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So I failed to predict the volume of work that would be dumped in my lap after coming back from a week away. I aim to carve out a couple hours this evening and tomorrow evening for getting caught up with my posts and my priority will be this game first. Sorry for the delay.

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13 hours ago, DoNotFearToTread said:

So I failed to predict the volume of work that would be dumped in my lap after coming back from a week away. I aim to carve out a couple hours this evening and tomorrow evening for getting caught up with my posts and my priority will be this game first. Sorry for the delay.

That's completely fine hun, especially with my recent lack of posting. My job isn't nearly as hard as other people's, but I'm still at not-my-house for 40 hours a week. Coming home is becoming "why yes comfy chair I think I will sit in you and lose track of time!"

It'll take me a few posts to really get the feel of Val's personality, but I think we're finally on track here.

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3 hours ago, Terran said:

Is the last post still a placeholder being worked on?

Or was that it?

I have no idea what this even means:




I'd imagine Cirlot is waiting on me to provide info about the Witch of the Withered Grove based on their roll, which I'll include in my response post this evening.

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Our GM has the right of it - sorry if I wasn't clear: post is done, but I wanted to point out I was treading water waiting on the result and not purposefully stalling regarding the plan. :(


Also, sorry, normally I'd have tagged Mlle with an in-line occ tag but I'm still fumbling with the new forums formatting. Mlle. Is an abbreviation like Ms. or Mrs., and stands for Mademoiselle, French for "young lady."


Why French? Just cuz!

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