Salem, Mass next Sunday. I will aim to do my first update Saturday before I go, and I'll try to get a second one mid-week like my usual plan is, but no guarantees on that second update this time. I can't say how my time and creative energy will shake out during the conference, but I'll keep you all updated through this thread as things develop. Things should return to normal for the next two weeks, and then on the 30th I fly out to PAX Unplugged and will be gone for a week there, too. Same premise of an update before I go and then a possible update over that weekend, but no guarantees.

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Well, shit. I didn't realize we'd started the game! I'll go mark the threads as followed so I get updates.

I have to apologize though. I've been having extreme trouble coming up with something that would fit for an impossible quest for Valfaren. I tend to keep my characters rather grounded, so trying to intentionally give them a badass Epic Level™ quest just doesn't come naturally to me. I'm unsure how little 'ole Val would try to change the world. Her main goal is trying to get free of her curse.... I suppose that curse could have epic consequences? Maybe it's a power tied to a powerful magical entity that would have to be killed first?

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